is dominion theology?
This refers to ‘’the belief that
we (mankind) have a mandate to build the “kingdom of God” on earth, restoring
paradise, by progressively and supernaturally transforming ourselves and all
societal institutions, through subduing and ruling the earth by whatever means
possible, including using technology, science and psycho-social engineering;
and then and only then will a “Christ” manifest his presence on earth.
Al Dager in his book VENGEANCE IS OURS: The
Church In Dominion (Sword 1990) lists two further definitions of
A basic premise of dominion theology is that when
Adam sinned, not only did man lose dominion over the earth, but God also lost
control of the earth to Satan. Since that time, some say, God has been on the
outside looking in, searching for a “covenant people” who will be His
“extension” or “expression” in the earth to take dominion back from Satan.
According to the dominionist interpretation, this is the meaning of the Great
Some teach that this is to be accomplished
through certain “overcomers” who, by yielding themselves to the authority of
latter-day apostles and prophets, will take control of the kingdoms of this world.
These kingdoms are defined as the various social institutions, such as the
“kingdom” of education, the “kingdom” of science, the “kingdom” of the arts,
and so on. Most especially there is the “kingdom” of politics and government.
(Dager, p. 44)
Dominion theology is predicated upon three basic
1) Satan usurped man’s dominion over the earth
through the temptation of Adam and Eve;
2) The Church is God’s
instrument to take dominion back from Satan;
3) Jesus cannot or
will not return until the Church has taken dominion by gaining control of the
earth’s government and social institutions. (Dager, p. 87)
What follows is a comprehensive list (although
not complete!) of potential things to watch for that indicate that a particular
teaching may be Dominionist.
1. Bypasses the Cross
- De-emphasizes
the Gospel of Salvation.
- Substitutes
the Gospel of the Kingdom, or embellishes the Gospel of Salvation with the
addition of the kingdom message.
- Teaches
Jesus didn’t quite defeat Satan on the Cross, He didn’t get the whole job
done – the church must finish the job – the onus is on man.
- Emphasizes
Old Testament Law and Covenants, works and deeds, and minimizes (or even
mocks) salvation by faith through grace.
- Ignores,
slides over, sidesteps, gives lip service to, or otherwise disregards the fact
that Jesus saves us from OUR SINS! The biblical teaching of the utter
depravity of man is bypassed, minimized, neglected, missing totally, or
- Jesus is
seen as corrupted. He becomes a nebulous touchy-feely fellow, the object
of our “passion,” a “god within,” a “force,” a “story,” a “king,” a
“liberator from oppression,” one of many “christs.”
Jesus’s role as Savior and Redeemer is diminished
and truncated, and His work is unfinished – and
- therefore
the church on earth must make up for His lack.
theology and the taking over of Kampala city by Pentecostals
Dominion theology is the thinking
that the church must take over all institutions of the state, by force if necessary if Jesus is to come back. This simply means Jesus
will not be able to come back before the church takes over all social
institution structures. Recently Dr.Myles Monroe told Christians at a jubilee convention
in Kampala
that they should not pray to go to heaven but should instead pray that heaven comes
down the earth. According to Dr.Myles Monroe the gospel is not about salvation or being born
again but rather about the kingdom. The gospel of the kingdom means that Christians
should dominate the earth. Dominating the earth means acquiring a lot of material
wealth such as cars, houses, jets, businesses and social institutions but Jesus said
categorically that his Kingdom is not of this world(John 18:36).
From Uganda to South Africa : Dr. Myles Monroe infests Africa with blasphemy and dominion heresy on his so called African tour
Dr .Myles Munroe’s Uganda tour to Uganda: An exposition of the ecumenical and apostate state of the Ugandan Church
The Pentecostal church in Kampala has made an alliance
with Museveni’s dictatorship in order to take over the capital city. After
failing to take over the leadership Kampala
city, Museveni used the members of his party who are the majority in parliament
to come up with the so called KCCA act. The purpose of this act was to usurp
the power of the people in Kampala who have for
a long time in a row voted opposition politicians as mayors of Kampala city. The KCCA act water down the position
of the mayor of Kampala
city and created the office of the
executive director who is an appointed head of the city. The new KCCA executive
director Jeniffer Musisi is a Pentecostal who believes that God has ordained
her to change Kampala
city. Some Pentecostal pastors are telling their congregations that God has given Pentecostals the city and
should support Jennifer Musisi. Pentecostals are now fighting against the
current Muslim Mayor using the state coercive machinery.
