Bishop E.Bernard Jordan |
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan: Can a Holy Spirit filled person Make such a satanic sign while praying |
Bishop E.Bernard Jordan |
The Curse of religious garb: when
Pastors dress in religious garb like catholic and Anglican clergy
Bishop E.Bernard Jordan |
The Curse of religious garb: when
Pastors dress in religious garb like catholic and Anglican clergy
AddBishop E.Bernard Jordan |
Bishop E. Bernard Jordan, Bishop Xavier Frederick Eikerenkoetter III, and Pastor Sal Sabino attend the Memorial Of Reverend Frederick Joseph Eikerenkoetter II at Christ United Church on August 15, 2009 in New York City. (Photo by Brian Ach/WireImage)
"Master Luciferian Prophet E. Bernard Jordan devilish doctrines"
Master Luciferian Prophet E. Bernard Jordan was one of the keynote speakers for Bishop George Bloomer's The School of the Prophets this year, January 2-6, 2012 at Bethel Worship Center in Durham, North Carolina. Other speakers include Prophet Brian J. Mosley, Dr. Belinda Scott, Prophet DJ Sinegal, and Prophetess Janet Floyd. Jordan was just recently part of a Prophetic Summit hosted by Bloomer and Dr. Darrell Scott for Bloomer's program, "Rejoice in the Word" on The Word Network. Is E. Bernard Jordan a true prophet of God or is he a Luciferian false prophet? Why would Bishop George Bloomer, the man known as "The General of Spiritual Warfare," be associated with Jordan? Can Bloomer discern that Jordan is a false prophet? Maybe Bloomer believes Jordan is a true Master Prophet?
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Bishop George Bloomer |
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Bishop J. Bernard Jordan’s rotten prosperity
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“Bishop” Elijah Bernard Jordan and
the worship of mammon
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This expose' takes a objective look at E. Bernard Jordan and will examine the facts.
Jordan Mentor the Late Rev. Ike and Doctrines of Devils
E. Bernard Jordan's mentor was the late Reverend Ike pastor of The
Palace Cathedral in Manhattan, New York. Ike teachings were primarily
based on properity, the science of the mind, and the metaphysical.
He adopted the teaching of Cosmic Ordering in the 1970s from Napoleon
Hill. Now what is Cosmic Ordering and where did it originate? Cosmic
Ordering is the name given for positive thinking. It is basically a
doctrine that states that if a person thinks or writes down their wishes
and waits for it, their wishes become a reality. These idea is
connected to the New Age movement (source).
The doctrine of Cosmic Ordering mirrors the New Age and New Thought
teaching which promotes the practice of positive thinking. If a person
has a positive mental attitude supported by affirmation then he or she
will achieve success(source). Based on this information man is his own god, and he is able speak or create out of his own mind, independent from G-d.
Reverend Ike developed this mind science doctrine based on the teachings
of Napoleon Hill. Napoleon Hill, an American author, is famous for his
best selling book "Think Rich Grow Rich."
It has sold millions of copies in English and most other major
languages...over 20 million copies to be exact. His books have been
viewed as motivational personal development and self help. Hills' books
have not only influenced business men, sales people, entrepreneurs, and
athletes, but prominent Christian pastors such as Dr. Charles Stanley, and John C. Maxwell (source).
But how did Napoleon Hill receive his information on writing such
powerful books? Did it come from Hill? Or was it another source.
Napoleon Hill received the information he wrote in his best
selling books from Ascended Masters, otherwise known as spirit guides.
In fact, in his book, "Grow Rich with Peace of Mind," he states that
unseen spirits hovered over him, and that they gave him the materials
and chapters for the book (source).
Hill stated loud and clear that his ideas came from spirit entities. He wrote the following:
" Now again I have evidence that unseen friends hover about me,
unknowable to the ordinary senses. In my studies there is a group of
strange beings who maintain a school of wisdom... The School has Masters
who can disembody themselves and travel instantly to any place they
choose... to give knowledge directly, by voices... Now I knew that one
of these Masters had come across thousand of miles, through the night,
into my study... I shall not set down every word he said... much of what
he said already has been presented to you in the chapters of this book
and will follow in other chapters. "You have earned the right to reveal a
Supreme Secret to others," said the vibrant voice." You have been under
the guidance of the Great School... Now you must give the world a
Both Napoleon Hill and Rev. Ike shared the belief that your destiny is
in the power of your mind, whatever the mind conceives, just speak it
into being. Your ability to create is by having a positive mind set,
which you create wealth, health, success, happiness, all this through
the power of the mind. This false gospel make people believe their god,
and in control of everyhing by the power of the mind. In fact Rev. Ike
taught his followers that man was god (source).
The kind of wisdom that Hill and Rev. Ike write and teach about is devilish and demonic. James 3:15 says, "This wisdom descendeth not above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish." As a true saints of G-d we all need to flee such heretical teaching and hold fast to true Biblical teaching.
Jordan Occult Teaching of The Law of Attraction
Here is Master Luciferian Prophet E. Bernard Jordan teaching on "The Law of Attraction"
from his book "The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using the Divine
Power of Your Mind to Manifest Prosperity." One may ask what is The Law
of Attraction? It is basically a metaphysical belief that "likes
attract," and that positive and negative thinking bring about positive
and negative results (source/source).
The phrase, "law of attraction" appears first in Hinduism, and in a
book of esoteric mysteries written by Madame Helena Blavatsky(source). Madame Blavatsky is the founder of Theosophy, a religion that worships Lucifer as god plus mankind. She is known as the mother of the modern New Age Movement. The phrase "law of attraction" appears in the writings of Theosophical authors William Quan Judge and Annie Besant. Besant claimed that the law of attraction is form of karma. Jordan prescribes himself to New Thought, which mirrors theosophy (source). In reality New Thought is just New Age with another face. It is luciferianism following
the practice and doctrines of Lucifer/Satan. This all makes Jordan a
Luciferian prophet, transforming himself into false light posing as a
Christian prophet.
This "law of attraction" that Bernard Jordan teaches and writes about is
taught and written by Esther and Jerry Hicks also. The Hicks are two
new age gurus who channeled a spirit called Abraham, and received their
information from this spirit entity (source). Notice
that Jordan's teaching of the law of attraction is not inspired by the
Holy Spirit, but by vain philosophies inspired by demons. The law of
attraction is a doctrine of devils that originated from the occult.
Saints, please don't let false prophets corrupt you with the teachings
of the doctrines of devils. If there were any time that the Church
needed spiritual discernment it is now.
Colossians 2:8 says, "Beware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the
rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Is Bishop
Bloomer opening the door to E. Bernard Jordan to allow him to spoil the
saints with philosophy and vain deceit by having him speak at these
Prophetic Summits? Can Bloomer discern that Jordan teaches doctrines of
Ye Shall Be as gods: New Age Teaching is Old Age Lie
The New Age teaching that man is god is
an old-age lie that the Serpent told Eve in the Garden of Eden. He
told that that once she and Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge of God
and Evil in Genesis 3:5
that they would be as gods. In the video above, Master Luciferian
Prophet Jordan is teaching the Laws of Thinking and The Law of
Becoming. He states that when you declare, "I am," you become god.
This is a blasphemous statement. Jordan is quoting from his book "The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using the Divine Power of Your Mind to Manifest Prosperity" (source). Even in the introduction of his book "The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using the Divine Power of Your Mind to Manifest Prosperity" he
promotes the heretical teaching of Orison Swett Marden book, "The
Miracle of Right Thought" on his ministries website Zoe Ministries (source). Marden was a writter associated with the New Thought Movement and he also believed that man was divine and a god(source, source, source). These writings and teachings of both Jordan and Marden are both blasphemous and an abomination.
Jordan's Law of Becoming comes from the "pit of Hell," and sounds just
like the Serpent/Satan in the Garden of Eden. This isn't sound Bible
doctrine, it is occult doctrine. Madame H.P. Blavatsky writes in her
book "Secret Doctrine" that mankind is god, and self-redeemed (source). This is a clear cut proof that Jordan, just as Marden and Blavatsky, received this information from a satanic source.
Let the Energy of the Chakras Arise the Fiery Serpent in You
Jordan incorporates the Hindu yoga applications chakras in his book(source). Ex-ministries in August of 2011, did a wonderful expose' on Jordan called "E. Bernard Jordan: Master of the Hindu-verse, possesser of strange power," which exposes Jordan mixing Hinduism with Christianity. This is called pantheism.
The concept chakra
comes from the yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is said
that the body has seven chakras in it. Yoga is the vehicle used to
balance the chakras. The main goal of yoga is to awaken Kundalini, or
the fiery serpent power that is wrapped around the spinal cord (source). What
is serpent power? Isn't Satan called the Great Serpent? Jordan's
fellow luciferian occultist H.P. Blavatsky states in her book "The
Secret Doctrine" that Yahweh isn't the "One," and Lucifer is the "One"
more superior than Yahweh. She states that the names of Lucifer is known
as Dragon of Wisdom, the Dragon, Satan, and The Fiery Serpent (source). Notice
that one of the names for Lucifer is Fiery Serpent. Also pay attention
to the fact that in Yoga the goal is to awaken the kundalini or fiery
serpent to obtain divine wisdom /self knowledge. Satan since the garden, is always attempting to get man to obtain knowledge outside of the authority of G-d.
Where He lives.. Tuxedo ParkWhat and Where is Tuxedo Park?
Jordan’s Stamp on Tuxedo Park w. Photographs Who He Says He IsCalled a man who has been singularly forged by the fire of destiny, “Bishop” Elijah Bernard Jordan was apparently “called” at the age of 15, when he was summoned to prophesy. (Apparently God told him in a dream that he could prophesy [9]) “By the age of 24, he was recognized nationally as a prophet. Rising from the obscurity of the ghetto to his present and current fame he is known to millions as God’s messenger, the Prophet”. He founded Zoe Ministries in Westfield, New Jersey with 60 people in attendance, and has been senior pastor since 1983. The following are excerpts from his site. [All Emphasis Added]
with a vision of a church resplendent in a glory greater than of
Solomon’s Temple, Bishop Jordan has been building a ministry of
restoration that would accurately reflect the Biblical pattern, tearing down the constraints of traditionalism and exposing the lies that have led the church into captivity”
Ministries touches thousands, both nationally and internationally.
Noted primarily for his prophetic ministry and revelatory teaching,
Bishop Jordan established the School of the Prophets in 1985. The School
is specifically geared towards those who are called to function in
prophetic ministry, yet is an invaluable source of ministerial ethics
that are applicable to any office of ministry.
Jordan is in great demand, for he is quite charismatic and personable.
He is often featured on various telecasts, both locally and nationally.
Most recently, he has been featured on NBC’s Today Show, FOX 5, Good Day
New York, CNN, and many, many others. He was also featured in The Daily
News, New York Times, New York Post and Newsday with some of his
congregates as well as in an interview in Billboard Magazine on his
views concerning social issues…. [1]
Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar CayceNostradamus: Jordan’s Face book Page says [All Emphasis Added]
Bishop Jordan is a modern-day prophet whose ministry is absolutely astounding! Like Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar Cayce,
the accuracy of the gift that operates in Bishop Jordan will astound
you! He is known to predict exact names, dates, and times of events both
individually and globally! His visual perception is so exact that he is
able to give accurate descriptions of locations that are pertinent to
the recipient of the prophecy! [2]
is exceedingly difficult to have anything but contempt for a so called
Christian minister to compare himself with a sixteenth century dabbler
in the occult. [See Information on Nostradamus]
Bishop Pike:
And as far as Bishop Pike goes, he was a chain-smoker, an alcoholic and
vigorously pursued occult methods of contacting the dead.
