Norway: Chief Bishop rejects the Bible
Mrs. Helga Haugland Byfuglien is the Archbishop of the Lutheran Church
of Norway. She support the idea of gay marriage. Watch this video which
expose her rejection of the Bible. […]
Norway: Gay’s flock to Church
The gay lobbyists Eskild Pedersen and Trond Giske was less than 20 votes short of winning this battle.
Early Minister, now Member of Parliament for the Labour Party, Trond Giske, is also disappointed.
“Too bad that the council does not allow the marriage liturgy for gays. Hope equality will eventually prevail. “
Gard Sandakerveien-Nielsen, Head of Communications NOKUT and former chairman of Open Church Gay group asks if church hall is too holy for gays: “Sad that lesbians and gays also in the future must use the porch when they get married. The interior still for the holidays? “
Source:, Norwegian religious daily.
My comment:
The Norwegian Labour party (AP) do no longer fully control the Norwegian Lutheran state Church.
This was realized today, in the lost gay activist vote at the Church synod in the city of Kristiansand.
It worth noticing that Labor party gay activists like Eskild Pedersen and Trond Giske express their disappointments. The two atheists have invested hundreds of millions in this religious movement, in a bid to make it into a “gay experimental church”.
By a narrow margin, their bid failed. (62 no, and 54 yes). Remarkably, more than 40 per cent of the delegates to this synod in Norway, voted inline with the gay lobby.
The priests and bishops of this former Lutheran “church” are still on the payroll of the secular and increasingly anti-Christian Norwegian government. So it is probably only a matter of time, before the gay lobby will get their way. The whole way to Hell.
Jude 1:7
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
May Jesus the Messiah have mercy on all gay’s, turn them away from their sexual perversions and rebellion, and save them. Amen.
Written by Ivar
Church of Norway sides with Islam and the devil against Israel
Bishop Egil Pettersen was appointed by a pagan anti-Jewish Norwegian Church Minister Trond Giske. Now we can see the fruits.
«We support Would Council of Churches (WCC) call, and renew our demand that no Norwegian owned company and state owned funds shall invest in companies that contribute to the illegal occupation. In a similar way, we appeal to end all purchase of products that is illegally manufactured on the occupied West bank. The Norwegian Government must label all such products, a move that will make such actions possible. By doing this we wants to underline that we are against the occupation»
Kjetil Aano is the leader of this council. He is the Secretary General of the largest mission organization within the Church of Norway. Lutheran Bishop Erling Pettersen represents Norwegian Bishops in this council.
Source: Norwegian Christian Daily «DagenMagazinet»
My comment:
«Boycott companies that contribute to the illegal occupation».
This is a message that demands full totalitarian boycott of everything Jewish, that supports Zionism and Jewish settlements.
This is a war on the soul of the Jewish people.
The Church of Norway just placed it self in an exclusive club of Jew haters. Adopting the Islamic view on the Middle East, and calling for a full boycott of Israel, the Bishops of Norway has deleted the Word of God, and put them self in direct confrontation with God of the Bible.
Arab Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. boycotts Israel. Like the Nazis, he burns Jewish products.
That a so called «Christian Church» takes an anti-Jewish stand is a crime against Jesus of Nazareth. He has gathered the Jewish people home to Israel to save them, not to be cursed by Norwegians that claims to know God of Israel.
If you are still a member of the state controlled Church of Norway, get out. Run for your life. Because judgment if coming, and the leaders of this «Church» is leading you right into the eternal flames of Hell.
I do warn you, because I love you.
Joel 3:2
I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.
Read more about how Islam boycotts Israel: Click here
Warning in Norwegian:
Dersom du er medlem av statskirken i Norge, så må du no ta til vet.
Leiarane i denne kyrkja er i ferd med å leie flokken på direkte kollisjonskurs med Bibelens Gud.
Du har blitt lurt trill rundt av eit presteskap som føl erstatningsteologiens falske anti-Messias ved namn «Jesus».Biskopane i Norge har med dette sataniske angrepet på Israel gjeve medlemene i denne kyrkja billett på første klasse til ein evig stad uten Himmel.
Det finnes ikkje lenger noko godt forsvar for å stå som medlem i dette «statens religionsvesen». Stå opp for Israel og Jødane si sak. Full Boykott av «Den norske Kirke».
