The Hijackers of Evangelical Christianity in Africa
Arthur Owiti | November 9, 2009
This is in response to an article by All Africa, “Evangelical Churches Shake Up the Social Order” which exposed the magnitude of Evangelical Christianity in Africa. Though it paints a glitzy and awe striking picture of so called revival, hence fodder for revival hunters, it confirms the depth of apostasy and its ferocious spread-nothing to celebrate about…
Money and Politics, The Rich Elite of the world have hijacked Evangelical Christianity money circles. This hijack is beneficial to rich elite who like controlling the mass numbers for obeisance and pillaging or profits.
If the mass is Muslim, the elite like a chameleon, change color to satisfy the Muslim folk by meeting their demands for their own gain. If it is atheist, they put on atheist colors. For example, one American company has advocated for so called homosexual Rights yet the same company in East Africa sponsored A Christian event which was preaching against the same. How is that for change of colors?
If the masses like this we will do it. If the masses in Africa like this we will do it but not for the European masses who may not like it—that is the voice of the rich elite who please men to get gain from them So to make sure they get all the money and control, they support different values for one goal, money.
This is the spirit that is now overshadowing the Evangelical Church in sub Saharan Africa. A brief look at the countries which hold this Christianity will reveal one common bond: the hand of American/Western control, Global NOW influence…Africa is thus deep in colonial power and she knows it not !!
As we have seen over and over again, most of the evangelical church has morphed into the typical Dominionist American Evangelical church. Domionism and Prosperity drive the sermons of most of the churches courtesy of American teachings on Christianity. Many are zombies, thoroughly convinced in taking dominion.
In practice, the American teachers or missionaries that hold the above doctrines visit Kenya to reinforce and make disciples for these teachings. Before the so called Kenya festival, leaders of most churches across the board met to discuss religious unity and society transformation through the church; Oral Roberts Jr was one of the main speakers.
Below are the propagators of these falsehoods
Teachers or Missionaries from America and West--- Oral Roberts Jr, Rick Warren, Peter Youngren
After the end of the genocide the hand of America has been so heavy that now Rwanda is seen as a shining example of ‘democracy in Africa’ as stated by the global elite.
The irony is that Rwanda is fascist in its governance yet Christian because of being purpose driven. The mainline churches are dry wood as the Hill song type churches and Rick Warren books flood the country.
If you do the math properly, a successful Rwanda is because of a successful Rick Warren (member of CFR, who is building or lobbying for a library in a Ugandan university as he teaches Kenyan pastors in his many visits there... I smell a rat. ) because of A Purpose Driven population. This will be used to be an example for other African states.
Missionaries or Teachers…Jocye Meyer, Rick Warren
Burundi boasts of an Evangelical President who is in active ministry as he serves the country…a perfect role model for Domionist Christianity. Burundi is now the talk on the lips of Transformationists since they have national worship services which is a concept steeped in The Transformationists doctrine of Dominion.
Thus Burundi is another ‘shining example Africa should follow.’ This is what both the economic and religious elite say and support for the sake of gain and control.
The list of countries is endless in terms of the type of Christianity that is spreading in sub Saharan Africa this time.
This being the current strain of Christianity in Africa it is seen as a very easy ground for capturing masses. The teachings are basically across the board in that they deal with salvation ,not man made doctrines of confirmation and other religious rites in the non evangelical churches.
In Africa many are embracing it because of its experiential tone. Whereas our walk with the Lord is experiential, the kind of experience most Evangelicals are having is fleshly experience which is manifest in love for the world and comforts.
Such a watered down and shallow faith is so tolerable to other non Evangelical churches that the only reason why they despise them is because of snatching away the numbers. It is important to note that though they are few Evangelical churches which are transnational like the Catholic and Baptist churches, they are mean African Evangelical Christians in non Evangelical churches. This is the biggest form of deceptive tolerance in the church today. It is also the basis of the Ecumenical movement and National Council of Churches.
In one interaction during a mission one sister said she is saved, not born gain because in her locality, the word born gain has been denominated, losing its doctrinal meaning. She is in the Anglican Church but believes in salvation as being the only way. Blinded while holding the truth.
SHEEP FOR SLAUHGTER?? Evangelical to Ecumenical??
Many like the lady mentioned above are thus in denominational folds and are set to joining in the One world church and religion because of rejection to hold sound doctrine and biblical Christianity.
The George Otis company and Global Day of prayer started with Evangelical roots but now are Ecumenical in practice to get the NUMBERS= PEOPLE=MONEY AND POLITICS
TBN started as an Evangelical channel but now has the Church Channel accommodating other denominations and sound tolerant for Muslims by removing Hal Lindsey ( do not endorse his teachings though ), to get the NUMBERS= PEOPLE=MONEY AND POLITICS
Benny Hinn started very Pentecostal but now embraces all denominations on the basis of ‘love because of NUMBERS= PEOPLE=MONEY AND POLITICS
So there is a growing solidification of this one church idea were the Evangelical Church is used as bait to draw many back to Rome. All roads lead to Rome except Jesus Christ that leads to New Jerusalem.
1. Abrahamic Faiths unity Jews, Muslims and Christians coming together as one for the sake of peace in middle east and unity in religion …initiated by SAUDI KING ON THE BASIS SOF ALL MAIN RELIGIONS FROM Abraham...remember CNN’s Christian Anampour did an exclusive on the three hinting a sort of unity to end the divisions
2. Inter Religious Councils that give joint statements on political and social issues
3. Ecumenical Theology…new definitions of the Holy Spirit and rejection of Jesus Christ …embracing different ways to one God.
4. Moral Legislation Muslims Catholics Evangelicals are against abortion, homosexuality, teen sex, prostitution. This opposition is a uniting factor that brings them together with ease ignoring doctrinal differences.