Lancet Editor Praises China, Slams Western Mishandling of COVID-19 Outbreaks
Global Research, May 03, 2020
Lancet editor Richard Horton debunked phony claims by the US and West, falsely blaming China for spreading COVID-19 outbreaks.
Friday on China’s CCTV, he stressed that Beijing “isn’t responsible for” what’s happening.
Calls by US and other Western leaders for more Chinese transparency is cover for their lack of preparedness for a public health crisis they knew could happen any time and can again in new form.
No evidence supports Trump’s false claim of high confidence that the coronavirus originated in China.
Horton stressed that it’s “not helpful (or) scientific” to seek the outbreaks patient zero, calling these efforts “highly stigmatizing and discriminatory.”
Key is understanding the West’s lack of preparedness and indifference toward public health and welfare, notably by the US and UK — focusing now and ahead on an effective response in all countries experiencing outbreaks.
What affects one nation can easily move cross-border to others, they, in turn, transmitting outbreaks further.
Labeling COVID-19 a “Wuhan virus” is a gross perversion of reality, congenital liar Trump using this designation to shift attention from his regime’s failed preparedness and response.
The US has one-third of world outbreaks, around 40% of global fatalities.
The world’s richest country failed to protect its people, an act of criminal negligence.
Years in advance, it knew of the threat that’s unfolding in real time, but failed to prepare and act responsibly in the interest of public health and welfare.
Horton explained that coronavirus warnings published well in advance of mass outbreaks by the Lancet were ignored in the US and West.
The same criticism in stronger form applies to Trump and Congress.
China deserves credit for acting swiftly and effectively to contain outbreaks, largely eliminating them in around two months while large numbers in the West continue, notably in the US.
Thinned-skin Trump tolerates no criticism.
In response to acting HHS inspector general Christi Grimm’s critical report on his mishandling of COVID-19 outbreaks, he fired her.
Based on information gotten from surveying hundreds of US hospitals, she cited nationwide shortages of ventilators and personal protective equipment, as well as failure to institute widespread testing quickly.
One critic noted that the easiest way to be fired by Trump is to do your job responsibly in the public interest.
Sino/US relations are at risk of fracturing because of hostile Trump regime threats and actions.
A US witch-hunt is underway to falsely blame China for spreading COVID-19 outbreaks.
In targeting its adversaries, the US invents evidence when it doesn’t exist.
Russiagate, Irangate, and Venezuelagate Big Lies shifted to similar tactics against China.
Part of what’s going on is Trump regime campaign strategy ahead of November’s presidential election.
The larger issue is Beijing’s growing economic, industrial, technological, and political prominence on the world stage.
China is heading toward one day surpassing the US as the leading nation on the world stage during the 21st century.
Hegemons tolerate no challengers, what’s driving US hostility toward China, Russia, Iran, and other nations it doesn’t control.
It’s the stuff that wars are made of, notably because of Washington’s permanent war agenda for dominance over other nations.
While attacking China or Russia militarily is unlikely, it could happen by accident or design because hardline militarists run things in Washington.
Their craze for global dominance makes the unthinkable possible.
In the thermonuclear age, the scourge of US imperialism represents an unparalleled threat to humanity.

Friday on China’s CCTV, he stressed that Beijing “isn’t responsible for” what’s happening.
Calls by US and other Western leaders for more Chinese transparency is cover for their lack of preparedness for a public health crisis they knew could happen any time and can again in new form.
No evidence supports Trump’s false claim of high confidence that the coronavirus originated in China.
Horton stressed that it’s “not helpful (or) scientific” to seek the outbreaks patient zero, calling these efforts “highly stigmatizing and discriminatory.”
Key is understanding the West’s lack of preparedness and indifference toward public health and welfare, notably by the US and UK — focusing now and ahead on an effective response in all countries experiencing outbreaks.
What affects one nation can easily move cross-border to others, they, in turn, transmitting outbreaks further.
