Thursday, 16 July 2009



Dear Mr. Kizito,

I refer to your article on Pastor kayanja being a smart business man.
Evil is always is overcome by good. If pastor Kayanja asked for US$ 50 and you are saddened by it, please prepare a free conference and God will bless you for that. By you complaining about the so called holy spirit Fire conference will not help at all. Why are you calling it so called Holy Spirit Fire conference. Was it not a Fire conference? Many people were blessed and infact if you did not come, you did yourself a disfavor.

Go and preach the gospel to people instead of spending your time on the negatives. There are currently 3,000 Masabo's in Kampala alone.What are you doing about it. The people whom Jesus died for are still held in captivity and those assigned to preach are spending time fighting themselves.

I request that you kindly fast and pray for pastor Kayanja so that God can cause him to walk in His ways and does not turn away because of fleshly desires of this world. In fact God is waiting on you for He does not desire that any of His children should perish. In God's eye's both you and Pastor Kayanja are the same. Jesus died for all of you to set you free from sin.

A house divided against itself falls. You may think you are doing good by exposing a brother, yet God may have opened your eyes to intercede for him.
Ask yourself always, what would Jesus do in this situation?
Please seriously intercede for the body of Christ in Uganda.

MY reaction

Dear Grace, greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You write that :

‘’I refer to your article on Pastor kayanja being a smart business man. Evil is always is overcome by good. If pastor Kayanja asked for US$ 50 and you are saddened by it, please prepare a free conference and God will bless you for that. By you complaining about the so called holy spirit Fire conference will not help at all. Why are you calling it so called Holy Spirit Fire conference. Was it not a Fire conference? Many people were blessed and infact if you did not come, you did yourself a disfavor.Go and preach the gospel to people instead of spending your time on the negatives. There are currently 3,000 Masabo’s in Kampala alone.What are you doing about it. The people whom Jesus died for are still held in captivity and those assigned to preach are spending time fighting themselves. I request that you kindly fast and pray for pastor Kayanja so that God can cause him to walk in His ways and does not turn away because of fleshly desires of this world. In fact God is waiting on you for He does not desire that any of His children should perish. In God’s eye’s both you and Pastor Kayanja are the same. Jesus died for all of you to set you free from sin.A house divided against itself falls. You may think you are doing good by exposing a brother, yet God may have opened your eyes to intercede for him. Ask yourself always, what would Jesus do in this situation? Please seriously intercede for the body of Christ in Uganda’’.

I understand what you are talking about. I was also once as blind as you. Not any more. The purpose of this e-mail is not to offend you but to tell you the truth. The church is called a pillar of truth(1 Tim 3:15) and not a pillar of hypocrisy. People will continue to be in bondage if Christians continue to practice hypocrisy by covering sin and darkness. God will not use hypocrites.

You write that ‘’currently there are 3,000 Masabo’s in Kampala alone. What are you doing about it’’. Do you know that some born again churches are masabos(shrines). So, which masabos should we start with, the ones from within or the ones from without. I have not heard of a shrine where witches charge 50$ for a spirit outpouring festival ??

Your defense of Benny Hinn’s 50$ conference fee is an error in reasoning. Remember that what ever Christians do must be guided by the word of God. The word of God says freely you have received freely give. Do you expect the poor pastors from Masaka ,Rakai, Gulu, Luwero to afford 50$ . Let us be honest. You think you can sell the Holy Spirit.

The bible urges us to contend for the faith (Jude3), scripture commands us to prove all things(1 Thesa.5:21). The bible urges us to test spirits whether they are from God(1 John 4:1). Scripture urges us to expose works of darkness ( Eph. 5:11), just like the our Lord Jesus Christ (Mathew 23). Once Christians stand for the whole truth, harvesting souls will be automatic.

It is sad that you have allowed your self to be so spiritually blind to the lies of apostates like Pastor Kayanja and Pastor Benny Hinn. Are you aware that Benny Hinn once visited the graves to get an ‘anointing’? Can a born again Minister do this? Are you aware that Benny Hinn lacks a single medically verifiable healing. If you know of any one person who was healed during Benny‘s crusade and that healing has been medically verified, I challenge you to mention that person. Truth is, God can’t use such frauds. The word of God says the simple believe every word( Prov. 14:15).

Pastor Benny Hinn’s grave yard escapades

Do you Know that Pastor Robert Kayanja is associating with TNB which is promoting roman Catholicism. How can a born again pastor promote roman Catholicism.

Roger Oakland's letter to Paul Crouch regarding TBN promotion of Roman Catholic dogma

Warming to Pastor Robert Kayanja about TBN’s Promotion of Roman Catholicism

Grace you are prey to these liars because you are so busy with the things of the world. You are so lazy to seek God in his word. There is a lot of information on the net, but you are so lazy to do research on spiritual issues. It is now July 2009, but I understand you have not read a single book of the bible by your self .

