Notwithstanding I have a few
things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth
herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my
servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. – Revelation 2:20-21.
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The light of the body is the eye:
if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But
if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of
darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that
darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate
the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon [money]. – Matthew 6:22-24
The spirit of Jezebel
In the old testament, the bible
talks about an evil woman Jezebel , the wife of King Ahab who seduced and manipulated
the king to worship Baal and to take evil decisions. The spirit of Jezebel is a
seductive and manipulative spirit . The spirit of jezebel wants people to rebel
against God. Although this spirit can also operate in men, it is most prominent
in women. The majority of African women have succumbed to this spirit of
Jezebel . It uses the woman’s body to seduce men to commit fornication, adultery.
Satan knows that God’s plan is monogamous marriage between a man and woman.
The devil knows that once
children grow up in God fearing monogamous marriages , they will be a danger to
his kingdom. So, the devil is now using women nudity to trap men. I remember
when I was growing up, it was very difficult to see a woman’s thighs and other
private parts, however the level of nudity in Africa
today has reached incredible proportions. The devil is deceiving women that nudity
is a Right and is a sign of female empowerment .
The spirit of Jezebel has even
taken over Pentecostal churches . When you look at some of the dances in these
churches, you get amazed at how wicked the devil is . As Pentecostal prosperity
churches continue to preach about materialism in churches , this spirit is steadily
eating up the entire fabric of the church. Men need to be empowered to fight
this spirit . This spirit does not want men to be pure in body, thoughts and
spirit . It is a very dirty spirit that controls pop culture, the pornography
industry , and even the media.
In Revelation chapter 2, the Lord Jesus Christ delivers a
series of messages to seven churches throughout Asia
Minor in the 1st century. But the Scriptures make it clear that
the message behind each critique applies to Christians of all eras. In the
above verses, Jesus references a prophetess named Jezebel had infiltrated the
Church, presenting herself as a Godly Christian but in fact seducing members of
the church into fornication and spiritual idolatry. While this woman has long
since passed away, the spirit that operated in her is still very present in …. today
Jesus Christ said: “The
light of the body is the eye..” (Matthew 6:22). It is through the eyes that people perceive
light and all of the world. It is the way that information, knowledge and
wisdom enter the body. When Adam and Eve sinned, the promise made by the Devil
was that their “eyes would be opened and they would be as god,
knowing good and evil.” And when they ate the fruit of the Tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which God had forbade, Scripture says: “And
the eyes of them both were opened..” The Hebrew phrase for “eyes” in
that verse is ayin, which is the singular word for “eye.” So it was a
spiritual awakening for Adam and Eve that took place. And that awakening was of
their newly formed sinful nature as they rebelled against The Lord for Satan’s
false promises. Eve set her eyes on the hidden knowledge the serpent offered
and fell.
Jesus’ message about the eye was that we are to be careful not to have our eyes set on the sinful pleasures of the world. Of course Satan knows this and wants to corrupt humanity to the greatest extent possible. and by bombarding the masses with sinful temptation, especially through pop culture, the Devil and his minions have direct access into millions of homes across the world(
Jesus’ message about the eye was that we are to be careful not to have our eyes set on the sinful pleasures of the world. Of course Satan knows this and wants to corrupt humanity to the greatest extent possible. and by bombarding the masses with sinful temptation, especially through pop culture, the Devil and his minions have direct access into millions of homes across the world(
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By Mike Desario
"And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads." Rev13:16
By Mike Desario
"And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads." Rev13:16
What is this Mark spoken of in the Book of Revelation and how will it be implemented upon mankind? Will a charismatic world leader suddenly come to power in the Middle East, solve the geo-political problems between the Western and Arab nations, then proclaim himself the new savior of mankind? Will the World at large then receive his ‘mark’ implanted through some high-tech electronic device under the skin of their forehead or hand? Or perhaps all this is just some movie plot designed to sell you an interesting story line with religious overtones about the end of the world?
This subject however is no joking matter to millions of professing Christians in the US and world who are eagerly awaiting for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to ‘Snatch’ them away from any ‘tribulation’ that may occur in their lifetimes as a result of an anti-Christ figure rising to power over the nations.
