Wednesday 8 October 2008

Pastor Kiwewesi: Yes, it not prosperity but sin, it is not earthly vanities but eternal verities.

Pastor Kiwewesi: Yes, it not prosperity but sin, it is not earthly vanities but eternal verities.

God is showing the prosperity parrots in Uganda how naïve it is to preach a gospel of material prosperity instead of the Gospel of the Kingdom( Eternal prosperity). The gospel of earthly vanities is a very bogus gospel. The gospel of the kingdom that the Lord Jesus Christ preached and that he commissioned us to preach must focus on eternal verities. Even if you eat the whole world, if sin(sin-tropism) is part and parcel of your life, you will eventually come down.


Kiwewesi speaks out on sodomy allegations

Despite the cover ups of the sexual and other sins of prosperity Pastors in Uganda , the truth has come out and God’s word has exalted itself. It is written, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. I one time went to Pastor Kiwewesi’s church and was amazed by the fact that despite the glamour and beauty of the church, a different Jesus is worshipped there.A friend of mine was told by God (in a dream) a few months back that Pastor Kiwewesi’s church was a Esabo(a shine where witchdoctors worship their devils from) and Kiwewesi was the priest in that shrine. This friend of mine was shocked after hearing the scandal in the media.


Pastor Kiwewesi has wasted time preaching dominion theology. According to him, the gospel of the kingdom is ‘’never give up till the battle is over’’. The battle he talks about is geared at amassing material wealth and domineering the physical world. He even has a TV programme on LTV where he preaches earthly vanities(material prosperity). He has fornicated with TBN apostates like Benny Hinn . These apostates not preaching cult Christianity(like the catholic church and others) but occultic Christianity. I CALL UPON PASTOR KIWEWESI TO REPENT.The words purity, righteousness, holiness do not seem to be in Pastor Kiwewesi's theology.

From Cultic to Occultic Christianity

I urge the saints especially in Africa to read; Hank Hanegraaf’s well researched expose titled: CHRISTIANITY IN CRISIS, Oregon, Harvest House Publishers, 1997.Dear African saints, please stop this mentality of not reading and researching on issues.It is amazing even some of the elite saints do not want to read and research on issues.You can also buy the DVD,titled; End time rivivals unmasked(see, cutting room)

This book exposes the heresies and occultic doctrines of faith teachers like, Hinn, Copeland, Price etc.

Remember we must search for knowledge as though we were searching for Gold and silver(Proverbs 2).