Saturday, 7 June 2014

When the devils' Music comes to church : Hip-Hop Church Opens In North Carolina

 Church (photo credit: Thinkstock)

Hip-Hop Church Opens In North Carolina

HUNTERSVILLE, NC (CBS Charlotte) – A hip-hop church opened Saturday night in Huntersville, N.C.

Pastor Quinn Rodgers of Generation One says his church is targeting a younger audience.
“We’re trying to reach the un-churched, the de-churched, the folks who have given up on church and are looking for something different, “Rodgers told WBTV.


Traditional religions hymns will not be sung, instead the congregation will hear a DJ scratching hip-hop beats.
“We’ve taken the hip-hop culture and we’ve extracted all the negative connotations out of it and we’ve deposited solid Christian doctrine in there,” Rodgers told WBTV.

Americans between 18 and 29 are less religious than the older generation, according to a study by the Pew Research.


Some parishioners who worshiped at Generation One on Saturday said they showed up a little skeptic but left feeling refreshed.

Generation One meets every Saturday evening at 5.

Also see,
Hip Hop is of the Devil  

G Craige Lewis "The truth behind hip-hop"

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