They fear anything related to the Number 666 and entertain numerous conspiracy theories concerning the Governments ability to inflict just such a system upon its people to enslave them. But given the present condition of the professing church, somewhere between lukewarm, corrupt and dead spiritually, much of the hype concerning the ‘end times’ is just another means to keep the focus off the Truth.
Ask yourself, if Satan is behind all the evil that exists in the world and the plot to overthrow the Kingdoms of the earth, would anything he put into action be done in an ‘obvious’ manner? Would he not work his schemes on mankind with much stealth, cunning and massive deception? The Bible says that he can actually appear as an angel of light and minister of righteousness when spreading his lies and deceit. (2Cor11:13-14) MOST professing Christians are deeply deceived already by his lies that promise them liberty in Christ while they remain slaves to their own inner corruption. Is it any wonder then that this ‘mark’, that they think will be so obvious as a chip under the skin, is just another in a long list of STONG delusions brought about by professing Christianity’s LACK of Love for the Truth?
The Apostle, who wrote the Book of Revelation, said this, 1John2:15-17,
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever."
Jesus said, concerning the lust of the eyes, Matt5:28-29 ,
"But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. And if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell."
Jesus also said this concerning the eye, Matt6:22-23,
"The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is single, your whole body is full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
Scripture teaches unquestionably that the ‘evil eye’ (Mark7:22) is the single most source of Lust and Corruption of man’s inner being. The remedy is a radical removal of this source and a singleness of devotion to the True Light giver, Jesus Christ. But from WHERE does this ‘evil eye’ ignite these deadly passions within and henceforth cause the whole body to be cast into hell!?
Revelation 13:18, says that 666 is the ‘Number of a man!’ Is this merely the ‘number’ of his name as many have been lead to believe through present day teaching. Howbeit when our decimal numbering system was not invented until around 800AD? Who translated the original notation by John and what ‘system’ did he use to distinguish the weight of these numbers? In ancient Greek the letters of the Greek alphabet contained numerical value, each corresponding with a certain value weighted against Roman numerals. This translates into our 666, the number contained in our English Bibles and feared by millions of professing Christians as some mysterious individual yet to be revealed who will number the people of earth as his servants.
However NOTHING could be further from the truth. Unknown to the Apostle John at the time, the number of man is indeed 666. The Carbon Atom consists of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons, the Atomic number of Carbon is 6. The human body consists of 18% carbon (a multiple of 3x6) & over 60% oxygen! The Number of man is indeed 666! Our own flesh contains this ‘mark’ by the every fact that we exist as human beings.
But what does it mean to ‘receive’ the mark on the forehead or hand? Will the Beast and False Prophet force you to take this mark as a form of worship or will you escape their clutches in the nick of time because you ‘believe’ in Jesus? The Truth may surprise you!
Strange translations.
The word translated ‘forehead’ in Rev13:16 and elsewhere in Revelation is NOT used anywhere else in the New Testament. The Greek Word is ‘Metopon’, a combination of two Greek expressions, meaning simply, ‘With an eye.’ (Ops….an eye, Meta…with) The ‘hand’ in the ancient world denoted a place of honor where some sort of designation as to your status in life would be displayed. This 666 is NOT the number of an individual man, but as the word in verse 18 translates, ‘anthropos’ or MANKIND.
The MARK then represents the Lustful eye of man, attached to the things of this world, ‘receiving’ from his own ‘animal’ like nature, the pride of life.
The image of the Beast John beheld was the VERY image of unregenerate man, professing to a form of godliness but denying its Power to destroy the sin nature inside! Beast is translated as a ‘savage, ferocious animal’ Is this NOT a perfect description given of man in his godless state of rebellion?
"Lovers of themselves, lovers of money, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanders, without self-control, brutal, despises of good, traitors, headstrong, proud, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying its power!" 2Tim3:2-5
Jesus said you must CUT off the offending member or risk being throw whole into hell, Matt5:27-30. You are told NOT to present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but to God as being alive from the dead! Rom6:13. Eph5:30 says we are members of His body of His flesh of His bones! Therefore put to death your members which are on earth, lust, uncleanness, passion, evil desires, covetousness and idolatry. Col3:5 James says that its LUST that is at war with our members, James4:1.
