Indian archdiocese receives relic of Pope John Paul II Antonio Anup Gonsalves
Bombay, India, Sep 16, 2013 / 03:55 pm (EWTN News/CNA)
Reliquary of Pope John Paul II. Credit: Archdiocese of Bombay.
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Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio, the apostolic nuncio to India, presented the relic to Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Bombay at Mount Mary’s Basilica at Bandra.
Archbishop Pennacchio was in the archdiocese on an official two-day visit.
“The nuncio’s visit marks an important faith factor to reconfirm the growth of faith and mission activity of evangelization,” said Father Antony Charanghat, spokesman for the Archdiocese of Bombay.
He told EWTN News that receiving the relic during the current Year of Faith “is a twin joy.”
People in India have great “love, affinity and memory” of Pope John Paul II, as a result of his 1986 apostolic visit to the country, Fr. Charanghat said.
“People of all faith recognized him as an enduring Pope and a great leader.”
Known for his world travel and outreach to youth, among other things, Bl. John Paul II died in 2005 and will be canonized next spring.
The relic of the beatified Pope was presented to the rector of Mount Mary’s Basilica at the end of a Sept. 8 Mass.
Attended by more than 8,000 people, the Mass concluded a novena and festival of Mary’s Nativity, celebrated throughout the country by Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
In his homily, the nuncio reflected on the Virgin Mary, to whom Pope John Paul II had a great devotion.
He defended Catholics’ veneration of Mary, noting that “we honor her precisely because she is the ‘best disciple’ the most transparent example of what it means to follow Jesus and to do God’s will.”
“Rightly understood, devotion to Mary helps us to be God-centered, as she was,” the nuncio explained, “and it will not take us away from Christ, but it will lead us to better follow the path of Jesus.”
Mary helps teach us our faith, he said, as “our sister, our ‘Mother of faith,’ our fellow disciple.”
Relic of St. Francis Xavier arrives in Australia
By David Kerr
Bishop Peter Comensoli and the relic of St. Francis Xavier's arm.
Related news:
“St. Francis has always held a special place in the hearts of Catholic Australians,” said Auxiliary Bishop Peter Comensoli as the relic arrived in Sydney Sept. 16.
“I want to personally invite you and your family and friends to take up this unique and unrepeatable opportunity to experience the person of Christ – his grace, mercy and peace – through the presence of this great saint’s relic.”
The relic is the baptizing right arm of the Spanish saint who christened tens of thousands of people during his missionary work in the Africa, India and the Far East. For 400 years it has been kept in the mother-Church of the Jesuit order in Rome, the Gesu.
On Friday Sept. 14, though, Bishop Comensoli took possession of it during a special ceremony in the Gesu, before making for Rome’s main airport and a 23-hour flight to Sydney.
“When we were a missionary country, St. Francis was – along with St. Therese of the Child Jesus – our co-patron,” explained Bishop Comensoli.
“Many cathedrals, churches and schools are named after him and he continues to inspire us as a tremendous example of a missionary and evangelizer and he intercedes for our nation every day.”
Upon arrival in Australia, the relic was taken to St. Mary’s Church in North Sydney where a special Mass was offered by Cardinal George Pell of Sydney along with Fr. Steve Curtin, the Provincial of the Society of Jesus in Australia. Following the Mass, hundreds of people waited patiently to venerate the relic.
St. Francis Xavier was a student of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the 16th century founder of the Society of Jesus or “Jesuits”. One of the first seven Jesuits, St. Francis travelled traveled extensively, mainly in the Portuguese Empire, making many converts in India, Japan and the islands of South East Asia such as Borneo.
It had always been the ambition of St. Francis to reach China. He died, however, on an island less than 10 miles from the Chinese mainland in 1552. He was 46-years-old. His body is now buried in the Indian state of Goa but his right arm was taken to Rome in the early 17th century.
The relic of St. Francis has arrived in Australia to assist the Church down under in marking a “Year of Grace” ahead of Pope Benedict's universal “Year of Faith” which begins across the globe next month.
The relic will now tour across the country in a specially made reliquary over the next three months.
