This papacy just gets more and more bizarre. Doesn't it seem reasonable that a pope looking at a staff being presented to him that looks like that would say, "What the h is that?" And "Stop horsing around with this stuff and go get me my proper ferula with the cross of Christ!"

And if he wondered about the item (which he certainly should), don't you think he'd ask one of his advisors what the symbolism of such a staff was? My first impression was that it was a divining rod which certainly has connections to divination and hidden, secret knowledge. 

How can anyone not be concerned about this? Pray and fast and stick close to your guardian angel.

Things that Pope Francis Can Do to Help Catholics in This New Age

I’m a Catholic right? So who would be in a better position to criticize Catholics than someone who is actually Catholic? Certainly not witches and sorcerers.
First we have to get this out of the way because it is hot in the media, and because it’s a mental block. A broken record on infinite loop.  I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it isn’t just the sheer controversy which fuels it, but also the metaphysical force that seeks to muddle the psyches of those with the actual abilities to fix the church. It’s a parasitical force that bogs the church down.
Predator priests. Pope Francis needs to crack down on them. Cut off those ties and consequences be damned. Forget the political fallout and drain the swamp.
Because then, you would have room to fix the other things plaguing the Catholic church.
Alright, now that we’ve appeased the mainstream, let’s talk about Pagan symbols. These things are what I would call bad optics. These things drive spiritual energy away from the church. Energy that is not only valuable, but also very very hard to generate. Energy that is drained from the Church and is redirected to evil. It empowers them and it needs to stop.
If the pope seeks to strengthen the Church, he needs to cleanse the church of Pagan symbols.
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These are photos of the staff that Pope Francis used on the October Youth Synod. Some say that it was meant to symbolize humility; shedding the lavish accoutrements of the Catholic church.
But it looks bad.
It looks like a Pagan staff. That nail sticking through the cross arms is hideous. It encourages witches and sorcerers. It gives them motivation to curse the Catholic church.  I couldn’t believe it was real at first, but it turns out that this staff was actually used in the October Youth Synod. That staff looks bad. It needs to be quarantined.
And this one. The bent staff. It was sculpted for Pope Paul VI by Lello Scorzelli. Jesus is crucified in a Y shape. It’s hideous, and it reminds people of witch craft. It is different from traditional crucifixes where Jesus’ arms are parallel to the cross arm.  The Y shape is an occult symbol. This staff also needs to be quarantined.
Lastly, the Resurrection. With this one, I don’t care as much. It’s meant to remind us of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was sculpted with the intent to steer humanity away from mass extinction. A plea for humility.
And it’s quite effective. This image is brought up all the time. The hideous appearance punches us in the head and reminds us that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were absolute acts of cruelty.
But on the other hand, this sculpture is also used to criticize the Catholic church. It is really hideous, and it’s bad optics. It reminds people of horror movies. It makes people think evil thoughts. So even though it was made with a positive intent, it still damages the Catholic church.
But then again, if the sculpture were to have been made to look beautiful, would that not have been a glorification of nuclear bombs? Hmm something to think about. Perhaps it is the diversity of artistic viewpoints that makes the Catholic church such an undecipherable thing for non believers. Perhaps it is this non uniformity that brings Catholics together.
Perhaps it is a way to market the Catholic church to Pagans. To bring more Pagans in to the fold.
But then again, crossing that gray line with the sole intent of increasing the church’s size is disobedience to God.
Perhaps it’s time for uniformity.

‘What’s that stick the pope was carrying?’

That seems to be the prevailing sentiment on social media today, reacting to images of Pope Francis at the opening Mass of the synod in Rome. Elizabeth Lev snarked on Twitter:
Seriously? This is neither crosier nor cross. They couldn’t find anything else in the Vatican besides a coat rack? I think there might be a couple old ferula in the Museums if they ran out at Santa Marta. Please bring back beauty.
Here’s a shot below.

