Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Uganda: Oh, These External Preachers!

Uganda: Oh, These External Preachers!

The Monitor (Kampala)

March 17, 2007
Posted to the web March 19, 2007

D. Kanakulya

There is news in the air that several so-called internationally renowned preachers are coming to Uganda in the near future. Website is reporting that preachers such as Benny Hinn (April 18-19th), Creflo Dollar (June 13-14th), among others are coming to preach.

It is reported that: "Kayanja said 2007 is a year of spiritual perfection, completion and the image of Uganda will shine internationally." This reminds me of Kalinge-Nnyago's article The Lord Has Crawled Into Uganda, World Politics (Daily Monitor, December 10). The so-called 'Lord' crawled into Uganda's politics long ago.

Prophet Kayanja is back at his craft; this time prophesying that 2007 is going to be a year when Uganda's image will shine internationally. What an interesting logic! Uganda's image is going to shine this year simply because some made-for-television preachers are coming to Uganda!

Uganda is going to shine indeed because some few politicians will sit at the high table and share camera and television space. To me, these prophets are just singing a lullaby to the people to send them to sleep while the press is awash with stories of poverty, caterpillar plagues, hailstorms, strikes, demonstrations, unbearable taxes, impassable roads, and the rest.

Is this year really a year of spiritual perfection, completion and Uganda's image shining? May be these prophets are spending too much time in the United States of America to see what is on the ground in Uganda.

But think about this: God is bringing these men to Africa to shame them because their prosperity gospel does not work there. However much they deceive people to repeat catch phrases of prosperity, it is the governments with which they are committing spiritual fornication that are holding multitudes in Africa in poverty by stealing their natural resources and giving with one hand but taking with the other.