Thursday, 12 November 2015

Blasphemous Play Depicting Jesus as ‘Transgender Woman’ to Be Presented in Northern Ireland

Blasphemous Play Depicting Jesus as ‘Transgender Woman’ to Be Presented in Northern Ireland 


Clifford-compressedBELFAST, Northern Ireland — A blasphemous play depicting Jesus Christ as a transgendered woman is set to be performed at a homosexual festival in Northern Ireland.
“The Gospel According to Jesus Queen of Heaven” is scheduled for showing on Nov. 15 at the Outburst Queer Arts Festival in Belfast. It was created by Jo Clifford, a man who identifies as a woman.
“The play imagines a transgender Jesus coming back to the world today,” Clifford told BBC News. “She pitches a sermon and tells a few very familiar gospel stories.”
“Our mother who art on Earth, blessed is your name. … Give us this day our daily kisses,” a promo video for the production states, showing homosexuals kissing each other. “For yours is the queendom, and the beauty, and the Church forever and ever, amen.”
This year is not the first that the play has been presented. In 2009, the production, which was performed as a part of the Glasgay! arts festival, was met with protest outside of the Glasgow theater as some found the play to be blasphemous. Nearly 300 people gathered to sing hymns and hold signs such as “Jesus, King of Kings, Not Queen of Heaven” and “God: My Son Is Not A Pervert.”
“True biblical Christianity is becoming marginalized through political correctness,” Jack Bell, pastor of Zion Baptist Church, told reporters that year. “If this play had treated the prophet Mohammed in the same way, there would have been a strong reaction from the Islamic community, but that just wouldn’t happen.”
Clifford denies that the play is blasphemous.
“As a practicing Christian myself, I have no interest in attacking the church or mocking the church or making fun of the church or in any way, being blasphemous or offensive,” he said.
As previously reported, a United Church of Christ congregation in Massachusetts recently hosted what it called a “Drag Gospel Festival” in support of the homosexual and transgender members in its assembly.
“What do drag queens or drag kings have to do with Jesus or the gospel?” the First Church of Somerville wrote on its website. “We at FCS believe ‘God don’t make no junk.’ So whether you are straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgendered or still playing hard to get, Jesus loves you and so do we! Amen baby! So come and get yours at this here church!”
Over 250 people attended the service, including one man who walked to the front of the room upset about the event flyer, which featured a graphic of Jesus wearing makeup and earrings.
“You paint up Jesus Christ like a prostitute,” he declared.

‘Pastor’ Paula White, Rocker Husband’s Wolf, Riding Hood Halloween Photo Stirs Controversy



Rotten fruit: Megachurch Preacher Paula White Marries Rocker Jonathan Cain in Third Marriage

‘Pastor’ Paula White, Rocker Husband’s Wolf, Riding Hood Halloween Photo Stirs Controversy 

White-compressedControversy is stirring over a photo posted on Instagram on Sunday by megachurch leader Paula White, which shows the author and speaker dressed up for Halloween with her husband Jonathan Cain of the rock band Journey.
“Little Red Riding Hood with the Big Bad Wolf,” she wrote, hashtagging “#love #marriage #life #fun #makingmemories.”
White wears a red hood in the photo with a black and white blouse or dress revealing decolletage as she is embraced by her husband dressed in a wolf costume and face paint.
White, 49, is known for founding without Walls International Church in Tampa, Florida with her second husband Randy White. She turned the church over to him years after their divorce in 2007. White hosts the television show “Paula White Today,” which airs on TBN and BET, and now serves as leader of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida.
She also considers herself a life coach, authoring books such as “The Ten Commandments of Health and Wellness,” “Simple Suggestions for a Sensational Life,” “I Don’t Get Wholeness, That’s the Problem—Making Relationships Work” and “He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.”
White’s first marriage was to Dean Knight, who she married as a teenager. The two have a son together, named Bradley.
Jonathan Cain, 65, is known for his roles in the bands Bad English and Journey, especially for penning the Journey hits “Don’t Stop Believin,’” “When You Love a Woman” and “Who’s Crying Now.”
His first marriage was to singer Tané McClure, who he divorced and later went on to marry Elizabeth Fullerton, with whom he has three children. Cain recently divorced for the second time, and married White in April.
White’s photo on Sunday, which generated 1,600 likes and over 300 comments, generated polarized discussion online as to whether or not it is appropriate for Christians to celebrate Halloween.
“By dressing up for Satan’s holiday, you are praising him,” one commenter wrote. “This is righteous judgment, not pointing a finger. The enemy needs to be exposed openly.”
“I am very disappointed in you Mrs. White. You are a pastor and you are celebrating the devil’s day, why?” another asked. “Please take this photo down and repent. Why celebrate the day of God’s enemy and go to church on Sunday to preach, what wow.”
Others defended the megachurch leader.
“I love my pastor and her family and my NDCC family! The little riding hood with the big bad wolf was classic. I myself was Batgirl,” one commenter wrote.
“Every church had a party or something … on October 31. But you [think we] are to be above having fun,” another said in response to those who rebuked White. “Pastor Paula, you rock and are the best pastor there is! The world is jealous of God’s chosen.”
Joe Schimmel, pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California, and director of Good Fight Ministries wrote on his blog “Cup of Joe” last month that Christians should not seek to justify participation in Halloween activities.
“There will certainly be people who will still rationalize ways to participate, at some level, in the festivities of Halloween. To this the Lord replies in Proverbs 3:7, ‘Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil,’ and 8:13 ‘To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech,'” he said. “Will we seek to push the boundaries of our faith to see just how far we can go? Or will we seek to serve the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength?”