1966, Pike's son Jim took his life in a New York city hotel room
following a period of recreational drug use. Shortly after his son's
death Pike began to experience poltergeist phenomena. Books seemed to
vanish and reappear, and safety pins were found open and placed to
indicate the hour of 8:19, the approximate hour of his son's death. Half
of the clothes in a closet were found disarranged and heaped up while
the remainder were still in perfect order. Pike led a public (and for
the church, embarrassing) pursuit of various spiritualist and
clairvoyant methods of contacting his deceased son in order to
reconcile. In September 1967, Pike participated in a televised séance
with his dead son through the medium, Arthur Ford, who served at the
time as a Disciples of Christ minister. Pike detailed these experiences in his book The Other Side An Account of My Experience with Psychic Phenomena. [3]
1967, Pike divorced his wife Esther and married Dianne Kennedy the
following year. Diane was the executive director of a foundation which
conducted research into life after death. She and Pike had collaborated
together on the book, "The Other Side: which recounted Bishop Pike's successful efforts to establish contact with the spirit of his son. [4]
Yet, in sharp contrast, the Bible says
(Manasseh, king of Judah) made his sons pass through the fire in the
valley of Ben-hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft, used divination,
practiced sorcery and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much
evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger. [2 Chronicles
33:6. NASB]
Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the LORD, because
of the word of the LORD which he did not keep; and also because he
asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it, and did not inquire of
the LORD. Therefore He killed him and turned the kingdom to David the
son of Jesse. [1 Chronicles 10:13-14. NASB]
Jordan’s site goes on to add… [All Emphasis Added]
Bishop Jordan differs from those who can operate with extra-sensory perception, for his calling as a prophet endows him with a degree of authority. As a prophet, he can truly decree a thing and see it established---just like the prophets of the Scriptures! He is not one just to give information, but he is also known to create miracles and circumvent events merely by the power of his speech! [1]
celebrities have come to Zoe Ministries to hear Jordan preach. Joseph
Simmons, better known as Run from the ground-breaking 1980s rap duo,
Run-D.M.C., was so enthralled that he became a minister in the church.
He is now the Rev. Run.
is also a friend of fellow minister and 2004 presidential candidate Al
Sharpton. They are close enough that for the last six years, Sharpton
and his family have rented a half-million-dollar house that the bishop
and his wife, Debra, own in Brooklyn”. [9]
Prophetic Awareness SoapFor some reason “His Grace” has learned how to make soap. Jordan’s site also sells Prophetic Awareness Soap containing Saponified Oils of Palm, Coconut, Olive, Lemongrass Essential Oil and Rosemary Extract. And what is this soap supposed to do? [All Emphasis Added]
This is a great way to start your day and bring you the confidence
you need to stand before those whom you need to face. Walk in the
confidence that has been given to you by God Almighty as you bathe with
this soap, know that you are becoming more aware and spiritually
guarded, so that you can meet life's challenges. This is a soap that helps bring protection and give you a greater ability to function with greater intuition and insight. Remember, according to your faith, so be it done unto you. [5]
And all this time I thought soap was for cleaning.. And if you persist in that outdated idea [Sarcasm Intentional] how about …
Other Money Making ScamsThe Trailblazer
will prophesy what he sees on a cassette tape, and actually map out
your life! He will tell you when you are to make critical steps, enter
into partnerships, and many other issues that you need to know. He will
tell you what you can expect for the next twelve months, giving you a
map that you can follow to the destination of your destiny. According to
your faith it shall be done unto you.” [6]
Or how about a 12 Month Prophetic word from the “Master Prophet”! What exactly is a “Master Prophet” anyhow?
Prophetic Word Your $365 prophetic word will give you the ability to:
Gain clarity in what God is calling you to do for the next twelve (12)
months! It will also bring you out of your struggles...and bless
everything you touch....
Give you power to know each and every move to make during each and
every month for the entire year, which will put you ahead in the game of
is the season for you to take control of your destiny and let
the Master Prophet guide you in your next level of success, so hurry and
find out what God intends for you! [7]
Want to go yet one step further.. Still not good enough? Well you can always join the …
The Prophetic Inner Circle But,
please note, that the price has gone up considerably. The “Suggested
Donation” is now $3,000.00, for which you will be assigned a personal
prophet “who will be a “living letter” of Master Prophet E. Bernard
Jordan” and who will “help you discover your weaknesses and move you
into your personal strengths”. [8]
where does much of your money go? A September 14, 2003 article By Chris
McKenna on the Times Herald-Record site tells much of the story. The
article quotes “Bishop” Jordan as saying..[Emphasis Added]
"Jesus had the same story I had," … "He was born to a family that was poor, and he overcame all the odds by becoming rich in every way."
and says that Jordan
“makes no apologies for his mansion and fleet of cars, which includes a
Rolls-Royce and a Mercedes-Benz SUV. For him, wealthiness is next to
Godliness – a way to "fulfill life's purpose" and help others.
"We're not taking any vow of poverty," he tells his flock. [9]
am sure it would not be too difficult to own a fleet of luxury cars if
one’s ministry collected $2.8 million in one year as Jordan’s Zoe
Ministries is said to have done in 2001. [Does God Want Us To Be Rich? See Section on The Prosperity Doctrine]
to the Times Herald-Record, Jordan who is the son of a construction
worker, and who grew up in a three-bedroom apartment in
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, now lives in a multi million dollar
27-room mansion in the gated community of …
1996, the Jordans left Brooklyn and moved with their five children into
the Frelinghuysen estate in Tuxedo Park, the gated community of
multimillion-dollar manor homes nestled in the wooded hills of
southeastern Orange County”. [9]
What and Where is Tuxedo Park?
Tuxedo Park is a village within the southern part of the Town of Tuxedo, in Orange County, New York. A small, but elite community it boasted a population of a mere 731 at the 2000 census. Originally developed as a resort for Blue Blood society in 1885, the owner, Peter Lorillard, organized the Tuxedo Club and the Tuxedo Park Association, as hunting and fishing preserve, and surrounded the property with a high game fence, which still fairly accurately marks the boundaries of the present day community.
The Tuxedo Park’s web site says
elegant gated community's idyllic existence has changed little in its
quality of life. Situated within 2,500 acres, you still drive through
the imposing stone Gates to the magnificent houses nestled around three
beautiful lakes [11]
recognition of its historical and architectural significance, the
historic district was listed as Tuxedo Park on the National Register of
Historic Places on March 13, 1980.
fact, not only did Emily Post wrote her “Blue Book of Etiquette” based
on what she observed inside the great stone gates of Tuxedo, but the
man’s dinner jacket called a “Tuxedo” derives it’s name from Tuxedo
Park, where it was said to have been worn for the first time at the
annual Autumn Ball of the Tuxedo Club. Some notables that have lived in
Tuxedo include:
Dorothy Draper
– a famed interior designer. Her great-grandfather, Oliver Wolcott, was
a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Her husband, Dr. George
Draper, was the personal doctor to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
after he was diagnosed with polio, and she and Eleanor Roosevelt were
good friends growing up
Adele Colgate – heir to the Colgate/Palmolive fortune,
George Baker – Banker, provided much of the initial funding for Harvard Business School.
JP Morgan
was an American financier, banker and art collector. In 1892 Morgan
arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston
Electric Company to form General Electric. Morgan was one of the
wealthiest men in the world in 1901.
Alfred Loomis
was an American attorney, investment banker, physicist, philanthropist,
and patron of scientific research. His role in the development of radar
is considered instrumental in the Allied victory in World War II. He
established the Loomis Laboratory in Tuxedo Park.
William Waldorf Astor, who in 1890 became the richest man in America after inheriting a personal fortune from his father.
Herbert C. Pell
was a United States Representative from New York, U.S. Minister to
Portugal, U.S. Minister to Hungary, and an instigator and member of the
United Nations War Crimes Commission. He inherited a share of the
Lorillard fortune through his mother, Katherine Lorillard Kernochan.
Augustus Juilliard whose philanthropy built the renowned conservatory of dance, music, and theatre in New York City that bears his name..
fact Pheasant Ridge, also called “The Japanese Cottage”, was once owned
by the son of Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister of England and cousin of
Rudyard Kipling. [10]
only reason we have included these details about Tuxedo Park is to give
the reader an inkling of the level of “society” that so called
Christian ministers aspire to. But to return to Chris McKenna’s piece
on the Times Herald-Record site. Please note while the text is from the
Times Herald-Record, the photographs are from
At the time, only three families had lived in the 11,000-square-foot mansion since it was built in 1900. The
After moving in, the bishop commissioned a team of Russian artists to paint elaborate art work on the walls and ceilings of the first floor, a job that took two to three years.
Egyptian-themed murals cover the walls of the great room: ancient Egyptians hunting, fishing, moving a sarcophagus. One shows Jordan on a throne, as pharaoh.
Nearby, in a room with scarlet walls and gilded filigree on top, there is a ceiling painting of Jordan on a throne – as God – with his three sons hovering around him as angels.
the ceilings in the foyer and another room, there are baroque-style
paintings of his children as cherubim, soaring across the heavens.
None of this quite compares to the living room.
Here, the four walls are covered with murals depicting New Testament scenes, each with Jordan as Jesus in the familiar iconography of medieval and Renaissance art. Two scenes show the Ascension: Jesus/Jordan ascending into heaven after rising from the dead. For a Nativity scene, the artists used Jordan's baby picture to depict Jesus/Jordan in the manger.
Dozens of people in biblical garb crowd around Jesus/Jordan in each scene. For each figure, the a
are the people who believed in what we're doing," Jordan says. "This is
our way of saying thank you to them and immortalizing them."
Being depicted as Jesus doesn't make Jordan uncomfortable.
"It's not really me," he says. "It's me as the principle of Christ. We teach everyone that they are Christ."
Parked out front, among other vehicles, are a white Rolls Royce, a black stretch limousine, a yellow Hummer and
Jordans may not stay here many more years. The bishop said he plans to
sell the Tuxedo Park mansion, which was appraised at $3.6 million in
June of last year. He has already tried unsuccessfully to sell the house
several times, at one point asking $4.7 million. It isn't on the market
the meantime, builders are finishing a two-story house for the family
at the retreat in Woodbourne, a more modest abode than their current
digs at a mere 3,360 square feet. The Jordans also have a penthouse apartment in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.
Jordan says he also plans to shed his luxury cars, a category that excluded his wife's $48,000 Hummer and his $74,000 Mercedes. [9]
End Notes
[4] Whatever Happened to Bishop Pike.
[7] Suggested Donation: $365.00
Chris McKenna, The Prophet Of Profit Sows The Seeds Of Wealth. Times
[a] A Rolls Royce parked in front of Bishop Jordan's Tuxedo Park home.
