Miracle worker or cursed servant of the devil??? When God exposes the idiotism of Roman Catholicism : Pope John Paul II Crucifix Falls, Crushes Man to Death: Can you Imagine a miracle worker who could not miraculously save his statue from killing a young man!!!
The Biblical Truth About Saints And Sainthood
Two popes declared saints: In pictures
Publish Date: Apr 27, 2014
child dressed as Pope John Paul II yawns during a parade in Manila as
millions around the world celebrate the cannonisation of John Paul II
VATICAN - Pope Francis on Sunday proclaimed as saints his influential predecessors John Paul II and John XXIII at an historic ceremony attended by hundreds of thousands of pilgrims in St Peter's Square.
Pope Francis is helped along as he swings the censer during the canonisation mass attended and watched by hundreds of thousands of Christians
A banner showing Pope John Paul II who was declared a saint on Sunday.
Costa Rican Floribeth Mora, who claims she was cured of a serious brain condition by a miracle attributed to late Pope John Paul II, hands the relic of John Paul II to Pope Francis
Pope emeritus Benedict XVI (C) arrives for the canonisation mass of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace Mugabe also traveled to the Vatican to witness history
Spain's Queen Sofia waves as she arrives with Spain's King Juan Carlos (back hidden) for the historic event
Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (L) was among those in attendance
A Cardinal takes a picture as he arrives for the canonisation mass
View of a puppet depicting a Pope before the canonisation mass
A Mexican pilgrim wears a hat and holds a picture of Pope John Paul II
Catholics from around the world gathered in Rome on Sunday for a mass presided by Pope Francis to confer sainthood on John Paul II and John XXIII
Popes John XXIII (R) and John Paul II (L) were very influential in helping to shape 20th century history.
A priests gives the eucharist to a woman during the ceremony
A man wearing 3D glasses follows in the church of Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII in Milan the 3D broadcast of the canonisation mass
Priests holding umbrellas with the Vatican colors follow the canonisation mass
Men dressed in centurion stand by a portrait of Pope John Paul II in Rome
Pope Francis touches the statue of the Virgin Mary on the day of canonisation