Islam + African Voodoo = Voodoo= Satanism: Uganda’s satanic priestess Maama Fina’s (Sylivia Namutebi) abandons muslim husband and gets Married to a second Muslim husband

Maama Fina in a satanic spirits invocation pipe smoking ritual 


Leader of Uganda’s Satanic priests and priestess Maama Fina’s (Sylivia Namutebi) Insists she will make pilgrimage to Mecca despite threats from Muslim leaders

Maama Fina , a staunch catholic, praying at Bulyanti  catholic church where she donated 1 million Uganda shillings .He life style is typical of African Christians who worship the 'God'  on Sunday and the devil on Monday

Spiritual Naivety : Pastor Wilson Bugembe shares Pulpit with Uganda’s notorious witchdoctor Maama Fiina : Even if you own demons and you are revered like Maama Fiina and can walk in space, the almighty is one, preached the witch on Pastor Bugembe’s Pulpit: The witch also donated two million Uganda shillings to Church Project .
Witch Maama Fiina donates 2 million shillings at Pastor Bugembe's church

When the devil blesses its servants with material prosperity : Maama Fina (real name Sylvia Namutebi) the Ugandan Millionaire “witchdoctor” and media darling: Maama Fina’s life boguses the gospel of some prosperity pastors who tell Christians that worshiping satan is synonymous with poverty.

Uganda’s Satanic priestess Maama Fiina allegedly in hiding after her nude pictures leak to the press

 New Eagles production CEO and soft spoken singer Geofrey Lutaaya held his Olweza concert at Muganzi Lwaza Plaza where several notables were in attendance. Among those in attendance were Pastor Bugembe of Light World Church, Nansana, Pastor Yiga commonly known as Abizaayo and Sylivia Namutebi aka Maama Fiina. When Pastor Bugembe got on stage to perform, he summoned Maama Fiina on stage and they sang together his Biribabitya(how will things be at the doors of heaven) song. In return, Mama Fiina was splashing 50K notes on Bugembe as they shook hands and hugged.

Where was the devil she worships when the pics were take!!!Maama Fiina’s husband sues Red Pepper over nude photos