The funny thing is that the
current Lord Mayor of Kampala city who is a Muslim has done everything possible to fight for the rights of the poor
people in Kampala however the Pentecostal born again executive director Jennifer
Musisi who should love the poor just like the Lord Jesus Christ, has harassed
the poor and continues to harass the poor to stop doing business on the streets. Many businesses of the poor in Kampala have been demolished in the names of
keeping the city clean. Of course, we
all need a clean city and Jennifer as a person is a very good manager but
chasing the poor from Kampala without giving them an alternative is
an attack on the gospel and the lord Jesus Christ.
Recently the Muslim lord mayor Elias Lukwago was impeached
from mayorship through a well orchestrated government plot . The Lord mayor
went to court to stop this act of impeaching him. Court issued an order
stopping the impeachment of the mayor but the government used the police to block the mayor’s lawyer from delivering a
court order. The lawyer was manhandled and assaulted by police and when the
supporters of the Lord Mayor protested, they were tear gased and even beaten by
stick wielding men called kiboko squad(Cain squad). This criminal squad is an extra-constitutional
organ. How can born again people get involved in such criminality. Where is
Jesus in all this?
Slowly but steadily the hunger
against the Pentecostal church in Uganda is building because of
dominion theology . If Pentecostals continue support an oppressive regime because
of dominion theology, they might be physically attacked when Museveni leaves power.
Musisi shuts down KCCA offices after ruling
KCCA executive director Thursday announced the closure of City Hall. Photo by Faiswal Kasirye
Posted Friday, November 29 2013 at 02:00
Posted Friday, November 29 2013 at 02:00
Kampala- City Executive Director Jennifer Musisi last evening announced that KCCA will be shut down today, following yesterday’s events after the High Court granted ousted Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago a lifeline in office.
Mr Lukwago later announced he will return to
office this morning, and is expected to be accompanied by several
opposition political leaders.

Kampala City Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has been kicked out of office. In a special council meeting on Monday chaired by the Minister in charge of the Presidency and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), Frank Tumwebaze, 29 councilors voted in favour of removing Lukwago. Only three councilors were against.

Kampala City Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has been kicked out of office. In a special council meeting on Monday chaired by the Minister in charge of the Presidency and Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), Frank Tumwebaze, 29 councilors voted in favour of removing Lukwago. Only three councilors were against.
Erias Lukwago swearing in with a Koran as Kampala's first Lord Mayor at Mayor's gardens Kampala on 19 May 2011
But at a hastily convened press conference at 6.30
pm, Ms Musisi, who heads the technical wing, said:“Already, since the
decision of the learned judge earlier today, there have been efforts to
mobilise the public to invade City Hall, supposedly to re-instate Erias
Lukwago into office. Obviously this poses a serious risk to the staff
and property of the authority that I am empowered to protect and
After the impeachment, councilors and supporters jubilated. They denounced Lukwago as arrogant and disrespectful.

JEREMIAH 1: 19: "They will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you," declares the LORD."
After the impeachment, councilors and supporters jubilated. They denounced Lukwago as arrogant and disrespectful.
JEREMIAH 1: 19: "They will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you," declares the LORD."
Executive Director Jennifer Musisi during the imeachment of mayor Lukwago
She added: “Unless the safety of our staff and
government property under our custody is assured, it’s difficult for our
operations as the implementing arm of KCCA to continue blindly in the
face of these increasing threats. Consequently, we are shutting down the
technical operations of the authority until further notice,” Ms Musisi
told a press conference at City hall.

Police officers manhandle City Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago’s lawyer Abdallah Kiwanuka after he came to serve a court order to Kampala Minister Frank Tumwebaze, who was conducting a KCCA council that later impeached the mayor yesterday. Photo by Abubaker Lubowa
Police officers manhandle City Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago’s lawyer Abdallah Kiwanuka after he came to serve a court order to Kampala Minister Frank Tumwebaze, who was conducting a KCCA council that later impeached the mayor yesterday. Photo by Abubaker Lubowa
She said the decision had been taken after threats to road sweepers, and registered cases of assault against the city authorities enforcement officers, and building inspectors – all at after incitement of political protagonists.