The bible has 66 books however it is amazing that some Christians do not have the time to read even short letters like the letter of Jude by themselves. If you continue with this kind of laziness, there is no doubt you are going to be deceived.
The prosperity gospel has condemned born again Christians to a level of spiritual kwashiorkor babies who can not see what non-believers can see. Even a child who takes the counsel of God’s word seriously can see that the gabbage below from Benny Hinn, Kampala conference is not from the Holy Spirit. No wonder they do not quote the bible to substantiate their claims, just like their spiritual Baby Grace. Check out quotes from the ‘fire’ conference.

‘’Angels have no relationship with him-are they not ministering spirits? the bible says they have been made as flaming fire in psalms, sent for the heirs of salvation. Unlike man angels don’t have the capacity to love because angels have no soul. Angels are spirit and body, not soul. Angels have no emotions. Angels are not capable of loving anybody just like they do not take tea and play with your dog. Angels cannot receive revelation too.’’

…. Don‘t ever forget this; angels discover god by watching you. The Holy sprit cannot reveal god to angels because angels are not capable of receiving revelation from god about his person. That’s why they cannot love him nor does he love them’’.

SEE FULL REPORT of Kampala, Uganda Fire Conference accesed on 8th July, 2009)

Pastor Robert Kayanja Unleashes Benny Hinn Spiritual Junk Food

Dear grace you can continue to trust in so called men of God instead of the whole counsel of God’s word but remember the consequences are eternal.

God bless you,
Kizito Michael

Unlike Born again Christians, Non-believers can see that Kayanja’s Jesus is Indeed another Jesus

The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light(Luke 16:8)

ROVING EYE | Kevin O'Connor

OPINIONS & COMMENTARIESeptember 17, 2006

Is Pastor Robert Kayanja’s Christianity Christian?


Pastor Robert Kayanja is rarely out of the news. Recently, there has been his alleged involvement in a wine smuggling racket. I have no idea whether there is any truth in these allegations, but what I do know is that it takes an immensely rich and powerful man to have organised and funded the large newspaper advertisements that subsequently appeared denying his involvement in the smuggling scandal.

Kayanja oozes and drips wealth. According to The Red Pepper (September 2 2006 Page 2) he owns:
Rubaga Miracle Cathedral;
Highway Holiness International, an NGO with many American links;
Robert Kayanja Ministries, an NGO with over 1000 branches in Uganda and the USA;
a house in Chicago;
businesses in the USA;
innumerable Mercedes Benz and land cruisers;
a private jet

Furthermore, Kayanja is building a magnificent house at Ggaba on the shores of Lake Victoria. Last Sunday, at his Rubaga Miracle Centre his reaction to critics who say he is amassing wealth and building a palace in Ggaba, was: "It's none of their business!"

I find Kayanja's version of Christianity most distasteful. Jesus Christ lived in, and amongst, the poor. He travelled not in a private jet but on a donkey, whose modern day equivalent would perhaps be a bicycle or a boda boda. And should Jesus have flown in a plane, he would surely have accompanied the less wealthy passengers in economy class.

But that would not be good enough for Pastor Robert Kayanja. According to the same Red Pepper article: "The Kampala staff and ticketing agents of his favourite airline, British Airways, privately express surprise and concern that while some religious leaders fly aboard British Airways in any class available, Kayanja, who pastors a church of ordinary struggling Ugandans, can splash large amounts of money on First Class travel."I spoke to three Ugandans, and I found it reassuring that none of them respected Kayanja.

Catharine, a 20-year old athlete and a born-again Christian, drew upon that famous verse in the Bible: "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (Mathew 19:24).
As Joachim Buwembo rightly pointed out (The East African, June 27 2006, P 15) this is a verse "you are not likely to hear anymore crossing a preacher's lips. Many a pastor has probably already deleted it from his Bible."But the verse had not been deleted from Catharine's brain. She commented: "The Bible says a certain man asked Jesus how he could enter God's Kingdom. Jesus said that he should sell everything and give to the poor. Rich pastors, if they are genuine, should give back their wealth to the poor. "Yusuf, a 25-year old computer engineer, had no doubts as to what motivates rich pastors:

"These people, the so called pastors, are out to make money. They go out there in developed countries asking money from people who are actually serious with Christian religion. And when they get this money, they come back here build a simple church using a quarter of what they were given. And the rest of the money is his and his family. They are just making money - their Christianity, I doubt."
But the most forceful views were those of Stephen, a 31-year old IT professional. Almost yelling, he told me:

"It is wrong for a man of God to be so filthy rich. But this is the way the whole pentecostal church thing has gone." "And what, Stephen, do you think of Pastor Kayanja's 'it's none of their business' reaction to those who criticise his huge wealth?"

"It is total nonsense!" replied Stephen. "A church is a public thing. He has to be accountable. People rightly want to know how he lives his life and what his values are. He is a public figure, full stop. That 'mind your business' statement is so annoying. Does Miracle Centre have audited books? I know KPC has."

Today, Sunday, I will not be in the Rubaga Miracle Centre, but hopefully watching Manchester United V Arsenal. Pastor Robert Kayanja, you can keep your form of Christianity. It is not for me, nor for my three Ugandan friends.