Monday, 14 June 2010
Uganda’s Prosperity Female Prophetess (Nabbi omukazi) Maggie Kayima’s Occult connection exposed
Uganda’s Prosperity Female Prophetess (Nabbi omukazi) Maggie Kayima’s Occult connection exposed
FIRST READ: OCCULTIST Pastor AUGUSTINE YIGA, Kayima Maggie’s colleague
Kayima maggie’s Occultic songs
My Analyis
Last week Bukedde news paper and NBS television(Titie’s show) were awash with one business man who came out to accuse the so called Prophetess Maggie Kayima of witchcraft . This man says that he made an agreement with Maggie Kayima in which he paid her one million Uganda shillings to sing at music galla the business man had organized. Kayima never turned up and never refunded the money . The man took the case to the police. He alleges that he was attacked by devils from Kayima which told him to abandon the case or else risk losing his life. The man further alleges that he has been trying to follow kayima to demand for his money only to be shocked .
He says that he one time saw kiyima enter her car when the business man came close, there was no kayima in the car but a CAT ….Many Ugandan are convinced that Maggie Kayima is a devil incarnate. Although some of these allegations appear stupid and may some times be exaggerated for example the view that Kayima is a not a human person but a devil in the flesh, there is a lot of truth in what they say. The bible says that the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.
The truth is that Yiga and Maggie Kayima are occult ministers .Remember Maggie Kayima ministers with Yiga’s church. The fundamental message of these people is revenge. They preach that witchcraft should be sent back to the sender etc .
Many Christians do not know that their so called pastors and prophets are in the occult . They are on a mission from satan to destroy the church. IF YOU ARE SO GREEDY FOR MONEY, WEALTH, BIG THINGS , PROSPERITY AND ALL THIS GABBAGE , ONE OF THESE DAYS YOU WILL RUN THE HARD WAY.
Nabbi omukazi bamulimirizza ku ddogo
Bya Richard Kayiira Ne Kizito Musoke
OMUSUUBUZI w’omu Kampala alumirizza Nabbi Omukazi nti amusindikira
amajiini agamutiisatiisa nti bw’ataave ku nsimbi z’abanja Nabbi,
amajiini gano gagenda kumunywamu omusaayi.
Maggie Kayima amanyiddwa ennyo nga Nabbi Omukazi eyayimbye “Sooka
ongulire akagatto” gaamumyukidde ku poliisi ng’omusuubuzi Charles
Mpalanyi omutuuze w’e Lugoba Kazo amulumiriza eddogo.
Mpalanyi attottoledde poliisi bw’ati: Omukazi oyo mulogo nnyo! Yasoose
kunsindikira majiini agannumbye nga nneebase ne gakuba enzigi
n’ebimyanso era ne gantuga nga bwe gandabula nti, “Bw’otoove ku ssente
z’obanja Nabbi, tugenda kukunywamu omusaayi”.
Enkeera natandikiddewo okunoonya Nabbi ambuulire lwaki yansindikidde
ebyawongo. Namusanze ku kkanisa y’Omusumba Augustine Yiga (Mbizzaayo)
e Kawaala (gy’atera okubeera) ng’ayingira mmotoka ye ne mmulumba,
kyokka kyambuuseeko okumutuukako ng’ate ndabamu mukazi omukadde ennyo
ali mu myaka nga 90 n’omusobyo.
Wadde nabadde ntidde nnyo, namaliridde okumulondoola era bwe
bantegeezezza nti agenze ku Eden Pub e Bwaise nayo ne mmulumbayo.
Namwetegerezza bulungi ng’ayingira era ne mmugoberera kyokka bwe
natuuse mu kisenge mwe namulengedde ng’ayingira nga simulabamu ne
mbuuza abaabaddewo ne bantegeeza nti tannaba kuyingirako mu kifo ekyo,
wabula ng’emmotoka ye esimbiddwa ebweru. Nasazeewo okulindira ku
mmotoka ye, era waayiseewo akabanga katono n’ajja n’ayingira.
Nayanguye ntuuke ku mmotoka nga tannagisimbula kyokka nagenze okulaba
nga ku mutto w’abadde atudde ndabawo kkapa ye simulaba!
