February 21 - Pope Francis and the Future of Charismatic Christianity
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Can born again Christians go back to this witchcraft ?? |
Article: Roman Catholic Church And The Last Days
It is "absurdity to love Christ without the Church, to feel Christ but not the Church", Pope Francis reiterated during the mass celebrated at Casa Santa Marta, pointing out that following Jesus is not an "idea " but a "constant abiding at home", the Church , where Christ always welcomes everyone, even if they are distant.
"Because Jesus did not only come from Heaven. He is the Son of a People. Jesus is the promise made to that People, which, beginning with Abraham, made its way toward the promise. These gestures of Jesus teach us that every healing, every [act of] pardon, always helps us return to our People, which is the Church".
Jesus always forgives, and his acts [of forgiveness] become "revolutionary" or "inexplicable" when they reach those who [seem to us to be too far gone], like Matthew the tax collector or his colleague, Zacchaeus. Christ's healing acts always lead people "home" - and thus it is impossible to understand Jesus without the People of God. "It is," he said, "an absurdity to love Christ without the Church, to feel Christ but not the Church, to follow Christ from the outskirts of the Church." "Christ and the Church are united," he said. "Whenever Christ calls a person, He brings that person to the Church." For this, said Pope Francis, "it is good [that a child] "come to be baptized in Church - Mother Church".
"And these, Jesus' gestures of so much tenderness make us realize this: that our doctrine, let us say, or our following Christ, is not an idea. It is a constant abiding at home - and though each of us has the opportunity and the real experience of leaving home for a sin, a mistake - God knows - salvation [means] going home with Jesus in the Church. These are gestures of tenderness. One by one, the Lord is calling us as well, to His people, into His family, our mother, the Holy Church. Let us think on these acts of Jesus".
"Because Jesus did not only come from Heaven. He is the Son of a People. Jesus is the promise made to that People, which, beginning with Abraham, made its way toward the promise. These gestures of Jesus teach us that every healing, every [act of] pardon, always helps us return to our People, which is the Church".
Jesus always forgives, and his acts [of forgiveness] become "revolutionary" or "inexplicable" when they reach those who [seem to us to be too far gone], like Matthew the tax collector or his colleague, Zacchaeus. Christ's healing acts always lead people "home" - and thus it is impossible to understand Jesus without the People of God. "It is," he said, "an absurdity to love Christ without the Church, to feel Christ but not the Church, to follow Christ from the outskirts of the Church." "Christ and the Church are united," he said. "Whenever Christ calls a person, He brings that person to the Church." For this, said Pope Francis, "it is good [that a child] "come to be baptized in Church - Mother Church".
"And these, Jesus' gestures of so much tenderness make us realize this: that our doctrine, let us say, or our following Christ, is not an idea. It is a constant abiding at home - and though each of us has the opportunity and the real experience of leaving home for a sin, a mistake - God knows - salvation [means] going home with Jesus in the Church. These are gestures of tenderness. One by one, the Lord is calling us as well, to His people, into His family, our mother, the Holy Church. Let us think on these acts of Jesus".
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Roman Catholics parade a boneless skull in France
Mar 2014
in Saint Ivo of Kermartin was canonized in June 1347 A.D. The Roman Catholic faithful parades his skull. The bones of the saint have gone missing.
Saint Ivo of Kermartin (17 October 1253 – 19 May 1303), also known Yvo or Ives, as Erwann (in Breton) and as Yves Hélory (also Helori or Heloury in French), was a parish priest among the poor of Louannec, the only one of his station to be canonized in the Middle Ages.
He is the patron of Brittany, lawyers, and abandoned children. His feast day is May 19. Poetically, he is referred to as “Advocate of the Poor.”
Ivo was canonized in June 1347 by Clement VI at the urging of Philip I, Duke of Burgundy.
Source: Wikipedia
Source of some of the photos
My comment:
Christians who have been persecuted by Rome, have possibly been puzzled by where the root of evil is to be found in this religious movement.
The theology of the Roman Catholic Religion is so not biblical, that the absence of the Holy Spirit will be total.
When the Holy Spirit rejects this Church, religious spirits will take over. Now the most insane and perverse manifestation can take place.
When you look at educated man parading a skull on their shoulders, religious perversion has reached the nadir. The lowest thinkable level. Take a look at these pictures:
There is no explanation why the skull is kept in a golden box. May be the priests are scared of theft?
Catholics light candle’s and worship in front of the skull. Do they really think the skull can see them?
Are these Roman Catholic priest taking the skull for a stroll, in a bid to find the lost bones?
What else can be a valid motive, for this kind of public parade of rather insane religious people?
Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers.
May every Christian be given the power of the Holy Spirit, to stay away from such assemblies of the wicked.
Written by Ivar