....can a leopard change its spots..(Jeremiah 13:23)
Last Sunday on 7th June, 2009 at 2:00 pm I watched a very eloquent lady preacher on WBS TV . She was preaching on the holy spirit . I thought she was a pastor from one of the born again churches. She was really good . I was shocked to learn that she is from the catholic so called Christ the King Prayer group, Kampala. The catholic church is under panic . Many of its former faithfuls like my self have fled the satanic catholic church. In order to prevent further exodus from the catholic church , the church has started the so called charismatic renewal . This system of Satan has preachers who look to be born again. They now hide their rosaries and other catholic deco.. while on TV so that they are not easily recognized. I want to state categorically that these are liars, do not be part of them. You can not be born again and remain in the catholic satanic system.
There is a place called Mount Zion prayer center under Fr. Expedito Magembe where so called born again catholics go to pray. They have really mastered what is going on in the Pentecostal churches and imitate it in order to keep catholics deceived.
Mount Sion Prayer Center-Father Expedito Magembe Catholic Church
Look at the article below that I have translated from a local Luganda news paper in order to see this deception of Satan. See, how they call them selves children of Mary . See, how the Lord Jesus Christ, our savoir is relegated to the periphery. Do not be fooled by the catholic charismatic renewal .
Ecumenical deception: Rev. Fr.Expedito Magembe the Devil’s anointed one
Debunking the Uganda Martyrs Myth: Did these young men simply believe a lie???
Julius Nyerere (RIP), the first President of Tanzania set on road to sainthood
Taking Africa back to Satan: Pope Benedict XVI visits Cameroon
Bukalango : Where the catholic faithfuls fight with the devils the whole Night
Bukedde Kussande, Saturday, 6th June, 2009
By Moses Jaggwe
I welcome you to the night of chasing devils at Mountain Sion Prayer Centre at Bukalango under Father Expedicto Magembe. Last Saturday was a day to chase devils and it went like this:
At 5:00 o’clock in the evening: the catholic faithfuls started arriving with their mats at the field where they gathered
At 8:00 o’clock in the night : some of the catholic faithfuls slept a bit as they waited for the ceremony of chasing devils
At10:00 o’clock in the night : Father Magembe arrived and greeted the faithfuls as follows: ‘’children of Mary are you present ‘’The faithful reply in a sleepy tone.
After realizing that they were not replying audibly, he requested them to stand up and inquired whether they are okay. They still replied in a sleepy tone ’’ Are you overcoming’’ They all reply, Yes, Father. Halleluya, They all reply Amen
The Father then invited John Baptist Mukajanga to speak to the congregation. He started like this.
Praise God, children of Mary. I want us to do what has brought us here . Halleluya, They all reply Amen. Some of you are passing through certain terrible conditions, some of you were bewitched but I want to tell you none of this is going to remain with you today. They all reply, let them go, we are fed up.
Today all of you who have come here must be healed. Any one who is not healed must be taken to hospital . Do not bring sick people to spend a night here any more. Just bring the picture of the sick person. The power of prayer will meet the sick people wherever they are.
Some of you are in the walls of curses, others in different kinds of bondages. I want every body to lift their hands . They lift up their hands. Start introducing your self to Jesus, tell him I have come as a cursed person, as a sick person but I have come on this day of Pentecost on which I will receive my deliverance.
Don’t put your hands down. Continue to introduce yourself to Jesus. Some people(devils) start crying that leave us we came to kill them. The ones who were crying went to the front and Mukajanga touched them and pronounced them healed.
It written in Matthew 18:18 that when two pray in my name they will be healed. There is power moving in your bodies. Now let that devil that was sent to you go. Cries can be heard thought the field .
At one o’clock in the night : Mukajanga finalized the ceremony of chasing devils and handed the microphone over to father Magembe who immediately started the holy mass.
Bukalango:Abakkiriza gye balwana ekiro kyonna nga bagoba sitaani
Bukedde Kussande, Saturday, 6th June, 2009
Bya Moses Jaggwe
NKWANIRIZZA mu kiro ky’okugoba amasitaani ku Mountain Sion Prayer Centre e Bukalango ekikulemberwa Faaza Expedicto Magembe. Olwomukaaga oluwedde kwabadde kugoba masitaani era kwatambudde bwe kuti:
Ku ssaawa 11:00 ez’akawungeezi: Abakkiriza baatandise okutuuka buli omu n’omukeeka gwe mu kisaawe we baakung’aanidde.
Ssaawa 2:00 ez’ekiro:
Abamu baawunzise emitwe beebakemu okwetegekera omukolo gw’okugoba sitaani.
Ssaawa 4:00: Faaza Magembe yatuuse.
Yazuukusizza abaabadde beebase n’okubalamusa nti “Abaana ba Maria gyemuli?” (Baddamu mu ngeri ya kimpoowooze).
Yalabye guli gutyo kwe kubasaba bayimirire n’ababuuza oba bali bulungi. Era okuddamu kwabadde kwa kimpowooze. “Waliwo ku mmwe gwe navumye, lwaki temunziramu? Kale abaana ba Maria muwangula (Baddamu n’eddoboozi ery’omwanguka nti ‘Yee… Faaza). Halleluya mwenna (Baddamu Amiina.)
Wano yayise John Baptist Mukajanga okubaako by’ayogera era yatandise bw’ati:
“Mukama yeebazibwe abaana ba Maria? Njagala leero tukole ekituleese wano, Halleluya (Baddamu amiina). Abamu mubadde mulina bye muyitamu eyo gye mubeera, abalala babasindikira amalogo naye mbagamba nti olwaleero tewali kigenda kusigalawo. (Baddamu mu ddoboozi ery’omwanguka nti ‘bigende twakoowa’).
Olwaleero abantu mwenna abazze e Bukalango okubasabira muteekwa okuwonyezebwa ne muddayo ewammwe, ataawone nga mumutwala mu ddwaaliro. Temuddayo kuleeta eno mulwadde yenna kusula wano waakiri muleete ekifaananyi kye, amaanyi g’essaala gajja kuyita mu kifaananyi ekyo gamutuukeko.
Abamu muli mu bisenge bya bikolimo, abalala mu busibe obw’enjawulo. Njagala buli omu awanike emikono gye waggulu (bawanika) tandika okweyanjula eri Yezu Kristu omugambe nti nzize nze ng’omukolimire, omulwadde naye nzize ku lunaku lwa Pentekooti luno lwe nnaasumululwa.
Toggyaayo mikono gyo nga Mukama akusumulula yongera okweyanjula. (abamu bavuddeyo nga bakaaba nti ffe tuleke twajja kubatta. Obwedda bakaaba badda mu maaso nga Mukajanga abakwatako nti ggwe owonye.)
Kyawandiikibwa mu Mataayo 18:18 nti, ‘Babiri bwe banaasabanga mu linnya lyange banaawonyezebwanga’, waliwo amaanyi agatambula mu mibiri gyammwe kati leka sitaani oyo eyakusindikibwa agende. (Emiranga gisaanikira ekisaawe)
Ssaawa 7:00 ez’ekiro: Mukajanga yamalirizza okugoba amasitaani akazindaalo n’akaddiza Faaza Magembe Mmisa n’etandika.
Published on: Saturday, 6th June, 2009