Catholics bow and worship corpses and dummies
On of the biggest spiritual tragedies of mankind, is Roman Catholics worshiping corpses and skulls.
One of the claimed to be Madonnas who are shifted around from “Church” to “church”, is Maria Bernadette. “She” is sleeping, or rather a wax doll representing her is seen sleeping.
Is is rather bizarre that a Roman Catholic priest can bow his head before a corpse, and pray to the remains of a created being. To do the same in front of a doll, is nothing but a shameful copy of the Muppet Show.
The Bible explains, that man shall not bow before created beings, neither formed as a male nor female. This is an abomination in front of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
When you find your self in the eternal prison of Hell, you can not blame your priest for deceiving you.
You were simply not willing to find out for your self, and be saved by leaving this horrible idolatry behind.
The Roman Catholic priesthood provokes God to anger. When pesticide, sickness and untimely death strike this kind of God mockers, they curse God rather than being willing to repent. Many of them have been told the truth, but they close to live like hypocrites in total denial.
It is not shocking, but rather sad. The Bible explains to us that large parts of mankind of the seed of Satan, whom they have made “Lord” of their life.
There are many examples of this worship of wood and stone. Her is yet another.
One of the sleeping wooden statues, is found in The Sacro Monte of Varallo in Italy.

This is written on the site:
Why form a wooden plank to look like a doll, and dress “her” up like a princess for “Church” worship?
Only Satan takes pleasure in such abomination, blasphemy and wickedness.
Written by Ivar
One of the claimed to be Madonnas who are shifted around from “Church” to “church”, is Maria Bernadette. “She” is sleeping, or rather a wax doll representing her is seen sleeping.
Is is rather bizarre that a Roman Catholic priest can bow his head before a corpse, and pray to the remains of a created being. To do the same in front of a doll, is nothing but a shameful copy of the Muppet Show.
The Bible explains, that man shall not bow before created beings, neither formed as a male nor female. This is an abomination in front of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Deuteronomy 4:15-20Why can people not read this and obey?
Idolatry Forbidden
You saw no form of any kind the day the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the fire. Therefore watch yourselves very carefully, so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman, or like any animal on earth or any bird that flies in the air, or like any creature that moves along the ground or any fish in the waters below. And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars —all the heavenly array —do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.
When you find your self in the eternal prison of Hell, you can not blame your priest for deceiving you.
You were simply not willing to find out for your self, and be saved by leaving this horrible idolatry behind.
The Roman Catholic priesthood provokes God to anger. When pesticide, sickness and untimely death strike this kind of God mockers, they curse God rather than being willing to repent. Many of them have been told the truth, but they close to live like hypocrites in total denial.
It is not shocking, but rather sad. The Bible explains to us that large parts of mankind of the seed of Satan, whom they have made “Lord” of their life.
There are many examples of this worship of wood and stone. Her is yet another.
One of the sleeping wooden statues, is found in The Sacro Monte of Varallo in Italy.
This Roman Catholic idol is made of wood. But the dressed up face of plastic is presented for worship and adoration.
the wooden statue of the sleeping Madonna, one of the oldest of Sacro Monte, and attributed to Gaudenzio Ferrari, and which today is preserved in the crypt, was brought from the church.
Why form a wooden plank to look like a doll, and dress “her” up like a princess for “Church” worship?
Only Satan takes pleasure in such abomination, blasphemy and wickedness.
Written by Ivar
Police recover stolen relic of Blessed John Paul II
The priest assigned with transferring the relic told officials he was distracted on the train by three men who asked him for directions and then disembarked several stops ahead him.
Upon leaving the train, he realized his backpack had been stolen. Within a few hours, police found the backpack and relic at another station on the line. It is unclear whether the three men left the relic because they were unaware of its significance or if they were going to come back later to retrieve it.
The vile containing the small amount of blood was drawn from the late Pope after the attempt on his life on May 13, 1981. It was displayed for veneration for the first time on May 1, 2011, during his beatification.
Minn. cathedral receives relic of St. Paul's tomb
By Benjamin Mann
“I think it will bring great blessings to our country and to all the pilgrims who come here,” said Father Joseph R. Johnson, rector of the Cathedral of St. Paul, describing the “bond of spiritual affinity” that will link his cathedral to the Basilica of St. Paul Outside-the-Walls in Rome.