Bishop Bernard Jordan is seen all over the house painted in biblical
murals like this one where he is surrounded by his three sons as
[c] With gilding throughout the house and murals his two daughters are shown as angels just off the entry. [d] Bishop Jordan points out various biblical scenes in his dining room, where in the background, shows his birth. [e]In the dining room where there is a mural that surrounds the whole room, the Rev. Al Sharpton, center smiles out from a crowd of people. All people in the room depicted donated money to have the bishops' home renovated. [f] As Bishop Jordan talks about various issues in his dining room two of his three sons, Joshua and Yakim accompany him. The chandelier in the background was donated by the Rev. Run. [g] Bishop Jordan’s home in Tuxedo Park sports a Mercedes SUV, a Hummer 2, and a Rolls Royce and a few other assorted cars. |
E. Bernard and Manasseh Jordan: Whose Side Are They On?
By David Kowalski
For You have abandoned Your people, the house of Jacob,
Because they are filled with influences from the east,
And they are soothsayers like the Philistines,
And they strike bargains with the children of foreigners.
Their land has also been filled with silver and gold
And there is no end to their treasures;
Their land has also been filled with horses
And there is no end to their chariots.
- Source: Isaiah 2:6-7 [1]
Sound the Trumpet
Where are the watchmen? Where are the prophets of Yahweh? Do God's sheep have no shepherds? The soldiers have left their post. Antiochus slays his swine on the altar and no one seems to care.
New Thought/New Age guru, E. Bernard Jordan, and his progeny/protégé, Manasseh, have been exalted to places of honor in a temple where they do not belong. "Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16). Strange, spiritual incense is burning in the temple and its smell is an offense. "You shall not offer any strange incense on this altar…" (Exodus 30:9).
I think, "This can't be happening," but it is. After decades of body blows from metaphysicians of various stripes, many Christians have dropped their hands and let down their guard.
They fall for anything that promises to make them healthy, rich, and above all, happy. After all, isn't that what following Christ is all about? If worshipping Baal helps us get better crops, surely the Lord approves.
The Background - New Thought
How did we get to this point? The answer involves a long story that gains momentum in nineteenth century America, where religious traditions of various kinds were swirling about and mixing with others in a religious melting pot. The streams of thought that coalesced then had tributaries of their own dating back to ancient times. Primitive magic, animism, astrology, Eastern religion, idealist/pantheist philosophy, mystery religion, Swedenborgianism, Hermeticism, and Mesmerism were among the sources for these nineteenth century cults, and what was formed in the nineteenth century would mushroom in the twentieth.One key, nineteenth century cultist was Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866). Quimby did not read very widely, but after rejecting Christian orthodoxy, he became enamored with the theories of Franz Anton Mesmer,[2] becoming a practicing Mesmerist. In time, Quimby became convinced that the real power behind the healings he observed in this practice was the mind of the recipient as he or she engaged in a kind of self-hypnosis.
Quimby reasoned that the ultimate reality was Divine Mind and not mundane matter. Whether we are conscious of it or not, our true selves are extensions of this mind, Quimby declared. Furthermore, this Mind was, in itself, an impersonal conduit of nothing but pleasant things. All sickness and suffering was, in his teaching, disharmony with this benevolent force and this disharmony was caused by erroneous thinking. If one could master the laws of right thinking and speaking, they would be practitioners of a new kind of science -- a science of Mind.[3]
Quimby's most successful, immediate, spiritual descendants, Mary Baker Eddy [4] and Warren Felt Evans (a Swedenborgian minister) further radicalized Quimby's teachings, introducing more Hindu-like thought into the system. All humans are deity in this mind science scheme and matter is either unreal (Eddy - echoing the Hindu doctrine of Maya) or less real than Mind (Evans).
Eddy formed a tight knit group that maintains her heritage to this day - The Church of Christ, Scientist (also known as Christian Science), and she influenced several prominent figures in the New Thought branch of Mind Science. Evans, along with similarly inclined metaphysicians such as William Walker Atkinson, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Thomas Troward, became foundational to the less organized, New Thought branch. One of the best known of the groups that formed within this New Thought matrix was the Unity School of Christianity, founded by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in 1889.
In 1902, William James described some of the tributaries to New Thought:
One of the doctrinal sources of Mind-cure is the four Gospels; another is Emersonianism or New England transcendentalism; another is Berkeleyan idealism; another is spiritism, with its messages of 'law' and 'progress' and 'development'; another the optimistic popular science evolutionism of which I have recently spoken; and, finally, Hinduism has contributed a strain. [5]He went on to say of the cult movement, "The blind have been made to see, the halt to walk; lifelong invalids have had their health restored." [6]
New Thought incorporated Eastern religion in its mix but was at the same time distinctly Western in its disposition, with teachings on success and prosperity permeating its ranks. In his book, Prosperity, Charles Fillmore typifies the kind of thinking which prevailed in the movement: "Charge your mind with statements that express plenty…Deny that lack has any place or reality in your affairs and affirm plenty as the only appearance." [7]
The New Thought emphasis on wealth runs through all of the movement's expressions, and it goes contrary to the Word of God:New Thought teachings had a measure of influence on the eclectic, New Age Movement (which incorporated more elements into their mix and thus is to be considered an entity distinct from New Thought). [8]
"But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But flee from these things, you man of God, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness." (1 Timothy 6:9-11)
"An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money. (1 Timothy 3:2-3)
"Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, 'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,' (Hebrews 13:5)
"Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:31-33)
"The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." (Matthew 8:20)
"You are already filled, you have already become rich, you have become kings without us; and indeed, I wish that you had become kings so that we also might reign with you. For, I think, God has exhibited us apostles last of all, as men condemned to death; because we have become a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake, but you are prudent in Christ; we are weak, but you are strong; you are distinguished, but we are without honor. To this present hour we are both hungry and thirsty, and are poorly clothed, and are roughly treated, and are homeless; and we toil, working with our own hands; when we are reviled, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure; when we are slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now." (1 Corinthians 4:8-13)
In the twentieth century, various New Thought practitioners, including Napoleon Hill [9] and Norman Vincent Peale, [10] created a broader market for New Thought, as they presented it in a more subtle form as a kind of self-help.
In teachings he claimed were groundbreaking, E. W. Kenyon adjusted New Thought terms slightly (for example, positive affirmation became positive confession, and the subconscious mind became the recreated, human spirit) and blended this ideology with biblical words and marginal, Christian teachings. Kenyon's repackaged New Thought teachings were subsequently popularized in the Word-Faith Movement by Kenneth Hagin, who freely plagiarized Kenyon's writings. [11]
In opposition to Mind Science principles, Paul insisted that he was not a master of supernatural laws and forces. He took no credit of any kind for the miracles that occurred through his ministry. The power behind the miracles was a sovereign person and not a controllable force:
"For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and round about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." (Romans 15:18-19)
The Background - African-American Cults
Around the time Phineas Quimby was formulating his mental science, various African-American cults were forming, and these would progress in a trajectory that would cause them to intersect with New Thought. Many African-American slaves, such as Phillis Wheatley, embraced the gospel and openly repented of what they referred to as "African paganism."Some slaves, however, carried memories of their tribal religions to the new world and on occasion, (as with the Voodoo practitioners in Haiti and New Orleans) they blended the old with the new. The resultant blend was a kind of unorthodox, folk religion or "folk Christianity." Animism and magic were two parts of this African heritage, and many African-American, syncretistic cults carried forward the common tribal notion of the West African "Obeah man" - a kind of priest/prophet/healer who represented the whole of the religion in his being, becoming the very image or embodiment of that religion, and obtaining special reverence from followers. [12]
Consequently, the early Black cults often followed charismatic and highly exalted leaders. After emancipation in 1863, middle to upper class African-Americans with religious inclinations largely gravitated to segregated versions of the White churches (the origin of such things as the Black Baptist and Black Methodist churches). Some of these Black Americans joined themselves to less orthodox "Christian" religions that gathered around a deified leader.
The more impoverished African-Americans often found the Black cults' promise of material and social empowerment to be enticing. Joseph Washington observes this phenomenon, saying, "The black sect-type is a spin-off of black and/or white church-types…But because poverty and powerlessness are felt acutely in the daily lives of their communicants, the sacraments and theology take on a less orthodox role." [13]
Father Divine
A key figure in the progress of the Black cults is a man known as Father Divine (born around 1876-1878, died in 1965). His complete, self-given name was Reverend Major Jealous Divine, and though there is no complete certainty on the matter, most historians believe his family-given name was George Baker. Details, places, and dates regarding his life are sometimes disputed, but a reasonably accurate account can be given. [14]In 1899, Baker came under the influence of an African-American mystic who called himself the Reverend St. John the Divine Hickerson. Christian Science had influenced George Baker's theology to some degree and he became quite enamored with the New Thought teachings of Charles Fillmore and the Unity cult. This cult's deification of adherents, as well as its promise of prosperity appealed to him.
In 1907 (according to some historians - the fact is not disputed but the dating and order of events is) Baker and Hickerson joined themselves to an itinerant preacher, Samuel "Father" Morris, who subsequently changed his name to Father Jehovia. Morris claimed to be God incarnate but extended a lesser, god-like status to Hickerson and Baker. These two eventually split from Morris when each decided it was they, and not the other two, who was the true, almighty God. Baker then ascribed to himself the title "Father Divine, Saviour of the Negro race and of the world at large."