Labeling COVID-19 a “Wuhan virus” is a gross perversion of reality, congenital liar Trump using this designation to shift attention from his regime’s failed preparedness and response.
The US has one-third of world outbreaks, around 40% of global fatalities.
The world’s richest country failed to protect its people, an act of criminal negligence.
Years in advance, it knew of the threat that’s unfolding in real time, but failed to prepare and act responsibly in the interest of public health and welfare.
Horton explained that coronavirus warnings published well in advance of mass outbreaks by the Lancet were ignored in the US and West.
“Most Western countries and the (US) wasted the whole of February and early March before they acted,” he said.Weeks earlier, he called the inadequate response by Britain’s Boris Johnson a “national scandal,” suggesting his regime has “blood on its hands.”
The same criticism in stronger form applies to Trump and Congress.
China deserves credit for acting swiftly and effectively to contain outbreaks, largely eliminating them in around two months while large numbers in the West continue, notably in the US.
Thinned-skin Trump tolerates no criticism.
In response to acting HHS inspector general Christi Grimm’s critical report on his mishandling of COVID-19 outbreaks, he fired her.
Based on information gotten from surveying hundreds of US hospitals, she cited nationwide shortages of ventilators and personal protective equipment, as well as failure to institute widespread testing quickly.
One critic noted that the easiest way to be fired by Trump is to do your job responsibly in the public interest.
Sino/US relations are at risk of fracturing because of hostile Trump regime threats and actions.
A US witch-hunt is underway to falsely blame China for spreading COVID-19 outbreaks.
In targeting its adversaries, the US invents evidence when it doesn’t exist.
Russiagate, Irangate, and Venezuelagate Big Lies shifted to similar tactics against China.
Part of what’s going on is Trump regime campaign strategy ahead of November’s presidential election.
The larger issue is Beijing’s growing economic, industrial, technological, and political prominence on the world stage.
China is heading toward one day surpassing the US as the leading nation on the world stage during the 21st century.
Hegemons tolerate no challengers, what’s driving US hostility toward China, Russia, Iran, and other nations it doesn’t control.
It’s the stuff that wars are made of, notably because of Washington’s permanent war agenda for dominance over other nations.
While attacking China or Russia militarily is unlikely, it could happen by accident or design because hardline militarists run things in Washington.
Their craze for global dominance makes the unthinkable possible.
In the thermonuclear age, the scourge of US imperialism represents an unparalleled threat to humanity.

German Lawyer Sent to Psychiatric Ward for Organizing Protest Against COVID-19 Lockdown
Resistance to mass house arrest is mental illness.
Global Research, May 02, 2020
First published on April 16, 2020
In the Soviet Union, activists were sent to state psychiatric wards. According to the state, any and all opposition to government policy was considered a form of mental illness.
Stephanie Buck writes about the treatment of the “social parasite” Joseph Brodsky.
In Mississippi, parishioners were fined $500 for attending a drive-in church service. In Massachusetts, the governor and local government control freaks ordered citizens to wear masks. The city of Lynn imposed a mandatory curfew. Authorities in Minneapolis charged twenty-three people with violating stay-at-home orders.
In Australia and Britain, police are fining citizens for daring to go outside (doing so in Queensland will result in a $100k fine).
The dictator president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has ordered
police and the military to shoot and kill all in violation of an
iron-fisted lockdown.
As a nation-wide lockdown and draconian measures destroy business, jobs, and lives, people are beginning to resist.
In Michigan, protesters gathered outside the state capitol to denounce Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s lockdown.
In Germany, the state has moved to declare opposition to the destruction of civilization a mental illness. As more people resist mass house arrest and enforced privation, the state will undoubtedly resort to measures above and beyond locking activists up in mental institutions.
NORAD and the Pentagon have planned for civil unrest for some time. The military is now engaged in a PR campaign to “reassure the public” that it will use the appropriate protective equipment as it prepares to put down inevitable uprisings.