Norway the leader in Jew-hate in the Western World
100 Norwegian cultural figures wants the
World to boycott Israel, and their Foreign Minister has accused Israel
of killing children in Gaza.
Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Wednesday condemned a petition against Israel which was signed by one hundred famous Norwegians.
“Those who call for a boycott against Israel are in effect boycotting
the peace process by automatically and unequivocally endorsing the
Palestinian position and pushing them further away from the negotiating
table,” Ayalon said in a statement. “We expect the Norwegian government
to condemn this boycott.”Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Wednesday condemned a petition against Israel which was signed by one hundred famous Norwegians.
The Norwegians, led by the country’s national soccer coach, signed a petition demanding a cultural and academic boycott of Israel, accusing its educational institutions of “playing a key role in the occupation” and equating it with apartheid.
Egil Drillo Olsen, coach for the national Norwegian soccer team, recently wrote in Aftenposten, the country’s second largest paper, that the call to boycott Israel was “in line with what 90 percent of the world’s population believes. There cannot be many other opinions.”
The petition is the last item in a string of similar and high-profile initiatives to have taken place in Norway over the past two years. It was signed by coach Olsen and 99 other public figures from the arts and culture, who stated that a boycott is “necessary” not only to help Palestinians, but also to “support Israelis opposing the occupation.”
Former Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik called the boycott call “unhelpful” and “not representative” of the current government’s policy.
Bondevik, who presided over the Norwegian government for seven years over the period 1997 until 2005 on behalf of the Christian Democratic Party, added he wished to “reassure” Israelis that “boycott is not an issue in Norway.”
But Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, a senior researcher of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionist trends in Scandinavia, alleges Norway is a “pioneer” in the Western world promoting boycotts and hatred against Israel.
Gerstenfeld, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, notes some “uniquely Norwegian developments unparalleled elsewhere in the West.”
Among them, he lists praise that Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere wrote last year for a book accusing the IDF of deliberately killing Gazan women and children, and the promotion of a Norwegian diplomat who had compared Operation Cast Lead in Gaza with the action of the Nazis.
That same year the major Norwegian State pension fund divested from Elbit Systems because of the company’s involvement in building the security fence.
Since then, Norwegian shares in several other Israeli companies have been divested. In November 2009, a Norwegian university, NTNU in Trondheim, became the first in the West whose Board openly discussed boycotting Israel. The plan was ultimately unanimously rejected.
“Norway’s case is unique because it is a country dominated by a political, media and cultural elite with deep-rooted anti-Israeli attitudes stemming from their political world view,” Gerstenfeld said. “It poses a threat to Israel because it may be the place where precedents are set in the campaign to delegitimize Israel.”
Source: Jerusalem Post.
My comment:
Many Norwegians would deny that there is
widespread Jew-hate in Norway. Basically because they have no idea how
widespread it is.
I took an Israeli flag with me inside a
coffee Restaurant in a shopping mall in Norway, to test out the public
view on Israel. The response was inline with the claim by the Israeli
Deputy FM.
Norwegians know to me, over a cup of coffee,
uttered the same antisemitic lies against the Jewish people as the once
distributed by the Nazis.
It is a shame. Norway is spiritually
disconnected from God of the Bible. The Church, multiple priest and
pastors alike. Their error is at best silence in regards to Israel. But
mostly this kind of sickness is a result of Replacement Theology, that
leads to deceptions and complete spiritual blindness.
Norway: Hamas-supporter take over as head of NATO
The Norwegian ex-prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg let his Foreign Secretary continue after he was exposed as working for the Hamas.
Now, Stoltenberg will take over the post as Secretary General of NATO. His election is blessed by US President Barack Hussein Obama.
The former Hamas aide Jonas Gahr Støre will most likely take over as the head of the Labor-party in Norway, a Prime Minister in waiting.
Stoltemberg will also be remembered for choosing a Muslim as His Minister of Culture, Mrs. Hadija Tajik. She is presently a Labor party MP in Norway, and a strong supporter of the PLO.
Spend two minutes watching this video, and see the Hamas leader praising the Stoltenberg regime in Norway:
Take also a look at Ms. Hadija Tajik.
She is wearing the PLO symbol around her neck, seated in the Parliament of Norway. She also supported the Turkish terror-ship Mavi Marmara, who tried to break the Israeli navy blockade of Gaza 31st of May 2010.