Everything goes back to the ‘eye’ and man’s attempt to serve TWO Masters. When only Singleness of eye will put to death (or cut off the offending members, metaphor) the deeds of the body in order that he may live. WHO is it that dispenses this ‘Mark’, look again at Rev13:16, WHO causes man to ‘receive’ this mark….THE FALSE PROPHET! Again, Scripture DOES NOT teach that this is an individual person rising up out of the masses, but a SYSTEM at work from the beginning enslaving men in their own lusts.
"For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work!" 2Thess2:7
"But there were false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you!" 2Pet2:1
"MANY false prophets have gone out into the world." 1John4:1
"Even now MANY anti-Christs have come." 1John2:18
WHO is causing professing Christians to ‘receive’ this mark? THOSE who preach the Grace of God as License for immorality! Such teaching is rampant in the present day church. The False Prophet is proclaiming a FALSE Gospel! That’s the deception, the STRONG DELUSION spoken of in 2Thess2:11. The PERFECT LIE! Everyone is looking for an outward sign of End time Prophecy when it’s in their OWN Flesh they are held captive. "For to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that ones slave whom you Obey!" Rom6:16.
Peter and Jude spoke plainly of these men and how to recognize them. They will teach destructive heresies, exploit you with deceptive words and cause the way of truth to be blasphemed, 2Pet2:1-3. They will walk according to their own ‘lusts, self willed and presumptuous, 2Pet2:10. They have ‘eyes’ full of adultery that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls and they love the wages of unrighteousness, 2Pet2:14. Like natural brute ‘Beasts’ made to be caught and destroyed, 2Pet2:12.
Jude added, ‘They are spots in your love feasts, clouds without water, trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots!’ Jude12. ‘They are sensual persons who cause divisions, not having the Spirit’ Jude19.
Scripture often refers to corrupted man as a ‘dog’ returning to its own vomit or a ‘sow’ wallowing in the mire, 2Pet2:22. Christ calls false teachers ‘Savage Wolves’ who are known by their fruits, Matt7:15. Outside the Great Kingdom will be the ‘dogs’, immoral, murderers and idolaters who love and practice a lie, Rev22:15. At the end no one is magically transformed into a holy and upright Saint, pure and chaste for the Lord, Rev22:11 States,
"He who is unjust, let him be unjust still, he who is filthy, let him be filthy still, he who is righteous, let him be righteous still, he who is holy, let him be holy still."
If the Nature of the Beast remains in you and your flesh is in control, you have ALREADY received the ‘mark’ spoken of by John. If you are double-minded, impure and friends with the world you need to ‘cut off’ the offending members, humble yourself and draw near to God. (James4:7-10.) The False Prophet is teaching you a gospel of sin! Although it appeals to your flesh now, it will indeed exclude from the Kingdom at the Great Judgment.
Why ‘pluck out’ an eye to enter into life? To what purpose would removing this important member of the body serve, if the remaining eye remains corrupt and full of darkness? The simple answer of course, is NONE whatsoever! ONLY if the remaining eye is fixed in Singleness of purpose and devotion on Christ and the Narrow Way to the Kingdom, would it be sound and FULL of Light. That’s why Jesus said you CANNOT Serve Two Masters, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit, Matt6:24, 7:18. Those who attempt to serve God in this manner are ‘double-minded’ and unstable in every way. Unfit for the Kingdom!
The Beast John saw rising up out of the sea in Revelation 13, with all its horns, crowns and heads represents mankind in all his regalia. He draws his power and authority from the great Dragon (Satan, the Prince and power of the air & god of this age, Eph2:2, 2Cor4:4, 1Jh5:19) Through man, this dragon makes war against everything decent and holy, despises the Saints of God and works his most devious schemes and deceptions against them. Men delight imitating this animal nature, taking on its attributes, mimicking its savage instincts. They fight and war, kill and destroy, dog eating dog in a world perishing in its own corruption.
