Racism In The Casting of Exodus: Gods and Kings?
Exodus: Gods And Kings – Hollywood Heresy Strikes Again
November 20, 2014 By
In December 2014, Exodus: Gods and Kings, starring Christian Bale and directed by Ridley Scott will be the latest Hollywood film that twists and distorts a Biblical story. Based on the account of the Exodus from the Old Testament, Exodus: Gods and Kings is riddled with Biblical and historical inaccuracies, false doctrine, racial miscasting and a theology that de-emphasizes God, sin and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Like the disastrous, heretical Noah film, Exodus: Gods and Kings may be marketed to Christians at Christmas time but it is certainly not a Christian film.
The Trailer
Below is the trailer for the film:
The Prophecy of Moses?
Moses learns of his true identity and “the prophecy” from Nun, a fictional character never mentioned in the Bible.
While it makes for great dramatic effect that there was a prophecy about Moses, the Bible tells no such account. Furthermore, Josephus records this as an Egyptian prophecy, divined by pagan sorcerers in Pharaoh’s court. Even if such a prophecy was made it would be nothing that Moses or any other Israelite would adhere or pay attention to because it did not come from the true and living God of the Bible. But Exodus: Gods and Kings distorts this by making the prophecy on par with the Word of God.
The Real Prophecy
And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance… In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates: The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.- Genesis 15:13-14, 18-21.This was the real prophecy from God, made to Abraham, the first member and father of the nation of Israel. It was the first prophecy of the Promised Land – the large land area in the Middle East which God would give to the nation of Israel to be their homeland. At the time of this prophecy Abraham, a faithful believer in God, had no children. Despite being close to 70 years old, he believed God’s Word and was declared “righteous” in God’s eyes for it (a perfect example of salvation coming by faith and not by and works or “good deeds” on our part). The world had been given over to sinful lust and pagan worship and thus The Lord was going to create His own nation guided by Him and His Word. This is confirmed in the Septuagint, the oldest version of the Old Testament:
When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, Israel was the line of his inheritance. – Deuteronomy 32:8-9.
With the nations of the world giving themselves over to the worship of fallen angels and idols, God raised His own people through Abraham. Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, was renamed Israel and his 12 children formed the 12 tribes. And through this nation, the promised Savior, Jesus Christ, would be born.
Thus God was going to bless Abraham’s descendants with a land that was presently occupied by mighty nations. But first they would sojourn through the land of Canaan and Egypt for four centuries. Those four hundred years came to an end during the life of Moses. So if there was any prophecy that was relevant to the Israelites, it was this prophecy. They could have known “for a surety” that the time of their enslavement was coming to an end just as God had promised – 430 years from the time of the promise to Abraham and 400 years from the time of the birth of his son Isaac, the promised “seed” of Abraham.
Moses was born at a time when the tribes of Israel, who were formerly living well in Egypt as guests of Pharaoh, were soon put into slavery by a successor to the Egyptian throne who no longer cared for the Israelites or the God they worshipped. The Israelites were in Egypt thanks to the rise in power of Joseph, one of the twelve patriarchs of the tribes of Israel. Through God’s grace he had become second-in-command in Egypt and as reward for his stewardship of Egypt during a global famine, his extended family was permitted to live in the Egyptian town of Goshen. This arrangement allowed the family of 70 members to expand into a thriving community and nation of millions. But eventually, the courtesy ended:
And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them. Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land. Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour. – Exodus 2:6-14.Moses was raised by his birth mother and thus knew his Jewish heritage all along. He also knew of the prophecy of the Messiah and it was this faith that moved him leave his life of royalty and ultimately follow God’s command to confront Pharaoh.