Maama Fiina bamuwadde amahale n’ateeka bba ku bunkenke
Kampala | Nov 06, 2015

Maama Fiinang’amema neMaj. Kiggundu.Bya JOSEPH MUTEBI

Yatuuse e Kibuli nga ye Slyvia Namutebi amanyiddwa nga Maama Fiina, kyokka w’aviiriddeyo ng’afuuse Sofia Namutebi oluvannyuma lw’okutoola Shahadu n’akkiriza nti Nabbi Muhammad mubaka wa Katonda. 
Okutuuka e Kibuli Maama Fiina yazze ne banne nga 10, ng’anekedde mu sharia emmyufu eriko amayinja ag’ebbeeyi agatemagana gye yaguze e Dubai. 
Maj. Kiggundu (ku ddyo) n’omuko Kizito. Wakati ye Sheikh Kibaate.
Yabadde aboobedde nga mukkakkamu era emikolo bwe gyeyongedde mu maaso nga batuuse okussa emikono ku satifikeeti y’obufumbo, yalaze obumalirivu nga kirabika ategedde obukulu bw’ensonga eno. 
Ku Mizikiti e Kibuli yasanzeeyo bba Maj. Kiggundu n’abamu ku baamuwerekeddeko ne bayingira Omuzikiti ku ssaawa nga 5:30 ez’e misana. Akola nga Supreme Mufuti, Shiekh Mahamood Kibaate ye yabawooye wabula yasoose kutooza Maama Fiina Shahadu okukakasa nti ddala asiramuse. 
“Sofia ggwe n’omwami wo ogambye nti mwamala dda okuwoowebwa era watoola dda ne Shahadu wabula nange ng’agenda okubakakasa mu Busiraamu njagala mpulire ku bigambo byo oba okkirizza okuyingira Obusiraamu nga tewali akukase”, bwatyo Sheikh Kibaate bwe yabategeezezza. 
Maama Fiina ng’abala ssente z’amahale.
Obwedda Maama Fiina addamu mpola mu ddoboozi ery’ekigole nti, “kituufu nzikirizza era ndi mwetegefu okufumbirwa Maj. Kiggundu era n’eddiini ngikyusizza.” Amangu ago abagole baabalombeddeedduwa era bwatyo Maj. Kiggundu n’afuuka omwami wa Maama Fiina omutongole. Omuko Kassimu Kizito ye yagabye Maama Fiina.  
Oluvannyuma Shiekh Mohammed Ssekikubo  omu ku baimaamu mu Muzikiti gw’e Kibuli n’abasabira bafune emikisa mu bufumbo bwabwe. 
Omu ku balabirira Omuzikiti gw’e Kibuli Gotto Hussien Musisi yasomesezza aba- fumbo bano era n’akakasa ne Maama Fiina nti tatya Obusiraamu era singa Maj. Kiggundu agezaako okumubonyaabonya, agende ku Muzikiti amuloope. 
Yabaagalizza okuzaala abalongo era n’amukuutira nti wadde alina ssente, ateekwa okuwa bba ekitiibwa. 
Maama Fiina yasabye amahale ga 5,000,000/- kyokka nga Maj. Kiggundu alinako busatu mu mpeke. Shiekh Kibaate yabuuzizza Maama Fiina oba akkiriza okumuwaako obukadde obusatu n’asooka yeerema ng’agamba nti, Maj. Kiggundu alina okusooka okumuwa obukakafu nti ezisigaddeyo waakuzimuwa mu bbanga eggere. 
Maama Fiina ng’ateeka omukono ku bbaluwa y’obufumbo.
Bakkiriziganyizza nti, ssente ezisigaddeyo wakuzifuna mu myezi esatu.  
Oluvannyuma ssente baazimukwasizza, Sheikh Kibaate azibale oba ziweze. Kyokka ng’amaze okuzibala, Sheikh yamubuuzizza nti, “Ssente ziweze?” N’amuddamu nti, “ teziwera ssebo. N’amugamba ddamu obale bulungi era ku mulundi guno,n’akakasa nti ziweze , omukolo ne gugenda mu maaso. 
Abagole nga bafulumye mu Muzikiti.
Bwe baamaze okuwoowebwa ne beekubya ebifaananyi buli omu n’adda mu mmotoka ye n’abantu ne bagenda mu zimu ku wooteeri ez’omulembe mu Kampala gye bagenda okugabulira abagenyi baabwe era mu bbanga ttono, bagenda kukola omukolo ogunaamenya n’emiti mu Kampala.

Maama Fiina atabuse ne bba: Amulekedde amaka amakulu e Mityana
Kampala | Sep 24, 2014

