Friday 10 June 2022

Britain’s Hero Paul Kagame Re-embarks on plan to create Confusion in DR Congo to Facilitate Western Plunder: DR Congo army accuses Rwanda of deploying soldiers 'to defend M23': Rwanda says UK asylum seekers to arrive 'in next few weeks': UK asylum seekers hide to avoid transfer to Rwanda

 DR Congo army accuses Rwanda of deploying soldiers 'to defend M23' | Monitor

My Analysis  

It is the same old wickedness of the evil western neo-liberal imperialists like Britain and USA. Their plan is to project the dictator and murderer Paul Kagame as an international humanitarian in order to disguise the evil schemes of Kagame inside DR Congo.   Kagame and Museveni have killed over one million people in DR Congo amidst global silence. They are being used neo-liberal imperialists to create confusion through militias  as Western Corporations loot and plunder gold, copper, tin , coltan etc from the DRC. Museveni and Kagame have a plan of creating a Tusi empire in DR Congo. They want to chop off a mineral rich territory from Congo in order to add it to Rwanda. They are supporting M23 rebels which is basically a Tusi or Rwandese militia inside DR Congo in order to achieve their dream.

Must watch

Obama, the US and 5 Million Deaths in The Congo

Congo: Chaos By Design


It is a neo-liberal ploy to loot Congo resources Stupid! US backed M23 rebels fighting in eastern Congo force hundreds into Uganda 


The Wickedness of American Backed Neo-liberal regimes: Did Museveni’s banditry state bomb citizens in Kampala as a pretext to go to DR Congo to loot mineral resources??  


Inside the western heart of darkness : The so called Western Pan African African Multi-national Companies looting mineral resources from D.R.Congo

When Mercenaries of Babylon US reduce the poor to mere biological substances: Congolese refugees influx worries leaders in Kisoro 

Helping US corporations and Neo-liberal slave states to primitively accumulate mineral resources in DR Congo: Uganda to build 223km road network inside DRC: Feeding your neighbour’s kids as your own kids starve to death is a very bogus idea 

 which other player is missing???? The USA of course

Fooling us about Uganda’s neutrality in the Congo Conflict!!! Militarizing the Congo to help USA and allies to rape Congo resources: DRC troops, civilians fleeing to Uganda after rebel clashes


End of the M23 Era but no end yet to USA and her clients’ looting of Congo resources : Kabila Congratulates Congo Army for Defeating M23 Rebels: FARDC captured Ugandan and Rwandan Nationals fighting alongside M23 Rebels




CHRISTIANS IN AFRICA: AWAKE! America and the American Church Are Not Your Friends

DR Congo army accuses Rwanda of deploying soldiers 'to defend M23' 

What you need to know:

  • The army, known by its French acronym FARDC, said at least 500 Rwandan troops have joined M23 in Rutshuru, North Kivu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo close to the border between the two countries.