Published by Ivar
Church of Norway prayed Islamic prayer against Israel
Jerusalem set up as a topic for sermons in the Norwegian churches on 22nd of September. All who wanted to focus on the “peace week, could pray a prayer distributed by Palestinian Christians.
Here the priest on behalf of the church profess that:
“We are guilty of the sin of the Israeli occupation by accepting the unjust actions that are applied to the rest of your children, and especially in your city, Jerusalem.”
Participants responded: “Forgive us, we pray you, merciful.”
Source: Norwegian Christian daily, Dagen.
My comment:
“Merciful”, that is “allah”, as he is presented in the Koran.
The marxist controlled Lutheran state “church” of Norway has embraced Islam as “the religion of peace”. Lead by a state sponsored priesthood of Baal, Norwegians are lead into Islamic prayers. The arrangement is a fresh bid to defame Israel.
The Marxist controlled state Church of Norway has quickly become a part of the whore of Babylon. The turnaround took less than a generation. People who still participate in her sins, needs to take the World of God seriously.
Revelation 18:4
[ Warning to escape Babylon’s judgment ] Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ‘“Come out of her, my people,” so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
It is not possible to ignore such warnings, if you truly love Jesus the Messiah and desire to escape the fire of Hell. This false Church is lead by Bishops who deny the World of God, have received their powers from the Socialist block in politics, support gay marriage and embrace and promote antisemitism.
Be wise. Do no longer be a member of this wicked religious movement.
First published: December 10th 2013.
Written by Ivar
Norway and the Jews
Two known Norwegian preachers testified in favor of Gestapo chief who sent 765 Norwegian Jews to the gas-chambers.
A new book in Norway expose two well known Norwegian Christian leaders. Ole Hallesby og Ludvig Hope testified in favor of pardoning the Gestapo chief in Norway responsible for monitoring, arresting and sending 765 Jews to the gas chambers in Poland.
Hallesby and Hope gave a positive testimony in favor of Wilhelm Arthur Constantine Wagner, when he was pardoned in 1951.
- Hallesby and Hope were arrested by the Nazis and imprisoned during World War II. But during the lawsuit against Wagner, they testified that Wagner was the nicest German they met during the war. He had smuggled clothes and a Bible to them. And in return they let in a good word for him, says author Ole Kristian Ellingsen.
The autor continues:
- Had the Nazis killed 765 Norwegians, I do not think he had escaped the death penalty . I think Hallesby and Hope sincerely believed that he was a likeable man. But I blame them for not measured his kindness up against the crime he had done. I find it strange that two of the most prominent church leaders spoke in favor of the executioner who almost killed the entire Jewish population – and that the church could well answer for , says Ellingsen.
Source: Norwegian religious daily, Vårt Land.
My comment:
Both Ole Hallesby og Ludvig Hope were preachers of Replacement theology. Hallesby said before World War II, that is was unthinkable that the Jewish people would move back to a Jewish nation in the Middle East.
After the war, he claims he repented. But the testimony in favor of the Nazi butcher leaves his legacy tainted.
To preach anti-Semitism in the name of “Jesus” is nothing new. It is a 1700 year old heresy, that has its origin in the anti-Jewish “Church councils” in the years following the establishment of Roman Catholicism. In Norway, almost on third of the populations worked for the Nazis under the war. After the war, Nazi war criminals were permitted to continue in their posts in the central government.
All Jewish properties were confiscated by the Nazi-puppet regime. Only in 1996, a process was started to give the Jewish people some kind of compensation.
The same forces that betrayed the Jews in Norway in 1951, is at work today. Norway is the main anti-Jewish nation in the Western Hemisphere. The state controlled “Church of Norway” is preaching the same Jew-hate today, working for the division of the city of Jerusalem, and a “Jew-free zone” on the Mountains of Zion.
Be aware of false teachers, who use the name of “Jesus”.
Written by Ivar
A new book in Norway expose two well known Norwegian Christian leaders. Ole Hallesby og Ludvig Hope testified in favor of pardoning the Gestapo chief in Norway responsible for monitoring, arresting and sending 765 Jews to the gas chambers in Poland.
Hallesby and Hope gave a positive testimony in favor of Wilhelm Arthur Constantine Wagner, when he was pardoned in 1951.
- Hallesby and Hope were arrested by the Nazis and imprisoned during World War II. But during the lawsuit against Wagner, they testified that Wagner was the nicest German they met during the war. He had smuggled clothes and a Bible to them. And in return they let in a good word for him, says author Ole Kristian Ellingsen.