Fr. Johnson told EWTN News that he received the gift in Rome this past March, and carried it back personally to the city named for the saint. Its acquisition links Minnesota's capital and its archdiocese with the tombs of Saints Peter and Paul in Rome, an important pilgrimage destination for Catholics and other Christians.
“I have to tell you, the first thought was fear,” Fr. Johnson said, describing the feeling of transporting the stone from Saint Paul's tomb on a transatlantic flight.
“I kept it on my lap on the plane the whole way back,” the priest recalled. “I knew what a treasure I had with me, so I really wanted to be a good steward.”
Only one period of public veneration is currently scheduled, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on May 20 at the cathedral. It is hoped that a permanent and secure location for the sacred item will be arranged in time for the opening of the Year of Faith in October 2012.
The city of St. Paul's Catholic cathedral was designated as the saint's national shrine in 2009, during the Church's Year of Saint Paul.
At the close of that year, in June 2009, Pope Benedict announced that the traditional site of the apostle's burial had been studied by scientists, who found traces of purple cloth, incense, protein, and chalk substances.
A group of independent researchers dated bone fragments in the tomb to the first century. The Pope expressed “profound emotion” at the findings, which “would seem to confirm the unanimous and undisputed tradition which claims that these are the mortal remains of Saint Paul.”
Sealed in a clear box with wax and lead seals, the stone received by Minnesota's cathedral dates from a later period between the 5th and 6th centuries. During this time, Popes St. Leo the Great and St. Gregory the Great oversaw further adornments to St. Paul's place of burial.
During 2012, Catholic bishops from across the U.S. are making their traditional “ad limina” visits to Rome, named for the Latin phrase meaning “to the thresholds of the Apostles.” Pilgrimages to the tombs of Sts. Peter and Paul are an essential part of the bishops' journeys, made every five years.
“They're actually required to go and offer Mass at the tomb of St. Peter, and at the tomb of St. Paul,” Fr. Johnson said, describing the bishops' twice-a-decade obligation. “There's a special book that they sign there, attesting to the fact that they made this pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Paul.”
The Church also ascribes certain specific spiritual benefits to the act of visiting St. Paul's tomb in a spirit of prayer and devotion. When Rev. Johnson returned with the relic in March, he also carried a decree promising the same benefits to those who venerate the sacred stone in the Minnesota cathedral.
“Pilgrims receive all of the graces, the indulgences, that would be obtained by going all the way to St. Paul Outside-the-Walls in Rome,” he said.
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Mexican martyrs' relics go on display in Texas
“It is our hope that the pilgrimage of these relics will remind us all of the sacrifices made on behalf of religious liberty on this continent less than 100 years ago,” Supreme Knight of Columbus Carl Anderson said April 27.
“It is a timely reminder that, from ancient Rome to 1920s Mexico to today, persecution does not stifle the faith, but emboldens it.”
The relics are from Fathers Pedro de Jesus Maldonado Lucero, Miguel de la Mora de la Mora, Jose Maria Robles Hurtado, Luis Batiz Sainz, Rodrigo Aguilar Aleman, and Mateo Correa Magallanes.
The Mexican government under President Plutarco Elas Calles martyred them for their faith and Pope John Paul II canonized them in the year 2000.
All six were members of the Knights of Columbus, an international Catholic fraternal order which has grown to 1.8 million members.
The Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Houston is hosting the relics from April 27-29. They will be available for veneration during the regularly scheduled weekend Masses. The display of the relics opened with a special Mass Friday evening for the Knights of Columbus Texas State Convention.
The relic tour will also visit Phoenix, Tucson, Los Angeles, San Antonio and New York, Knights spokesman Andrew Walther told EWTN News April 27.
During the Mexican persecution, the Knights of Columbus assisted Catholics with humanitarian relief. The Catholic fraternal order also educated the American public about the situation in Mexico. In 1926 a delegation of knights met with President Calvin Coolidge to discuss how the U.S. government could encourage the Mexican government to end the persecution.
