Vatican to put “St Peter’s bones” on display for first time
November 12, 2013
For the first time, the bones traditionally believed to be
the relics of St Peter the Apostle will be on public display for
Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for
Promoting New Evangelisation, said the veneration of the relics at the
Vatican was a fitting way to conclude the Year of Faith on November 24.
The bones were discovered during excavations of the necropolis under St Peter’s Basilica in the 1940s near a monument erected in the fourth century to honor St Peter.
No pope has ever declared the bones to be authentic. However, after scientific tests were conducted on the bones in the 1950s and 60s, Pope Paul VI said in 1968 that the “relics” of St Peter had been “identified in a way which we can hold to be convincing”.
Source: The Catholic Herald.
My comment:
The religious fraud comes to us unlimited from the Vatican.
At the height of Fascism in Italy in 1942, the Pope claimed the Roman Catholic Church had found the bones of “St. Peter”. The Vatican is still in desperate need to prove that the Jewish Apostles went to Rome, despite no Biblical evidence can be found to support such claims.
The Apostolic succession of Peter is a crime against Biblical Christianity, built on lies and blasphemy. If Peter never visited Rome, the Petrine theology of Rome is a huge bluff. And the Popes will be left with no honor, and no spiritual authority what so ever.
The largest skull and bone society in the World, is the Roman Catholic Church. The amount of skull, corpses and bones venerated in Catholic Shrines are astonishing. Just take a look at some 50 different articles, by clicking this link.
That the Pope try to convince the World, that he is the successor of Peter, is an obvious and continues maneuver. When the Pope collects bones and declare them “holy” and venerable, he display a grotesque form of religiosity. Only spiritual blindfolded people can claim this to be a part of the true Christian family.
To accept this kind of religious stuff, is surely based up on doctrines taught by demons. In this way the true Messiah is defamed over the entire word. The true followers of Jesus the Messiah must renounce this evil, and expose it.
In 1953, archeological evidence were exposed in Jerusalem, with claim that the tomb of the Apostles Peter was found. On the tombstone it was written: “Simon Bar Jona” in ancient Aramaic.
You must make a difference.
Written by Ivar
These are the claimed bones of the Jewish Apostle Peter, at the site were they where found by the Vatican in 1942.
The bones were discovered during excavations of the necropolis under St Peter’s Basilica in the 1940s near a monument erected in the fourth century to honor St Peter.
No pope has ever declared the bones to be authentic. However, after scientific tests were conducted on the bones in the 1950s and 60s, Pope Paul VI said in 1968 that the “relics” of St Peter had been “identified in a way which we can hold to be convincing”.
Source: The Catholic Herald.
Francis, flanked by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, left, and Bishop Vittorio
Lanzani, right, kneels in prayer in front of what is believed to be the
burial site of St. Peter’s.
This is recorded by another Roman Catholic webite:Source: Lonely Pilgrim
The bones the Vatican archaeologists had discovered in 1942, in the niche at the foundation of the Red Wall, to one side of St. Peter’s grave, remained safely locked in lead-lined chests in the private chambers of the pope for over a decade.
Only a cursory examination had been given to them by the pope’s private physician, who declared that they were the bones of a man in his seventies — the age Peter was expected to have been at his martyrdom.
The pope had made only a brief, uncertain announcement concerning the bones in 1950. The hungry press, a curious academia, and the anxious Church widely wondered about their authenticity, and the frustration only built at the Vatican’s reticence and characteristic slowness.
My comment:
The religious fraud comes to us unlimited from the Vatican.
At the height of Fascism in Italy in 1942, the Pope claimed the Roman Catholic Church had found the bones of “St. Peter”. The Vatican is still in desperate need to prove that the Jewish Apostles went to Rome, despite no Biblical evidence can be found to support such claims.
The Apostolic succession of Peter is a crime against Biblical Christianity, built on lies and blasphemy. If Peter never visited Rome, the Petrine theology of Rome is a huge bluff. And the Popes will be left with no honor, and no spiritual authority what so ever.
The largest skull and bone society in the World, is the Roman Catholic Church. The amount of skull, corpses and bones venerated in Catholic Shrines are astonishing. Just take a look at some 50 different articles, by clicking this link.
That the Pope try to convince the World, that he is the successor of Peter, is an obvious and continues maneuver. When the Pope collects bones and declare them “holy” and venerable, he display a grotesque form of religiosity. Only spiritual blindfolded people can claim this to be a part of the true Christian family.
To accept this kind of religious stuff, is surely based up on doctrines taught by demons. In this way the true Messiah is defamed over the entire word. The true followers of Jesus the Messiah must renounce this evil, and expose it.
In 1953, archeological evidence were exposed in Jerusalem, with claim that the tomb of the Apostles Peter was found. On the tombstone it was written: “Simon Bar Jona” in ancient Aramaic.
The Jewish Apostle Peter is most likely buried in the city of Jerusalem, in this tomb found in 1953.
To get good marks for exposure of the evils of Roman Catholicism is difficult, because most of the population of the World live in darkness, Man takes pleasure in his life of sin and his evil deeds. Many people simply do not want to know the truth.Mat 16:17
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
You must make a difference.
Written by Ivar
Priests offers mass in front of rusted chains in Rome
November 12, 2013A Roman Catholic priest hold up “Jesus of Rome” in front of some rusted chains, claimed to have hold Peter the Apostle.
If you do not find holding corpses inside altars of Churches quite bizarre, you might like this kind of story.
Inside the Church of Saint Peter in Chains (San Pietro in Vincoli al Colle Oppio) in Rome, a Roman Catholic priest conduct a mass in front of some ancient rusted chains.
The Vatican claims that these chains were used to hold “St.Peter” when he was arrested, and faced martyrdom in Rome.
There is obviously some problems with this kind of claims.
1. There is no biblical evidence that Peter was in Rome.
2. Anyhow: How do your prove that some rusted chains had anything to do with anyone, living 2.000 years ago?
3. And if the authenticity of the chains can be proven, what makes a piece of metal “holy”?
4, Even if you felt there was some kind of collectors value of these chains, why put them in a golden glass box, and hang them on the wall insider a Church.
5. And if you want to keep this kind of stuff inside a Church, why hang it over an altar?
My take on this:
A Papist found some chains, and used them as yet another item that could elevate him self, and keep the flock in bondage to worship of created things.
The Church started to demand that the faithful should believe these chains are “holy” and that they were used to arrest Peter.
Inside the Church of St. Peter’s chains, you will also see that the Catholics adore and venerate the chains.
Even holding up the Eucharist with the “physical Jesus” in front of the chains.
What is so adorable about chains?
It is rather tasteless, that Roman Catholic even wants to look at such chains.
If they are not just fake and falsehood:
They were most likely used by satanic anti-Christian butchers, who martyred Jews and Evangelical Christians in Rome. All who refused to bow down to the Emperor of Rome and his Pope were placed in chains, and executed.
What a shameful, distasteful site of wickedness.
Are you a Roman Catholic?
I hope and pray the Holy Spirit will cut deep into your heart.
Do you want to avoid the fire of Hell?
Renounce the priesthood that have deceived you, or face stern judgment.
You brood of vipers. Repent or perish.
Written by Ivar