Lukwago and the KCCA executive director, Jennifer Musisi shakes hands after the swearing in ceremony of the Lord Mayor
It is not clear when the KCCA operations will resume but the decision by Ms Musisi is bound to create a major problem in the city with lack of services. It is also bound to be interpreted as a veiled snub to Mr Lukwago’s triumphant entry into city hall tomorrow.

The decision means that nobody will be allowed to
access City hall, there will be no work carried out by the workers like
sweepers, revenue collection and garbage collection.
By Andante Okanya and Juliet Waiswa
The management of Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA) has decided to halt all its technical operations, citing threats to technical staff.
The decision was announced at a press conference called on Thursday by the KCCA Executive Director Jennifer Musisi at City Hall in Kampala. It takes immediate effect.
By Anne Mugisa and Hillary Nsambu
The High Court has granted Erias Lukwago a temporary injunction against Kampala Capital City authority (KCCA).
Justice Yasin Nanzi said in his ruling On Thursday that he was convinced by Lukwago’s lawyers that their application for judicial review has good chances of succeeding in Court. Lukwago through his lawyers applied for a judicial review of the proceedings and findings of the tribunal that recommended his removal from office.
Giving his reasons for granting the injunction, the judge said that Lukwago has a status quo to protect as Lord Mayor and that his main application for judicial review raises serious triable issues which have a probability to succeed.

A smile at last. PHOTO/Abou Kisige
The second reason is that denial of the application means that Lukwago could suffer irreparable injury because he is a mayor elected through universal adult suffrage. And that since this was not a business; no monetary compensation can be awarded to put him in the same position of mayorship.
“Since there is a main application pending, it is important to grant the stay until the application is disposed of…,” Nyanzi ruled. He also granted Lukwago the costs of the case.
The ruling was greeted with jubilation from Lukwago’s supporters who jammed the Court corridors leading to the Judges chambers where the ruling was delivered.
The Minister for Kampala, Frank Tumwebaze, reacted to the ruling wondering how the injunction would be implemented.
“While I respect the ruling of Justice Nyanzi giving an order to me to stop the convening of a KCCA meeting as well as implementation of the tribunal report until an administrative review application is heard, I am only wondering how practicable this ruling is? How do you implement an order that seeks to stop an activity that has already taken place?
Both his interim order given today and the earlier one purported to have been given on Monday and which was served to the AG in court at 10 O’clock exist after the authority meeting of 25 November 2013, had taken place. So what then do these orders intend to stop? I have accordingly written to the attorney General to seek his guidance on the matter,” Tumwebaze said.
Lukwago was impeached on Monday by a vote of 29 to three Councilors of KCCA. The same day the Court had heard an application for an interim order to stop the impeachment process.
However, while Lukwago’s lawyers are saying they secured the order and served it on the Council during the impeachment session, the Attorney General says that he was never served and that he was the right person to be served.
He also insisted that by the time that order was secured, the meeting and vote to remove Lukwago had already taken place.
The Electoral Commission had been notified that the Lord Mayor’s seat was vacant and asked to commence preparations for a by-election to replace him.
His lawyers had secured an interim order Monday morning to stop Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA) councilors from removing him.
But the Attorney General said by the time Lukwago’s team secured the interim order, the authority had already taken the decision.
By Pascal Kwesiga
The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) is concerned about the “growing level of lawlessness” fuelled by the re-emergence of the infamous Kiboko squad and police brutality.
The concern was voiced following violent scenes involving the civilians, police and stick wielding men that followed the impeachment of Kampala Lord Mayor, Erias Lukwago by councilors on Monday.
The High court on Thursday granted Lukwago an application for an injunction to stop Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) from acting on the tribunal’s recommendations to impeach him, until a judicial review sought by him (Lord Mayor) to quash the proceedings and recommendations of the tribunal takes place.

Addressing a press conference in Kampala on Friday, UHRC chairperson Med Kaggwa tasked the government to explain the re-emergence of the notorious stick wielding men who masquerade of law enforcers in riots during which they usurp the mandate of the police.