By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. – Hebrews 11:24-27.In Exodus: Gods and Kings, Moses does not know his true identity. It is the fictional Nun who informs him of his Jewish heritage, saying his “parents never told him the truth” of his real destiny. Moses also does not even believe in God when the film begins and denounces God in a discussion with Nun. None of this is recorded in the Bible. The passage above from Hebrews shows that Moses not only believed in God, he purposely chose to side with the Israelites because he believed in the Promised Messiah. Hence Moses esteemed “the reproach of Christ greater riches than treasures in Egypt.” Moses put his eternal salvation of his soul above being a wealthy prince who was going to hell. He was willing to give up sinful pleasures and put his faith in the Messiah so that he could be forgiven of his sins and have eternal life.
Moses’ mysterious identity is major issue in the film. Ramses learns from spies that Moses is in fact an Israelite and forces him to confess by threatening his sister (who was living in the palace hiding her Jewish origin). Here is a clip of the fictional ordeal:
After the confession, Moses is then exiled from Egypt. As he is escorted out of the kingdom, Egyptian soldiers salute their well respected brother-in-arms. Again, none of this is in the Bible. Moses was not escorted out of Egypt. He fled after a death sentence was imposed on him for murdering an Egyptian who was harming one of his fellow Israelites.
Wrong Pharaoh
“I was staggered to discover what kind of man he was and where he’d come from. I had no idea he was the counter-point to Ramses. I didn’t know how close their relationship was and that they were raised like half brothers, half cousins if you like.” – Ridley Scott, director of Exodus: Gods and Kings (source).Ridley Scott’s statements shows the wildly inaccurate historical detail of the film as well. Ramses II, considered the greatest Pharaoh of Egyptian history, was born in ca 1303 BC and died in 1213 BC. The Exodus of Moses and the Israelites of Egypt took place in ca 1500 CB, almost 200 years before the birth of Ramses II. As show in our article “Did The Exodus Really Happen? Historical Evidence For The Exodus”, numerous historical sources, both Biblical and secular, support this. There is no historical record of Moses ever knowing or much less living alongside Ramses II or of any exodus during his reign. So from a purely historical standpoint, Exodus: Gods and Kings is incredibly inaccurate.
According to director Scott, Moses is like a “brother” to Ramses and potential heir to the throne of Egypt, who is passed over for Ramses. Again, there is no historical record of any of this (and as will be shown, the film is hundreds of years off in its setting for the Exodus). The significance of Pharaoh in the Exodus account was his pride and arrogance towards God. The first time Pharaoh speaks in the Bible, it is to proclaim: “..Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go.“ Rather than worship God, his stubborn insistence on resisting and unbelief led to his conscience leaving him. And thus his hatred towards the Jewish people and Moses turned him into a genocidal maniac.
In Pharaoh we see the same callous and dismissive attitude towards God, the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the hearts and minds of people today. As the world grows more hostile to God, any mention of the Bible and mocks anyone who would dare believe in the Christian faith, so has there been an increase in the sinful rebellion and sheer depravity of society. The Exodus account is clear that Pharaoh, who literally saw himself as a god-king, was going to be judged. Even after losing his own son, he refused to repent and acknowledge God. And his death in the Red Sea was a foreshadow of the defeat of Satan and the Antichrist and the judgment of all who live their lives in rebellion of The Lord.
Racism In The Casting of Exodus: Gods and Kings?
“Egypt was –- as it is now -– a confluence of cultures, as a result of being a crossroads geographically between Africa, the Middle East and Europe. We cast major actors from different ethnicities to reflect this diversity of culture, from Iranians to Spaniards to Arabs. There are many different theories about the ethnicity of the Egyptian people, and we had a lot of discussions about how to best represent the culture. ” – Ridley Scott.
Exodus: Gods and Kings has already embroiled itself in controversy over the casting of almost all of the Egyptian royalty by White actors and reserving the roles for lower class Egyptians or slaves for darker skinned actors. #BoycottExodusmovie is one of the social media protests as many people are outraged over the predominance of Caucasian actors who look nothing like the portrayals ancient Egyptians made of themselves in their own artwork.
In the Bible, the daughter of Pharaoh saw the infant Moses floating down the river in an ark and had sympathy for the child:
And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months. And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river’s brink. And his sister stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him. And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river’s side; and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it. And when she had opened it, she saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews’ children.