Maama Fiina ne bba Haji Ssekidde nga bali mu mukwano.Bya JOSEPH MUTEBI
MAAMA Fiina atabuse ne bba n’ava mu maka gaabwe amakulu e Mityana n’adda e Bulenga mu Wakiso. Awadde ensonga ttaano ezibatabudde ezivuddeko obufumbo bwabwe okuyuuga.
Alumiriza bba Haji Ismail Ssekidde okuba n’ebbuba erisusse ng’amulondoola buli w’alaze nti n’atuuka n’okumulumba mu Ssabo ng’akola ku balwadde naddala abasajja.
Nti olumu agenda mu bivvulu by’omu mu Kampala nga bba amulese mu maka gaabwe amatongole agali e Bbuye mu Mityana, kyokka ekyewuunyisa amwekangira mu nsonda z’ebifo ebisanyukirwamu ng’alinga amuliimisa.
Slyvia Namutebi (Maama Fiina) agattako nti bba amulondoola n’atuuka n’okumulumba ku buli wooteeri gy’agenda okusisinkana abakungu ababeera bamuyise okubasisinkana mu ngeri ey’enjawulo, nti kyokka olumubuuza ekimukozesa bino, Haji nti addamu kimu: “Atabubira nsiko ye taliira!”
Ebbuba nti lizadde ebizibu ebirala bingi mu maka omuli okubulwa emirembe, ennyombo ezitaggwa ekikola obubi omwana waabwe ow’emyaka omukaaga gwe balina.
Maama Fiina agamba nti ekirala ekibatabudde ye Haji okwagala okuwa amateeka ku ssente z’ekikyala, n’atuuka n’okumulemesa okugabira ku bantu abalala ensimbi ng’agamba nti talina kumansamansa ssente z’amaka. Agamba nti kino takkaanya nakyo kubanga ye akimanyi nti buli lw’ogaba, n’emikisa gyeyongera.

Haji Ssekidde ng’aliko by’annyonnyola eggulo ku ofiisi za Bukedde.
Yagasseeko nti wadde mugagga naye kimuluma okuba nga talaba ku ssente ya musajja!
Maama Fiina yafumbiriganwa ne Haji Ssekidde mu 2004 era obufumbo baakabumalamu emyaka kkumi.
Haji Ssekidde eggulo yazze mu Bukedde oluvannyuma lw’okukitegeera nti mukaziwe ensonga aziwanvuyizza n’ategeeza nti obutakkaanya bwe balina bwa bulijjo obubeera mu maka gonna era akola ekisoboka okutereeza ensonga z’amakaage mu ngeri ey’ekisajjakikulu; kubanga balina abaana abakulu be bateekwa okukuliza awamu.
Yagasseeko nti mukazi we amwagala nnyo era ne gye buvuddeko baabadde ku bizinga by’e Ssese gye yamututte okuwummulamu.
Kyokka Maama Fiina yategeezezza nti Haji yamututte e Ssese ng’amugambye nti agenda kwetonda olw’obugulumbo mu maka obumaze ebbanga nti kyokka bwe yatuuseeyo n’agaana okwetonda ekyabatabudde, Maama Fiina n’asalawo okuva mu maka gaabwe amatongole ag’e Bbuye n’adda e Bulenga gy’asula kati.
Wabula Haji Ssekidde yagambye nti bakyayogeraganya n’agattako nti tamanyiiyo maka mu nsi gatabaamu kutabuka kyokka ng’abantu abakulu, batuula ku mmeeza ne boogera.
Maama Fiina ye yali akulira abasawo b’ekinnansi mu ggwanga kyokka nga kati yatandikawo ekibiina kya “Uganda N’eddagala N’obuwangwa Bwaffe”.

Amaka amakulu ag’e Mityana, Maama Fiina g’awadde Haji  Ssekidde.
Abanene abazze bafuna ebizibu mu bufumbo:
  • Omugagga Drake Lubega yatabuka ne mukazi we Benita Lubega.
  • Omugagga Agnes Babirye yatabuka ne bba William Mugerwa.
  • Eyali Minisita James Kakooza yatabuka ne mukyala we.
  • Omuyimbi Fred Sserugga eyatabuka ne mukazi we Catherine Kusaasira.
  • Dr. Specioza Wandira Kazibwe yatabuka ne bba Ying. Charles Kazibwe (omugenzi).

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Pastor Robert Kayanja to host Controversial Prosperity Gospel Guru Dr. Mike Murdock in WISDOM , triple blessing Conference from 9th -15th November, 2015



A "Gospel" that Almost Killed Me? How Christ can save some one from the Prosperity Gospel Heresy  

The False Promise of the Prosperity Gospel: Why I Called Out Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer

 Why the Prosperity Gospel Is the Worst Pyramid Scheme Ever

Who is Michael Dean Murdock?

Michael Dean Murdock (born April 18, 1946 in Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States) is an American televangelist and pastor of the Wisdom Center ministry based in Haltom City, Texas. Murdock preaches around the world and is best known for his promotion of prosperity theology. He often preaches with David Cerullo and Benny Hinn and has also preached with Tammy Faye Bakker. He hosts the Wisdom Keys with Mike Murdock television program.