“We are concerned about the re-emergence of the stick wielding men who seem to be operating alongside the police. We strongly condemn the involvement of unlawful militia groups in keeping law and order,” Kaggwa said.

The police have repeatedly disowned the Kiboko squad militia although they are usually seen operating alongside them in breaking up riots in the city. Kaggwa also took a swipe at civilians for taking the law in their hands saying “The incidents of lawlessness by some members of the public in Kampala and its suburbs following the impeachment of the Lord Mayor is uncalled for. Citizens should refrain from taking the law in their hands and any grievances should be settled in a lawful manner.”

The UHRC boss, who castigated the police for the indiscriminate use of tear gas, observed that the preventative detention and arrests of opposition leaders violates the inherent right of free movement inscribed in the constitution.
When the news spread around town that the councillors had voted, in disregard of a court injunction, to remove Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago from office, the morning calm was soon broken in downtown Kampala.
KCCA suspends operations
Publish Date: Nov 28, 2013
Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority, Jennifer Musisi
Ssemakula reading out the statement before journalists at KCCA Kampala.
PHOTO:Ronnie Kijjambu
The management of Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA) has decided to halt all its technical operations, citing threats to technical staff.
The decision was announced at a press conference called on Thursday by the KCCA Executive Director Jennifer Musisi at City Hall in Kampala. It takes immediate effect.
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Caricatures of the KCCA fracas by Ugandans |
Management of KCCA has been compelled to enforce a shutdown of all technical operations of the Authority.
This decision comes against the backdrop of several months of protracted politicking that have severely hampered our ability to deliver services to the people of Kampala. Since March 2013, we have been caught as pawns in the tensions of the political push and shove of the City; we have been embroiled in separate, lengthy and tiresome processes before various organs and therefore have hardly had time to do our work of delivering services to the City.
The above, coupled with the ensuing political controversies and violent reactions by the public on matters relating to the office of the Lord Mayor have created a hostile working environment that has put the lives of our workers in danger.
To-date, KCCA sweepers on the road are molested in the course of their work; our revenue collection teams, enforcement officers, cleaners and Building Inspectors have been assaulted many times at the incitement of political protagonists. Our garbage trucks have been damaged, and with the growing levels of threats our staff have become apprehensive over their safety in the course of their work. The incidents in which our officers have been repeatedly attacked in the course of work are well-documented. Already, since the decision of the learned Judge earlier today, there have been efforts to mobilize
the public to invade City Hall supposedly to “reinstall” Elias Lukwago into office! Obviously, this poses a serious risk to the staff and properties of the Authority that I am empowered to protect and safeguard.

Unless the safety of our staff and Government property under our custody is assured, it is difficult for our operations, as the implementing arm of KCCA, to continue blindly in the face of these increasing threats. Consequently, we are shutting down the technical operations of the Authority until further notice. For God and Our country
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Ugandans caricature the Kampala city fracas |
High Court grants Lukwago relief
Publish Date: Nov 28, 2013
Erias Lukwago jubilates after court ruling. PHOTO/Abou Kisige
The High Court has granted Erias Lukwago a temporary injunction against Kampala Capital City authority (KCCA).
Justice Yasin Nanzi said in his ruling On Thursday that he was convinced by Lukwago’s lawyers that their application for judicial review has good chances of succeeding in Court. Lukwago through his lawyers applied for a judicial review of the proceedings and findings of the tribunal that recommended his removal from office.
Giving his reasons for granting the injunction, the judge said that Lukwago has a status quo to protect as Lord Mayor and that his main application for judicial review raises serious triable issues which have a probability to succeed.
A smile at last. PHOTO/Abou Kisige
The second reason is that denial of the application means that Lukwago could suffer irreparable injury because he is a mayor elected through universal adult suffrage. And that since this was not a business; no monetary compensation can be awarded to put him in the same position of mayorship.
“Since there is a main application pending, it is important to grant the stay until the application is disposed of…,” Nyanzi ruled. He also granted Lukwago the costs of the case.
The ruling was greeted with jubilation from Lukwago’s supporters who jammed the Court corridors leading to the Judges chambers where the ruling was delivered.