Before we get to the backstory on this staff, some background via Wikipedia:
The papal ferula (from Latin ferula, “rod”) is the pastoral staff used in the Catholic Church by the pope. It is a rod with a knob on top surmounted by a cross. It differs from a crosier, the staff carried by other bishops of Latin-rite churches, which is curved or bent at the top in the style of an shepherd’s crook.
Turns out the ferula was not originally used in papal liturgies, but became a fixture during the Middle Ages:
During the High Middle Ages, the popes once again began using a staff known as a ferula as insignia to signify temporal power and governance, which included “the power to mete out punishment and impose penances.” The actual form of the staffs from this period is not well known, but were likely staffs topped with a knob with single-barred cross on top. The staff was not a liturgical item, and its use was limited to a few extraordinary ceremonial occasions, such as the opening of the Holy Door and the consecration of churches, during which the pope “took hold of the staff to knock on the door three times and to trace the Greek and Latin letters on the floor of the church”. Sometimes, the staff also took the form of a triple-barred cross (or papal cross, a symbol of the papacy), but this was rare in contrast to the single-barred cross. Use of the staff was soon again phased out.
In 1877, the Circolo San Pietro (an organization founded in 1869 to support the papacy) presented a staff or ferula to Pope Pius IX on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his episcopal consecration and is sometimes referred to as the “ferula of Pius IX”. This ferula was used by popes from Pope Pius IX until Pope Paul VI, again only for extraordinary, non-liturgical ceremonies. Pope Leo XIII at times made use of a crosier in the same shape as that of other bishops. In addition, a triple-barred cross ferula was made for Leo XIII for the Golden Jubilee of his Priesthood in 1888. Pope John XXIII had begun using the 1877 ferula of Pius IX for various liturgical celebrations during the Second Vatican Council. It was during the pontificate of Paul VI that the popes more permanently began using a ferula as a pastoral staff for solemn liturgical celebrations, rather than a symbol of governance. In effect, the papal ferula became the equivalent of a bishop’s crosier or pastoral staff.
The pastoral staff carried by the popes since Pope Paul VI is a contemporary single-barred crucifix, designed by the Italian artist Lello Scorzelli in 1963 and carried and used in the same manner as a bishop uses his crosier.  Paul VI had actually used three other ferulas, similar in style, with the other versions having a cross bar which was straight, or bent upward. Scorzelli’s well known version has the cross bar bent downward, much like the paterissa carried by a bishop within the Eastern Catholic Churches. Paul VI first used this staff on 8 December 1965, at the closing of the Second Vatican Council. The Scorzelli staff was the one retained by his successors starting with Pope John Paul I. This ferula design is often associated with Pope John Paul II.
The ferula has no fixed design and varies in looks and style. Some are a crucifix, showing the Body of Christ; others are plain crosses. There is no set standard.

As for this particular cross, CNS says it was a gift to Pope Francis from a group of young people, who asked him to use it during the synod. He obviously complied. It appears to have a nail piercing the wood. (Photo below by Paul Haring).
A few people have mentioned that it looks nothing at all like a cross—or, at least, our traditional idea of what the instrument of crucifixion should look like.
But throughout history there have been depictions of the cross that show something radically different—such as this crucifix in Reina, Spain, said to date from the 14th century.

Then there’s this version from Africa.

Finally, there is this, known as the The Furka Cross: “[This cross] is referred to as the thieves or robbers cross as it is believed that in Roman controlled Judea criminals were crucified on a forked cross, but such crosses would be costly to build so it is unlikely it was actually used. The three arms of this cross remind us of the Holy Trinity and the attributes of God: omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.”

Different cultures have different ways of showing and illustrating the cross that brought about our salvation. Perhaps what matters more than what we see when we gaze upon the cross is how we respond when we reflect on what it means to us today — and what the wood of the cross purchased for us, despite our own imperfect, broken, unworthy state.
UPDATE: Catholic News Agency has even more about this particular farula. From the Spanish language edition:
The Holy Father received this staff as a gift from the 70,000 young Italians with whom he met at the Circus Massimo in Rome on August 11 .
 The young people, from some 200 dioceses in the country, participated in the great pilgrimage organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference with the motto “On a thousand roads, towards Rome”.All walked on the various routes that took them from their cities of origin to the Plaza de San Pedro in the Vatican.
The delivery of the staff was made a few moments after the event began. A young woman of 30 years, identified as Elena, told the Pontiff that during the pilgrimage “we have experienced that each path needs his cane and on this special occasion we give him a staff sculpted from a log.”
“In the torn heart of Jesus on the cross is guarded a small seed, that seed that dies to bear fruit and our hope. And it reveals the secret to make life flourish, love,” said the young woman explaining the meaning of the staff. She also told Pope Francis that “it would be beautiful for this staff to accompany him during the Youth Synod. All of us gathered here could feel that we are at their side and connect our heart and our memory to this extraordinary meeting. ”
“Holy Father, we have come here to tell you that we love you very much and we want to walk forward together,” she added.

Pope Francis uses a “stang” during the opening Mass of the Youth Synod

During the opening Mass of the Synod of Bishops on the Youth on October 3, Pope Francis carried during Mass a strange, forked, bamboo-like staff with bizarre connections to occultism, instead of the expected traditional Christian cross.   
The gesture has caused a lot of controversy online, with many commentators questioning why the Pope chose to open a major Church event by holding up not the crucifix of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but a strange, forked staff that has no visible connections with any Christian symbolism.  