Those who attempt to ‘buy and sell’ in this world without the ‘mark’, meet with a constant source of frustration. The ‘Sound’ eye is SINGLE, full of honest, sincerity and serves its Master in just such manner with ‘singleness’ or sincerity of heart, Col3:22. Redeemed by a ‘Purchased Price’ (1Cor7:23) the Saints of the Most High God triumph over the ‘mark’! Although they may be severely persecuted, stripped of earthly goods and put to death, they will OVERCOME the Beast by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony! (Rev12:11)
In Mystery Babylon the fallen worship the Beast and his image. They bow at the shine of vain amusement and heap unto themselves teachers to tickle their ears and turn them away from the truth. They walk as enemies of the Cross of Christ, whose god is their belly and whose glory is in their shame, their mind set on earthly things. The Great system of wealth and fortune, adorned in the finery of modern convenience will become their smoldering ruin. And all who have ‘received’ the ‘mark’ will perish in torment, the smoke of which will ascend forever and ever.
While the professing church waits for the ‘rapture’ they serve the Beast and the False Prophet, having received his mark through the corruption of their own eye. Lusting after the things of the world and calling it ‘Christian’ they have tested the depths of Satan and toy with immorality. A bed of affliction awaits them and great tribulation unless they repent and return to their first love. Rather than strengthening the little that remains of godliness in there midst, they rely on dead works to substitute for true holiness. Many have already had their names blotted OUT of the Book of Life and are completely unaware! The remainder sleep the deadly slumber of death, not hot, or cold, but ‘lukewarm’ (wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked!) primed to be spewed out of the Master’s mouth. Rich and increased with goods, the modern church is gathering in the Tares for the final burning and refusing to heed the WORDS of warning contained in Scripture before it’s too late. (Rev2:1-11, 18-27, 3:1-6, 14-22)
There are many mysterious symbols and strange illustrations contained in the Apocalypse that have confused readers for generations. What did John see in this fantastic Cosmic Vision of end time events? Was it the close of an age, the final Judgment of mankind or the ravings of a lunatic? Whatever is your understanding of this Book looking back or forward through time, one thing is certain, it’s the Corruption of the FLESH that Christ came to destroy, so that man would no longer have to serve his own ‘beast’ like nature. The ENTIRE focus of Christ’s message is aimed at saving man from the corruption that is in the world through LUST! (2Pet1:3-11)
All things that pertain to life and godliness, the exceeding great and precious promises, the Divine Nature of Christ, each one is a vital element in man’s eternal redemption. Through these he can add to his faith, make his calling and election sure, never stumble or fall away, and NOT lose sight of the fact that he was Cleansed of his former sins to live a life worthy of the high calling in Christ Jesus. By which he will have an entrance into the everlasting Kingdom supplied to him abundantly IF he endures to end in Christ.
Those who insist on the more theatrical view of prophecy have probably already fallen prey to the false prophet (or risk the danger of strong delusion) and his wiles. FEW today are circumspect concerning their faith, redeeming the time wisely, realizing that the days are evil. FEW Guard their hearts, Test the spirits and know the difference between truth and error. The prevailing winds of false doctrine are at Gail force in our time and NO ONE is sounding the alarm!
So sleep on church, enjoy the party, raise your voices to heaven and shout for Joy! Perhaps you can drown out the cries of the damned and the shrieks of millions of souls falling daily into hell fire while you stuff your face full of food and satisfy your belly with worldly pleasures! You have sown to the wind and will reap the whirlwind.
You have plowed wickedness and reaped iniquity! Sow for yourself righteousness and reap in mercy! Break up your fallow ground and seek the Lord while He may yet be found! The Day of the Lord will be darkness and not light, a Day of vengeance and flaming fire from above, to punish those who will not OBEY the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who have received the ‘mark’ …..the evil eye of the flesh they have REFUSED to pluck out and cast from them….will be removed from His presence forever, but His Saints will reign with Him in eternity.
"He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
Beyonce Channels the Spirit of Jezebel in Illuminati “Ghost/Haunted Video”
February 17, 2014 By
much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment
and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am
no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” – Revelation 18:7.
Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. – Revelation 2:20-21.In Revelation chapter 2, the Lord Jesus Christ delivers a series of messages to seven churches throughout Asia Minor in the 1st century. But the Scriptures make it clear that the message behind each critique applies to Christians of all eras. In the above verses, Jesus references a prophetess named Jezebel had infiltrated the Church, presenting herself as a Godly Christian but in fact seducing members of the church into fornication and spiritual idolatry. While this woman has long since passed away, the spirit that operated in her is still very present in pop culture today. The constant promotion of sexual immorality and the occult have gone hand in hand in entertainment today. And BeyoncĂ©’s new visual album provides perfect examples of this.
The Video
The video has not been officially released to YouTube but a 30 second preview of it is below:
The Haunted video is rife with sexual and satanic imagery. As Beyonce enters the hallway of a mansion, the images begin:
The first image is of a TV set showing an all-seeing eye. As we have detailed in past articles, the All-Seeing Eye of Horus, as it is known from Egyptian mythology is one of the most popular occult symbols. This is confirmed in books on the occult:
“The eye plays a most important part in occult symbolism and probably owes its origin in western magical designs to the Eye of Horus, which was one of the most frequently used of Egyptian magical symbols.” (Fredrick Goodman, Magical Symbols p. 101, 1989). (source)
Jesus Christ said: “The light of the body is the eye..” (Matthew 6:22). It is through the eyes that people perceive light and all of the world. It is the way that information, knowledge and wisdom enter the body. When Adam and Eve sinned, the promise made by the Devil was that their “eyes would be opened and they would be as god, knowing good and evil.” And when they ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which God had forbade, Scripture says: “And the eyes of them both were opened..” The Hebrew phrase for “eyes” in that verse is ayin, which is the singular word for “eye.” So it was a spiritual awakening for Adam and Eve that took place. And that awakening was of their newly formed sinful nature as they rebelled against The Lord for Satan’s false promises. Eve set her eyes on the hidden knowledge the serpent offered and fell.
Jesus’ message about the eye was that we are to be careful not to have our eyes set on the sinful pleasures of the world. Of course Satan knows this and wants to corrupt humanity to the greatest extent possible. and by bombarding the masses with sinful temptation, especially through pop culture, the Devil and his minions have direct access into millions of homes across the world.
In discussing the eye, Jesus Christ made His warning clear:
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon [money]. – Matthew 6:22-24Many pop stars and entertainers have set their eyes on the fame, wealth and glamour of superstardom. And that has set them up to oppose God and promote sinful rebellion. And now instead of heeding God’s Word, they instead promote the All Seeing Eye, which has become an occult symbol for Lucifer and his satanic rebellion against God. Later in the Ghost/Haunted video, another eye image flashes on the screen:
In the next image, a topless model is only covered by upside down 5 pointed stars shaped in the position of Baphomet.
Anton LaVey, founder of the church of Satan explains this symbol:
“The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of Mendes, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps the most appropriately, The Scapegoat.” (source).Upon closer inspection, while it appears that the woman was wearing “pasties” to cover herself, it turns out that the Baphomet star images were digitally superimposed:
This would not be the first time Beyonce has used this imagery. As Beginning and End detailed in our article, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce and The Cult of Demon Possession, Beyonce used the satanic imagery on her album cover for I Am..Sasha Fierce.
As detailed in our article, Sasha Fierce was the alter ego and spirit that Beyonce, in her own interviews, claimed possessed her during her performances. Here is one of the clips from the article:
In her own words, BeyoncĂ© describes a spiritual experience of a force taking her over and controlling her body. She refers to “Sasha” in the third person, making it clear that she thinks of her spirit alter ego as a separate entity from herself. Now is the spirit that makes her raunchy and occult-promoting performances a Godly spirit? Of course not. The Bible is clear about the spirit that leads the unsaved: people who do not believe in Jesus Christ for salvation. The Apostle Paul, writing under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, said:
“And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:” – Ephesians 2:1-2.The lost world is under satanic influence. And the demonic minions of the Devil do his bidding to lead and entice people into further sinful rebellion. And Scripture clearly demonstrates that a demon can take over the body of a person and control their thoughts, words and actions:
And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour. – Acts 16:16-18.The young woman the Apostle Paul encountered was able to tell the future (divination) but was doing so through the demon that possessed her. She was also able to make a great deal of money for her employers and was probably something of a celebrity in the city she lived in (all the while luring her customers into the occult – something the Bible strongly forbids). And notice that when she encountered the Apostles she did not say something negative about them. She called them “servants of the most high God.” This demonstrates the level of deception that can from a demonic spirit. Yet the Apostle Paul knew this was a satanic entity in her and cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ (who all demons are subservient to and fear). Today demonic spirits are influencing the entertainment industry to entice the masses into sinful rebellion against God. All under the guise of “art” or “expression” or just plain good times.