Mike Murdock was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana to J.E. and Willie Murdock, and has one sister (Deborah Murdock-Johnson) who works for his ministry.[1][2] In 1964, Murdock graduated from LaGrange High School in Lake Charles.[1] He attended Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas, but left after three semesters in 1966. In 1989, he received an honorary doctorate from International Seminary in Florida.[1]
In 1966, Murdock married Linda Lormand (married from 1966–1979) and they adopted a boy, Jason, in 1979. On October 4, 1979 the couple divorced. Linda Lormand Murdock was given custody of Jason following the divorce. She is said to have had difficulty providing for the child despite her former husband's income.[1]
In addition to preaching, Murdock is known for his publications and songs.[3] The Fort Worth Star-Telegram alleged that Murdock exaggerates his accomplishments and that he would have written an average of 300 songs per year based on his claims. The newspaper also reported that he had registered 76 songs with the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, according to unofficial data kept on those groups' Web sites.[1]
In 1973, prior to his divorce, he established the Mike Murdock Evangelistic Association and began preaching and fundraising throughout the country.[citation needed]
In 1989, as a pastor on The PTL Club, Murdock gained national attention during the PTL scandal when he asked viewers to donate to Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye Bakker claiming they helped broken marriages and people.[4][5] The PTL later declared bankruptcy and Bakker went to prison for fraud related to his ministry.[citation needed]
In 1999, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Murdock refused interview requests and had previously declined to answer questions about money.[6]
In 2003, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram ran a series about Murdock giving association (donor-raised) money to select family members who were on his association's board.[2]
On 3-3-2003, the Associated Press reported Murdock asked followers for money to help the poor but spent more than 60% of donations on overhead, including his salary, and only a tiny amount (reported to be "legal minimums of 1% to 3%") on helping the needy, or any other 'public interest'.[7]
In 2004, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Murdock "has started a church and the law allows him to keep his financial records behind closed doors." In August 2004, the association purchased the International Faith Center in Haltom City, Texas, and changed its name to The Wisdom Center, which it operates as a church.[8]
On 3-22-12, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that Murdock's home, assessed at $1.5 million, was for sale.[9] The 9,943 sq ft 25-room home with built-in wine cooler located on 6.89 acres at 2010 Whitebridge Rd., Argyle, TX 76226 was first listed for sale on on 11-29-11 for $3.2 million and then subsequently on 9-4-13 (MLS 12020088) for $2.7 million.[10] According to public records, Murdock also was the owner of 2013 Whitebridge Rd.[11]
Murdock has appeared on TBN, CBN, BET, INSP, WORD, Daystar Television Network and other television networks, and his weekly television program, Wisdom Keys with Mike Murdock. Murdock is a Founding Trustee on the Board of International Charismatic Ministries along with the late Oral Roberts[citation needed].


Murdock was one of several televangelists profiled by John Oliver a British comedian on a segment of television program Last Week Tonight with John Oliver that exposed "churches that exploit people’s faith for monetary gain". A clip of Murdock prompting his congregation to applaud the purchase of several private airplanes was featured.[12] [13]

Poverty-hating Haltom City televangelist Murdock's $1.5 million mansion for sale 


Haltom City Cashevangelist Mike Murdock, who asks donors to send him money by assuring them God could possibly, if things go right, Mike Murdockreward them with big bucks, is selling his Argyle estate, valued at $1.5 million by the appraisal district.
A quote attributed to Murdock goes like this: “You will never become rich, until you hate poverty.”
His mansion - which includes an indoor fish pond, 3,000-square-foot tennis court, game room, water fall, jetted tub, four media rooms, swimming pool, exercise room, guest quarters and other amenities on 6.89 acres - certainly screams “I have something of an aversion to non-richness.” Murdock Manor
Perhaps not surprisingly, Murdock, who goes by the moniker “Dr. Mike Murdock” on television  — it’s an honorary degree — is trying to make a little profit on his 9,825-square-foot manor.
Its listed price is $3.2 million. (See video below for a virtual tour.) If you're lucky, he may also toss in a copy of his $10 Twitter tips book.
Murdock’s website for his church, The Wisdom Center, doesn’t indicate where MM may be moving.
Still, consider this, potential homebuyers: Not only do you get a home with five balconies, four gazebos and a sunken fire pit, you’ll be able to show others that they don't have to wait for heavenly rewards.
No matter how you raked in the money.