In the Soviet Union, activists were sent to state psychiatric wards. According to the state, any and all opposition to government policy was considered a form of mental illness.
Stephanie Buck writes about the treatment of the “social parasite” Joseph Brodsky.
In 1963, Russian poet Joseph Brodsky was seized and sent to a mental institution… Hospital workers pumped him with tranquilizers and repeatedly woke him during the night. He was given cold baths and wrapped in wet canvas that shrank and cut his skin while drying.It is not likely German lawyer Beate Bahner will be tortured like Brodsky. However, that does not make her arrest and forced confinement in a mental institution any less egregious.
It has begun: German medical lawyer Beate Bahner, who has been committed to a psychiatric institution for publicly disagreeing with lockdown.— Welsh hill farmer (@FreeWales) April 14, 2020
“Bahner had become known in the past few days with a call for nationwide demonstrations and an urgent application for the abolition of all corona protective measures,” reports Welt. “The [medical specialist] lawyer from Heidelberg considers the corona rules to be excessive and advocates for them to be abolished.”Prior to her arrest, which she resisted, Bahner’s website was shut down at the request of the Mannheim police, according to the newspaper.
In America, the state has yet to lock dissidents up in mental institutions, although police have threatened people for attending church services and disobeying social distancing mandates.Hundreds pour onto the streets of Berlin to protest.Protest to end the lockdown #COVID19
— World Updates (@Rntk____) April 14, 2020
In Mississippi, parishioners were fined $500 for attending a drive-in church service. In Massachusetts, the governor and local government control freaks ordered citizens to wear masks. The city of Lynn imposed a mandatory curfew. Authorities in Minneapolis charged twenty-three people with violating stay-at-home orders.
As a nation-wide lockdown and draconian measures destroy business, jobs, and lives, people are beginning to resist.
In Michigan, protesters gathered outside the state capitol to denounce Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s lockdown.
“We do not agree with or consent to our unalienable rights being restricted or rescinded for any reason, including the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Michigan United for Liberty on its Facebook page.
Wow. The Michigan anti-lockdown Facebook group gained another 45,000+ followers yesterday and is now close to 310,000, ~4% of the state’s adult population. Wonder how many will show up for the protest.— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 14, 2020
In Raleigh, North Carolina the police denounced a protest against lockdown as “non-essential activity,” a direct violation of the First Amendment.#stopthelockdown #TheRealDonaldTrump— Troy (@Yortious) April 13, 2020
This will only get worse until we reverse course on this lockdown. Which is destroying our economy, everything America stands for around freedom, and peoples livelihood.
Protesters angry with Gov. Mike DeWine’s lockdown order interrupted a coronavirus briefing at the Ohio Statehouse on Thursday.I wanted to believe this was a joke or a hoax – @raleighpolice calling a protest a “non-essential activity” and arresting someone for speaking out against the state’s lockdown. But it is as real as Stalin.— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) April 14, 2020
Officialdom has warned lockdowns may be in place until a vaccine is manufactured, possibly 18 months from now. This is a sure recipe for civil unrest and violence. It is not feasible for millions of people—and billions around the world—to endure lockdown and other authoritarian measures, possibly indefinitely.Protesters gather outside Ohio Statehouse during coronavirus briefing #10TV— 10TV (@10TV) April 9, 2020
In Germany, the state has moved to declare opposition to the destruction of civilization a mental illness. As more people resist mass house arrest and enforced privation, the state will undoubtedly resort to measures above and beyond locking activists up in mental institutions.
NORAD and the Pentagon have planned for civil unrest for some time. The military is now engaged in a PR campaign to “reassure the public” that it will use the appropriate protective equipment as it prepares to put down inevitable uprisings.
NORAD Wants Photos of Troops to ‘Reassure the Public’— (@Antiwarcom) April 14, 2020
Seeks photos of troops in US wearing proper protective equipment#NORAD #Coronavirus #Covid19