Illuminati Sexual Agenda
the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is
smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a
two-edged sword.” – Proverbs 5:4.
“As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends correspondingly to increase. And the dictator will do well to encourage that freedom…it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is their fate.” — A Brave New World, Aldus Huxley.As has been the case throughout her career, Beyonce uses lots of graphic sexual imagery in her video for Ghost/Haunted. Through various parts of the video there are topless women, scantily clad women giving lap dances, androgynous models in various states of undress and Beyonce writhing on a table in an extremely suggestive fashion while wearing just underwear beneath her suit jacket.
For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: – Matthew 15:19.
Whether it is grinding on stage, performing in her underwear or spreading her legs in front of a camera, much of Beyonce’s performances have been marked by raunchy, oversexed imagery. And this was no more apparent than her near X-rated performance at the 2014 Grammy Awards. Wearing a thong and see-through lingerie, a water-drenched Beyonce writhed in a chair in one of the most vulgar, raunchy performances, ever show in the 8:00 PM EST hour on prime time television. Even secular media outlets wrote about the flesh bearing performance in which “Queen Bey” (as she calls herself) exposed her private parts for the millions in the viewing audience.
“Many campaigners claim Beyonce’s performance was inappropriate for children, while others insist a barely-dressed woman dancing with a fully-clothed man promotes inequality among the sexes.Occult and Freemasonic promoter Jay-Z, who is Beyonce’s husband, joined her midway through the performance. What kind of an example is being set when a man is not only pleased to see his wife acting so overtly sexual for the world, but later joins her on stage to perform with her? What spirit is leading this “power couple”?
Pippa Smith, of SaferMedia, tells Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper, “There is something rotten at the heart of this so-called ‘music’ industry when young women celebrities and now a husband and wife start to behave in such an obscenely sexual manner at events popular with all ages. They are doing enormous harm to children’s perception of what is normal behaviour.”” (source).
The constant bombardment of overt sexuality only works to fill the human mind and heart with thoughts and desire for fornication. This is why Jesus Christ warned about what we take in through our eyes, as they can bring in either light or darkness into our lives. In the case of Jay-Z and Beyonce, it is all about leading society into fornication. BeyoncĂ©’s new “visual album”, in which each song is accompanied by a video, is full of R-rated images of Beyonce wearing lingerie or underwear, constantly in sexual situations.
Jesus Christ said: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:27-28).Jesus Christ said that to even look upon a woman with lust in your heart is to commit adultery, showing how serious sin is present in our lives. And certainly, Beyonce is leading the charge in promoting sexual lust for her as she parades around stage near naked, with lyrics that are X-rated in their promotion of fornication. In her Drunk In Love performance at the Grammys, which had to be censored for its profanity, she unleashed a pure tribute to vulgarity:
We be all night,
And everything alright
No complaints from my body, so fluorescent under these lights
Boy, I’m drinking,
Park it in my lot 7-11
I’m rubbing on it, rub-rubbing, if you scared, call that reverend
Boy, I’m drinking, get my brain right
Armand de brignac, gangster wife
Louie sheets, he sweat it out like wash rags he wear it out
Boy, I’m drinking, I’m singing on the mic to my boy toys
Then I fill the tub up halfway then ride it with my surfboard, surfboard, surfboard
Grinding on that wood, grinding, grinding on that wood
I’m swerving on that, swerving, swerving on that big body
Been serving all this, swerve, surfing all in this good, good (source).