A number of American groups, including the Ku Klux Klan, supported the Calles government. However, the work of the Knights of Columbus and others led to the U.S. government’s brokerage of an agreement between the Mexican government and the Catholic Church to end the worst of the persecution.
A new movie to be released June 1, “For Greater Glory,” dramatizes the history of the persecution. Its actors include stars like Andy Garcia, Peter O’Toole and Eva Longoria.
Anderson said that for many years the history of the conflict has been “all but forgotten on both sides of the border.”
“This year, with the release of both a major motion picture and a book on this subject, the story of the struggle for religious freedom in Mexico will begin to be told.”
The relics will tour through Phoenix, Tucson, Los Angeles and New York City before their final stop in San Antonio the first week of June. Two other cities have expressed interest in hosting the relics, Andrew Walther, vice president of communications for the Knights of Columbus, told EWTN News April 28.
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Stolen St. Anthony relic returned to Calif. church
By Marianne Medlin
“The parish community at St. Anthony and our entire Catholic community are overjoyed,”
Archdiocese of Los Angeles spokeswoman Carolina Guevara told EWTN News.
“We are extremely grateful to the Long Beach Police Department for their diligent efforts to find the relic and return it.”
On June 16, police arrested 41 year-old Maria Solis, who was found displaying the relic in the living room of her home a mile from the parish.
The relic, a small bone fragment of the saint, was exhibited at St. Anthony's Church to celebrate the 780th anniversary of the saint’s death as well as his feast day.
Solis was at all five Masses on Sunday, June 12 and showed excessive curiosity in the relic. She was asked by witnesses at one point to back away from the relic after getting too close.
On Monday, June 13 the church opened at 6 a.m. with the relic still housed in a 16-inch tall reliquary case that has angel-shaped handles made of gold and silver. However, just three hours later at the 9 a.m. Mass, the church’s pastor Fr. Jose Magana turned the reliquary for exposition and realized that it had disappeared.
Detectives canvassed the neighborhood this week with a composite sketch of a person of interest and found video surveillance tape that captured her walking to the church on the day of the theft and the day before.
Fr. Magana told the Associated Press that parishioners had seen Solis once before, but she was not part of the parish community. Police are still in the process of interviewing Solis and have not yet established a motive for the theft.
The last time the relic was on display occurred eight years ago, when the parish celebrated its 100th anniversary. Fr. Magana said he wanted to bring out the relic this year, on the 780th anniversary of St. Anthony's death, because many of his parishioners are struggling through difficulties caused by the bad economy.
The priest said on Thursday that the returned relic appears to be undamaged.
Guevara told EWTN News that Fr. Magana and members of St. Anthony parish gathered in the evening on June 16 at the church to offer their prayers of thanksgiving that the relic was safely back at the parish once again.
She noted that “the news of the theft of the relic was far reaching,” effecting communities well outside the local church.
“The parish received calls of support from throughout the archdiocese and from different faith communities offering their prayers and kind words of support for the safe return of the relic,” Guevara said.
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Crowd of 2,000 gathers in Jerusalem to welcome relics of St. Therese
A bustling crowd of around 2,000 convened on March 16 in front of the Citadel of David to welcome the relics of “Little Therese” – the beloved French 19th century Carmelite nun, who died at the age of 24 from tuberculosis.
The relics traveled from the city's nunciature to the Co-Cathedral of the Latin Patriarchate, where the courtyard was festively decorated with yellow and white Vatican flags.
Members of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, priests, seminarians, religious and laity chanted Vespers during the procession, which was presided over by Archbishop Fouad Twal, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.
During his homily, the patriarch called St. Therese “the greatest saint of modern times” and underscored the need for her intercession, given the unrest within the country between religious communities.
Having recently concluded the Plenary Assembly of the Ordinaries of the Holy Land, the patriarch noted, “we realized how much we are in need of divine transcendence, to carry us in our mission, to be in communion with all our fellow Christians and achieve unity with Jews and Muslims.”
“We need grace to implement the Propositions of the recent Synod, so that the faithful will feel supported and be closer to God,” he said, referring to the Synod for the Middle East held last October at the Vatican.