Of the three, it was Father Divine who became the iconic, deified, African-American, cult leader. Informed by New Thought concepts, Divine exalted himself as the most high God, but extended a lower form of deification to his followers. He lived in extravagant luxury in fulfillment of his role of embodiment of the cult, setting thereby an example for his spiritual descendants such as Reverend Ike and E. Bernard Jordan to follow. Father Divine claimed that through his teachings he bestowed a profound (though lesser) blessing on his followers. He ended each of his letters with the following postscript:
"Sincerely wishing that you and those with whom you are concerned might be even as I AM for I AM well, healthy, joyful, peaceful, lively, loving, successful, prosperous and happy in spirit, body and mind and in every organ, muscle, sinew, joint, limb, vein and bone and even in every atom, fibre and cell of MY bodily form" --- FATHER DIVINE [15]
Scripture teaches against following false Christs such as Father Divine, who claimed to be the Christ returned to earth:
"When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they raised their voice, saying in the Lycaonian language, "The gods have become like men and have come down to us." And they began calling Barnabas, Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and wanted to offer sacrifice with the crowds. But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their robes and rushed out into the crowd, crying out and saying, "Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them." (Acts 14:11-15)
"So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be." (Matthew 24:26-27)
"For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus' sake." (2 Corinthians 4:5)
Reverend Ike
It was left to a later Mind Science figure to make Father Divine's style of metaphysics a bit more palatable to thinking people and thus broaden the market for this expression of New Thought. Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter, better known as "Reverend Ike," parroted Mind Science theology in a purer fashion than Father Divine and Ike offered his followers deity equal to his own. Ike's teaching would supposedly enable all of these gods to get their wealth and happiness now, as they would seek first riches now and take their eyes off of "pie in the sky" (in other words, the hope of heaven which Peter exhorts us to put our eyes on - "…fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ" [1 Peter 1:13]).Ike's Mind Science begins with the standard New Thought premises that the practitioner is divine, and that his or her subconscious mind receives imprints or commands from one's conscious thoughts and words, and subsequently brings those to pass by its divine power. [16]
Ike's keys to obtaining health, wealth, and happiness focused on a combination of self-realization (understanding one's own divinity), positive affirmations, and visualization of the success and pleasantries one wants. Below are some quotes from his 2008 book, Thinkonomics (all emphases in the original text) [17]
I interpret the Bible SYMBOLICALLY, not literally. (P. 5)
Right here and right now, I KNOW exactly what I want!...I BELIEVE in the good which I desire…Thank you God-in me! [the divine part of you] Remember to repeat the above affirmation out loud and with lots of emotion! There's magic in speaking and hearing - even more so than in reading. (p. 19)
God individualized himself within you and within each man. Your True Self is your God-self, the Presence and Power of God-in-you. (p. 24)
I am an expression of God itself! (p. 26)
You are in command of the infinite God-Power within you. Decide what you want and get out of the way of the God-Power. (p. 33)
The only personality God has is in man and as man. (p. 33)
I AM one with the Infinite. And so are you, 'one with the Infinite.' (p. 35)
In Mind Science, in order to bring the good that you desire into existence, we teach you to visualize. (p. 45)
When God individualized himself in you, He gave you everything you need - the power to accomplish the good you desire. (p. 42)
E. Bernard Jordan
Reverend Ike's most devoted protégé was E. Bernard Jordan. Ike was Jordan's mentor and the two had a very close relationship. [18] Jordan said the following about Ike:I learned much about my faith and the words of the Lord at the feet of the great Reverend Ike, who was and is as charismatic a man as ever stepped to the front of a church. Rev. Ike understood the paradox of man being god. Once, a parishioner, taken aback by what he saw as Rev. Ike's ego, said, "Reverend Ike thinks he's God!" And Rev. Ike turned and shouted, "No! God thinks He is me!" That's a perfect comeback, but also a perfect message. The idea that there is any separation between you and God is patently false. You are God's expression. He cannot exist on this plane without you. That is why you were created. As the son is the expression of the father, you are the expression of God. You are the same [emphasis his]. [19]E. Bernard Jordan publicly identifies himself as part of the New Thought stream of religious thinking. In the introduction to The Laws of Prosperity, Jordan notes the work's inclusion of "brilliant ideas from New Thought leaders such as John Shelby Spong and Marianne Williamson." [20] [21] In this book, Jordan goes on to say, "Each of us is God pressed out into the physical world." [22] On page two of The Laws of Thinking, Jordan declares the following with extra-large letters in the middle of the page: "WHEN YOU DECLARE 'I AM,' YOU BECOME GOD." [23]
In The Power of Prophecy, E. Bernard Jordan says, "The prophet has the ability to go within his chemistry lab (into his temple; within himself) to the prophetic work of handling mysteries and turning thoughts into things." [24]
E. Bernard Jordan has taken New Thought in a more New Age direction as he indulges in astrology [25] and Hindu mediation. The photos of a man engaged in Hindu, religious practices, which accompany this article, are of E. Bernard Jordan. [26]
In The Laws of Thinking, Jordan teaches readers how to perceive the seven chakras (esoteric, Hindu, energy centers) within his or her body. [27] Looking at these photos of E. Bernard, I think of William Carey, who spearheaded the modern missionary movement with his work in India. Carey wrote about his conviction of the need to evangelize those in darkness:
It must undoubtedly strike every considerate mind, what a vast proportion of the sons of Adam there are, who yet remain in the most deplorable state of heathen darkness, without any means of knowing the true God, except what are afforded them by the works of nature; and utterly destitute of the knowledge of the gospel of Christ, or of any means of obtaining it…Surely it is worth while to lay ourselves out with all our might, in promoting the cause, and kingdom of Christ. [28]E. Bernard Jordan would have us accompany him on a trip back to Carey's India that we might be converted to the heathen darkness Carey laid out his life to illuminate with gospel truth.
"You shall tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars and burn their Asherim with fire, and you shall cut down the engraved images of their gods and obliterate their name from that place." (Deuteronomy 12:3)The "prophecology" of Jordan's "Prophetic Order of Mar Elijah" [29] is a blend of various heresies and false religions, and E. Bernard Jordan has reached back to revive another, ancient tradition to mix with New Thought, astrology, and Hinduism - the tradition of the false prophet among God's holy people.
"Stand fast now in your spells
And in your many sorceries
With which you have labored from your youth;
Perhaps you will be able to profit,
Perhaps you may cause trembling.
"You are wearied with your many counsels;
Let now the astrologers,
Those who prophesy by the stars,
Those who predict by the new moons,
Stand up and save you from what will come upon you." (Isaiah 47:12-13)
E. Bernard highly promotes himself as a prophet who is training a company of [false] prophets. His two favorite titles seem to be "Bishop" and "The Master Prophet." [30]
E. Bernard has emailed me numerous times with offers to sell me a personal prophecy for a "seed" of anywhere from $50 - $75. Every avenue E. Bernard provides for a seeker of a personal prophecy to reach him seems to go through the doorway of the "seed."
I have engaged in a futile attempt to ask E. Bernard if those who cannot afford a prophecy might get one for free. If there is a way to obtain a free, personal "prophecy" from him, I have not found it.
False prophets may have supernatural abilities but they must still be rejected. [31]
"If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, saying, 'Let us go after other gods (whom you have not known) and let us serve them,' you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams; for the Lord your God is testing you to find out if you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall follow the Lord your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him. But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has counseled rebellion against the Lord your God who brought you from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, to seduce you from the way in which the Lord your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from among you." (Deuteronomy 13:1-5)
"And the prophet who teaches falsehood is the tail.
For those who guide this people are leading them astray;
And those who are guided by them are brought to confusion." (Isaiah 9:15-16)
"An appalling and horrible thing
Has happened in the land:
The prophets prophesy falsely,
And the priests rule on their own authority;
And My people love it so!
But what will you do at the end of it? (Jeremiah 5:30-31)
"For from the least of them even to the greatest of them,
Everyone is greedy for gain,
And from the prophet even to the priest
Everyone deals falsely." (Jeremiah 6:13)
"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves." (Matthew 7:15)
"For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance." (Matthew 24:24-25)
"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep." (2 Peter 2:1-2)
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1)
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.'" (Matthew 7:21-23)
As they tell people to "sow to" them (give them money) in order to get pleasantries from God, New Thought practitioners such as Jordan, in effect, offer to sell God's blessings. But when Simon offered to buy divine enablement, Peter rebuked him:
"May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!" (Acts 8:20). [32]
Manasseh Jordan
E. Bernard has groomed his son Manasseh to be a New Thought/New Age prophet like himself. Manasseh is part of E. Bernard's "Prophetic Order of Mar Elijah." [33] One of Manasseh's websites (E. Bernard and Manasseh have several websites between them) declares that Manasseh "has been involved in Christian ministry all of his life," [34] revealing that Manasseh believes the cultic beliefs and practices he was raised in constitute "Christian ministry."Another of his sites [35] contains multiple links to sites belonging to E. Bernard, all of which promote his cultic teachings. Manasseh has appeared on his father's television show with a copy of E. Bernard's The Laws of Thinking superimposed. [36] When asked if he agreed or disagreed with the New Thought metaphysics taught in the book, Manasseh gave no response. [37] He would not distance himself from his father's cult when asked, and he has always been pleased to identify with and promote that cult in every way he can. Manasseh's public speaking focuses almost exclusively on power, plenty, and pleasantries - a message that would find a home in many cults. [38]
Manasseh Jordan's very thin veneer of Bible words and Pentecostal affect seem surprisingly adequate for some Christians who disregard Paul's warning:
"But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. Again I say, let no one think me foolish; but if you do, receive me even as foolish, so that I also may boast a little. What I am saying, I am not saying as the Lord would, but as in foolishness, in this confidence of boasting. Since many boast according to the flesh, I will boast also. For you, being so wise, tolerate the foolish gladly. For you tolerate it if anyone enslaves you, anyone devours you, anyone takes advantage of you, anyone exalts himself, anyone hits you in the face. To my shame I must say that we have been weak by comparison." (2 Corinthians 11:12-21)
Benny Hinn
How can such blatant cultists be welcomed into the church? For the bulk of his career, E. Bernard Jordan has exploited, for the most part, people who wandered into the fringe, religious experience. His son Manasseh, however, speaks before large gatherings of supposedly Evangelical Christians. Who let the bad guys in? Benny Hinn did and he didn't do so out of ignorance.Benny admits to a longstanding friendship with the Jordans. Hinn says E. Bernard and he prophesied the birth of each other's sons and Hinn says he named Manasseh. [39] Hinn cannot claim to be ignorant of the cultic nature of the Jordans' teachings, so one must reasonably deduce that he must not care. [40] Many videos of Benny Hinn working a crowd with Manasseh Jordan have been posted on YouTube. [41]
"Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said,
'I will dwell in them and walk among them;
And I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,' says the Lord.
'And do not touch what is unclean;
And I will welcome you.
And I will be a father to you,
And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,'
Says the Lord Almighty. Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1)
Concluding Word
E. Bernard and Manasseh Jordan are enemies of the gospel. Their talk of prosperity, power, and prophecy ultimately points us to the Jordans themselves and to a mystical power within us. These sheep-fleecers preach and teach dark, cultic doctrines in the house of God. They would likely not have gained entry in that house, however, without the help of their good friend, Benny Hinn.Benny Hinn has brought Satan into the sanctuary. He has defiled the Father's house. He is a traitor to the Kingdom of God. Unless the church responds with an impassioned house cleaning, we will leave the floodgates open for more false prophets to enter.
Manasseh Jordan represents a new level of boldness in the enemy camp. The enemy has infiltrated our ranks in disguise since the days of the early Gnostics and we have seen many of these wolves in sheep's clothing in recent decades.
The infiltration of a brazen New Thought/New Age mystic/prophet into the church wearing practically no disguise (other than his redefined use of the words "Jesus" and "salvation") represents a devilish effort to establish an open, conscious alliance with the church. The wolf has dropped his sheep's clothing. If we yawn in the face of such treason and treachery, what will we say to the other wolves who are emboldened by our lackadaisical response to E. Bernard Jordan, Manasseh Jordan, and Benny Hinn?
Why fuss over what three men are doing?
- First, what they do is big in principle.
In his sermon "Little Sins," Charles Spurgeon illustrates how something
small in number can transgress in an especially great way: "It is not
necessary to send a hundred thousand troops into a country to break a
treaty. It is true the breach of the treaty may appear to be small; but
if the slightest breach be allowed, the principle is gone. There is very
much more in principle than men imagine." [42] Even a very small thing can have great significance.
Spurgeon further illustrates this point with the example of fourth
century Christian leader Martin Arethusa, who refused to offer even one
single grain of incense to a false god as required by law:
They therefore exposed his body, and gave him up to the children to prick him with knives; then they smeared him with honey, and he was exposed to wasps, and stung to death. But all the while the grain of incense he would not give. He could give his body to wasps, and die in the most terrible pains, but he would not, he could not, he dared not sin against God. A noble example! [43]
With a great principle involved, even a single grain of incense can have tremendous import worth dying for. The principles involved in corrupting the church and deceiving God's people with cultic "influences from the east" [44] are very great ones. - Secondly, these three men influence multitudes of followers. [45] They are but the thin end of a wedge and carry a large bulk of people behind them. 46]
- Thirdly, these three men are symptomatic of a more wide-spread infection. They are just an extreme symptom of a sickness that pervades the body in different ways. Man-centered teachings that deify men, sanctify their greed, and ascribe various, metaphysical powers to them are like flesh-eating bacteria in the church. The severity of this latest symptom shows just how bad the problem is.
