Religious fraud reaches its zenith in Rome
November 26, 2013Pope Francis offered incense to a box with bones and ashes. The Vatican claims this to be the remains of “Peter”, a disciple of Jesus.
Francis blesses the ashes of St Peter during a ceremony in the Vatican.
PHOTO/AFP. Behind an idol of the dead false ‘Christ” of Rome.
Tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered to catch a glimpse of the remains, eight fragments of bone between two and three centimetres (around one inch) long displayed on an ivory bed within a bronze chest on a pedestal in St. Peter’s Square.
The chest, given to pope Paul VI in 1971 and usually kept in the tiny chapel of the papal apartments, was decorated with a carving of Peter, who was a fisherman before becoming the Church’s first pope, casting his nets into the sea.
At the start of the solemn ceremony, Francis prayed before the chest, bordered by white and yellow roses, before blessing the bones with incense.
The bones have long been the object of controversy between historians and archaeologists: they were first discovered in a 1940 dig next to an ancient monument honouring Saint Peter, but ended up gathering dust in a storage box.
It was not until archaeologist Margherita Guarducci discovered graffiti near the excavated tomb reading “Petros eni”, which could mean “Peter is here”, that she requested tests on the fragments.
She found they belonged to a robust man who died aged between 60 and 70 and had been buried in a purple, gold-threaded cloth — enough to convince Paul VI to say in 1968 that Peter’s bones had been identified “in a convincing manner.”
Pope bows before the box, which prove that the Vatican is the
religious skull and bones society, who mocks Jesus the Messiah.
Italian archbishop Rino Fisichella holds the ashes of Saint Peter before a ceremony at the Vatican, on November 24, 2013.
“Faith, the people of God, have always believed these to be the relics of the apostle Peter, and we continue to venerate them in this way,” Rino Fisichella, head of the pontifical council for evangelisation, said in the Vatican’s newspaper L’Osservatore Romano.
Source: Business Insider
My comment:
At the height of Roman Catholic support for Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in 1940, the Vatican claimed to have found the bones of Peter a disciple of Jesus. The bones were found in Rome.
With Pope Francis offering incense to a box with ashes and bony remains, we have the prof that he is an antichrist. Because offering of incense, is worship. And those who worship created items, mock and blaspheme against the creator God, who elusively is worthy of our worship, reverence and honor.
What you see on these pictures, is wickedness and lawlessness put into practice. The man of sin revealed, a man doomed for destruction.2 Thessalonians 2:9-11
The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.
You do not have to spend eternity with the Popes.
The second issue, is fraud linked to the lack of identification of an known historical person. There is absolutely no evidence what so ever, that the ashes and bones presented by this religious “skull and bones society”, is of Peter, the Jewish disciple of Jesus the Messiah.
Romans 1:25There was no DNA taken from this disciple. His place of burial is unknown, and a disputed matter. The problem for the Papacy, is that the whole foundation of its claimed authority rests on this small box. If Peter never was the bishop of Rome, the claimed apostolic succession of the Pope as the sole holder of “Peter’s authority”, is fiction, an a carefully invented falsification of truth.
They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is for ever praised. Amen.
The Scriptures anyway, expose this claim to be not Biblical. There is no physical inherited succession in the Kingdom of God. True followers of Jesus the Messiah must be born again by he Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit distributes His authority to whomever he desire, and not as given by the succession of wicked men who served and honored Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Be aware that it was Mussolini who gifted the Pope the Vatican statehood in 1929.
The Bible explains that the Jews should consider incense to be an ‘Holy item”, to be used during worship.
Exodus 30:37Incense was also offered by the pagans, with horrible consequences:
Do not make any incense with this formula for yourselves; consider it holy to the Lord.
1 Kings 11:7-9Today, we shall honor Jesus the Messiah, the living God. Not any items placed on an altar.
On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.
If you want to escape the fire of Hell, you must renounce this evil. By participating in the sins of the Popes, you place you self inside a movements who serve the Kingdom of darkness. This is the ultimate deception, since the servants of Satan do their works in the name of “Christ”, the son of the pagan “queen of heaven”.
It is your choice where you shall spend eternity. Be wise. Repent, or perish.
Written by Ivar
Vatican unveils bone fragments said to be Peter's
VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican publicly unveiled a handful of bone fragments purportedly belonging to St. Peter on Sunday, reviving the scientific debate and tantalizing mystery over whether the relics found in a shoe box truly belong to the first pope.
The nine pieces of bone sat nestled like rings in a jewel box inside a bronze display case on the side of the altar during a Mass commemorating the end of the Vatican's yearlong celebration of the Christian faith. It was the first time they had ever been exhibited in public.
Pope Francis prayed before the fragments at the start of Sunday's service and then clutched the case in his arms for several minutes after his homily.
No pope has ever definitively declared the fragments to belong to the Apostle Peter, but Pope Paul VI in 1968 said fragments found in the necropolis under St. Peter's Basilica were "identified in a way that we can consider convincing."
Some archaeologists dispute the finding.