Patriarch Twal called upon St. Therese – often invoked under her title of the Patroness of Missions – “to help us” evangelize and live the “vocation” of missions.
After the relics of St. Therese were venerated in Jerusalem on March 16, they were transferred to the church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel as part of a continuing global tour.
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Crowd of 2,000 gathers in Jerusalem to welcome relics of St. Therese
A bustling crowd of around 2,000 convened on March 16 in front of the Citadel of David to welcome the relics of “Little Therese” – the beloved French 19th century Carmelite nun, who died at the age of 24 from tuberculosis.
The relics traveled from the city's nunciature to the Co-Cathedral of the Latin Patriarchate, where the courtyard was festively decorated with yellow and white Vatican flags.
Members of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, priests, seminarians, religious and laity chanted Vespers during the procession, which was presided over by Archbishop Fouad Twal, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem.
During his homily, the patriarch called St. Therese “the greatest saint of modern times” and underscored the need for her intercession, given the unrest within the country between religious communities.
Having recently concluded the Plenary Assembly of the Ordinaries of the Holy Land, the patriarch noted, “we realized how much we are in need of divine transcendence, to carry us in our mission, to be in communion with all our fellow Christians and achieve unity with Jews and Muslims.”
“We need grace to implement the Propositions of the recent Synod, so that the faithful will feel supported and be closer to God,” he said, referring to the Synod for the Middle East held last October at the Vatican.
Patriarch Twal called upon St. Therese – often invoked under her title of the Patroness of Missions – “to help us” evangelize and live the “vocation” of missions.
After the relics of St. Therese were venerated in Jerusalem on March 16, they were transferred to the church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel as part of a continuing global tour.
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1200 skulls in the Bone House of Hallstatt in Austria
June 18, 2013The Miners in Hallstatt were massacred during the reformation. The Roman Catholics took skulls up from the grave, exposed them to moon light, and decorated them.
This is the story written on a
Another website have also recorded the massacre of Evangelical Christians in the area:
Here are some more pictures:
This is the official story:
Let is compare this with the worship of “Santa Muerte” in Mexico, and “the feast of the day of the dead”.Here are some pictures:
Read also the Vatican skulls and bones files.
My comment:
The skull and bones collectors of the Roman Catholic Church, are grave looters. In stead of letting the remains of a dead person go back to dust, the Roman Catholic priest likes to keep their skulls for display, veneration and worship.
The Roman Catholic crucifix on the altar above the collection of skulls, display the true sign of Lucifer. A dead Messiah.
It must have been an awesome display of wickedness, looking at the priest cleaning the skulls, and even exposing them to the “light of the moon” to make them look “bleached ivory white”.
To decorate them “with flowers” seems to be a natural consequence of the moon light exposure. It reminds me about the “the day of the dead” in Mexico, were skulls and bones are also adored and venerated. The Spirit of death reigns.
When i see pictures of the “Bone House” in Catholic Hallstatt, it can be compared to the Killing field National memorial in Phnom Penh in Cambodia.
Here are come pictures from the memorial in Phnom Penh:
Two more venerated skeleton’s in Rome
June 25, 2012“These relics were protected and venerated in their entirety at a very early point in history”.
The Vatican claim that the bones are relics having belonged to Chrysanthus and Daria, two Roman Catholic “saints” who reportedly died in 283 A.D.
Workers found more than 300 bones in one of the sealed crypts, of The cathedral in Reggio Emilia.
‘This has been a very rare opportunity to be able to study bones and other relics that relate directly back to a legend that has been passed on for almost 2,000 years.
‘The completeness of the skeletons is also rare for martyrs of this era, implying that these relics were protected and venerated in their entirety at a very early point in history.’
Auxiliary Bishop Lorenzo Ghizzoni of Reggio Emilia had acknowledged the findings could be a major problem.
‘We might discover that these relics are fake. That would be a huge problem for us,’ he said.
‘If we find out we have bones like that, then we have to throw them out, destroy them. That would certainly be a scandal for the faithful.’
The two bodies represented an extraordinary opportunity because there were almost two complete skeletons, giving a lot of material to work with. Often relic bones are progressively removed and kept as spiritual tokens.
Source: Daily Mail. UK.