The autor continues:
- Had the Nazis killed 765 Norwegians, I do not think he had escaped the death penalty . I think Hallesby and Hope sincerely believed that he was a likeable man. But I blame them for not measured his kindness up against the crime he had done. I find it strange that two of the most prominent church leaders spoke in favor of the executioner who almost killed the entire Jewish population – and that the church could well answer for , says Ellingsen.
Source: Norwegian religious daily, Vårt Land.
My comment:
Both Ole Hallesby og Ludvig Hope were preachers of Replacement theology. Hallesby said before World War II, that is was unthinkable that the Jewish people would move back to a Jewish nation in the Middle East.
After the war, he claims he repented. But the testimony in favor of the Nazi butcher leaves his legacy tainted.
To preach anti-Semitism in the name of “Jesus” is nothing new. It is a 1700 year old heresy, that has its origin in the anti-Jewish “Church councils” in the years following the establishment of Roman Catholicism. In Norway, almost on third of the populations worked for the Nazis under the war. After the war, Nazi war criminals were permitted to continue in their posts in the central government.
All Jewish properties were confiscated by the Nazi-puppet regime. Only in 1996, a process was started to give the Jewish people some kind of compensation.
The same forces that betrayed the Jews in Norway in 1951, is at work today. Norway is the main anti-Jewish nation in the Western Hemisphere. The state controlled “Church of Norway” is preaching the same Jew-hate today, working for the division of the city of Jerusalem, and a “Jew-free zone” on the Mountains of Zion.
Be aware of false teachers, who use the name of “Jesus”.
2 Corinthians 11:4The spiritual decease is called Replacement theology, a sure way towards the gates of destruction. Repent, and embrace the Jewish faith, built on a Messiah who forever will rule over the House of Jacob. He will return as the Lion of Judah.
For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.
Written by Ivar
One response to “Norway and the Jews”
Just as the churches world wide in
great Apostasy..It is almost unbelieveable but true. We know how it will
all end, Israel is G-d’s chosen and always will be, and we know that
end times are on us and Messiah Yeshua is coming to destroy all the
enemies of Israel.. keep praying for all, we can hate the sin and love
the sinners. We know Israel and the Jews are G-d’s heart and mine.
With 30.000 members in over 500 different chapters, the
Norwegian YMCA-YWCA is among the country’s largest and oldest youth

Norway’s Young Men and Women’s Christian Association aligned itself
with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel, or
The Norwegian YMCA-YWCA “encourages broad economic boycott of goods and services from Israel and Israeli settlements to pressure the Israeli government to follow up on UN resolutions and end the illegal occupation of Palestine,” the organization wrote in a statement published on its Norwegian-language website last week.
With 30,000 members in over 500 different chapters and affiliated Scouts groups, the Norwegian YMCA-YWCA — or KFUK-KFUM in its Norwegian acronym — is among the country’s largest and oldest youth groups.
Conrad Myrland, director of Norway’s With Israel for Peace group, or MIFF, told the Vart Land daily that he considers the youth organization’s move “too weak to be considered tragic. Boycott of Israel is stupid and immoral independently of the support it has from YMCA-YWCA,” he said.
Source: Jerusalem Post
My comment:
Defaming the name of Jesus in the Jewish community. That is what KFUM in Norway are doing.
The KFUM can not have learned anything about the NAZI boycott of the Jewish community in Germany. Neither do they understand that the Islamic narrative of history is as trustworthy as the Nazi narrative of modern European history.
The evil source of this kind of cursing the Jewish people, has its origin in Roman Catholic replacement theology. Many Lutheran organizations are as antisemitic as their Catholic brethren. The last curses thrown up on Israel for Norway, will obviously turn back on their own heads.
When such antisemites suffer pain and agony, they will most likely not be willing to repent. Because the “Messiah” they have been told to follow is not the true Messiah, but en invention of men, royally deceived by demonic forces.
Repent or perish.
Written by Ivar
Norwegian YMCA embraces boycott Israel policy
Leader Øystein Magelssen in YMCA Norway submit to the Islamic narrative to Middle East history, based on classical antisemitism.
The Norwegian YMCA-YWCA “encourages broad economic boycott of goods and services from Israel and Israeli settlements to pressure the Israeli government to follow up on UN resolutions and end the illegal occupation of Palestine,” the organization wrote in a statement published on its Norwegian-language website last week.
