Anti mafia judge warns the mob might kill Pope
November 18, 2013Pope Francis’s life is in danger from ‘ndrangheta, Italy’s most feared crime group, a leading anti-mafia judge has said.
The Pope is the head of a religious sect, that has fed it self on crimes and mafia money through the ages.
Gratteri said: “I don’t know if organised crime is in the position to do something, but it’s certainly thinking about it. It could be dangerous.”
He said Francis was “on the right path” in attempting to clean out the stables at the Vatican.
But Mr Gratteri, who has written a book on the Church’s links to ‘ndrangheta, said the mob “that has until now profited from the power and riches derived directly from the church is nervous, agitated.”
Speaking to Il Fatto Quotidiano newspaper, he added: “Pope Bergoglio is dismantling centres of economic power in the Vatican. If the bosses can stop him they won’t hesitate.”
The Vatican spokesman was not available to comment.
Source: The Catholic Herald
My comment:
The Pope should not be surprised, that the mob do not want a clean man on the top. Simply because the Vatican is built on flimsy ground. The mob has been on of loyal sponsors of the Papacy, and will not accept to be thrown out of the power circles.
Matthew 7:15Do never forget, that the Vatican statehood was gifted the Papacy by Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in 1929. The Fascists funded the Church, by transferring black money and profits of crimes, to a new statehood. In return to the Popes blessing.
[ True and false prophets ] ‘Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
There are amplified monetary scandals linked to the Vatican state. It is a law by its self, with the not punishable Pope on top. Criminal priest are taken away from national persecution, simply by hiding them inside this mini-statehood in Rome. Rapists and pedophile men escape imprisonment, because they are ordained by Roman Catholic bishops.
Shame, shame and eternal condemnations awaits them. If they do not repent.
Luke 10:22Most likely, this bunch of hypocritical criminals will not repent. Simply because Jesus the Messiah do not desire to reveal to them who the Father is, lead them into repentance.
‘All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.’
If the Pope is executed by the mob, it will not be because of the Pope’s good deeds. But as a penalty for the unlimited crimes of the Vatican. You can simply not reform a religious movement that is built on evil.
Some Roman Catholics might be able to understand, and leave these blind guides alone.
Matthew 15:14Written by Ivar
Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.’
Pope Francis (CNS)
‘Pope Francis’s life is in danger,’ anti-mafia judge warns
By Staff Reporter on Thursday, 14 November 2013
Nicola Gratteri, a magistrate in the southern city of Reggio Calabria, near ‘ndrangheta’s heartland, has said that Pope Francis’s crackdown on financial corruption in the Vatican, has angered bosses in the notorious crime squad.
Gratteri said: “I don’t know if organised crime is in the position to do something, but it’s certainly thinking about it. It could be dangerous.”
He said Francis was “on the right path” in attempting to clean out the stables at the Vatican.
But Mr Gratteri, who has written a book on the Church’s links to ‘ndrangheta, said the mob “that has until now profited from the power and riches derived directly from the church is nervous, agitated.”
Speaking to Il Fatto Quotidiano newspaper, he added: “Pope Bergoglio is dismantling centres of economic power in the Vatican. If the bosses can stop him they won’t hesitate.”
The Vatican spokesman was not available to comment.
Pius XII founded Vatican Bank accused of hiding Nazi-money
November 18, 2013The Institute for Works of Religion was founded by Pope Pius XII in 1942. The institution is run like an Investment Bank for the Pope, and is commonly known as the Vatican Bank.
The Vatican bank was formed in 1942, when the Facsists needed to whitewash money and gold stolen from the Jews. .
The first major contributor to the Papal fund was the Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Funds were pumped into the the Popes accounts as a part of the Lateran Pacts of 1929.
This Catholic institution was not organized as a bank before 1942. Pope Pius XII was already in 1946 accused by the American Intelligence for laundering money and gold for the defeated Nazis.
«The Bigelow Report» was declassified in 1997. It was a peace time Top Secret report from US Treasury Agent Emerson Bigelow. The agent accused the Vatican Bank for laundering money and gold coins for the Nazis who ruled Croatia.
Bigelow alerted his superior that Croatian officials had sent 350 million confiscated Swiss francs (CHF) to the Vatican Bank «for safekeeping».
On the way some CHF150 million were allegedly seized by British authorities at the border between Austria and Switzerland, which brought the secret transfer into the open.
The US never investigated the transactions towards a final conclusion. The matter was kept a secret up to 1997. Because the Vatican is a statehood, US courts have refused to entertain law suits against the Vatican Bank, whose leadership can hide behind diplomatic immunity.
«There is no basis in reality to the report», said Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls, as reported in Time magazine.
The Institute for Works of Religion is commonly known as Vatican Bank, and is located inside the Vatican City. It is run by a professional bank CEO who reports directly to a committee of cardinals, and ultimately to the Pope.
The Vatican Bank is said to be a successful and profitable bank. By the 1990s, the Bank had invested somewhere over USD 10 billion in foreign companies.
In 1968 Vatican authorities hired Michele Sindona as a financial advisor, despite Sindona’s questionable past. It was Sindona who was chiefly responsible for the massive influx of money when he began laundering the Gambino crime family’s heroin monies (taking a 50 per cent cut) through a shell corporation «Mabusi». This laundering was accomplished with the help of another banker, Roberto Calvi, who managed the Banco Ambrosiano. Both Calvi and Sindona were members of the P2 Lodge.
When Pope John Paul I became Pope in 1978 he was informed about the allegations of wrongdoing at the Vatican Bank.
The pope instructed Jean-Marie Villot, Cardinal Secretary of State and head of the papal Curia, to investigate the matter thoroughly.
Pope John Paul I died after only 33 days in office, leading to claims that he had been murdered as a result of discovering a scandal.
Read more about Pius XII and the Fascist state of Croatia: Click here:
First published: 02.01.2010.
Written by Ivar
Catholics whitewash Mussolini as child of the church
November 18, 2013“It seems that in the twilight of his life, Mussolini was reconciled to the Church”.
Roman Catholic dictator Benito Mussolini hangs on a fish hock in Milan
in April 1945. 15 other Fascists and his mistress hung with him.
An elderly priest put it succinctly: “Quando c’era Lui, Roma era un monastero.” Literally, when he was here, Rome was a monastery. Monasteries, I assume, are the acme of order to Italians. And that is how they thought of Mussolini – a regime of order, “un regime d’ordine”. When you consider just how disorderly modern Italy can be, especially below that invisible line that separates North from South, nostalgia for the Duce is understandable.
Then there is what Farrell has to say about Mussolini’s religion: he started life as a rabid anti-clerical, though never anti-religious as such; he only married in Church late in the day; the elder children were baptised several years after their birth; and yet, it seems that in the twilight of his life, Mussolini was reconciled to the Church. These are just some of the many contradictions that makes il Duce’s life so fascinating.Source: Catholic Herald
My comment:
Why do the Italians still have a soft corner for Benito Mussolini?
The best answer to this question is obvious. Those Italians are still fascists.
Because the statement of Mussolini being reconciled to the the Church, late in life is laughable.
Did this claimed reconciliation take place before or after this fascist dictator was executed, and his dead body hanged up on a fish hock in Milan on April 29th 1945?
The truth is that almost all Roman Catholics in the World supported Mussolini and his “great leadership” in Rome. It was Musssolini who gifted the Pope the Vatican statehood in 1929.
Written by Ivar