My comment:
Bones removed from the grave, are nothing but an act of wicked grave looters.
For the Roman Catholic Church, all kinds of truths are relative.
Also the age and identity of the bones that their priests have collected.
Since there were no DNA taken of Chrysanthus and Daria, how will we ever come to know where their skeletons are?
And what is the point, finding them, and venerating them?
There is a 260 years gap in the scientific evidence presented by Rome. These bones can be the remains of eight generations of ancient Italians.
The claims of Vatican does not stand the trial of ay court. Nor does it impress anyone who have a minimum of common sense.
This fact does not bother the Vatican, who will keep on venerating and adoring skulls, bones and corpses, regardless of what Christians might tell them.
Even the warning from Jesus, will have no impact on Roman Catholics. They will do what the Pope tells them, and what the Cannon Laws say is blessed and permissible.
Written by Ivar
The Knights of Columbus blessed by heartless Vatican saint
May 26, 2012He is the saint that is supposed to bring blessings to the Vatican priesthood. His skeleton is kept for display, but the skull is covered by a mask. His heart has been cut out.
“Just as you, dear members of the family of the Knights of Columbus: Stand in solidarity with the Holy Father, your bishops, and your priests, so too we stand in solidarity with you, in a solidarity of that love which overflows from the heart of Jesus and leads us and our loved ones to joys of everlasting life,”.
My comment:
There are 1,8 million members of the Knights of Columbus Worldwide. Most of them live in the US, and have formed one of the strongest Roman Catholic lobby groups on the planet.
The saint, who is the knight that secure blessings for the priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church, needs to get some fresh exposure.
This is what a Catholic site has recorded:
This is what Associated Press (AP) recorded in 2006:
Source: Free
My comment:
This is the second time I write about this “saint”. The interesting side of the story is related to the cut out heart, and how a priest place this object on the altar, folds his hands and starts to pray.
Since there are plenty of not dressed skeletons within the Roman Catholic Church, we need to question the need for giving this skeleton a plastic face, and long white hair. Surely not his real hair, but a wig I presume.
That the Associated Press writes that this skeleton is an “object of worship”, will by the Vatican be explained as a spiritual misunderstanding. We all need to be guided into the Catholic understanding of worship, which is not adoration, and visa versa.
To adore a skeleton, is anyhow a strange thing to do. Since Jesus plainly said: “Let the dead go and bury their own dead”.
Not only was he the corpse removed from the grave. The heart of the deceased was cut out from the body, and transported to Rome to be examined.
To anoint the living with the spirit of the dead, is not only a disgrace. It is an act of occultism, and for most people quite grotesque.
The Roman Catholic priest takes this kind of wickedness to the greater height’s. The priests stand and pray in front of this heart, and even parade this piece of a dead mans flesh on their shoulders.
Many people are not able to see that these individuals are the soldiers of Satan. Many claimed to be Christians seems to desire an end time union with the devil him self. Just reunite with Rome.
Written by Ivar
Bible study # 50: Catholics in Ireland worship bones and a “holy head”
May 20, 2012The bones of St. Oliver is carried on the shoulders of Catholics in Ireland on 1st of July. The head of the saint is kept at the altar of the church at Drogheda.
The sight of an altar with a skull in its center is another example of the pagan practice of Roman Catholics worshiping the dead. Because if an altar in a Church is not meant to be the center of worship, there is no such place.
He was the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Armagh in Ireland, and the primate of all Ireland. He lived from 1st of November 1625, to 1st of July 1681. Plunkett was beatified in 1920 and canonised in 1975, the first new Irish saint for almost seven hundred years.
Lets read from the official Catholic website:
Link to the website of the parade with photo of the festival made to honor this saint.
Deuteronomy 4:16
so that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman.
The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will bring their plans to nothing; they will consult the idols and the spirits of the dead, the mediums and the spiritists.
Isaiah 8:18-21
Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.
When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. Distressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse their king and their God.
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
What do the Catholic leadership say about the head at this altar?
Ezekiel 43:9
Now let them put away from me their prostitution and the lifeless idols of their kings, and I will live among them forever.
1 Peter 4:3
For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry.