Then said his sister to Pharaoh’s daughter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee? And Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, Go. And the maid went and called the child’s mother. And Pharaoh’s daughter said unto her, Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the women took the child, and nursed it. And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, Because I drew him out of the water. – Exodus 2:1-10.
.@ExodusMovie sparks #BoycottExodusMovie backlash for whitewashing characters http://t.co/kXEuvhRwZd
— HuffPost BlackVoices (@blackvoices) August 6, 2014
So Moses was readily identifiable as a “Hebrew” by Pharaoh’s daughter. But yet, he was still able to pass as her son, despite the death sentence imposed by Pharaoh on all Israelite children. So the physical appearance of the ancient Jews were somewhat similar to that of ancient Egyptians.
Many people have taken offense to depictions of Biblical figures as Caucasian or Europeans speaking with British accents and for some it has caused them to view Christianity as a “White man’s religion” and be turned off from it. Especially for a movie set in Africa (not to mention the roles of Moses and Joshua, two of the most famous Jewish people of all time, are played by non-Jewish actors). So even these erroneous portrayals can have spiritual consequences. And it is no surprise. The Bible says of Satan’s deception:
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. (2 Corinthians 11:2-4).Satan will use any method to distract and divert a person’s attention and heart from God, the Bible, their own sin and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. And entertainment has been a major vehicle in removing Godly values and faith and replacing it with worldly ideas and sinful lust. The racial animus caused by Biblically inaccurate films like Exodus: Gods and Kings are just one example.
“It also shows the hypocrisy of Hollywood,” Pastor Matthew Recker of Heritage Baptist Church added. Recker underscored that Hollywood promotes itself as being “tolerant” and promoting inclusion of people from all backgrounds and ethnicities. But when it is time to make a big budget movie, the preference for Caucasians in star roles extends even to historical movies about non-White peoples.
A Different Moses
“Bale’s Moses is a chiseled prince with boyish charms, deadpan sarcasm, and impatient arrogance—until his personal battles scour him into a wide-eyed, reluctant leader who pleads with Ramses, played by Joel Edgerton, not to test God. Bale described Moses as someone who was straining under the “incredible weight on his shoulders” as the chosen deliverer, pointing to the many times Moses “tried to get out of the gig. … You know, it’s a hard job.” ” (source).Moses in the Bible was called to lead the Exodus by a direct conversation with God. After fleeing as a fugitive to Midian, Moses married and lived in this area outside of Egypt for 40 years. With the Pharaoh dead, Moses was called by The Lord to return to Egypt:
Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
As Beginning and End has detailed in our article, “Is Jesus Christ The Angel of The Lord? – Finding Christ in The Old Testament”, this was a preincarnate appearance of Jesus Christ (an event that happens many times throughout the Old Testament). His title is “the Angel of The Lord.”
Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.
Once again, the prophecy made to Abraham in Genesis 15, the real prophecy of the Exodus, is referenced by God. The 400 years of oppression and slavery is coming to an end just as God had promised.
Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.Moses clearly cared for his people and wanted to see them freed from bondage. His doubts rested with himself. He was indeed scared to confront Pharaoh and convince him to free his people. But in his doubt there is a critical spiritual lesson:
And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.Moses’ concern revealed doubt because of his own status.
And I will stretch out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that he will let you go. And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty. But every woman shall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.
Notice it is God who will free the Israelites, not Moses. It is God who will get Pharaoh to yield and release the Jewish slaves, not Moses. It is God who will give the people favor, not Moses. The lesson here for Moses and for all people is that it is God who provides salvation. The Exodus and the journey to the Promised Land is all a type and shadow of the escape from bondage to sin and death that all people face, because all people are sinners. And God provides the only means of escaping sin and its curse (damnation) through Jesus Christ. This is the message of the Exodus. And God confirmed this to Moses by showing His supernatural power:
And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The LORD hath not appeared unto thee. And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. And the LORD said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand: That they may believe that the LORD God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee. And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh.God emboldened Moses by showing him two miracles. Leprosy was a deadly, incurable disease in the ancient world. And God both gave it to Moses and healed him of it in a moment. The God of the Bible does not seek blind faith. Christianity is based on informed faith. God has proven His word in the past and we are too trust it for our own futures.