- Finally, the Jordans are pioneers and if we let them blaze a trail, many other false prophets will follow. Any substitute teacher knows that when they first arrive in a new class, there will be a daring, rule-breaker who tests the waters. The rest of the class will be watching to see how the substitute handles the pioneer's misconduct. If the teacher backs down and lets the pioneer do whatever he or she wills, others will be quick to follow suit and lawlessness will ensue. Everyone is watching the church's response to the Jordans.
E. Bernard Jordan: Master of the Hindu-verse, possesser of strange power
By Tetaun Moffett, EX TimesWell I might as well get this one on out the way. It’s official, Master Prophet Bishop Elijah Bernard Jordan is the black Harry Potter. Even 12 day old roadkill on the busiest highway can see this man is a sorcerer. Jordan embodies new age Mysticism, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Pantheism and every other ‘ism’ to deceive folks and has been doing so for the past 30 years.
The Laws of thinking: Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan
Jordan penned a best selling book in 2007 “The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using the Divine Power of Your Mind to Manifest Prosperity. In Chapter One “The Law of Becoming” Jordan explains Exodus 3:13-14.. God’s response to Moses, ‘ I am who I am’ by saying the two word ‘I am’ are the totality of true nature and we are to declare the I’ am ourselves..When you declare ‘I am’ you become God. Jordan also states on page 208 that money is equal to God. But then on page 142, he says, “You must close the Bible and be the Truth of God. Only then will God work through you.” This is just awful
but yet he’s on the word network, TBN all your christian networks preaching with Benny (Hindu) and Manusesu, Paula White, etc..
“On page 51 Jordan recognizes the chakras as a part of the “Hindu faith,” and attempts to combine the seven chakras with vain word to associate Hinduism with Christianity:…learn to perceive and control your chakras; they are like seven churches within you, each holding a different aspect of the Mystery of God.
Who He Says He IsCalled a man who has been singularly forged by the fire of destiny, “Bishop”
Elijah Bernard Jordan was apparently “called” at the age of 15, when he
was summoned to prophesy. (Apparently God told him in a dream that he
could prophesy [9]) “By the age of 24, he was recognized nationally as a
prophet. Rising from the obscurity of the ghetto to his present and
current fame he is known to millions as God’s messenger, the Prophet”.
He founded Zoe Ministries in Westfield, New Jersey with 60 people in
attendance, and has been senior pastor since 1983. The following are
excerpts from his site. [All Emphasis Added]
with a vision of a church resplendent in a glory greater than of
Solomon’s Temple, Bishop Jordan has been building a ministry of
restoration that would accurately reflect the Biblical pattern, tearing down the constraints of traditionalism and exposing the lies that have led the church into captivity”
Ministries touches thousands, both nationally and internationally.
Noted primarily for his prophetic ministry and revelatory teaching,
Bishop Jordan established the School of the Prophets in 1985. The School
is specifically geared towards those who are called to function in
prophetic ministry, yet is an invaluable source of ministerial ethics
that are applicable to any office of ministry.
Jordan is in great demand, for he is quite charismatic and personable.
He is often featured on various telecasts, both locally and nationally.
Most recently, he has been featured on NBC’s Today Show, FOX 5, Good Day
New York, CNN, and many, many others. He was also featured in The Daily
News, New York Times, New York Post and Newsday with some of his
congregates as well as in an interview in Billboard Magazine on his
views concerning social issues…. [1]
Where He lives.. Tuxedo ParkWhat and Where is Tuxedo Park?
Jordan’s Stamp on Tuxedo Park w. Photographs Who He Says He IsCalled a man who has been singularly forged by the fire of destiny, “Bishop” Elijah Bernard Jordan was apparently “called” at the age of 15, when he was summoned to prophesy. (Apparently God told him in a dream that he could prophesy [9]) “By the age of 24, he was recognized nationally as a prophet. Rising from the obscurity of the ghetto to his present and current fame he is known to millions as God’s messenger, the Prophet”. He founded Zoe Ministries in Westfield, New Jersey with 60 people in attendance, and has been senior pastor since 1983. The following are excerpts from his site. [All Emphasis Added]
with a vision of a church resplendent in a glory greater than of
Solomon’s Temple, Bishop Jordan has been building a ministry of
restoration that would accurately reflect the Biblical pattern, tearing down the constraints of traditionalism and exposing the lies that have led the church into captivity”
Ministries touches thousands, both nationally and internationally.
Noted primarily for his prophetic ministry and revelatory teaching,
Bishop Jordan established the School of the Prophets in 1985. The School
is specifically geared towards those who are called to function in
prophetic ministry, yet is an invaluable source of ministerial ethics
that are applicable to any office of ministry.
Jordan is in great demand, for he is quite charismatic and personable.
He is often featured on various telecasts, both locally and nationally.
Most recently, he has been featured on NBC’s Today Show, FOX 5, Good Day
New York, CNN, and many, many others. He was also featured in The Daily
News, New York Times, New York Post and Newsday with some of his
congregates as well as in an interview in Billboard Magazine on his
views concerning social issues…. [1]
Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar CayceNostradamus: Jordan’s Face book Page says [All Emphasis Added]
Bishop Jordan is a modern-day prophet whose ministry is absolutely astounding! Like Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar Cayce,
the accuracy of the gift that operates in Bishop Jordan will astound
you! He is known to predict exact names, dates, and times of events both
individually and globally! His visual perception is so exact that he is
able to give accurate descriptions of locations that are pertinent to
the recipient of the prophecy! [2]
is exceedingly difficult to have anything but contempt for a so called
Christian minister to compare himself with a sixteenth century dabbler
in the occult. [See Information on Nostradamus]
Bishop Pike:
And as far as Bishop Pike goes, he was a chain-smoker, an alcoholic and
vigorously pursued occult methods of contacting the dead.
1966, Pike's son Jim took his life in a New York city hotel room
following a period of recreational drug use. Shortly after his son's
death Pike began to experience poltergeist phenomena. Books seemed to
vanish and reappear, and safety pins were found open and placed to
indicate the hour of 8:19, the approximate hour of his son's death. Half
of the clothes in a closet were found disarranged and heaped up while
the remainder were still in perfect order. Pike led a public (and for
the church, embarrassing) pursuit of various spiritualist and
clairvoyant methods of contacting his deceased son in order to
reconcile. In September 1967, Pike participated in a televised séance
with his dead son through the medium, Arthur Ford, who served at the
time as a Disciples of Christ minister. Pike detailed these experiences in his book The Other Side An Account of My Experience with Psychic Phenomena. [3]
1967, Pike divorced his wife Esther and married Dianne Kennedy the
following year. Diane was the executive director of a foundation which
conducted research into life after death. She and Pike had collaborated
together on the book, "The Other Side: which recounted Bishop Pike's successful efforts to establish contact with the spirit of his son. [4]
Yet, in sharp contrast, the Bible says
(Manasseh, king of Judah) made his sons pass through the fire in the
valley of Ben-hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft, used divination,
practiced sorcery and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much
evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger. [2 Chronicles
33:6. NASB]
Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the LORD, because
of the word of the LORD which he did not keep; and also because he
asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it, and did not inquire of
the LORD. Therefore He killed him and turned the kingdom to David the
son of Jesse. [1 Chronicles 10:13-14. NASB]
Jordan’s site goes on to add… [All Emphasis Added]
Bishop Jordan differs from those who can operate with extra-sensory perception, for his calling as a prophet endows him with a degree of authority. As a prophet, he can truly decree a thing and see it established---just like the prophets of the Scriptures! He is not one just to give information, but he is also known to create miracles and circumvent events merely by the power of his speech! [1]
celebrities have come to Zoe Ministries to hear Jordan preach. Joseph
Simmons, better known as Run from the ground-breaking 1980s rap duo,
Run-D.M.C., was so enthralled that he became a minister in the church.
He is now the Rev. Run.
is also a friend of fellow minister and 2004 presidential candidate Al
Sharpton. They are close enough that for the last six years, Sharpton
and his family have rented a half-million-dollar house that the bishop
and his wife, Debra, own in Brooklyn”. [9]
Prophetic Awareness SoapFor some reason “His Grace” has learned how to make soap. Jordan’s site also sells Prophetic Awareness Soap containing Saponified Oils of Palm, Coconut, Olive, Lemongrass Essential Oil and Rosemary Extract. And what is this soap supposed to do? [All Emphasis Added]
This is a great way to start your day and bring you the confidence
you need to stand before those whom you need to face. Walk in the
confidence that has been given to you by God Almighty as you bathe with
this soap, know that you are becoming more aware and spiritually
guarded, so that you can meet life's challenges. This is a soap that helps bring protection and give you a greater ability to function with greater intuition and insight. Remember, according to your faith, so be it done unto you. [5]
And all this time I thought soap was for cleaning.. And if you persist in that outdated idea [Sarcasm Intentional] how about …
Other Money Making ScamsThe Trailblazer
will prophesy what he sees on a cassette tape, and actually map out
your life! He will tell you when you are to make critical steps, enter
into partnerships, and many other issues that you need to know. He will
tell you what you can expect for the next twelve months, giving you a
map that you can follow to the destination of your destiny. According to
your faith it shall be done unto you.” [6]
Or how about a 12 Month Prophetic word from the “Master Prophet”! What exactly is a “Master Prophet” anyhow?
Prophetic Word Your $365 prophetic word will give you the ability to:
Gain clarity in what God is calling you to do for the next twelve (12)
months! It will also bring you out of your struggles...and bless
everything you touch....
Give you power to know each and every move to make during each and
every month for the entire year, which will put you ahead in the game of
is the season for you to take control of your destiny and let
the Master Prophet guide you in your next level of success, so hurry and
find out what God intends for you! [7]
Want to go yet one step further.. Still not good enough? Well you can always join the …
The Prophetic Inner Circle But,
please note, that the price has gone up considerably. The “Suggested
Donation” is now $3,000.00, for which you will be assigned a personal
prophet “who will be a “living letter” of Master Prophet E. Bernard
Jordan” and who will “help you discover your weaknesses and move you
into your personal strengths”. [8]
where does much of your money go? A September 14, 2003 article By Chris
McKenna on the Times Herald-Record site tells much of the story. The
article quotes “Bishop” Jordan as saying..[Emphasis Added]
"Jesus had the same story I had," … "He was born to a family that was poor, and he overcame all the odds by becoming rich in every way."
and says that Jordan
“makes no apologies for his mansion and fleet of cars, which includes a
Rolls-Royce and a Mercedes-Benz SUV. For him, wealthiness is next to
Godliness – a way to "fulfill life's purpose" and help others.
"We're not taking any vow of poverty," he tells his flock. [9]
am sure it would not be too difficult to own a fleet of luxury cars if
one’s ministry collected $2.8 million in one year as Jordan’s Zoe
Ministries is said to have done in 2001. [Does God Want Us To Be Rich? See Section on The Prosperity Doctrine]
to the Times Herald-Record, Jordan who is the son of a construction
worker, and who grew up in a three-bedroom apartment in
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, now lives in a multi million dollar
27-room mansion in the gated community of …
1996, the Jordans left Brooklyn and moved with their five children into
the Frelinghuysen estate in Tuxedo Park, the gated community of
multimillion-dollar manor homes nestled in the wooded hills of
southeastern Orange County”. [9]
What and Where is Tuxedo Park?
