Thursday 3 November 2022

Congolese parliamentarians and civil society activists expose Museveni and Kagame Wickedness in DR Congo



The US and 5 Million Deaths in The Congo

Congo: Chaos By Design

Ebola outbreaks in DRC are ploys by USA and its Client states to Hide the Neo-liberal plunder of Congo Resources and the Consequent Human rights violations: In Uganda Museveni is using Ebola to Hide his Human Rights Violations and Rumors about the death of his brother: Uganda's Ebola death toll rises to 12: Ebola deaths shoot up to 21 

The bitter truth finally comes out: Rwanda attacked Congo troops, backed rebels – UN experts 

No Rivalry between Uganda and Rwanda: There is simply connivance to help imperialists loot Mineral resources in DR Congo 

DR Congo accuses Uganda’s Army of helping M23 rebels to capture Bunagana border town :Congo MPs vow to halt UPDF operations against ADF 

Fooling us about Uganda’s neutrality in the Congo Conflict!!! Militarizing the Congo to help USA and allies to rape Congo resources: DRC troops, civilians fleeing to Uganda after rebel clashes


No more Rwandans, let's go and sort out Kagame: Thousands in anti-Rwanda rally in eastern DR Congo city: UK forced to cancel deportation flight to Rwanda after European court ruling 

Congo turns heat on Uganda over M23 rebels