The song is full of vulgar euphemisms for sex. [B&E: And the reason this author posted them unedited is for the parents to realize that millions of millions of elementary school to High School-age children are listening to this music every day in the ear buds and Beats headphones.] The entire Beyonce album is full of this same brand of content, along with videos that are equally explicit. (And Jay-Z’s approval should come as no surprise as he promoted the same type of “career direction” for his protege, Rihanna.) And all of this is promoting a spirit of fornication and adultery in the minds of the fans.
In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon, writing to his son, warns her of the “strange woman” who seeks to lure men into sexual relations outside of marriage:
To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words; Which forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God. For her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the dead. – Proverbs 2:16-18.Beyonce, who once claimed to be a Christian, has gone far from that into promotion of the occult and brazen rebellion against God. Responding to questions about her new overtly raunchy approach she responded:
“I don’t at all have any shame about being sexual and I’m not embarrassed about it and I don’t feel like I have to protect that side of me because I do believe that sexuality is a power that we all have.” (source).This is the message for women today – that sexuality is connected women’s empowerment and equality. When all it really is an excuse and cover for being a bold sinner. The song Ghost/Haunted’s chorus repeats:
My wicked tongue
Where will it be?
I know if I’m onto you
I’m on to you
On to you, I’m on to you
On to you, you must be on to me
You want me?
I walk down the hallway
You’re lucky
The bedroom’s my runway
Slap me!
I’m pinned to the doorway
Kiss, bite, foreplay
Here is an excerpt from her song “Partition”:
Driver roll up the partition please
I don’t need you seeing yoncĂ© on her knees
Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up
We ain’t even gonna make it to this club
Now my mascara runnin’, red lipstick smudged
Oh he so horny, yeah he want to —-
He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse
He Monica Lewinski’d all on my gown
Once again, this music is being played by elementary school aged and teenage children all over the world (and as usual, there are no shortage of parents openly encouraging their children to sing this music as they have posted videos of elementary school age boys, girls and even a two year old baby singing and dancing to BeyoncĂ©’s sexual odes). And the same spirit of Jezebel The Lord warned about now seeks to lure men into fornication and teach women about fornication, sexual deviance and flaunting their bodies as a way to “power.”
Calling Evil Good
And yet despite all of her sinful rebellion, society has elevated Beyonce as a leader, inspiration and role model for girls and young women. Even President Obama said Beyonce “could not be a better role model” for his own daughters. All the while media articles constantly trumpet the hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth Beyonce and Jay-Z have amassed. And thus monetary success now justifies the brazen perverse and sinful behavior of a superstar.
The Bible says: “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Galatians 5:19-21).Notice that the first sins that are listed are all related to sexual temptation. And the entertainment industry has provided non-stop sinful temptation as star after star prance around in little to no clothing. Not only does this entice the viewers into lust it is also normalizing this behavior among the youth and young adults. Here is an excerpt from a High School student who is a columnist for the Huffington Post, in which she defends Beyonce as a role mode:
“…Because I, on my own, found qualities that made her a pinnacle for my admiration. Because I know the difference between an entertainer and a person. Because she sings songs and talks of female empowerment — empowerment that radiates as she walks down a stage and leads her all-female band. Because I know that being risquĂ©, and showing some skin, does not constitute what someone’s character is compromised of or banish her from being someone to look up to.In other words, this very eloquent young woman believes that being as raunchy as possible on stage while describing intimacy in the most vulgar fashion is no reflection on a woman’s character. And anyone who would classify someone based on this is “outdated.” This is the deception that Satan wants. Where children are raised with no respect for God, the Bible or morals at all.
Because the way BeyoncĂ© performs does not equate to girls going into prostitution, as their stories are an amalgam of experiences we cannot equate or place a source to, when we ourselves have never felt it. Because we live in a society where we’re telling girls to adhere to certain restrictions, before teaching young men that there are seals of honor they should never break. Because I know that the same people telling me to be proud of my body and the skin I’m in, tell me to cover it away because the way I appear somehow also constitutes who I am. Trite classifications are outdated.” (source).
Beyonce’s Inspiration: Madonna
It should come as little surprise that BeyoncĂ©’s Haunted video was so sexually-charged when one considers the inspiration: Madonna. Beyonce clearly paid homage to two of 80s pop icon’s videos. In Madonna’s video for the song Erotica, she has a pulled-back hairstyle and men’s tie:
In the Haunted video, Beyonce, with her blonde hair close-cropped (like Madonna’s), wears a men’s suit jacket and tie.
