Why The Pope Is Not My “Holy Father” and Why He Should Not Be Your “Holy Father” Either!
by WF WHITE • •
the Roman Catholic church continues to make great inroads into the
Christian church with the Pope’s call for Christian unity, I thank God
once again, that the Lord Jesus Christ saved me out of the gross
deception and darkness of the Roman Catholic system. The Catholic Pope’s
are often referred to as “His Holiness” or as the “Holy Father” but there is only ONE true “Holy Father,”
and He is sitting in Heaven above. In fact if anyone claims to be a
true Christian, then it is UNSCRIPTURAL to call any man their “Holy
Father” other than God, because Jesus Christ told us the following:
be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye
are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is
your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one
is your Master, even Christ. (Matthew 23:8-10)
You do not need to go any further than the word of God when it comes to one, and only true “Holy Father.”
The words above were spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ and he said what
he meant, and he meant what he said. It was an incredible joy when I was
truly born again of the Spirit, and the Lord saved me out of the
deception of the Roman Catholic system. I remember sitting at my kitchen
table laughing hysterically as my mind was flooded with all of the
religious ceremonies that I went through as a Catholic, and I realized
that I did not need any of them! I know that it was the Lord who showed
me these things also, because the peace of the Lord absolutely flooded
my heart.
the LORD have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand,
and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a
light of the Gentiles; To open the blind eyes, to bring out the
prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the
prison house. (Isaiah 42:6-7)
was sitting in the darkness of the prison house of sin, until the Lord
opened my spiritual eyes to the deception that I was in. To make it
plain and simple folks, I was on my way to a real and eternal Hell,
until the Lord Jesus Christ saved my soul. I am simply one of the
countless millions of Gentiles, whom the Lord spoke about in that
passage, from the book of Isaiah. I was spiritually blind, but the Lord
Jesus Christ opened my spiritual eyes to see him for who he truly was. I
came to understand that Jesus Christ, was given for a COVENANT for both
Jew and Gentile. The NEW Covenant is in the blood of Jesus Christ, and
the blood that he shed almost 2000 years ago is enough to save any soul.
Mary and the Catholic saints have absolutely nothing to do with that,
and they never even enter into the equation. I do not have to return to
have a Catholic priest say a Mass for the forgiveness of my sins
either. As a Roman Catholic I was serving “another Jesus” and it was certainly NOT, the Jesus of the scriptures.
I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his
subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is
in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have
not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not
received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well
bear with him. (2 Corinthians 11:3-4)
The Jewish apostle Paul came forth with a severe warning to the true church about those who would come along and preach another Jesus, another Spirit and another gospel, and
I believe that the Roman Catholic church fits that bill perfectly. For
years I was enmeshed in the idolatry of Mary worship, prayers to dead
saints, prayers for the dead people in Purgatory etc . . but never once
did I hear the soul saving gospel of Jesus Christ preached. Not even
once! Why was that? Simply because you cannot give out, that which you
do not have yourself! The Jewish apostle Paul came to know the Lord
Jesus Christ for himself and he testified about that in the book of
as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief
priests, At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above
the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them which
journeyed with me. And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a
voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why
persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou
persecutest. But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto
thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of
these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I
will appear unto thee; Delivering thee from the people, and from the
Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn
them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that
they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which
are sanctified by faith that is in me. (Acts 26:12-18)
Jewish apostle Paul had no idea that he was living in spiritual
deception, and on the road to Hell until the Lord opened his spiritual
eyes. Paul (formerly called Saul) studied the scriptures diligently, but
his intelligence was not enough to point him to the true Christ
(Messiah). Jesus Christ spoke to Saul (Paul) out of Heaven and told him
that he was persecuting him, when he came against Christians. I thank
God that the Lord saved that man and called him to preach the true
Gospel to multitudes. The scriptures make it abundantly clear that those
without Jesus Christ are living in darkness, and that they are under
the power of Satan. Every person (including myself), that has ever been
truly saved, and born again of the Spirit was formerly living in
darkness, under the power of Satan. If they do not agree with that, then
I can assure you that they have never been truly born again and saved.
The true Jesus Christ, the true Holy Spirit, and the true gospel, are
all part of the same package deal, and the only way to true salvation. I
have been warning Christian friends for many years about the coming
false unity with Rome, but it is sad to say, that most of the time it
has fallen upon deaf ears. A recent article in Charisma Today entitled “Ulf Ekman Says prophetic Word Confirms His Catholic Conversion” only confirms what I have been trying to tell them.
Here is what Pastor Ulf Ekman said in an excerpt taken from that article:
don’t think highly or with great confidence about ourselves in this
matter,” Ulf says. “We come because we need what Jesus has placed in the
Catholic Church. I need the sacraments, I need the magisterium, the
authority of the Church. I need the pope. I need the tradition that they
steward. I need the Church for my own salvation. So it’s deeply
is kind of funny, but incredibly sad to read such stuff, because it was
the the prophetic truth of the scriptures that pulled me out of the
Roman Catholic church. The Lord Jesus Christ showed me that I do NOT
need the Pope, the Catholic magisterium (teaching office), the authority
of Rome, the Catholic sacraments, NOR the Roman Catholic church for my
own salvation! The
Lord Jesus Christ showed me that HE is ALL I need. I choose to stand
with the faithful men of God, who opposed Rome and her false gospel.
That list includes people such as, William Tyndale, John Huss, Michael
Sattler, Keith Green and Leonard Ravenhill. There will be many people in
the coming days who are going to bend their knee to Rome, and I am
praying that the Lord would raise up people in the pulpits who would
stand against that false religious system.
the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of
devils; (1 Timothy 4:1)
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13)
there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be
false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift
destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of
whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. (2 Peter 2:1-2)