Moses, being a sinful human like all other people, still had his doubts. And God reassured him by sending his brother Aaron with him. Aaron was initally charged with speaking to Pharaoh. Aaron performed a miracle in front of Pharaoh. He also turned the rivers of Egypt to blood after God commanded it. Aaron was the first High Priest of the newly-formed Israelite nation. And yet Moses confronts Pharaoh alone in Exodus: Gods and Kings.
In the Bible, Moses and Aaron walk directly before Pharaoh and announce: “Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness.“ In Exodus: Gods and Kings, Moses sneaks into the palace in the middle of the night and quietly warns Ramses to free the Israelites because “something is coming.”
Moses Was Insane?
Just as Russell Crowe, who played Noah in the heretical Biblical epic that came out last year, Christian Bale has now gone on record to rip Moses for being evil and mentally disabled:
‘I think the man was likely schizophrenic and was one of the most barbaric individuals that I ever read about in my life,’ he said. (source).The Bible calls Moses a “friend of God.” Moses gave up his royal upbringing, wealth and status in order to lead the his enslaved people to freedom. When the Israelites were in the wilderness and rebelled against God, it was Moses who repeatedly pleaded to The Lord for mercy on them. He was a compassionate man who sacrificed everything for the freedom of his people and their reconciliation with God. Scripture says of Moses: “…was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.“ (Numbers 12:3).
So where does Bale get this type of impression about Moses? From the research he did regarding the story:
Bale had been keen to work with director Ridley Scott after hearing such good things from so many of his co-stars over the years and, when Scott suggested that Bale take on the role of Moses, the star went straight into research mood, taking in texts like Jonathan Kirsch’s “Moses: A Life” and Louis Ginzberg’s “The Legends of the Jews” as well as both the Torah and the Quran in full. (source).
Jonathan Kirsch’s Moses: A Life is a take on Moses based on one consistent principle: we should not believe the Bible. Here are some excerpts from the book:
“Yet much of what we think we know about Moses is simply made up, and much of what the Bible does say about him is left out of both sacred and secular art…But as we shall soon see, the real Moses has been concealed from us, sometimes by subtle manipulation of the ancient text, sometimes by pointed silence and sins of omission and sometimes by unapologetic censorship or outright lies, first by the priests and scribes who were the original authors and editors of the Bible, then by the preachers and teachers who were guardians of the ancient text…Devout tradition in both Judaism and Christianity has always felt obliged to portray Moses as unfailingly good, meek, dignified and devout, righteous and heroic – and that is why we do not hear much about the passages of Holy Writ in which Moses is shown to act in timid and even cowardly ways, throw temper tantrums, dabble in magic, carry out purges and inquisitions, conduct wars of extermination, and talk back to God. The real Moses – the Moses no one knows – was someone far richer and stranger than what we are customarily allowed to see” – (Jonathan Kirsch, Moses: A Life, p. 1-2.).From the onset, this book tried to depict the Bible as being a false recording of history designed to paint Moses as a perfect hero, while hiding the “real information” about him from the public. Kirsch goes on to write that Moses was a magician who used the occult to perform his miracles. The book states:
“Sometimes he shows up in the guise of a sorcerer with as many tricks up his sleeves as a lounge-act magician in Vegas. Armed with the so-called rod of God – a shepherd’s wooden staff, but we might as well call it a magic wand- Moses works all kind of sideshow legerdemain to impress both Pharaoh and the ever dubious Israelites.” (Kirsch, p. 7-8).Kirsch writes that Moses learned sorcery from his father-in-law Jethro who was, according to Kirsch, “a pagan priest. It was Jethro, not Moses who offered the very first sacrifice to Yahweh.”