In Madonna’s controversial video, Justify My Love, which was banned by MTV, she walks down the hallway of a mansion in a daze (the image is above). As she passes each room there are scenes of transsexuals, homosexual activity, S&M and numerous graphic sexual scenes. Thus the Haunted video’s source inspiration is clear. Madonna is another superstar artist who has made her career by promoting all manner of sexual and sinful rebellion against the God of the Bible.
Blasphemy Against The Christian Faith
Beyonce, in a photo from her Instagram, sitting in front of the image of Jesus in a rendition of DaVinci’s Last Supper painting in Miami.
Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O LORD, and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name. – Psalm 74:18.When a person continues in sinful rebellion with no repentance, it inevitably leads to attacking God and embracing the occult. One example, was the photo above, in which Beyonce, put herself in front of the image of Jesus Christ in a painting of DaVinci’s Last Supper. And in the video for Haunted, that is also on display. Amidst the many bizarre images that flash on the screen briefly, Beyonce was sure to include a mockery of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as a strange-looking mannequin wears a crown of thorns:
And in Madonna’s video for Justify My Love, there also was a similar mockery. As a bizarre statue that is supposed to depict Jesus’ crucifixion without a cross is shown in the same room where Madonna is engaging in an S&M tryst with several men.
All of these images are to send a message to the viewer: blasphemy is acceptable. Fans should not be concerned about sin, the Bible or God’s wrath and instead just sit back and enjoy the music and BeyoncĂ©’s body on display. The Devil wants the Bible and God to not be taken seriously. And using music and entertainment, which society has such a strong love for, is an easy way to turn the hearts and minds of people away from God and into rebellion. Do not be deceived.
Later in the video another image of some of the guests in the mansion also shows occult influence:
Notice that the man standing has “G.O.D.” on his hat. As Beginning and End detailed in our article on Kanye West and Jay-Z, this has been one of the main spiritual messages of BeyoncĂ©’s husband, Jay-Z – the idea of man becoming god. The same seduction Satan offered to Eve in the Garden of Eden. Thousands of years later, not much has changed.
In the same image above the man on the left is wearing pants with the “KTZ” logo on it. As detailed in our article KTZ: Illuminati Clothing Line To The Stars, this clothing line is full of occult and satanic imagery and its designers were inspired by satanist Aleister Crowley. So again, the intent to bring as much occult imagery into the Haunted video is no mere coincidence.
The director of the video, Jonas Akerlund is known for using occult imagery in his videos and catapulted to superstardom by directing videos for Lady Gaga. Here is a photo of the director:
Even when it came to the prophetess Jezebel, Jesus Christ made it clear that He gave her “space to repent.” God’s desire is for all of humanity’s to open to the real truth: that we are all sinners, in a fallen, sinful world who will be judged by a just and Holy God. A person’s time on Earth is a mere fraction of their spirit’s ultimate destiny after death. And the Illuminati, the spiritual forces that are working against The Lord and His church, are doing their best to distract society into putting all their hope, emphasis and dreams into the present world. Holding up money and fame over everything else, people have attached themselves to celebrities, making them their idols and defending them even in the face of overwhelming evidence.
Jesus Christ said: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31-32). It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ – the free forgiveness of sins and eternal life – that God wants all people to have. But that starts with recognizing our own sin and realizing that God provided a solution by sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross and take the punishment that all people deserve. Rather than mocking the crown of thorns He wore on His head on the day of His crucifixion, people only need to humbly realize that suffering and blood was for them.
If you are a Christian, pray for Beyonce to repent. Pray for her to take on the Holy Spirit of God and not the spirit of Jezebel. And realize that if you turn a blind eye to sinful rebellion and open, blatant disrespect to the Lord Jesus Christ, that you are in error. And if you are not a Christian, consider the state of your soul and the constant emphasis on occult and anti-Christian imagery in pop culture today. It is clearly no coincidence. Then take time to learn and understand the Gospel – the good news of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Lord willing, Beyonce will do the same one day as well.