With 30,000 members in over 500 different chapters and affiliated Scouts groups, the Norwegian YMCA-YWCA — or KFUK-KFUM in its Norwegian acronym — is among the country’s largest and oldest youth groups.
Conrad Myrland, director of Norway’s With Israel for Peace group, or MIFF, told the Vart Land daily that he considers the youth organization’s move “too weak to be considered tragic. Boycott of Israel is stupid and immoral independently of the support it has from YMCA-YWCA,” he said.
Source: Jerusalem Post
My comment:
Defaming the name of Jesus in the Jewish community. That is what KFUM in Norway are doing.
The KFUM can not have learned anything about the NAZI boycott of the Jewish community in Germany. Neither do they understand that the Islamic narrative of history is as trustworthy as the Nazi narrative of modern European history.
The evil source of this kind of cursing the Jewish people, has its origin in Roman Catholic replacement theology. Many Lutheran organizations are as antisemitic as their Catholic brethren. The last curses thrown up on Israel for Norway, will obviously turn back on their own heads.
When such antisemites suffer pain and agony, they will most likely not be willing to repent. Because the “Messiah” they have been told to follow is not the true Messiah, but en invention of men, royally deceived by demonic forces.
Repent or perish.
Written by Ivar
The Norwegian professor that stood up against boycott of Israel
The board of trustees at the University of Trondheim in Norway
unanimously rejected a petition to impose an academic boycott on Israeli
professors and scholars on Thursday. Thanks to professor Bjørn Alsberg.
The boycott recommendation originated with a letter to the board from 34 university professors and assistant professors, which said Israeli universities «have played a key role in the policy of oppression», against the Palestinians since 1948.
The proposed resolution also stated that:
«Israel goes against all the ideals of open universities and academic freedom».
But Professor of chemistry Bjorn Alsberg, a board member of the University of Science and Technology at Trondheim (NTNU), launched a counter petition against the boycott that drew signature s from over 100 NTNU scholars.
Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, a European-based pro-Israel group which includes several Nobel laureates, also circulated a petition condemning the plans for a boycott which garnered over signatures from noted academics abroad.
«The vote resulted in total victory», Alsberg told Ha’aretz.
«The main arguments raised were that Norwegian universities should not their own foreign policies, and that a boycott would be harmful to NTNU».
My comment:
I must confess that I did not believe that the NTNU University in Trondheim would vote in favor of a Boycott of Israel.
I gave the board the benefit of doubt. Read more, Click here
I thank God of Israel for more mercy over the city of Trondheim and NTNU, which I visit once a year.

If NTNU had voted in favor of a racist boycott against the Jewish
state, I would have voted against any support of NTNU were I have a
Its my duty as a Christian and a human being to support and protect the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
The boycott recommendation originated with a letter to the board from 34 university professors and assistant professors, which said Israeli universities «have played a key role in the policy of oppression», against the Palestinians since 1948.
The proposed resolution also stated that:
«Israel goes against all the ideals of open universities and academic freedom».
But Professor of chemistry Bjorn Alsberg, a board member of the University of Science and Technology at Trondheim (NTNU), launched a counter petition against the boycott that drew signature s from over 100 NTNU scholars.
Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, a European-based pro-Israel group which includes several Nobel laureates, also circulated a petition condemning the plans for a boycott which garnered over signatures from noted academics abroad.
«The vote resulted in total victory», Alsberg told Ha’aretz.
«The main arguments raised were that Norwegian universities should not their own foreign policies, and that a boycott would be harmful to NTNU».
My comment:
I must confess that I did not believe that the NTNU University in Trondheim would vote in favor of a Boycott of Israel.
I gave the board the benefit of doubt. Read more, Click here
I thank God of Israel for more mercy over the city of Trondheim and NTNU, which I visit once a year.
The board at the NTNU University in Norway will keep on having an open mind on the Middle East conflict.
Its my duty as a Christian and a human being to support and protect the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
The Jewish world is awed by your strength and courage in the face of evil. May G-d bless you and all the professors of NTNU who followed your courageous lead.
Richard Katzman
Shalom, and welcome to this site.
Thanks for this comment. Yes, there are still true Christians in Norway who will stand up for Israel and the Jewish people. We are all saved by your Messiah, the most famous Jew in the history of the World.