Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Uganda’s Civil Society organizations’ foolish support of the bogus circumcision crusade : Government accused of ‘relaxed’ opinions on circumcision

First Read:

President Museveni challenges the Bogus circumcision crusade, tells youth to embrace abstinence


THE REPORT USAID DOES NOT WANT YOU TO SEE: A 2009 USAID study -- quickly swept under the rug -- showed that circumcised men were just as likely or more to have HIV vs. uncircumcised (intact) men.

‘Circumcision doesn’t reduce HIV spread’: Gregory Boyle and George Hill challenge Uganda’s Bogus Circumcision Crusade

Don’t teach sex in schools: President Museveni challenges Neo-liberal corporate interests behind the HIV/AIDS crusade

‘Circumcision doesn’t reduce HIV spread’: Gregory Boyle and George Hill challenge Uganda’s Bogus Circumcision Crusade

President Museveni makes another attack on Uganda’s Bogus Circumcision Crusade


Government accused of ‘relaxed’ opinions on circumcision

By Fredric Musisi

Posted  Monday, December 3  2012 at  02:00


Civil society organisations have accused the government of not doing enough to encourage male circumcision in the fight against HIV.

Mr Richard Hasunira, an HIV/Aids adviser at HEPS-Uganda, a health rights organisation that advocates increased access to affordable essential medicines, said the Health ministry was “relaxed” about safe male circumcision (SMC) despite its benefits in reducing the risk of HIV infection.

Less than half of the 1.2 million men targeted for circumcision in 2012 will be cut, a report by civil society organisations shows.

The SMC policy was launched at the end of 2010 after a four-year research indicated that medically performed male circumcision reduces the risk of HIV infection in men by an average of 60 per cent. “The biggest problem to this failing by the ministry is the lack of a policy strategic plan which is essential for any big campaign.”

The National HIV and Aids strategic plan 2007-2012 includes SMC as one of the prevention measures.