Tuxedo Park is a village within the southern part of the Town of Tuxedo, in Orange County, New York. A small, but elite community it boasted a population of a mere 731 at the 2000 census. Originally developed as a resort for Blue Blood society in 1885, the owner, Peter Lorillard, organized the Tuxedo Club and the Tuxedo Park Association, as hunting and fishing preserve, and surrounded the property with a high game fence, which still fairly accurately marks the boundaries of the present day community.
The Tuxedo Park’s web site says
elegant gated community's idyllic existence has changed little in its
quality of life. Situated within 2,500 acres, you still drive through
the imposing stone Gates to the magnificent houses nestled around three
beautiful lakes [11]
recognition of its historical and architectural significance, the
historic district was listed as Tuxedo Park on the National Register of
Historic Places on March 13, 1980.
fact, not only did Emily Post wrote her “Blue Book of Etiquette” based
on what she observed inside the great stone gates of Tuxedo, but the
man’s dinner jacket called a “Tuxedo” derives it’s name from Tuxedo
Park, where it was said to have been worn for the first time at the
annual Autumn Ball of the Tuxedo Club. Some notables that have lived in
Tuxedo include:
Dorothy Draper
– a famed interior designer. Her great-grandfather, Oliver Wolcott, was
a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Her husband, Dr. George
Draper, was the personal doctor to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
after he was diagnosed with polio, and she and Eleanor Roosevelt were
good friends growing up
Adele Colgate – heir to the Colgate/Palmolive fortune,
George Baker – Banker, provided much of the initial funding for Harvard Business School.
JP Morgan
was an American financier, banker and art collector. In 1892 Morgan
arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston
Electric Company to form General Electric. Morgan was one of the
wealthiest men in the world in 1901.
Alfred Loomis
was an American attorney, investment banker, physicist, philanthropist,
and patron of scientific research. His role in the development of radar
is considered instrumental in the Allied victory in World War II. He
established the Loomis Laboratory in Tuxedo Park.
William Waldorf Astor, who in 1890 became the richest man in America after inheriting a personal fortune from his father.
Herbert C. Pell
was a United States Representative from New York, U.S. Minister to
Portugal, U.S. Minister to Hungary, and an instigator and member of the
United Nations War Crimes Commission. He inherited a share of the
Lorillard fortune through his mother, Katherine Lorillard Kernochan.
Augustus Juilliard whose philanthropy built the renowned conservatory of dance, music, and theatre in New York City that bears his name..
fact Pheasant Ridge, also called “The Japanese Cottage”, was once owned
by the son of Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister of England and cousin of
Rudyard Kipling. [10]
only reason we have included these details about Tuxedo Park is to give
the reader an inkling of the level of “society” that so called
Christian ministers aspire to. But to return to Chris McKenna’s piece
on the Times Herald-Record site. Please note while the text is from the
Times Herald-Record, the photographs are from
At the time, only three families had lived in the 11,000-square-foot mansion since it was built in 1900. The
After moving in, the bishop commissioned a team of Russian artists to paint elaborate art work on the walls and ceilings of the first floor, a job that took two to three years.
Egyptian-themed murals cover the walls of the great room: ancient Egyptians hunting, fishing, moving a sarcophagus. One shows Jordan on a throne, as pharaoh.
Nearby, in a room with scarlet walls and gilded filigree on top, there is a ceiling painting of Jordan on a throne – as God – with his three sons hovering around him as angels.
the ceilings in the foyer and another room, there are baroque-style
paintings of his children as cherubim, soaring across the heavens.
None of this quite compares to the living room.
Here, the four walls are covered with murals depicting New Testament scenes, each with Jordan as Jesus in the familiar iconography of medieval and Renaissance art. Two scenes show the Ascension: Jesus/Jordan ascending into heaven after rising from the dead. For a Nativity scene, the artists used Jordan's baby picture to depict Jesus/Jordan in the manger.
Dozens of people in biblical garb crowd around Jesus/Jordan in each scene. For each figure, the a
are the people who believed in what we're doing," Jordan says. "This is
our way of saying thank you to them and immortalizing them."
Being depicted as Jesus doesn't make Jordan uncomfortable.
"It's not really me," he says. "It's me as the principle of Christ. We teach everyone that they are Christ."
Parked out front, among other vehicles, are a white Rolls Royce, a black stretch limousine, a yellow Hummer and
Jordans may not stay here many more years. The bishop said he plans to
sell the Tuxedo Park mansion, which was appraised at $3.6 million in
June of last year. He has already tried unsuccessfully to sell the house
several times, at one point asking $4.7 million. It isn't on the market
the meantime, builders are finishing a two-story house for the family
at the retreat in Woodbourne, a more modest abode than their current
digs at a mere 3,360 square feet. The Jordans also have a penthouse apartment in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.
Jordan says he also plans to shed his luxury cars, a category that excluded his wife's $48,000 Hummer and his $74,000 Mercedes. [9]
End Notes
[4] Whatever Happened to Bishop Pike.
[7] Suggested Donation: $365.00
Chris McKenna, The Prophet Of Profit Sows The Seeds Of Wealth. Times
[a] A Rolls Royce parked in front of Bishop Jordan's Tuxedo Park home.
Bishop Bernard Jordan is seen all over the house painted in biblical
murals like this one where he is surrounded by his three sons as
[c] With gilding throughout the house and murals his two daughters are shown as angels just off the entry. [d] Bishop Jordan points out various biblical scenes in his dining room, where in the background, shows his birth. [e]In the dining room where there is a mural that surrounds the whole room, the Rev. Al Sharpton, center smiles out from a crowd of people. All people in the room depicted donated money to have the bishops' home renovated. [f] As Bishop Jordan talks about various issues in his dining room two of his three sons, Joshua and Yakim accompany him. The chandelier in the background was donated by the Rev. Run. [g] Bishop Jordan’s home in Tuxedo Park sports a Mercedes SUV, a Hummer 2, and a Rolls Royce and a few other assorted cars. |
Where He lives.. Tuxedo ParkWhat and Where is Tuxedo Park?
Jordan’s Stamp on Tuxedo Park w. Photographs Who He Says He IsCalled a man who has been singularly forged by the fire of destiny, “Bishop” Elijah Bernard Jordan was apparently “called” at the age of 15, when he was summoned to prophesy. (Apparently God told him in a dream that he could prophesy [9]) “By the age of 24, he was recognized nationally as a prophet. Rising from the obscurity of the ghetto to his present and current fame he is known to millions as God’s messenger, the Prophet”. He founded Zoe Ministries in Westfield, New Jersey with 60 people in attendance, and has been senior pastor since 1983. The following are excerpts from his site. [All Emphasis Added]
with a vision of a church resplendent in a glory greater than of
Solomon’s Temple, Bishop Jordan has been building a ministry of
restoration that would accurately reflect the Biblical pattern, tearing down the constraints of traditionalism and exposing the lies that have led the church into captivity”
Ministries touches thousands, both nationally and internationally.
Noted primarily for his prophetic ministry and revelatory teaching,
Bishop Jordan established the School of the Prophets in 1985. The School
is specifically geared towards those who are called to function in
prophetic ministry, yet is an invaluable source of ministerial ethics
that are applicable to any office of ministry.
Jordan is in great demand, for he is quite charismatic and personable.
He is often featured on various telecasts, both locally and nationally.
Most recently, he has been featured on NBC’s Today Show, FOX 5, Good Day
New York, CNN, and many, many others. He was also featured in The Daily
News, New York Times, New York Post and Newsday with some of his
congregates as well as in an interview in Billboard Magazine on his
views concerning social issues…. [1]
Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar CayceNostradamus: Jordan’s Face book Page says [All Emphasis Added]
Bishop Jordan is a modern-day prophet whose ministry is absolutely astounding! Like Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar Cayce,
the accuracy of the gift that operates in Bishop Jordan will astound
you! He is known to predict exact names, dates, and times of events both
individually and globally! His visual perception is so exact that he is
able to give accurate descriptions of locations that are pertinent to
the recipient of the prophecy! [2]
is exceedingly difficult to have anything but contempt for a so called
Christian minister to compare himself with a sixteenth century dabbler
in the occult. [See Information on Nostradamus]
Bishop Pike:
And as far as Bishop Pike goes, he was a chain-smoker, an alcoholic and
vigorously pursued occult methods of contacting the dead.
1966, Pike's son Jim took his life in a New York city hotel room
following a period of recreational drug use. Shortly after his son's
death Pike began to experience poltergeist phenomena. Books seemed to
vanish and reappear, and safety pins were found open and placed to
indicate the hour of 8:19, the approximate hour of his son's death. Half
of the clothes in a closet were found disarranged and heaped up while
the remainder were still in perfect order. Pike led a public (and for
the church, embarrassing) pursuit of various spiritualist and
clairvoyant methods of contacting his deceased son in order to
reconcile. In September 1967, Pike participated in a televised séance
with his dead son through the medium, Arthur Ford, who served at the
time as a Disciples of Christ minister. Pike detailed these experiences in his book The Other Side An Account of My Experience with Psychic Phenomena. [3]
1967, Pike divorced his wife Esther and married Dianne Kennedy the
following year. Diane was the executive director of a foundation which
conducted research into life after death. She and Pike had collaborated
together on the book, "The Other Side: which recounted Bishop Pike's successful efforts to establish contact with the spirit of his son. [4]
Yet, in sharp contrast, the Bible says
(Manasseh, king of Judah) made his sons pass through the fire in the
valley of Ben-hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft, used divination,
practiced sorcery and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much
evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger. [2 Chronicles
33:6. NASB]
Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the LORD, because
of the word of the LORD which he did not keep; and also because he
asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it, and did not inquire of
the LORD. Therefore He killed him and turned the kingdom to David the
son of Jesse. [1 Chronicles 10:13-14. NASB]
Jordan’s site goes on to add… [All Emphasis Added]
Bishop Jordan differs from those who can operate with extra-sensory perception, for his calling as a prophet endows him with a degree of authority. As a prophet, he can truly decree a thing and see it established---just like the prophets of the Scriptures! He is not one just to give information, but he is also known to create miracles and circumvent events merely by the power of his speech! [1]
celebrities have come to Zoe Ministries to hear Jordan preach. Joseph
Simmons, better known as Run from the ground-breaking 1980s rap duo,
Run-D.M.C., was so enthralled that he became a minister in the church.
He is now the Rev. Run.
is also a friend of fellow minister and 2004 presidential candidate Al
Sharpton. They are close enough that for the last six years, Sharpton
and his family have rented a half-million-dollar house that the bishop
and his wife, Debra, own in Brooklyn”. [9]
Prophetic Awareness SoapFor some reason “His Grace” has learned how to make soap. Jordan’s site also sells Prophetic Awareness Soap containing Saponified Oils of Palm, Coconut, Olive, Lemongrass Essential Oil and Rosemary Extract. And what is this soap supposed to do? [All Emphasis Added]
This is a great way to start your day and bring you the confidence
you need to stand before those whom you need to face. Walk in the
confidence that has been given to you by God Almighty as you bathe with
this soap, know that you are becoming more aware and spiritually
guarded, so that you can meet life's challenges. This is a soap that helps bring protection and give you a greater ability to function with greater intuition and insight. Remember, according to your faith, so be it done unto you. [5]
And all this time I thought soap was for cleaning.. And if you persist in that outdated idea [Sarcasm Intentional] how about …
Other Money Making ScamsThe Trailblazer
will prophesy what he sees on a cassette tape, and actually map out
your life! He will tell you when you are to make critical steps, enter
into partnerships, and many other issues that you need to know. He will
tell you what you can expect for the next twelve months, giving you a
map that you can follow to the destination of your destiny. According to
your faith it shall be done unto you.” [6]
Or how about a 12 Month Prophetic word from the “Master Prophet”! What exactly is a “Master Prophet” anyhow?
