Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Rick Warren’s Catholic television interview



Rick Warren’s Catholic television interview

In a stunning interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN Catholic network, Rick Warren referred to the “great classic devotional works” of Catholic contemplatives Brother Lawrence, Teresa of Avila, and John of the Cross, (11:28) and seemed to say his own “spiritual director” studied under a noted Catholic. (29:58)
Warren said he is an “avid fan of EWTN. I make no bones about it.” (34:25) So…Rick Warren faithfully follows the Catholic channel, so to speak?

Warren calls EWTN’s The Chaplet of Divine Mercy “one of my favorite shows…” He says he and his wife “put it on and relax and worship and in that time of reflection, meditation, and quietness I find myself renewed and restored.” (35:03).

He thanked Mother Angelica for the show.
I don’t know how much one should to read into this, but it is amazing he referred to Pope Francis as “our new Pope…” (13:00)

Then again, Warren stated he fully supports the Catholic Church’s New Evangelization strategy. (30:50) But…New Evangelization is a strategy to bring people into Catholicism!

Host Raymond Arroyo asked Warren what is the obstacle “keeping Christians apart and away from that unity” and noted that Christ, Pope John Paul 2 and other popes desired unity. (23:32)

“Every one of them,” agreed Warren, which seemed to be a reference to the most recent popes. (23:45)
Warren gave his apparent understanding (?) of salvation, or what beliefs supposedly bind Christians and Catholics… (23:40–24:55)

These are perilous times when church leaders cannot necessarily be relied upon. The Word of God will continue to be attacked. Yet, it is in these times that His people will endure, because we are His people.
World Over 4-10-2014

Sackcloth and Ashes
Raymond Arroyo with Rick Warren

Start at 10:00 minute mark:
Thank you Marsha West for informing us about this. Marsha’s latest: