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Introducing GMOs in Uganda :NRM caucus convenes to debate GMO Bill
Geneticist David Suzuki Says Humans “Are Part Of A Massive Experiment”
GMO bill: open letter to MPs
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 06:46
I am writing to urge our honourable Members of
Parliament to help Ugandans by not passing Uganda’s draft National
Biotechnology and Biosafety Bill, 2012 in its current form.
The intention of the bill is to facilitate the
introduction of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) on a massive scale in
Uganda without any safeguards and this will increase farmers’ dependency on the
agro-industry, because they will be obliged to buy costly patented seeds and
expensive fertilizers.
Our honourable MPs need to know that the bill has
not been given much public consultation and yet the public must debate
thoroughly and agree on the introduction of GMOs in a country. It is also vital
for our MPs to know that the bill is shortsighted and of little lasting value.
It is perilous both in purpose, scope and substance.

It is aligned to the interests of transnational
companies and not to the interests of Ugandan farmers and the wider public. Our
dear MPs need to know that, the bill is built on the basis of rigged research
as well as on the assumption of substantial equivalence.
For instance, it does not provide any scientific,
empirical evidence for the failure of Uganda’s traditional farming
systems and that, patented commercial seeds will deprive farmers of the right
to save, replant, share or propagate their own seeds.
The bill assumes that there is no hope for any
agro-ecological farming methods that can solve Uganda’s agricultural problems
which is not true. Besides, the bill has clear indications of violating
the precautionary principle, which forms the basis of the African Union’s
revised African model law on biodiversity. Further still, the bill does not
provide any assurance that Ugandans will be food secure through having
physical, economical and social access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food
that meets their dietary needs and preference for an active and healthy life at
all the times.
Our dear MPs should know that the bill does not
provide any data on who qualifies to conduct GMO trials and assumes that there
is complete capacity in biotechnology and biosafety issues in Uganda. More so, the bill does not
provide any assurance on who checks and evaluates the performance of the
so-called competent authority.
The agro-ecology and earth jurisprudence are the
way forward to respect and protect the earth rather than exploiting it because
they enshrine care of the earth, seeds, soil, water, all life forms, and build
on the harmony of the entire web of creation.

GMOs and their chemical inputs devastate soil
health and the ecology that support myriad life forms on our planet. GMOs
foster large mono-cropping operations that destroy biodiversity, increase the
use of pesticides and herbicides, and encourage land grabbing.
GMO corporations privatise seeds and
commercialise agricultural genetic resources through patents, aiming to gain
control of global food resources and sabotage local seed/plant varieties and
production for purposes of their own power and profit.
Claims by GMO proponents of increased crop
yields, less use of pesticides and herbicides, nutrient advantage and drought
resistance are false. There is growing evidence of harmful effects on human
health and the environment from these unnatural plant aliens forced upon us by
agribusiness industries, whose primary aim is market control of the global food
GMOs jeopardize traditional and smallholder
farmers’ food/seed security. The bill does not cater for the eco-social justice
towards the earth community and its biodiversity for present and future
I, therefore, urge our dear MPs to consider
passing a bill which only restricts the introduction of GMOs in Uganda.
The writer is the secretary general, Uganda Network on Toxic-Free Malaria Control (UNETMAC).
The writer is the secretary general, Uganda Network on Toxic-Free Malaria Control (UNETMAC).