The Pagan Pope Francis, Universalism, and The Global Agenda of Rome


The Pagan Pope Francis, Universalism, and The Global Agenda of Rome 

Folks there is a Global agenda behind the call for religious unity by the pagan Pope of Rome. Any person who has been truly born again of the Spirit of the living God, will be able to discern what is happening with the “inter-religious unity movement” being propagated by the Roman Catholic system. As a former Roman Catholic myself I know what it was like to live in that deception, BUT I could not have escaped that wicked deception without the guidance of the Holy Spirit of truth. The Roman Catholic system is operating under the guidance of “another Jesus,” and “another spirit,” and thus they are preaching “another gospel” which is not the TRUE gospel of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. When I was truly saved and born again of the Spirit, I knew that the Roman Catholic system was a false system. I had a mental picture of all of the religious vestments which the Catholic priests and bishops wore, and I knew that they were nothing more than religious costumes being worn by men who were deceived themselves. I still believe the very same thing today 26 years later. After I was truly born again of the Spirit, not only did I know that salvation was FREE and a gift from Almighty God, but I knew that the salvation which I received was FREE for all who would call upon the Lord.
“For the scripture saith, WHOSOEVER believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is NO DIFFERENCE between the Jew and the Greek: for the same LORD over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be SAVED.”  Romans 10:11-13
Did you read that passage of scripture? Do you know that it was written by a Jewish man named Saul (Paul) who formerly consented to the death (murder) of many Christians? Yes, that is the truth, and that same man was ultimately saved by the same Jesus Christ whom he formerly hated! You see folks there is an extreme difference between the REAL Jesus Christ and the Jesus Christ of systems such as the Roman Catholic system. The Jesus Christ of the Roman Catholic system is brought down to their Catholic altars on a daily basis to be “sacrificed” in their “Sacrifice of the Mass” which they believe expiates the sins of both the living and the dead souls in Purgatory. If you disagree with that teaching, then you are under numerous curses from their Council of Trent.  That is the type of bondage that the REAL Jesus Christ delivered millions of precious souls from, including my own. When I was born again, the one thing that I knew was that salvation was found ONLY in Jesus Christ and nowhere else. I am not talking about the Jesus Christ of the Mormons, the Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses), the Muslims, or the unbelieving Jewish people, but the REAl Jesus Christ who was manifested as God in the flesh. That is the only Jesus Christ who can  truly save your soul. Here is an excerpt from the Vatican Information Service from October 28, 2015.