Origin of the Forked Staff

Youth present Pope with the Stang.
Some youth presented the Pope with the Stang, with a specific personal request that the Pope use it during the Opening Mass of the Youth Synod.
The forked staff was given to the Pope by two females at a youth rally at the Circus Maximus in Rome back in August.  Some acute observers have noted the occult nature of the forked staff, as well as the occult bracelet worn by the females who presented the staff to the Pope. The young woman could be seen wearing a knotted “red thread talisman bracelet”.  The red string bracelet is a very common talisman in witchcraft/Wicca and Kabbalah, which is basically a hybrid of Talmudic Judaism and witchcraft.

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Did the Pope Use a “Stang”?

According to organizers, the young people who presented the strange forked staff to the Pope specifically requested that the Pope use it during the opening Mass of the Synod on the Youth – a request that apparently the Pope happily obliged. 
Further investigation shows that the staff topped by a fork used by the Pope is related to witchcraft and Wicca, and in the United States, it is called a stang.  
A Stang is a witch/warlock’s ceremonial staff.  It is always forked, and always has an iron nail driven through it. The iron nail in the Stang symbolizes multiple things, including a phallus/coitus, a mocking of the Crucifixion of Our Lord. Ideally it has a human form carved or integrated into it somehow.  The Stang signifies several things, the first being a satan himself.
In a blog written by a witchcraft practitioner who describes herself as a “suburban witch”, the writer describes the purpose of the “Stang”, based on the popular witch aft book entitled “The Devil’s Dozen” written by the Satanist and witch Gemma Gary.  Here is a glowing review on this book, written by a satanist:  “Using traditional witchcraft and folklore practices as inspiration she (Gemma Gary, the author) has created thirteen unique rites.  All with the intent to bring us closer to the Devil.”
Below is the purpose of the Stang, according to the witchcraft blogger, and based on the book “The Devil’s Dozen”:
Gary describes the Stang as primarily a symbolic tool rather than a working one, and as such it stands in for the Devil himself, holding his power and his dual nature. The Devil and the Stang is often less about strict duality  and more about the transgressing of boundaries, The Devil being a spirit I often think of as non-binary and difficult to define in terms of absolutes.
Another occultist author explains the purpose of the Stang: 
The Stang is adored by many modern Traditional Witches, myself included. It’s a tool whose use powerfully evokes a sense of connection to something old and primitive. In its simplest form, a forked staff, Witches use the Stang in various ways including representing the Horned One, aiding in spirit flight, and directing energy.

Witch Stang compare to Pope Stang
Above left is a “Stang” used by a witch, who documented its purpose in a personal blog. Compare the witch’s stang with the Pope’s staff used during the Youth Synod.

The Rise of the False Prophet, the Second Beast in the Book of Revelation

Many reputable Marian apparitions and prophecies have all predicted the rise of a false Pope in the end times, or the times immediately preceding the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus.  
In La Sallete, Our Lady predicted: “Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist”. 
In the book “Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests” which contains the messages of Our Lady to Fr. Stefano Gobbi, founder of the Marian Movement of Priests (with imprimatur and nihil obstat), the Blessed Virgin prophesied the emergence of a false church in the end times due to the infiltration of Freemasonry to the very top of the Church:
The black beast like a leopard indicates Freemasonry; the beast with two horns like a lamb indicates Freemasonry infiltrated through the whole of the church, that is ecclesiastical Masonry, which has spread especially among the members of the Hierarchy.
This Masonic infiltration, in the Church, was already predicted byMe in Fatima, when I announced to you that Satan would beintroduced upto the summit of the Church.
If the task of Masonry is to lead souls to perdition, bringing them to the worship of a false god, the purpose of Ecclesiastical Masonry is instead the destruction of Christ and his Church, building a new idol, namely a false christ and a false church
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (no. 675) itself states that just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Church will be rocked by a “final trial” of the Faith because of a “religious deception”:
Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.

A New Form of the Cross?

Finally, in the messages of Our Lord given in the Book of Truth, Our Lord Jesus Christ warned us of the forced resignation of Pope Benedict XVI due to pressure from Freemason clergy who have infiltrated the Church, as well as the rise of the False Prophet (the Pope after Benedict XVI), who will  dramatically change the Catholic Church, and “introduce a new form of the Cross”: 
Cast scorn upon My Word now, and you will weep tears when these acts are brought before you. Soon, not long afterwards, the garments worn by My sacred servants, will be altered and a new form of the Cross will be introduced. The new atrocity will not be based on the simple cross. Instead it will feature, discreetly, the head of the beast.

Pope Francis has used various strange crosses throughout his papacy.
Pope Francis has used a variety of strange-looking crosses in his papacy, such as: a cross with what looks like a snake head in World Youth Day Brazil (top left), a “communist cross” (top right), and a “yin yang” cross (bottom left).
The Pope has a history of doing away with the cross of Jesus during public events, and instead utilising more “non-traditional” symbols, such as a “snake cross” (World Youth Day in Rio, Brazil), a “yin-yang” looking cross, a “communist cross”, and others.
Paul Simeon, Veritas