Saturday 19 November 2011

1000 CHURCHES and 4000 HOMELESS??

1000 CHURCHES and 4000 HOMELESS??
The poor and needy are a priority with God. The Bible makes this very clear, from the Old Testament to the New. The widow and the orphan are at the forefront of His concern. A timely comment on this topic is below-

-by ‘Beres’.
I live in Nashville where more Bibles are printed than anywhere else in
the world. We have more Christian publishing houses in Nashville than
anywhere else on the face of the earth – more churches per square mile –
and, outside the Vatican, a greater percentage of bodies in buildings on
Sunday morning than anywhere else on earth. So we in Nashville have a
better chance to get it right, wouldn’t you say??

We have 1000 churches and 4000 homeless people living and dying under
bridges and in culverts.

I know because I have prayed with them and lain with them as they died,
and every week I feed and pastor them. We can’t even get it right enough
for every church to reach out to 4 homeless people. And yes, that includes
children as young as they get.

Nashville is the headquarters for a swag of church denominations,
and para church organizations like the Gideons, and from this
buckle on the Bible belt of the richest nation on earth, missions
go out all round the globe. Those missions are funded with .01
percent of all monies collected in North American churches.

That’s right! For every $1000 collected by North American churches,
ONE Dollar is sent to evangelize those who have never heard the
name “Jesus” – but from the latest stats, are probably well aware
of the name “Coca Cola”.

And frankly, whereas I once despaired of these manifest failures
of the church, now I say, Bring it on! Let the world see forever the
rich failures of putting religion before Jesus, ritual before relationship, rules before lives and liturgy before love.

When the world at large finally see that the emperor has no clothes,
so also will the light of the real gospel of grace and peace shine
the brighter. For where sin abounded, grace did much more abound!

Let it get darker, our Jesus will shine brighter.

-Please comment on this topic below-
Posted in Uncategorized by Andrew on November 11th, 2011 at 3:36 pm.