Patriotic Idolatry: 'America for Jesus,' the NAR and Jonathan Cahn
Calling America "Back to God"
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How, then, ought the Church respond? Scripture tells us that we should we present to individual sinners the Gospel of forgiveness through the perfect work and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. So should we seek to outwardly whitewash a nation? Or should we desire to see individual hearts changed with repentance, regeneration and faith?
In spite of the biblical command to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and call each man to repentance, a number of professing Christian groups have begun to arrange national prayer rallies in attempts to "call America back to God." In this time of election season, such activity is at its most rampant. Unfortunately, the powers behind many of these events actually stand in opposition to Scripture, and thus present even greater danger than merely possessing an unhealthy and incorrect focus on this temporary world.
America for Jesus
One such example of this is America for Jesus (AFJ), an event set to take place on 28 and 29 September at Independence Mall in Philadelphia. The video advertisement below aptly states its purpose:
It seems that September's gathering is largely being justified by use of the well-known Scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chron. 7:14)
This is indeed a lovely promise by God to His people Israel, but should it also be regarded as a promise for America?
The intention of AFJ is to "bring the salt" to America per 2 Kings 2:19–22:
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Rock Church International claims to be an "apostolic ministry" and is part of the broader Rock Ministerial Fellowship, which also was founded by the couple. The purpose of Rock Ministerial Fellowship "is to provide apostolic covering to local churches and ministries" (source). Not only, then, is this organization as well as Rock Church led by a woman in direct violation of Scripture, but they also purport that the office of apostle continues today.
Anne Gimenez is the National Director for the AFJ 2012 event. A quick glance at the leadership team for AFJ reveals an unmistakable reality that many of these individuals are associated with what is known as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
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The open association of David Barton and Jim Garlow with the New Apostolic Reformation leaders goes back several years at least. Cindy Jacobs, one of the leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation and her organization, Generals International, featured a "Raise Up An Army Convergence '09" conference[5] in which Barton and Garlow were keynote speakers along with Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets, key "apostles" under C. Peter Wagner in the NAR. This conference was promoted on The Elijah List,[6] which is the chief media organ for the leaders, doctrines and events of the NAR. The event's purpose was described by Cindy Jacobs: "to raise up a prayer army to both awaken and reform this nation," and used all of the strident military rhetoric of the NAR's prayer warfare agenda.[7] The Convergence '09 appeared to have the full trapping of the extreme "worship" style that characterizes the leaders of the NAR. (Source)As a means of demonstration, and to break up the great length of this article, below is a brief video of Cindy Jacobs prophesying. Jacobs sits on the leadership team of AFJ.
What is the NAR?
In his article, "The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation," apologist Bob DeWaay details how this "new" movement is little more than a resurrection of the Latter Rain movement.
The differences between the Latter Rain Movement and the New Apostolic Reformation mostly have to do with terminology, not doctrine. In the 1980s, a teaching circulated amongst those who attend conferences put on by those in the prophetic movement called “a new breed of man.” The basic idea is that ordinary Christians throughout church history had been colossal failures and that God was going to fall upon certain persons by His Holy Spirit and “impregnate” them so that they could “give birth” to something entirely new. The “new breed of man” would be exalted saints with holiness and power never known before. (Source)DeWaay notes how the NAR has reintroduced the former Latter Rain heresies of "Joel's Army" and "Kingdom Now" teaching:
The claim was that Joel 2:1-11 predicts that the end time church will be “Joel’s Army” that will execute God’s judgments on the earth. This is another false Latter Rain teaching that Bill Hamon still propagates. Here is his claim:
The saints are being trained now in the military bases of international training centers and their local church armories. The goal is to have them taught, equipped and field trained to be the officers that lead God’s army of prophetic evangelist saints during the coming Saints Movement. They will minister under the covering and leadership of fivefold apostolic and prophetic generals who trained them. These saints will function like God’s army prophetically described by Prophet Joel (Joel 2:1-11).
According to NOLR and NAR teachers, the kingdom of God is established by the church during history and before the parousia. Hamon writes, “Now let us begin to pray earnestly that the full dominion of His literal kingdom be established in all reality over all nations and people of the earth. . . They will pray and declare that it is time for God’s kingdom to be established over all the earth by the divine delegated authority and ministry of Christ’s Church.
(Source)In his October 2011 sermon, "The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit," Dr. John MacArthur said of the NAR:
We can see the danger, then, of this type of thought being the force behind an event known as America for Jesus.
What does this have to do with Jonathan Cahn?
In April 2012, Jonathan Cahn appeared at the Passover 2012 event, which was hosted by prominent NAR "apostle" Chuck Pierce.
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This is most certainly an acceptable explanation, and this article does not intend to imply that Jonathan Cahn is actively involved with or in agreement with the heretical teachings of the NAR. Unfortunately, too many people are unaware of precisely what the NAR is and are ignorant of the names associated with this dangerous movement. However, one would hope that, after being confronted and challenged about his appearance at Passover 2012, Jonathan Cahn would have taken some time to re-evaluate and research the New Apostolic Reformation. One would also presume that he might be a bit more careful about the events he promotes in the future. However, it seems as though this may not be the case, as America for Jesus asked Cahn to create a promotional video for their event:
AFJ also was excited to announce that Jonathan Cahn will be speaking at their September event:
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What's the Point?
The point is that Christians in this country need to take their eyes off of America and put them back where they belong, on Jesus Christ.
Now, while his comparison of America to Israel is greatly stretched, some of what Cahn stated above is true. If the Church was behaving as the salt and light it is called to be and had been loudly and boldly sharing the Gospel of Christ, perhaps morality would not have plunged into such darkness in this country. We must remember, however, that it is not the job of the Church to save America from her immorality. The purpose of the Church is to proclaim repentance and faith in Christ alone for salvation. Whether we do that in a Romans 1 country or not is completely irrelevant.
A whitewashed America will not do anyone any good on Judgment Day. While Cahn's sincerity is not in question, what is of concern is his approach and message, which often is advertised as "the message of The Harbinger."
God does not need an outwardly moral America to accomplish His purposes. In fact, it could be argued that His work would actually be furthered by the downfall of this once-great nation. When the false god that is America finally falls, perhaps many will repent of their patriotic idolatry and truly turn to the One Who saves, Jesus Christ.
Further Reading
Examining the Gospel Presentation of 'The Harbinger'
"God" Talks to Benny Hinn about Revival upon Billy Graham's Death
True Freedom is Slavery to Jesus Christ