Prophetic Word Your $365 prophetic word will give you the ability to:
Gain clarity in what God is calling you to do for the next twelve (12)
months! It will also bring you out of your struggles...and bless
everything you touch....
Give you power to know each and every move to make during each and
every month for the entire year, which will put you ahead in the game of
is the season for you to take control of your destiny and let
the Master Prophet guide you in your next level of success, so hurry and
find out what God intends for you! [7]
Want to go yet one step further.. Still not good enough? Well you can always join the …
The Prophetic Inner Circle But,
please note, that the price has gone up considerably. The “Suggested
Donation” is now $3,000.00, for which you will be assigned a personal
prophet “who will be a “living letter” of Master Prophet E. Bernard
Jordan” and who will “help you discover your weaknesses and move you
into your personal strengths”. [8]
where does much of your money go? A September 14, 2003 article By Chris
McKenna on the Times Herald-Record site tells much of the story. The
article quotes “Bishop” Jordan as saying..[Emphasis Added]
"Jesus had the same story I had," … "He was born to a family that was poor, and he overcame all the odds by becoming rich in every way."
and says that Jordan
“makes no apologies for his mansion and fleet of cars, which includes a
Rolls-Royce and a Mercedes-Benz SUV. For him, wealthiness is next to
Godliness – a way to "fulfill life's purpose" and help others.
"We're not taking any vow of poverty," he tells his flock. [9]
am sure it would not be too difficult to own a fleet of luxury cars if
one’s ministry collected $2.8 million in one year as Jordan’s Zoe
Ministries is said to have done in 2001. [Does God Want Us To Be Rich? See Section on The Prosperity Doctrine]
to the Times Herald-Record, Jordan who is the son of a construction
worker, and who grew up in a three-bedroom apartment in
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, now lives in a multi million dollar
27-room mansion in the gated community of …
1996, the Jordans left Brooklyn and moved with their five children into
the Frelinghuysen estate in Tuxedo Park, the gated community of
multimillion-dollar manor homes nestled in the wooded hills of
southeastern Orange County”. [9]
What and Where is Tuxedo Park?
Tuxedo Park is a village within the southern part of the Town of Tuxedo, in Orange County, New York. A small, but elite community it boasted a population of a mere 731 at the 2000 census. Originally developed as a resort for Blue Blood society in 1885, the owner, Peter Lorillard, organized the Tuxedo Club and the Tuxedo Park Association, as hunting and fishing preserve, and surrounded the property with a high game fence, which still fairly accurately marks the boundaries of the present day community.
The Tuxedo Park’s web site says
elegant gated community's idyllic existence has changed little in its
quality of life. Situated within 2,500 acres, you still drive through
the imposing stone Gates to the magnificent houses nestled around three
beautiful lakes [11]
recognition of its historical and architectural significance, the
historic district was listed as Tuxedo Park on the National Register of
Historic Places on March 13, 1980.
fact, not only did Emily Post wrote her “Blue Book of Etiquette” based
on what she observed inside the great stone gates of Tuxedo, but the
man’s dinner jacket called a “Tuxedo” derives it’s name from Tuxedo
Park, where it was said to have been worn for the first time at the
annual Autumn Ball of the Tuxedo Club. Some notables that have lived in
Tuxedo include:
Dorothy Draper
– a famed interior designer. Her great-grandfather, Oliver Wolcott, was
a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Her husband, Dr. George
Draper, was the personal doctor to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
after he was diagnosed with polio, and she and Eleanor Roosevelt were
good friends growing up
Adele Colgate – heir to the Colgate/Palmolive fortune,
George Baker – Banker, provided much of the initial funding for Harvard Business School.
JP Morgan
was an American financier, banker and art collector. In 1892 Morgan
arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston
Electric Company to form General Electric. Morgan was one of the
wealthiest men in the world in 1901.
Alfred Loomis
was an American attorney, investment banker, physicist, philanthropist,
and patron of scientific research. His role in the development of radar
is considered instrumental in the Allied victory in World War II. He
established the Loomis Laboratory in Tuxedo Park.
William Waldorf Astor, who in 1890 became the richest man in America after inheriting a personal fortune from his father.
Herbert C. Pell
was a United States Representative from New York, U.S. Minister to
Portugal, U.S. Minister to Hungary, and an instigator and member of the
United Nations War Crimes Commission. He inherited a share of the
Lorillard fortune through his mother, Katherine Lorillard Kernochan.
Augustus Juilliard whose philanthropy built the renowned conservatory of dance, music, and theatre in New York City that bears his name..
fact Pheasant Ridge, also called “The Japanese Cottage”, was once owned
by the son of Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister of England and cousin of
Rudyard Kipling. [10]
only reason we have included these details about Tuxedo Park is to give
the reader an inkling of the level of “society” that so called
Christian ministers aspire to. But to return to Chris McKenna’s piece
on the Times Herald-Record site. Please note while the text is from the
Times Herald-Record, the photographs are from
At the time, only three families had lived in the 11,000-square-foot mansion since it was built in 1900. The
After moving in, the bishop commissioned a team of Russian artists to paint elaborate art work on the walls and ceilings of the first floor, a job that took two to three years.
Egyptian-themed murals cover the walls of the great room: ancient Egyptians hunting, fishing, moving a sarcophagus. One shows Jordan on a throne, as pharaoh.
Nearby, in a room with scarlet walls and gilded filigree on top, there is a ceiling painting of Jordan on a throne – as God – with his three sons hovering around him as angels.
the ceilings in the foyer and another room, there are baroque-style
paintings of his children as cherubim, soaring across the heavens.
None of this quite compares to the living room.
Here, the four walls are covered with murals depicting New Testament scenes, each with Jordan as Jesus in the familiar iconography of medieval and Renaissance art. Two scenes show the Ascension: Jesus/Jordan ascending into heaven after rising from the dead. For a Nativity scene, the artists used Jordan's baby picture to depict Jesus/Jordan in the manger.
Dozens of people in biblical garb crowd around Jesus/Jordan in each scene. For each figure, the a
are the people who believed in what we're doing," Jordan says. "This is
our way of saying thank you to them and immortalizing them."
Being depicted as Jesus doesn't make Jordan uncomfortable.
"It's not really me," he says. "It's me as the principle of Christ. We teach everyone that they are Christ."
Parked out front, among other vehicles, are a white Rolls Royce, a black stretch limousine, a yellow Hummer and
Jordans may not stay here many more years. The bishop said he plans to
sell the Tuxedo Park mansion, which was appraised at $3.6 million in
June of last year. He has already tried unsuccessfully to sell the house
several times, at one point asking $4.7 million. It isn't on the market
the meantime, builders are finishing a two-story house for the family
at the retreat in Woodbourne, a more modest abode than their current
digs at a mere 3,360 square feet. The Jordans also have a penthouse apartment in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.
Jordan says he also plans to shed his luxury cars, a category that excluded his wife's $48,000 Hummer and his $74,000 Mercedes. [9]
End Notes
[4] Whatever Happened to Bishop Pike.
[7] Suggested Donation: $365.00
Chris McKenna, The Prophet Of Profit Sows The Seeds Of Wealth. Times
[a] A Rolls Royce parked in front of Bishop Jordan's Tuxedo Park home.
Bishop Bernard Jordan is seen all over the house painted in biblical
murals like this one where he is surrounded by his three sons as
[c] With gilding throughout the house and murals his two daughters are shown as angels just off the entry. [d] Bishop Jordan points out various biblical scenes in his dining room, where in the background, shows his birth. [e]In the dining room where there is a mural that surrounds the whole room, the Rev. Al Sharpton, center smiles out from a crowd of people. All people in the room depicted donated money to have the bishops' home renovated. [f] As Bishop Jordan talks about various issues in his dining room two of his three sons, Joshua and Yakim accompany him. The chandelier in the background was donated by the Rev. Run. [g] Bishop Jordan’s home in Tuxedo Park sports a Mercedes SUV, a Hummer 2, and a Rolls Royce and a few other assorted cars. |
Where He lives.. Tuxedo ParkWhat and Where is Tuxedo Park?
Jordan’s Stamp on Tuxedo Park w. Photographs Who He Says He IsCalled a man who has been singularly forged by the fire of destiny, “Bishop” Elijah Bernard Jordan was apparently “called” at the age of 15, when he was summoned to prophesy. (Apparently God told him in a dream that he could prophesy [9]) “By the age of 24, he was recognized nationally as a prophet. Rising from the obscurity of the ghetto to his present and current fame he is known to millions as God’s messenger, the Prophet”. He founded Zoe Ministries in Westfield, New Jersey with 60 people in attendance, and has been senior pastor since 1983. The following are excerpts from his site. [All Emphasis Added]
with a vision of a church resplendent in a glory greater than of
Solomon’s Temple, Bishop Jordan has been building a ministry of
restoration that would accurately reflect the Biblical pattern, tearing down the constraints of traditionalism and exposing the lies that have led the church into captivity”
Ministries touches thousands, both nationally and internationally.
Noted primarily for his prophetic ministry and revelatory teaching,
Bishop Jordan established the School of the Prophets in 1985. The School
is specifically geared towards those who are called to function in
prophetic ministry, yet is an invaluable source of ministerial ethics
that are applicable to any office of ministry.
Jordan is in great demand, for he is quite charismatic and personable.
He is often featured on various telecasts, both locally and nationally.
Most recently, he has been featured on NBC’s Today Show, FOX 5, Good Day
New York, CNN, and many, many others. He was also featured in The Daily
News, New York Times, New York Post and Newsday with some of his
congregates as well as in an interview in Billboard Magazine on his
views concerning social issues…. [1]
Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar CayceNostradamus: Jordan’s Face book Page says [All Emphasis Added]
Bishop Jordan is a modern-day prophet whose ministry is absolutely astounding! Like Nostradamus, Bishop Pike, and Edgar Cayce,
the accuracy of the gift that operates in Bishop Jordan will astound
you! He is known to predict exact names, dates, and times of events both
individually and globally! His visual perception is so exact that he is
able to give accurate descriptions of locations that are pertinent to
the recipient of the prophecy! [2]
is exceedingly difficult to have anything but contempt for a so called
Christian minister to compare himself with a sixteenth century dabbler
in the occult. [See Information on Nostradamus]
Bishop Pike:
And as far as Bishop Pike goes, he was a chain-smoker, an alcoholic and
vigorously pursued occult methods of contacting the dead.