The Pope also noted that over the last fifty years there have been many initiatives and examples of institutional or personal relations with non-Christian religions. The most significant among them include the meeting in Assisi on 27 October 1986, promoted by St. John Paul II. He also praised the great transformation that has taken place in this period in the relationship between Christians and Jews. “Indifference and opposition have turned into cooperation and benevolence”, he remarked. “From enemies and strangers, we have become friends and brothers. The Council, with the Declaration ‘Nostra Aetate’, showed the way: ‘yes’ to the rediscovery of the Jewish roots of Christianity; ‘no’ to any form of anti-Semitism and condemnation of any resulting injustice, discrimination and persecution. Mutual knowledge, respect and esteem constitute the way that, valid for relations with Jews, is similarly relevant to relations with other religions. I think in particular of Muslims who, as the Council states, ‘adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself, merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of Heaven and earth, Who has spoken to men’. They refer to the paternity of Abraham, they venerate Jesus as a prophet, they honour His virgin Mother Mary, they await the day of judgement, and practise prayer, charity and fasting”. [Interreligious audience in St. Peter’s Square on the 50th anniversary of the conciliar declaration “Nostra Aetate” [Vatican City, 28 October 2015 (VIS)]
In this excerpt Pope Francis referred to the inter-religious meeting in Assisi, Italy which was hosted by the late Pope John Paul II. I remember seeing various film clips from that meeting, and I remember the Pope smoking a long peace pipe during that gathering. There were all sorts of different religions represented there also, including Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, as well as witch doctors. How does the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob feel about all of this stuff anyway? Listen to what he said about the worship of other “gods.”
“Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.”  Isaiah 44:6
Do you see how the Lord declared himself to be the King of Israel, as well as the First and the Last? Did you notice how the Lord said that beside him there was no God? So I think that we would all agree that there is only ONE God according to the scriptures, if in fact you believe the scriptures. You see folks, this is where you are going to have to make up your mind, as to whether you are going to follow a man named Pope Francis or the true and living God. There was a group of people in Berea who were mentioned in the book of Acts, and they searched the scriptures every day to see if it was being preached to them, lined up with the truth of the scriptures.
“And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”  Acts 17:10-11
Jesus Christ told us that God must be worshiped in Spirit and in truth! You do not need the interpretation of the  “infallible” pagan Pope Francis.
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”  John 4:23-24
The people of Berea were well aware of the prophet Isaiah who gave them the following warning:
“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to THIS WORD, it is because there is no light in them.”  Isaiah 8:20
The Bereans were listening to Paul and Barnabas preach, and they just wanted to make sure that they were not going astray, so they searched the scriptures. The pagan Pope Francis and all of the other pagan Popes who preceded him, are preaching things which are diametrically opposed to the scriptures. The Pope specifically mentioned the Muslims and he said this: 
” . . . I think in particular of Muslims who, as the Council states, ‘adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself, merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of Heaven and earth, Who has spoken to men’. They refer to the paternity of Abraham, they venerate Jesus as a prophet, they honour His virgin Mother Mary, they await the day of judgement, and practise prayer, charity and fasting”.
The question of the hour is this. Do the words of Pope Francis agree with what the scriptures teach, which included the words of Jesus Christ, or is the pagan Pope Francis teaching things from his own distorted mind? The scriptures teach us that eternal life is found in the SON, not a prophet! There is a great conflict between Biblical Christianity and the religion of Islam, and that difference is the difference between life and death, truth and error and ultimately Heaven and Hell! How can a person have eternal life if it is found in the Son of God, when the people of Islam do not even believe that God has a Son?  Here are some quotes from the KORAN of ISLAM:
“The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was no more than God’s apostle . . .God is but one God. GOD FORBID THAT HE SHOULD HAVE A SON!” (4:171)
Those who say: “The Lord of Mercy has begotten a son, preach a monstrous falsehood, at which the very heavens might crack . . .” (19:88)
“God forbid that He Himself should beget a son!” (19:29)
“Praise be to God who has never begotten a son; who has no partner in His Kingdom . . .” (17:111)
“God has begotten a son. ‘God forbid! Self-sufficient is He.! (10:68)
“If the Lord of Mercy had a son, I would be the first to worship him.” (43:72-81)
The pagan Pope Francis has insisted that the Muslims worship the true and living God, and yet the Muslims do not believe that God has a Son! The scriptures teach us that eternal life is found in the SON, not in a prophet.
“If we receive the witness of men, the witness of GOD is greater: for this is the witness of GOD which he hath TESTIFIED of his SON. He that believeth on the SON of GOD hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not GOD hath made him a LIAR; because he believeth not the record that GOD gave of his SON. And this is the record, that GOD hath given to us ETERNAL LIFE, and this LIFE is in his SON. He that hath the SON hath life; and he that hath not the SON of GOD hath not LIFE. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the SON of God; that ye may KNOW that ye have ETERNAL LIFE, and that ye may believe on the name of the SON of GOD.”  1 John 5:9-13
That passage of scripture was written by a Jewish man named John, who also wrote the gospel of John and the book of Revelation. John was also severely persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ. in that passage it tells us that the witness of God is greater than the witness of men. That passage tells us that God has testified about his Son, and if a person does not believe that then they are making the true and living God a liar. God’s testimony about his Son is that eternal life is found in him, and in him alone. The scripture passage makes it very clear that if a person does not have the Son, then they do not have eternal life. The scriptures are very clear in the matter of salvation, and they are in total disagreement with the words of the pagan Pope Francis. That same apostle John wrote the following:
“He that believeth on the SON hath EVERLASTING LIFE: and he that believeth not the SON shall not see life; but the WRATH of GOD abideth on him.”  John 3:36
The scriptures are very clear in their declaration that the wrath of God abides upon those who do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That would include the Muslims, as well as the people of Judaism (and many other religions too), who absolutely refuse to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Eternal life belongs only to those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, not merely a prophet as the Muslims teach and believe. The pagan Pope Francis also mentioned the Muslims venerate Mary, and as a former Roman Catholic, I assure you that Satan clearly has a demonic headlock on millions in their devotion to the “Virgin Mary.” He will do anything he can to get a person’s spiritual eyes off of Jesus Christ as being the only way of salvation. (Acts 4:10-12, John 14:6) What we are seeing take place before our eyes in this generation, is the giant sucking sound of a GLOBAL vacuum cleaner with Rome’s pagan Pope Francis (or his successor) at the head, and all the pieces are falling into place. 
And we know that the SON of GOD is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his SON Jesus Christ. This is the TRUE GOD, and ETERNAL LIFE. (1 John 5:20)
The scriptures teach us that God previously spoke through the prophets, but NOW God speaks through the SON!
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake IN TIME PAST unto the fathers by the PROPHETS, Hath in these LAST DAYS spoken unto us by his SON, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself PURGED OUR SINS, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;”  Hebrews 1:1-3
When Jesus Christ was transfigured on the mountain top as he spoke with Moses and Elijah God the Father made it clear that they needed to listen to the SON!
“And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering. And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were MOSES and ELIAS (ELIJAH): Who appeared in GLORY, and spake of his DECEASE which he should accomplish at JERUSALEM. But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him. And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for MOSES, and one for ELIAS (ELIJAH): not knowing what he said. While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud. And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved SON: hear him. And when the voice was past, JESUS was found ALONE. And they kept it close, and told no man in those days any of those things which they had seen.”  Luke 9:28-36
Folks Jesus Christ is more than a prophet, and he stands alone. Hear HIM!
Were The Disciples Wrong In Proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God, and King of Israel?
“Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom MOSES in the LAW, and the PROPHETS, did write, JESUS of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see. JESUS saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile! Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? JESUS answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the SON of GOD; thou art the KING of ISRAEL.”  John 1:44-49
The previous passage concerns the time when Jesus Christ literally walked this earth just like you do today. In this passage a man named Philip told his friend Nathanael that they had found a man named Jesus, the one whom Moses and the prophets wrote about. So you can see that those people had the scriptures in their possession, and they were convinced that they had found the Messiah! Not only that but the man named Nathanael called Jesus the Son of God, and he called him the King of Israel also. Do not miss this folks because the people of Judaism and Islam and many other religions do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
“On the next day much people that were come to the feast, when they heard that JESUS was coming to JERUSALEM, Took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the KING of ISRAEL that cometh in the name of the LORD. And JESUS, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written, Fear not, daughter of Sion (Zion): behold, THY KING COMETH, sitting on an ass’s colt. These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when JESUS was GLORIFIED, then remembered they that these things were WRITTEN OF HIM, and that they had done these things unto him.”  John 12:12-16
Here is the prophecy from the Old Testament which was perfectly FULFILLED when Jesus rode into Jerusalem.
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of ZION; shout, O daughter of JERUSALEM: behold, THY KING COMETH unto thee: he is just, and having SALVATION; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.”  Zechariah 9:9
The passage of scripture tells us that the King (Jesus) rode into Jerusalem, and that he had SALVATION! It is so sad, and most unfortunate that the majority of Jewish people then, and now, still reject Jesus Christ, and refuse to believe that he is the Son of God, Messiah, King of Israel and their Lord and Saviour! The Jewish chief priests were among those who mocked Jesus Christ while he hung upon the cross:
“And saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the SON of GOD, come down from the cross. Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the KING of ISRAEL, let him now come down from the cross, and WE will BELIEVE him. He trusted in GOD; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I AM the SON of GOD.”  Matthew 27:40-43
The Gospel which was proclaimed then and now has never changed, and it is offered to ALL people,including the people of Judaism and the people of Islam. Do you believe Jesus Christ who said this? 
For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For GOD sent not his SON into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be SAVED. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten SON of GOD. (John 3:16-18)
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the GOSPEL to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be SAVED; but he that believeth NOT shall be DAMNED. (Mark 16:15-16)
JESUS saith unto him, I AM the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT BY ME. (John 14:6)
The Bible makes it clear that it was the LOVE of God which caused God to send His Son to be a propitiation (mercy-seat) for our sins, and that salvation is not found anywhere else:
In this was manifested the love of GOD toward us, because that GOD sent his only begotten SON into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved GOD, but that he loved us, and sent his SON to be the propitiation for OUR SINS. (1 John 4:9-10)
Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of ISRAEL, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, WHOM YE CRUCIFIED, whom GOD raised from the DEAD, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there SALVATION in any other: for there is NONE other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be SAVED. (Acts 4:10-12)