Mpalanyi agamba nti okuva lwe yafunye obutakkaanya ne Nabbi Omukazi
nga buva ku nsimbi akakadde kamu z’amubanja, afunye ebizibu bingi mu
maka era ne bizinensi ze ezimu ne zigootaana kwe kugenda ku poliisi ya
Old Kampala n’aggulawo omusango oguli ku fayiro 29/28/05/2010.
Wabula Nabbi Omukazi yagambye nti: Omusajja alabika andoota buloosi
kubanga nze ebifo by’ayogerako saabigendamu ku nnaku ezo. Ayinza okuba
ng’anjagala nnyo oba ng’ampalana nnyo nga ky’ekimuviirako ebirooto
ebyo oba kiyinzika okuba ng’alina omuntu gw’alaba anneefaananyiriza
kubanga nze n’okumumanya simumanyi, namulabidde ku poliisi
ng’agenzeeyo okunzigulako omusango ne mpitibwa.
“Nze siri mulogo. Bye nkola byonna tebiriimu sitaani, ndiwo kuyimbira
Mukama na kuwa bunnabbi (kulagula ebirijja), siriiwo kutulugunya
bantu.” Maggie Kayima eyakazibwako “Nabbi Omukazi” nga kiva ku luyimba
lwe yasooka okufulumya bwe yategeezezza Bukedde.
Bino byonna biddiridde Mpalanyi okugenda ku poliisi n’agiraga
endagaano gy’agamba gye yakola ne Nabbi Omukazi ng’eraga nti bakkaanya
nga 5/3/2010 n’amusasula akakadde kamu amukolere ebivvulu bibiri ekimu
nga kyakubeera Semuto ate ekirala ku Kaleerwe mu April w’omwaka guno
kyokka n’atatuukiriza ndagaano. Wabula Nabbi Omukazi agamba nti
endagaano eyaleeteddwa njingirire wadde ng’omukono mwe yawandiikiddwa
gufaananamu ogugwe era ateebereza nti waliwo omuntu akolera mu linnya
lye n’afera abantu n’abanyagako ensimbi ng’ayita mu kakodyo
k’okujingirira omukono gwe.
Yagasseeko nti: Ono si y’asoose, waakavaayo abantu ba mirundi ebiri
omu yava Mbarara ate omulala yava Lyantonde abanneesibako nti bampa
ssente nnyimbe mu bivvulu ne situukiriza ndagaano era ne mpalirizibwa
okukkaanya nabo ne mbasasula nga ntya nti bwe binaawanvuwa bijja
kunnyonoonera erinnya.
Kyokka ntuuse we nkoma kubanga balabika banfudde lusuku. Ssente
nzirina naye sijja kuzimuwa kubanga bwe nnaazimuwa wajja kuvaayo
n’omulala anneesibeko nti abanja.
Published on: Saturday, 5th June, 2010
Nabbi Omukazi - A Case of Blasphemy Or Simple Entertainment...
The New Vision, 5 July 200
Maggie Kayima is the voice and brains behind the now popular Nabbi Omukazi song that has become a regular on local stations today. Although she has been baptised a gospel artiste, we will leave it to you to decide whether she is gospel artiste and and whether her popular song is indeed gospel.
In her creatively crafted piece of art, Kayima takes up the role of a prophetess, who has just been unleashed onto this country and her speciality is telling her clients what went wrong, which friend of theirs is bewitching them, and what is the way forward, typical sorcerer style.
In one of the many cases presented to her in the song, a father inquires why his son keeps falling sick, only to be told that the child is actually not his but his neighbour's and that he should return it to the actual dad, whose spirits have started demanding its return. She claims to have the ability to see what your friends-turned-foes are plotting and offers advice just the way a witch being consulted would. And right after that she says "God bless you", of all phrases.
But regardless of those grey areas, Nabbi Omukazi comes out as a perfect work of satire as Ms Kayima, knowingly or not, ridicules practices that have become part of day-to-day life. This is seen in the example cited above and in a series of others. She hits out on the girls who use charms to steal their friends' men, on women who complain that they don't get married and yet they do not take good care of their physical appearance, and on men who leave their long-time partners for younger ones as soon as they get wealthy.