1966, Pike's son Jim took his life in a New York city hotel room
following a period of recreational drug use. Shortly after his son's
death Pike began to experience poltergeist phenomena. Books seemed to
vanish and reappear, and safety pins were found open and placed to
indicate the hour of 8:19, the approximate hour of his son's death. Half
of the clothes in a closet were found disarranged and heaped up while
the remainder were still in perfect order. Pike led a public (and for
the church, embarrassing) pursuit of various spiritualist and
clairvoyant methods of contacting his deceased son in order to
reconcile. In September 1967, Pike participated in a televised séance
with his dead son through the medium, Arthur Ford, who served at the
time as a Disciples of Christ minister. Pike detailed these experiences in his book The Other Side An Account of My Experience with Psychic Phenomena. [3]
1967, Pike divorced his wife Esther and married Dianne Kennedy the
following year. Diane was the executive director of a foundation which
conducted research into life after death. She and Pike had collaborated
together on the book, "The Other Side: which recounted Bishop Pike's successful efforts to establish contact with the spirit of his son. [4]
Yet, in sharp contrast, the Bible says
(Manasseh, king of Judah) made his sons pass through the fire in the
valley of Ben-hinnom; and he practiced witchcraft, used divination,
practiced sorcery and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much
evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger. [2 Chronicles
33:6. NASB]
Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the LORD, because
of the word of the LORD which he did not keep; and also because he
asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it, and did not inquire of
the LORD. Therefore He killed him and turned the kingdom to David the
son of Jesse. [1 Chronicles 10:13-14. NASB]
Jordan’s site goes on to add… [All Emphasis Added]
Bishop Jordan differs from those who can operate with extra-sensory perception, for his calling as a prophet endows him with a degree of authority. As a prophet, he can truly decree a thing and see it established---just like the prophets of the Scriptures! He is not one just to give information, but he is also known to create miracles and circumvent events merely by the power of his speech! [1]
celebrities have come to Zoe Ministries to hear Jordan preach. Joseph
Simmons, better known as Run from the ground-breaking 1980s rap duo,
Run-D.M.C., was so enthralled that he became a minister in the church.
He is now the Rev. Run.
is also a friend of fellow minister and 2004 presidential candidate Al
Sharpton. They are close enough that for the last six years, Sharpton
and his family have rented a half-million-dollar house that the bishop
and his wife, Debra, own in Brooklyn”. [9]
Prophetic Awareness SoapFor some reason “His Grace” has learned how to make soap. Jordan’s site also sells Prophetic Awareness Soap containing Saponified Oils of Palm, Coconut, Olive, Lemongrass Essential Oil and Rosemary Extract. And what is this soap supposed to do? [All Emphasis Added]
This is a great way to start your day and bring you the confidence
you need to stand before those whom you need to face. Walk in the
confidence that has been given to you by God Almighty as you bathe with
this soap, know that you are becoming more aware and spiritually
guarded, so that you can meet life's challenges. This is a soap that helps bring protection and give you a greater ability to function with greater intuition and insight. Remember, according to your faith, so be it done unto you. [5]
And all this time I thought soap was for cleaning.. And if you persist in that outdated idea [Sarcasm Intentional] how about …
Other Money Making ScamsThe Trailblazer
will prophesy what he sees on a cassette tape, and actually map out
your life! He will tell you when you are to make critical steps, enter
into partnerships, and many other issues that you need to know. He will
tell you what you can expect for the next twelve months, giving you a
map that you can follow to the destination of your destiny. According to
your faith it shall be done unto you.” [6]
Or how about a 12 Month Prophetic word from the “Master Prophet”! What exactly is a “Master Prophet” anyhow?
Prophetic Word Your $365 prophetic word will give you the ability to:
Gain clarity in what God is calling you to do for the next twelve (12)
months! It will also bring you out of your struggles...and bless
everything you touch....
Give you power to know each and every move to make during each and
every month for the entire year, which will put you ahead in the game of
is the season for you to take control of your destiny and let
the Master Prophet guide you in your next level of success, so hurry and
find out what God intends for you! [7]
Want to go yet one step further.. Still not good enough? Well you can always join the …
The Prophetic Inner Circle But,
please note, that the price has gone up considerably. The “Suggested
Donation” is now $3,000.00, for which you will be assigned a personal
prophet “who will be a “living letter” of Master Prophet E. Bernard
Jordan” and who will “help you discover your weaknesses and move you
into your personal strengths”. [8]
where does much of your money go? A September 14, 2003 article By Chris
McKenna on the Times Herald-Record site tells much of the story. The
article quotes “Bishop” Jordan as saying..[Emphasis Added]
"Jesus had the same story I had," … "He was born to a family that was poor, and he overcame all the odds by becoming rich in every way."
and says that Jordan
“makes no apologies for his mansion and fleet of cars, which includes a
Rolls-Royce and a Mercedes-Benz SUV. For him, wealthiness is next to
Godliness – a way to "fulfill life's purpose" and help others.
"We're not taking any vow of poverty," he tells his flock. [9]
am sure it would not be too difficult to own a fleet of luxury cars if
one’s ministry collected $2.8 million in one year as Jordan’s Zoe
Ministries is said to have done in 2001. [Does God Want Us To Be Rich? See Section on The Prosperity Doctrine]
to the Times Herald-Record, Jordan who is the son of a construction
worker, and who grew up in a three-bedroom apartment in
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, now lives in a multi million dollar
27-room mansion in the gated community of …
1996, the Jordans left Brooklyn and moved with their five children into
the Frelinghuysen estate in Tuxedo Park, the gated community of
multimillion-dollar manor homes nestled in the wooded hills of
southeastern Orange County”. [9]
What and Where is Tuxedo Park?
Tuxedo Park is a village within the southern part of the Town of Tuxedo, in Orange County, New York. A small, but elite community it boasted a population of a mere 731 at the 2000 census. Originally developed as a resort for Blue Blood society in 1885, the owner, Peter Lorillard, organized the Tuxedo Club and the Tuxedo Park Association, as hunting and fishing preserve, and surrounded the property with a high game fence, which still fairly accurately marks the boundaries of the present day community.
The Tuxedo Park’s web site says
elegant gated community's idyllic existence has changed little in its
quality of life. Situated within 2,500 acres, you still drive through
the imposing stone Gates to the magnificent houses nestled around three
beautiful lakes [11]
recognition of its historical and architectural significance, the
historic district was listed as Tuxedo Park on the National Register of
Historic Places on March 13, 1980.
fact, not only did Emily Post wrote her “Blue Book of Etiquette” based
on what she observed inside the great stone gates of Tuxedo, but the
man’s dinner jacket called a “Tuxedo” derives it’s name from Tuxedo
Park, where it was said to have been worn for the first time at the
annual Autumn Ball of the Tuxedo Club. Some notables that have lived in
Tuxedo include:
Dorothy Draper
– a famed interior designer. Her great-grandfather, Oliver Wolcott, was
a signer of the Declaration of Independence. Her husband, Dr. George
Draper, was the personal doctor to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
after he was diagnosed with polio, and she and Eleanor Roosevelt were
good friends growing up
Adele Colgate – heir to the Colgate/Palmolive fortune,
George Baker – Banker, provided much of the initial funding for Harvard Business School.
JP Morgan
was an American financier, banker and art collector. In 1892 Morgan
arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston
Electric Company to form General Electric. Morgan was one of the
wealthiest men in the world in 1901.
Alfred Loomis
was an American attorney, investment banker, physicist, philanthropist,
and patron of scientific research. His role in the development of radar
is considered instrumental in the Allied victory in World War II. He
established the Loomis Laboratory in Tuxedo Park.
William Waldorf Astor, who in 1890 became the richest man in America after inheriting a personal fortune from his father.
Herbert C. Pell
was a United States Representative from New York, U.S. Minister to
Portugal, U.S. Minister to Hungary, and an instigator and member of the
United Nations War Crimes Commission. He inherited a share of the
Lorillard fortune through his mother, Katherine Lorillard Kernochan.
Augustus Juilliard whose philanthropy built the renowned conservatory of dance, music, and theatre in New York City that bears his name..
fact Pheasant Ridge, also called “The Japanese Cottage”, was once owned
by the son of Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister of England and cousin of
Rudyard Kipling. [10]
only reason we have included these details about Tuxedo Park is to give
the reader an inkling of the level of “society” that so called
Christian ministers aspire to. But to return to Chris McKenna’s piece
on the Times Herald-Record site. Please note while the text is from the
Times Herald-Record, the photographs are from
At the time, only three families had lived in the 11,000-square-foot mansion since it was built in 1900. The
After moving in, the bishop commissioned a team of Russian artists to paint elaborate art work on the walls and ceilings of the first floor, a job that took two to three years.
Egyptian-themed murals cover the walls of the great room: ancient Egyptians hunting, fishing, moving a sarcophagus. One shows Jordan on a throne, as pharaoh.
Nearby, in a room with scarlet walls and gilded filigree on top, there is a ceiling painting of Jordan on a throne – as God – with his three sons hovering around him as angels.
the ceilings in the foyer and another room, there are baroque-style
paintings of his children as cherubim, soaring across the heavens.
None of this quite compares to the living room.
Here, the four walls are covered with murals depicting New Testament scenes, each with Jordan as Jesus in the familiar iconography of medieval and Renaissance art. Two scenes show the Ascension: Jesus/Jordan ascending into heaven after rising from the dead. For a Nativity scene, the artists used Jordan's baby picture to depict Jesus/Jordan in the manger.
Dozens of people in biblical garb crowd around Jesus/Jordan in each scene. For each figure, the a
are the people who believed in what we're doing," Jordan says. "This is
our way of saying thank you to them and immortalizing them."
Being depicted as Jesus doesn't make Jordan uncomfortable.
"It's not really me," he says. "It's me as the principle of Christ. We teach everyone that they are Christ."
Parked out front, among other vehicles, are a white Rolls Royce, a black stretch limousine, a yellow Hummer and
Jordans may not stay here many more years. The bishop said he plans to
sell the Tuxedo Park mansion, which was appraised at $3.6 million in
June of last year. He has already tried unsuccessfully to sell the house
several times, at one point asking $4.7 million. It isn't on the market
the meantime, builders are finishing a two-story house for the family
at the retreat in Woodbourne, a more modest abode than their current
digs at a mere 3,360 square feet. The Jordans also have a penthouse apartment in the Chelsea section of Manhattan.
Jordan says he also plans to shed his luxury cars, a category that excluded his wife's $48,000 Hummer and his $74,000 Mercedes. [9]
End Notes
[4] Whatever Happened to Bishop Pike.
[7] Suggested Donation: $365.00
Chris McKenna, The Prophet Of Profit Sows The Seeds Of Wealth. Times
[a] A Rolls Royce parked in front of Bishop Jordan's Tuxedo Park home.
Bishop Bernard Jordan is seen all over the house painted in biblical
murals like this one where he is surrounded by his three sons as
[c] With gilding throughout the house and murals his two daughters are shown as angels just off the entry. [d] Bishop Jordan points out various biblical scenes in his dining room, where in the background, shows his birth. [e]In the dining room where there is a mural that surrounds the whole room, the Rev. Al Sharpton, center smiles out from a crowd of people. All people in the room depicted donated money to have the bishops' home renovated. [f] As Bishop Jordan talks about various issues in his dining room two of his three sons, Joshua and Yakim accompany him. The chandelier in the background was donated by the Rev. Run. [g] Bishop Jordan’s home in Tuxedo Park sports a Mercedes SUV, a Hummer 2, and a Rolls Royce and a few other assorted cars. |