Wednesday 27 February 2013

Robertson: ‘Rebuke’ demons by praying over possessed secondhand clothes


Robertson: ‘Rebuke’ demons by praying over possessed secondhand clothes  

By David Edwards

Monday, February 25, 2013 15:51 EST

Televangelist Pat Robertson says that not every sweater at Goodwill is possessed by demons, but it’s a good idea to pray over secondhand clothes just in case.

On Monday’s 700 Club, Robertson responded to a viewer who wanted to know if she should bless purchases from Goodwill before bringing them home because her mother said that demons could “attach themselves to material items.”

Robertson recalled a story about a “witch who had prayed over a particular ring and asked for a spirit to come into it.” And then when a girl purchased the ring, “all hell broke loose.”

“Can demonic spirits attach themselves to inanimate objects? The answer is yes,” the TV preacher explained. “But I don’t think that every sweater you get from Goodwill has demons in it.”

He added that the viewer’s mother was being “super cautious” and “it isn’t going to hurt anything to rebuke any spirits that happen to have attached themselves to those clothes.”

Watch this video from CBN, broadcast Feb. 25, 2013.