A Discernment and Apostasy watch site for African Saints.
Prove all things..(1 Thesa.5:21)
Test Spirits..(I John 4:1)
Like the Bereans, check whether things are so(Acts 17:11)
Friday, 13 June 2014
Woes of an ecumenical apostate Channel: TBN Reports $30 Million Loss of Revenues in 2012
TBN's revenue decreased by almost $30 million dollars between 2011 and 2012.
Trinity Broadcasting Network has fallen on hard times, with revenue falling almost $30 million dollars in 2012 alone.
According to a Form 990
filed with the Internal Revenue Service, the network—whose influential
founder Paul Crouch passed way in November 2013—saw massive nosedives in
income between 2011 and 2012.
In 2011, the network reported $95.6
million in "Contributions and grants," while in 2012 they only received
about $78.3 million. Under "Investment income," 2011's reported $17.2
million shrank to merely $4.9 million—totaling their losses in these two
categories alone to about $29.6 million.
Why the decline? While
still reeling from the death of Crouch, TBN is also embroiled in a
million-plus dollar lawsuit with Crouch's granddaughter, Brittany Koper,
in which Koper released stunning allegations of unethical financial
practices. TBN denied the allegations, and the lawsuit was thrown out.
When Pentecostals get slain by the religious
devils of ecumenical Rome : Bishop Eddie Long Church Dedication in
Oakland, Ca. was a clear manifestation of
infestation with religious ecumenical devils
Entering the devil’s purple/scarlet
curtain : Kenneth Copeland Honors Pope’s Call For Christian Unity, As Pope
Francis Speaks Via Video At Copeland Conference : Former Senior Pastor Ulf
Ekman Converts To Roman Catholicism (Absolutely Incredible You Must Read This!)
Pastor Kenneth Copeland has joined catholic witchcraft
Spiritual hugs with the devil:
Merging of counterfeit Christianity : Pope Francis to Pentecostal Conference:
Tears of Love, Spiritual Hugs: Pope Francis' Message For Christian Unity At
Keneth Copeland Ministries: Kenneth Copeland’s thug Christianity and the road
to Rome
When Pentecostals enter the bottomless pit of ecumenical blindness : Hill Song
Church Pastor , Brian
Houston says “the Muslim and you, we actually serve the same God”. Can you