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Tuesday, 10 March 2020
The Strong Delusion: Former Pastor at Flagship Southern Baptist Church in Georgia “Marries” Another Man
And for this cause God shall
send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all
might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness
(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).
Former Pastor at Flagship Southern Baptist Church in Georgia “Marries” Another Man
First Baptist Church in Woodstock, GA outside of Atlanta is one of
the Southern Baptist Convention’s largest churches, serves as a flagship
megachurch, and up until a couple of years ago, was pastored by former Southern Baptist president, Johnny Hunt.
However, during Johnny Hunt’s tenure at Woodstock, another man by the
name of Roy Blankenship served as a pastor and senior minister of the
church’s counseling center. This pastor served on staff at the church
for twenty years, according to Seth Dunn, a former attendee of the church and counseled people on their sex lives, marriage, and other mental health-related issues.
Little did the unsuspecting congregation know, Blankenship was a
sexually confused homosexual who would rather sodomize — or be sodomized
by — another man. And, eventually, in June of 2019, he carried out his
perverted fantasy and “married” another man.
According to Blankenship’s LinkedIn profile, he stepped down on his own accord
from his role at FBC Woodstock. It is almost impossible to believe that
Johnny Hunt or any of the other staff was unaware of Blankenship’s
perverted desires. Blankenship writes in a blog post last January that he had struggled with these desires his entire life and only married his wife (now deceased) out of obligation.
My now deceased wife Nancy and I
married on May 15, 1983. The decision to marry Nancy was a conscious
choice I made. It was driven by two things: the fact that she had become
my best friend; and my faith conviction at that time, that I was to be
in a heterosexual relationship.
He goes on to say that he isn’t sure that he ever actually loved her
in a “romantic sense.” He sure loves his new “husband” in a “romantic
sense,” though.
During his time at FBC Woodstock, the man who now fornicates with
another man says that he never promoted the idea that one’s sexual
orientation could change — a notion now being largely pushed by
progressive Evangelical outlets such as The Gospel Coalition and the
Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.
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Over the years however, I have
never promoted the idea of changing one’s sexual orientation. In the
early years, I was taught that one could change their orientation. Yet,
as I tried to experience such change, it never happened. In my later
years, and in my ministry work, I came to believe that such change is
not possible.
Why it isn’t a red flag that people like this are the ones leading
the Evangelical sexual revolution is mind-boggling. It’s now clear that
an unregenerate man lived a lie and served countless people a false hope
and a false gospel at one of the largest Southern Baptist Churches in
the world for two decades.
If you were to die today, where would you go? Heaven? Hell? Not sure?
Perilous times : Gay
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