This is one of the many erroneous statements in the book. The fact that Jethro or anyone would offer sacrifices to Yahweh, is a sign of worshiping the true God and not being a pagan. Furthermore, sacrifices go all the way back to Cain and Abel, the first two sons born to Adam and Eve. They both offered sacrifices to God, over 1,000 years before Moses or Jethro were born. Moses instructed the entire nation of Israelites to perform the Passover sacrifice while they were still in Egypt, as it was this sacrifice of a lamb without blemish and the subsequent place of the lamb’s blood on their doors, that saved them from the judgment of God upon Egypt in which every firstborn male was killed. Jethro’s sacrifice to God is until after the Israelites left Egypt and were in the wilderness (Exodus 18). Such blatant error is a indicator of poor Biblical scholarship from an author who does not believe the Bible and wants to disprove it outright to the reader.
To support the idea that Moses was mere myth, Kirsch says that once one gets past the first five books of the Bible, Moses barely mentioned. And by the New Testament, the name of Moses is “wholly discarded.” This of course ignores the fact that Moses is mentioned 79 times in the New Testament, with Jesus Christ referencing Moses frequently. And this the source material the man playing Moses relied on for the Exodus: Gods and Kings.
Where Is God In This Film?
Kirsch’s view of Moses, as a fictional character who was a barbaric tyrant who used magic tricks, underscores the theme of the film: no one is take the Bible literally and God was not truly responsible for the miracles.
“If there’s one Old Testament image everyone knows, it’s the parting of the Red Sea. And when shooting that scene in Exodus: Gods and Kings (in theaters Dec. 12), director Ridley Scott knew that he want to treat the incident as realistically as possible. “You can’t just do a giant parting, with walls of water trembling while people ride between them,” says Scott, who remembers scoffing at biblical epics from his boyhood like 1956’s The Ten Commandments. “I didn’t believe it then, when I was just a kid sitting in the third row. I remember that feeling, and thought that I’d better come up with a more scientific or natural explanation.”” (source).Exodus: Gods and Kings takes a similar route of providing a scientific explanation for the ten plagues that God inflicts on Pharaoh for his refusal to free the Israelites. The parting of the Red Sea is explained by cyclones which Moses is able to lead his people past before it crushes the Egyptians. As Beginning and End detailed in our article “The Prometheus Film: Alien Deception Continues”, Ridley Scott does not believe the Bible:
“Darwinism seems to be logical,” Scott says, launching a long trajectory of a response. “You come from something on all fours, to something that stands upright and gathers fruit from trees, and then realizes that it’s a lot more convenient to walk upright, so now you have Homo sapiens.In addition to his belief in evolution, Scott stated that he believes alien beings assisted with the creation and evolution of humanity. So it should be no surprise that Scott thinks of his own explanations for the miracles in Exodus: Gods and Kings rather than attributing them to God.
“Ape-to-man, it makes sense — you can even look at the drawings and the diagrams of why it makes sense. And I don’t think that God touched a rock and suddenly there was man. It’s not that simple. (source).
Given his rejection of the Bible, it should not surprise that Scott cast an 11-year old boy to play God in the film. Isaac Andrews plays the role of God (in the form of a boy named Malak) when he appears to Moses at the burning bush:
“Sacred texts give no specific depiction of God, so for centuries artists and filmmakers have had to choose their own visual depiction,” Scott tells THR. “Malak exudes innocence and purity, and those two qualities are extremely powerful.” – Ridley Scott (source).Depicting God as a child who is being “channeled” by The Lord is not only unfaithful to the Bible, it is blasphemous. Yet this is the outcome when a Biblical movie is being made by those who do not believe any part of the Scriptures to be true.
Evidence of The Exodus – Did The Exodus Really Take Place?