Catholics in Reading claims to have hand of James
May 18, 2012Hand of St James the Great is venerated at St James’s church in Reading.
Hundreds of worshippers gathered at St James’ Catholic Church, Forbury Road, to glimpse the legendary Hand of St James at the weekend.
The mummified hand, stored in a glass box normally kept at St Peter’s Church in Marlow, is believed to be of the Apostle James, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, who was martyred in AD44 by King Herod.
It was delivered on Friday [22] by the Confraternity of St James – a charity made up of enthusiasts for the pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela to his shrine in Spain – and loaned to the church for three days to mark the Feast of St James.
Source: Catholic Herald
My comment:
There are many aspects around this piece of rather rotten bones.
One is the the obvious risk is the spreading of viruses and deceases from this Church. The bones look to have not been cleansed, and so not look incorruptible at all.
The second issue is the trouble of identifying this bones, to be on the Apostle James. There is surly not DNA available from this time just after the death of resurrection of Jesus.
The first historical records of anyone claiming these bones are from 640 A.D. That leaves us with about 20 generations of uncertainty to both it whereabouts, and its origin.
The third aspects in liked to what the Bible says about people who adore, venerate or worship bones. Dead items. Remains of a created being. This is pure wickedness. A result of mans rebellion against the Word of God, who demand worship of the Creator Only.
The Creator God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The forth aspect is what to do with Churches and priests that are involved in fraud. Give them the booth.
If you want to live. renounce this kind of religious stuff as fraud. Ran out of such Churches, and join a group of people who are faithful to Jesus our Lord.
The Roman Catholic faith is so vile and wicked, that it is almost impossible to renounce it as falsehood. Catholic’s who end up in Hell, will surely have been given multiple chances to escape this place, by simply submit to the truth.
Written by Ivar
The “holy sternum bone” of Francis Seelos
January 16, 2012This bones is displayed for veneration in New Orleans. The process of beautification of Francis Seelos is in progress.
That you have to visit Francis Seelos Shrine 919 Josephine Street New Orleans, Louisiana. This is the largest first class relic of Father Seelos. It was removed from his casket one of the times he was moved.
There are also other items of the priest, in waiting to be canonized. Many of them are even up for sale at the Sotheby’s.
Here is the monstrance holding some fragmented pieces of the altar.
Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos (January 11, 1819 – October 4, 1867) was a German-American Roman Catholic priest and Redemptorist missionary.
Pope John Paul II beatified Father Seelos in St. Peter’s Square on April 9, 2000. His day in the Martyrology is October 5.
Here are more details:
The same site, also market the sale of second class relics, that sales of “holy items” that are not banned by the Vatican:
A look at a memorial in Biloxi in Mississippi US, reveals a “holy handkerchief”:
There is also some “holy hair”at the Seelos welcome center at St. Mary’s Assumption Catholic Church in New Orleans.
This priest died in 1867. His body was exhumed in 1902.
35 years after his death: Did they go to the barbershop to get the hair off the skull?
Or was the “holy hair” removed from his head, before he died?
To remove a bone from a skeleton is not difficult. Just get a shape knife. But to be sure of what kind of strange looking bone the Vatican team has removed from the remains of Francis Seelos, we need to do a proper medical examination.
So to be able to remove the sternum bone, the Roman Catholic priests had to demolish the whole upper part of the skeleton.
What kind of surgery on a skeleton is this?
How did the sternum bone become more “holy” than other bones of this skeleton?
There are larger bones in the body, what could have been kept for display.
Has the whole skeleton been cut into pieces, and sold as “holy relics”?
There are reasons to believe so. Because Father Murray who claim to be healed by prayer to Francis Seelos, roamed around with a bone of Seelos in his pocket.
For all who wants to go into details in this grotesque example of a demolished dead mans skeletons, there are “holy relics” that was not a part of his remains.
For sale, is also a “holy piece”if the altar in the Church, there this man served in New Orleans.
Remove the idols of stone, wood and bone from your house. Tell the Roman Catholic priests, that you are leaving the false Church they promote. If not you will be equally guilty of the falsehood they promote. Now, I have warned you in advance.
Written by Ivar