Praying before Pope’s cap
The Rev. Curtis Guillory kneels at the skull cap ‘zucchetto’ worn by Saint John XXII during Thursday’s service to unveil the relic at St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica.
Born as Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli and served as pope from October 1958 to his death in 1963.
Photo taken Thursday, April 17, 2014.
My comment:
The Roman Catholic religion is a copy-cat of the true Christian faith. That is why this religion is so dangerous. Many people are deceived to think they are within the reach of salvation, by obeying the papacy.
Catholcs worship even the textiles of their claimed “Holy Father”. Soon
after his death Francis will be elevated to “a saint”.
The Bible hints that this kind of blapshemers will never repent, not even in the midts of plages and gross tribulation.
Revelation 9:20Stay away from such idolatry and wickedness, done in the name of “Christ”. Jesus the Messiah do not want any man to be lead astray like this. Do not worship created items and beings, but revere God the creator and Him alone.
The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshipping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood – idols that cannot see or hear or walk.
Do not put your trust in the endless debates about genealogy of claimed to be “holy people” according to Rome. Many of the “saints” were brutal persecutors of the true witnesses of Jesus.
You do not find the truth about Jesus the Messiah, by participating in the sins of the Catholic religion. You can only be set free from this religiosity by reading the Bible, and obey the interactions of God. Surrender to Jesus today, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Written by Ivar
The “holy” head of Corfu
Saint Spyridon was present at the First Ecumenical Council in 325, which was attended by 317 God-bearing Fathers. The relics are taken in procession every Palm Sunday and on other special occasions, for veneration by the faithful. All Philharmonics of Corfu, including the Philharmonic Society of Corfu take part in these ceremonial events. The relic of his right hand is now located in Rome.
“Saint Spyridon, the Keeper of the City” for the miracle of expelling the plague of 1716 from the island.
Saint Spyridon’s glory has a worldwide appeal – even as early as 1717, Pope Clement XI ordered that the feast of Saint Spyridon be observed throughout the Venetian Republic. The Saint’s Feast is on December 12; his life is short but fascinating.
(Source Catholic Online).
My comment:
After writing more than 50 articles about Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church adoration, veneration and worship of skulls, corpses and bones, there still seems to be a need for more exposures. Like the story behind this “holy head” of the island of Corfu.
It is alway interesting when parts of claimed to be “saints” are kept in different cities. The cut of head are still on the Greek island of Corfu, but on of his hands kept and venerated in Rome.
Roaming around in the streets with a “holy head” is bad enough. But this head seems to be of a traumatized person in the middle of a horror movie.
To hail and worship a person who lived in and around 300 A.D, is the third part of this Roman Catholic religious insanity. In 1716, this man Spyridon had been dead for more than 1300 years. Still the Pope in Rome, Pope Clement XI, gave the ghost of this mortal man the honor for saving the island of Corfu of a plague. That is a long con, and damnable idolatry that leads to judgment. This is yet another proof of religious fraud of the Vatican, done in the name of “Christ”.
Matthew 23: 15The true Messiah told us that a man has to be born again, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Born by water and spirit. When the Roman Catholic Church defame the name of Jesus by their religious rituals and pagan mixed mythology, they lead a billion souls towards the gates of Hell.
‘Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.
Revelation 18:4People who want to escape the coming return of the Messiah, will have to renounce the evils of the papacy. As you obey Jesus of Nazareth, you will receive the Holy Spirit. He will give you a rebirth, and make you a child of God. You will become born again by the Spirit. Please also go to the river, and be baptized.
[ Warning to escape Babylon’s judgment ] Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ‘“Come out of her, my people,” so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
Expose this klid of children of the devil, so that all human beings can be aware of the falsehood of the Pope in Rome.
Written by Ivar
Saint with red gloves
Paul the sixth Bishop of Constantinople has been dressed up
with red gloves. Watch the careful examination of his skull and bones.
Paul I or Paulus I or Saint Paul the Confessor (died c. 350), sixth
bishop of Constantinople, elected first in 337 AD. Paul became involved
in the Arian controversy which drew in the Emperor of the West,
Constans, and his counterpart in the East, his brother Constantius II.
The body of St. Paul was brought to Ancyra in Galatia, and, by the
order of Theodosius the Great, was thence translated to Constantinople
in 381, about thirty years after his death. It was buried there in the
great church built by Macedonius, which from that time was known by no
other name than that of St. Paul. 6 His remains were removed to Venice
in 1226, where they are kept with great respect in the church of St.
Source: Wikipedia.
My comment:
It has not be possible to verify, who put the red gloves on the mortal remains of this priest. But we can be sure that the job was done by bone specialists, who were not scared of loosing their life.
Just look at the dress code of these men and women, who examine this corpse. Not even an ebola victim in West Africa would have been handles with so much care.
Jesus the Messiah warned us that there would come wolfs in ships clothing, leading the flock into the pit. Blind guides, who are not even able to guide them selves.
Written by Ivar
butification prosess before sainthood, recuires examining of bones and
claimed miracles. No exception for Paul the first of Constantinople.
lootings have proven to be very profitable, since display of “holy
relics” always brings in thousands of pilgrimes and millions in cash.
Source: Wikipedia.
My comment:
It has not be possible to verify, who put the red gloves on the mortal remains of this priest. But we can be sure that the job was done by bone specialists, who were not scared of loosing their life.
Just look at the dress code of these men and women, who examine this corpse. Not even an ebola victim in West Africa would have been handles with so much care.
Deuteronomy 18:10-12By acting in this way, the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches makes a complete mockery of the true Christian faith. This is truly a despicable assembly of wicked people, who continue to claim that they served God of the Bible and his “Christ”. What we see is that Jesus the Messiah is defamed in the most horrific ways by these bone specialists. Grave looters should be arrested, tried in the court of law, and put behind bars. When there men dress up a corpse with the dress code of a Catholic Bishop, they do not only make people hold their finger over their nose in disgust. Such religious people do prove that anti-Christianity is very much alive and kicking.
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practises divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.
Jesus the Messiah warned us that there would come wolfs in ships clothing, leading the flock into the pit. Blind guides, who are not even able to guide them selves.
Matthew 7:15If you want to escape the fire of Hell, run for you life from these kind of wicked religious organizations. Embrace the true Messiah, and ask God of the Bible for mercy.
‘Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
Written by Ivar