But last week, a top Vatican official, Archbishop Rino Fisichella, said it almost doesn't matter if archaeologists one day definitively determine that the bones aren't Peter's, saying Christians have prayed at Peter's tomb for two millennia and will continue to, regardless.
"It's not as if pilgrims who go to the altar (of Peter's tomb) think that in that moment in which they profess their faith that below them are the relics of Peter, or of another or another still," he told reporters. "They go there to profess the faith."
The relics were discovered during excavations begun under St. Peter's Basilica in the years following the 1939 death of Pope Pius XI, who had asked to be buried in the grottoes where dozens of popes are buried, according to the 2012 book by veteran Vatican correspondent Bruno Bartoloni, "The Ears of the Vatican."
During the excavations, archaeologists discovered a funerary monument with a casket built in honor of Peter and an engraving in Greek that read "Petros eni," or "Peter is here."
The scholar of Greek antiquities, Margherita Guarducci, who had deciphered the engraving continued to investigate and learned that one of the basilica workers had been given the remains found inside the casket and stored them in a shoe box kept in a cupboard. She reported her findings to Paul VI who later proclaimed that there was a "convincing" argument that the bones belonged to Peter.
Top Vatican Jesuits and other archaeologists strongly denied the claim, but had little recourse.
"No Pope had ever permitted an exhaustive study, partly because a 1,000-year-old curse attested by secret and apocalyptic documents, threatened anyone who disturbed the peace of Peter's tomb with the worst possible misfortune," Bartoloni wrote.
The Vatican newspaper, l'Osservatore Romano, published excerpts of the book last year, giving his account a degree of official sanction.
In 1971, Paul VI was given an urn containing the relics, which were kept inside the private papal chapel inside the Apostolic Palace and exhibited for the pope's private veneration each June 29, for the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. Sunday marked the first time they were shown in public.
Vatican to put “St Peter’s bones” on display for first time
November 26, 2013For the first time, the bones traditionally believed to be the relics of St Peter the Apostle will be on public display for veneration.
These are the claimed bones of the Jewish Apostle Peter, at the site were they where found by the Vatican in 1942.
The bones were discovered during excavations of the necropolis under St Peter’s Basilica in the 1940s near a monument erected in the fourth century to honor St Peter.
No pope has ever declared the bones to be authentic. However, after scientific tests were conducted on the bones in the 1950s and 60s, Pope Paul VI said in 1968 that the “relics” of St Peter had been “identified in a way which we can hold to be convincing”.
Source: The Catholic Herald.
Francis, flanked by Cardinal Angelo Comastri, left, and Bishop Vittorio
Lanzani, right, kneels in prayer in front of what is believed to be the
burial site of St. Peter’s.
This is recorded by another Roman Catholic webite:Source: Lonely Pilgrim
The bones the Vatican archaeologists had discovered in 1942, in the niche at the foundation of the Red Wall, to one side of St. Peter’s grave, remained safely locked in lead-lined chests in the private chambers of the pope for over a decade.
Only a cursory examination had been given to them by the pope’s private physician, who declared that they were the bones of a man in his seventies — the age Peter was expected to have been at his martyrdom.
The pope had made only a brief, uncertain announcement concerning the bones in 1950. The hungry press, a curious academia, and the anxious Church widely wondered about their authenticity, and the frustration only built at the Vatican’s reticence and characteristic slowness.
My comment:
The religious fraud comes to us unlimited from the Vatican.
At the height of Fascism in Italy in 1942, the Pope claimed the Roman Catholic Church had found the bones of “St. Peter”. The Vatican is still in desperate need to prove that the Jewish Apostles went to Rome, despite no Biblical evidence can be found to support such claims.
The Apostolic succession of Peter is a crime against Biblical Christianity, built on lies and blasphemy. If Peter never visited Rome, the Petrine theology of Rome is a huge bluff. And the Popes will be left with no honor, and no spiritual authority what so ever.
The largest skull and bone society in the World, is the Roman Catholic Church. The amount of skull, corpses and bones venerated in Catholic Shrines are astonishing. Just take a look at some 50 different articles, by clicking this link.
That the Pope try to convince the World, that he is the successor of Peter, is an obvious and continues maneuver. When the Pope collects bones and declare them “holy” and venerable, he display a grotesque form of religiosity. Only spiritual blindfolded people can claim this to be a part of the true Christian family.
To accept this kind of religious stuff, is surely based up on doctrines taught by demons. In this way the true Messiah is defamed over the entire word. The true followers of Jesus the Messiah must renounce this evil, and expose it.
In 1953, archeological evidence were exposed in Jerusalem, with claim that the tomb of the Apostles Peter was found. On the tombstone it was written: “Simon Bar Jona” in ancient Aramaic.
The Jewish Apostle Peter is most likely buried in the city of Jerusalem, in this tomb found in 1953.
Mat 16:17
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
To get good marks for exposure of the evils of Roman Catholicism is difficult, because most of the population of the World live in darkness, Man takes pleasure in his life of sin and his evil deeds. Many people simply do not want to know the truth.
You must make a difference.
First published: November 12th, 2013
Written by Ivar