This discussion begs the questions: is there evidence that the Exodus actually took place? With plagues of hail, locusts, supernatural darkness, blood, the parting of the Red Sea and other miraculous phenomena taking place as the Bible records, is there any non-Biblical source that records these events? The answer from history and archeology is a resounding “yes”.
The Israelite enslavement in Egypt and the Exodus took place during the Middle Kingdom of ancient Egypt, which would be the eleventh twelfth and thirteenth dynasties. This period came to an abrupt end when the Hyksos, foreign Asiatic invaders, swept in and rapidly took over Egypt, ruling for the next 400 years. So what allowed this conquest to take place? It was that Egypt was ravaged by a series of disasters and plagues just prior to the Hyksos invasion. And this is recorded in the Ipuwer Papyrus, an ancient text written by an Egyptian scribe named Ipuwer, who records the aftermath of the plagues upon Egypt and the sweeping conquest of the Hyskos. And in his lamentation, the Egyptian scribe confirms much of the historical account of the Exodus as recorded in the Bible. One historian writes:
The synchronism, however, is still valid, and Velikovsky was quite right to connect the two accounts [the Biblical Exodus and the events of the Ipuwer papyrus]. But, rather than simultaneously describing the same plagues, it appears that Moses recorded Act I of the drama: the devastation of Egypt and the escape of the Israelites at the hand of the Lord; and that Ipuwer described Act II: the conquest of Egypt by the Hysksos on the heels of the Exodus. Velikovsky identified the Hysksos as the Biblical Amalekites whom the Israelites battled in the desert at Rephidim after crossing the Red Sea.4 That provides a further link between the two accounts. (source).The Similarities From Secular History
Looking at the Ipuwer papyrus alongside Scripture reveals startling similarities:
- Earthquakes
And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. – Exodus 19:18.PAPYRUS 2:11 The towns are destroyed. Upper Egypt has become dry (wastes).
PAPYRUS 3:13 All is ruin!
PAPYRUS 7:4 The residence is overturned in a minute.
PAPYRUS 4:2 …Years of noise. There is no end to noise.
PAPYRUS 6:1 Oh, that the earth would cease from noise, and tumult (uproar) be no more.
- Plague of Blood
Thus saith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD: behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood….And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone. And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood. And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. – Exodus 7:17-21.PAPYRUS 2:5-6 Plague is throughout the land. Blood is everywhere.
PAPYRUS 2:10 Men shrink from tasting — human beings and thirst after water.
PAPYRUS 3:10-13 That is our water! That is our happiness! What shall we do in respect thereof? All is ruin!
For a much more detailed breakdown of the evidence of the Exodus, see our article: Did The Exodus Really Happen? Historical Evidence of The Exodus.
Exodus: Gods and Kings Is Not Faithful To The Bible
“They went off the biblical text, but the biblical text was very terse,” – Rabbi David Baron, technical advisor to Exodus: Gods and Kings. (source).
With talks of an Oscar nomination and a star-studded cast, Exodus:
Gods and Kings will no doubt be a blockbuster hit. But sadly, it is not a
film that is faith to the Biblical account and is not a Christian film.
Will churches and pastors rush to embrace it as they did with the
heretical and wildly inaccurate Noah film?
The account of the Exodus is one of the greatest stories in human
history. It is the first recorded mass slave uprising. But much more
than that it is a testmant to God’s sovereignty and salvation. It is a
type and shadow of the slavery all people are in – slavery to sin. As
all people are sinners and thus in bondage to it until they are freed.
And that freedom comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus
Christ leads a person to free forgiveness
and a new spirit that is free from sin and the sentence of hell. Pray
for Ridley Scott and the cast of Exodus to learn the true meaning of the
Exodus as much more than an adventure “myth.” It is a story that points
us all to the true Promised Land: eternity in Heaven.
Pray that not only they but anyone who has a hard heart towards God
will not resist in arrogant disbelief like Pharaoh, but take on the
humility of Moses, confess their sins and receive God’s free love and forgiveness.