The Minister for Kampala, Frank Tumwebaze, reacted to the ruling wondering how the injunction would be implemented.
“While I respect the ruling of Justice Nyanzi giving an order to me to stop the convening of a KCCA meeting as well as implementation of the tribunal report until an administrative review application is heard, I am only wondering how practicable this ruling is? How do you implement an order that seeks to stop an activity that has already taken place?
Both his interim order given today and the earlier one purported to have been given on Monday and which was served to the AG in court at 10 O’clock exist after the authority meeting of 25 November 2013, had taken place. So what then do these orders intend to stop? I have accordingly written to the attorney General to seek his guidance on the matter,” Tumwebaze said.
Lukwago was impeached on Monday by a vote of 29 to three Councilors of KCCA. The same day the Court had heard an application for an interim order to stop the impeachment process.
However, while Lukwago’s lawyers are saying they secured the order and served it on the Council during the impeachment session, the Attorney General says that he was never served and that he was the right person to be served.
He also insisted that by the time that order was secured, the meeting and vote to remove Lukwago had already taken place.
The Electoral Commission had been notified that the Lord Mayor’s seat was vacant and asked to commence preparations for a by-election to replace him.
His lawyers had secured an interim order Monday morning to stop Kampala City Council Authority (KCCA) councilors from removing him.
But the Attorney General said by the time Lukwago’s team secured the interim order, the authority had already taken the decision.
Kiboko squad: Rights body tasks Gov’t to act
Publish Date: Nov 29, 2013
UHRC boss Medi Kaggwa
The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) is concerned about the “growing level of lawlessness” fuelled by the re-emergence of the infamous Kiboko squad and police brutality.
The concern was voiced following violent scenes involving the civilians, police and stick wielding men that followed the impeachment of Kampala Lord Mayor, Erias Lukwago by councilors on Monday.
The High court on Thursday granted Lukwago an application for an injunction to stop Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) from acting on the tribunal’s recommendations to impeach him, until a judicial review sought by him (Lord Mayor) to quash the proceedings and recommendations of the tribunal takes place.
Addressing a press conference in Kampala on Friday, UHRC chairperson Med Kaggwa tasked the government to explain the re-emergence of the notorious stick wielding men who masquerade of law enforcers in riots during which they usurp the mandate of the police.
“We are concerned about the re-emergence of the stick wielding men who seem to be operating alongside the police. We strongly condemn the involvement of unlawful militia groups in keeping law and order,” Kaggwa said.
Kiboko Squad hitmen ready with their sticks during one of
the demonstrations in the city
The police have repeatedly disowned the Kiboko squad militia although they are usually seen operating alongside them in breaking up riots in the city. Kaggwa also took a swipe at civilians for taking the law in their hands saying “The incidents of lawlessness by some members of the public in Kampala and its suburbs following the impeachment of the Lord Mayor is uncalled for. Citizens should refrain from taking the law in their hands and any grievances should be settled in a lawful manner.”
of the Kiboko Squad punish one of their victims. - See more at:
of the Kiboko Squad punish one of their victims. - See more at:
Members of the Kiboko Squad punish one of their victims
The UHRC boss, who castigated the police for the indiscriminate use of tear gas, observed that the preventative detention and arrests of opposition leaders violates the inherent right of free movement inscribed in the constitution.
Kiboko squad resurfaces in city chaos
Some members of the Kiboko Squad speak to police officers in Nakulabye
yesterday. Left, Dr Kizza Besigye is arrested last week. Photo by
Abubaker Lubowa
By Dear Jeanne & Abubaker Lubowa
Posted Tuesday, November 26 2013 at 02:00Kampala- Protests broke out in and around the city yesterday, following the manner in which the ruling NRM party, aided by the police, was removing the Lord Mayor from office.
Posted Tuesday, November 26 2013 at 02:00Kampala- Protests broke out in and around the city yesterday, following the manner in which the ruling NRM party, aided by the police, was removing the Lord Mayor from office.
The authorities had anticipated a backlash to
their actions. And so, the police working alongside unidentified
club-wielding individuals dressed in civilian clothes deployed heavily
in and around town.
Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson Ibin
Ssenkumbi last evening said: “Appropriate deployment was made due to
intelligence information that there was mobilisation of political
activists who have mobilised youth to cause confusion in the city.”
Mr Ssenkumbi, however, did not say exactly which activists were involved in the purported plan to unsettle the city.

Victim of Kiboko Squad
Victim of Kiboko Squad
When the news spread around town that the councillors had voted, in disregard of a court injunction, to remove Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago from office, the morning calm was soon broken in downtown Kampala.
Traders closed their shops in the hotbed Kisekka
Market area. Stones flew from all directions but it was not clear who
was hurling the missiles.
Police under the command of operational commander,
Kampala Metropolitan North, Mr Sam Omala, responded in force, lobbing
teargas canisters and dispersing the gathering crowds.
A few kilometres away in Nakulabye and Kasubi city
outskirts, spontaneous protests which saw an attempt to block the
Makerere Road attracted a quick reaction from the police.
Separate units of police deployed with teargas as
others rushed the protestors, indiscriminately whipping anyone not quick
enough to get out of the way.
At around mid-day, chaos erupted again but this time with more vigour than before as the crowds resorted to burning tyres.
At around mid-day, chaos erupted again but this time with more vigour than before as the crowds resorted to burning tyres.
In Kisekka Market, it was only the heavy downpour that finally brought the protests to an end.
The return of club and stick-wielding musclemen,
reminiscent of the State-associated ‘Kiboko Squad’ militia left the
authorities struggling to explain themselves. According to Ms Judith
Nabakooba, the police spokesperson, the individuals were not Kiboko
Squad members but rather civilians.
“I am informed that those people with sticks were
civilians who organised themselves to prevent chaos in their markets but
they were not Kiboko Squad members. We, however, condemn their actions
of using sticks to cane people,” Ms Nabakooba said.
Ms Nabakooba did not say how and why these individuals were working hand-in-glove with the police.
In 2011, a police inquiry headed by Deputy
Inspector General of Police Okoth Ochola was set up to investigate the
activities of the Kiboko Squad. In its report, it indicated that the
‘squad’ was established by a group of businessmen in Kampala, with
intent of securing their businesses in times of riots.
The team concluded that the ‘squad’ is illegal and
must be disbanded. It also recommended the arrest and prosecution of
its members who had assaulted opposition supporters
In February 2011, Juma Ssemakula the self-proclaimed leader of the group was arrested but released by police without any charge.
The group was once again spotted in 2012 during the Bukoto South by-election in Lwengo when it re-emerged and caused chaos.
By Steven Candia and Juliet Waiswa |
The police have sealed off the residences of the embattled city Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and former FDC president Dr. Kiiza Besigye to forestall chaos in the city in what they termed as preventive deployment.
Police said they had no option but to deploy at the residences of the two opposition politicians in Rubaga division in Kampala and Kasangati in Wakiso district following their alleged insistence to march to city with crowds to access City Hall following a court interim injunction that granted the ousted mayor relief.
The police said the insistence by the opposition politicians coupled with an earlier announcement by the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) director, Jennifer Musisi, that City Hall will be closed today (Friday) was a recipe for chaos and mayhem in the city, which they can not allow to happen.
“The deployments are preventive. To prevent un-necessary chaos from occurring in the city,” Ibin Ssenkumbi the Kampala police spokesperson said in a telephone interview.
Police, he said, had deployed because of the latent tensions in the city, sparked by the antagonism by the factions. The Lukwago group, he said, had vowed to access City Hall by all means and had reportedly mobilized huge crowds to make a gallant entry in the city and City Hall in particular, in stark contradiction of Musisi announcement. Attempts to dissuade the opposition politicians from the plans, he said, were in vain thus the deployment.
“We see an aspect of confusion which may lead to the destruction and injury of people. We advised them (opposition) to review their plans and reach an amicable understanding but they insisted so we decided to deploy. Attempts to get comment from Lukwago were futile as his phone was permanently busy.
Sources said police deployed under the cover of darkness and the two politicians woke up to find their movements had been curtailed.
Justice Yasin Nyanzi of the High Court on Thursday granted Lukwago a temporary injunction against Kampala Capital City authority (KCCA). In his ruling, Nyanzi said an interim court injunction issued on Monday by acting registrar of the court, Fred Waninda, still stands.
Nyanzi said the interim injunction would be in place until Lukwago’s main application seeking a judicial review of the KCCA tribunal report is determined.
The tribunal headed by Justice Catherine Bamugemereire had among others, found Lukwago guilty of abuse of office, incompetence and misconduct. The tribunal was constituted by Kampala Minister Frank Tumwebaze, following a petition by 17 councilors.
City Hall remained closed on Friday and inaccessible to the public and the staff following heavy police deployment there. Police deployed heavily both within and outside the Hall, denying any one access even the staff, leaving many members of public desperate and stranded.
Even those trying to access the KCCA clinic for the yellow fever vaccine were denied entry as the KCCA court also remained closed, causing a paralysis. The paralysis in City Hall began to manifest in the city with many roads dirty and littered, having not been swept as garbage skips began to pile up, polluting the atmosphere.
Musisi on Thursday evening after events at the High Court announced that KCCA will be shut down on Friday till further notice, citing threats to technical staff.
In February 2011, Juma Ssemakula the self-proclaimed leader of the group was arrested but released by police without any charge.
The group was once again spotted in 2012 during the Bukoto South by-election in Lwengo when it re-emerged and caused chaos.
Plainclothes Paramilitary Beat Kampala Protesters
Police deploy at Lukwago, Besigye homes
New Vision, Publish Date: Nov 29, 2013
New Vision, Publish Date: Nov 29, 2013
Embattled Mayor Erias Lukwago
The police have sealed off the residences of the embattled city Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and former FDC president Dr. Kiiza Besigye to forestall chaos in the city in what they termed as preventive deployment.
Police said they had no option but to deploy at the residences of the two opposition politicians in Rubaga division in Kampala and Kasangati in Wakiso district following their alleged insistence to march to city with crowds to access City Hall following a court interim injunction that granted the ousted mayor relief.
The police said the insistence by the opposition politicians coupled with an earlier announcement by the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) director, Jennifer Musisi, that City Hall will be closed today (Friday) was a recipe for chaos and mayhem in the city, which they can not allow to happen.
“The deployments are preventive. To prevent un-necessary chaos from occurring in the city,” Ibin Ssenkumbi the Kampala police spokesperson said in a telephone interview.
Police, he said, had deployed because of the latent tensions in the city, sparked by the antagonism by the factions. The Lukwago group, he said, had vowed to access City Hall by all means and had reportedly mobilized huge crowds to make a gallant entry in the city and City Hall in particular, in stark contradiction of Musisi announcement. Attempts to dissuade the opposition politicians from the plans, he said, were in vain thus the deployment.
“We see an aspect of confusion which may lead to the destruction and injury of people. We advised them (opposition) to review their plans and reach an amicable understanding but they insisted so we decided to deploy. Attempts to get comment from Lukwago were futile as his phone was permanently busy.
Sources said police deployed under the cover of darkness and the two politicians woke up to find their movements had been curtailed.
Justice Yasin Nyanzi of the High Court on Thursday granted Lukwago a temporary injunction against Kampala Capital City authority (KCCA). In his ruling, Nyanzi said an interim court injunction issued on Monday by acting registrar of the court, Fred Waninda, still stands.
Nyanzi said the interim injunction would be in place until Lukwago’s main application seeking a judicial review of the KCCA tribunal report is determined.
The tribunal headed by Justice Catherine Bamugemereire had among others, found Lukwago guilty of abuse of office, incompetence and misconduct. The tribunal was constituted by Kampala Minister Frank Tumwebaze, following a petition by 17 councilors.
City Hall remained closed on Friday and inaccessible to the public and the staff following heavy police deployment there. Police deployed heavily both within and outside the Hall, denying any one access even the staff, leaving many members of public desperate and stranded.
Even those trying to access the KCCA clinic for the yellow fever vaccine were denied entry as the KCCA court also remained closed, causing a paralysis. The paralysis in City Hall began to manifest in the city with many roads dirty and littered, having not been swept as garbage skips began to pile up, polluting the atmosphere.
Musisi on Thursday evening after events at the High Court announced that KCCA will be shut down on Friday till further notice, citing threats to technical staff.