Thursday, 25 April 2024

Prosperity Pastor Bishop Doctor David Kiganda and the Number of the Beast(666) at Christianity focus center church background

 Paying the price - Bishop David Kiganda - YouTube


Do you see, the six sided hexagrams. It is 666 all over the place. Very easy to see. No spirit filled man of God can put such a satanic background in his church 


 The devil is planning an attack to East Africa - Bishop David Kiganda - KTV  & 93.0 KINGDOM FM

Bishop  David Kiganda preaches Prosperity gospel under 666 background  


 How Bishop David Kiganda Rose from Pineapple Seller to a Billionaire –  HICGI News Agency  

 Bishop David Kiganda



Bishop David Kiganda’s stinking Prosperity Gospel: Money in one hand and the bible in the other


 Bishop David Kiganda


Bishop David Kiganda’s preposterous wealth gospel : If wealth and poverty are buses taking people to hell, where wealth takes 10 people to hell, poverty takes 60.


 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE | 14th April 2024 - YouTube

Uganda's Rotten Prosperity Movement 


"America-nized Christianity, ‘Another Gospel’ To Africa" 


 Bishop David Kiganda | Lunch Hour Service | 20.12.2022 | Bishop David  Kiganda | Lunch Hour Service | 20.12.2022 | By Bishop David Kiganda | mon  galop. bus esto ou te tirar


'Man Control', The End-time Implications

Part I: False Submissions, Total Rebellion 


 Pr. John Muyizi - Bishop prayed for me ...

‘Man Control’, The End-time Implications

Part II: False Coverings, Spiritual Fornication 



 Bishop David Kiganda

‘Man Control’, End-time Implications

Part III: Flee Babylon, Free Covering in Christ Jesus 


 CFC Women with a difference


‘Man Control’, End-time Implications

Part IV: Man Approval, Total Witchcraft 




Setting Our Minds On Christ in This Day and Age 


 CFC Women with a difference


Preach God’s Word, Stick to Sound Doctrine


Pastor David Kiganda finds new rib from Zimbabwe after divorce


Pastor Kiganda’s fiancĂ© is still a virgin

 America-nized Christianity, ‘Another Gospel’ To Africa

By Kato Mivule
October 10, 2005

Galatians 1:3-12
3 Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, 4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: 5 To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. 10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. 11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. 12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.

God Knows The True Western Humble Servants to Africa...
It is with a great burden and sorrow, filled with brokenness that I write this article. I would like to clear the air by first acknowledging all the hundreds of Western humble servants of Christ Jesus who out of Love for Him from a pure heart with no strings associated, have laid down their lives for the brethren in Africa. I would say with all humility, that my prayers are with them constantly that you will continue in this good work, standing on God’s True Holy Word and pointing all men to nothing but Jesus Christ who alone is able to save.

These Western Christians have sacrificed all they have to see that the gospel is preached in Truth to this continent that once hosted Jesus Christ in His young days while He and His earthly parents, Joseph and Mary sought refuge and exiled in Egypt. I do sincerely appreciate all their efforts and I am not blind about them. As I have written before, God truly will reward this unknown men and women of God from The West who have denied themselves earthly pleasures and delicacies to have the True Gospel preached in Africa. Please keep them in your prayers and do support them.

Having said that however, this will not blind me from the deceit and hypocrisy that is blinding the peoples of Africa and especially in Uganda where I grew up; this deceit and hypocrisy being spread overtly and subtly by American Apostate Christianity with the power and anointing from their god called mammon.

I find it very difficult to explain to many Africans that the current gospel they are receiving is one from the main stream Apostate Laodicean American Church that worships, Man and Mammon; a Babylonian Mammon or Money gospel with very dare end time implications that will lead these Christians to worship the Beast and his system. However, someone will have to stand and speak Truth.

Un-Schooling, Un-Learning Westernized Christianity…
It is time to return to the True Gospel of Jesus Christ with no strings attached. It is time to return to The Gospel of Salvation, Holiness, Purity, Simple Lifestyle and not the Western Gospel of Man, Money, Riches, Materialism all in the name of a Purpose Driven Prosperity Gospel.

It is sad that Africa has been blanketed by a TBN False gospel of lies and prosperity overtly while the Rick Warren deceit from hell of a Purpose Driven life spreads subtly in Africa’s wealthy and Urban core.

For this reason, there is a big need to un-school and un-learn what we have been taught by liars and pranks who purport to be bible teachers and missionaries in Africa. It is a time to unplug from the Western Christian Mindset and return back to Simple Bible Truth and walk as the Disciples and Apostles walked in the Book of Acts in this evil last days. The Best Manual we can have in Africa is a Bible and not Bible Colleges, Multi-Million Dollar Churches, and Designer Suit dressed thugs who call themselves men of God.

I won’t keep silent – won’t be threatened…
It is from this point that I cannot keep silent and watch as my fellow brethren in Africa are swept away by the lies and deceit streaming from Lucifer Himself. The Leadership in Africa is partly to blame for turning a blind eye to the Word of God and Truth for money and accolades awarded to them from the Apostate Laodicean Church in America. It is my prayer that God will raise new leaders in Africa. Current leadership has TOTALLY failed and has been ‘bought’ by the Apostate Church of America. They are guilty for exchanging God’s Truth for Money and Accolades.

Because of the extreme poverty and need, African brethren become vulnerable to believing that every thing said and done in The West by American Christians is true and lines up to sound biblical doctrine. There is a lack of sound biblical based critical thinking and often those who arise to challenge the authenticity of the status quo are often maligned and excommunicated and denied fellowship.

The Village Chief Mentality…
This is mainly due to a cultural belief in most if not all African Cultures of never questioning ‘The Village Chief’. Village Chiefs were and are still a very strong authority widely respected in African Cultures. While I have great honor and respect that my African culture taught me in regards to respecting the elderly…which I appreciate so much when placed in perspective to the Western degrading of the elderly to nursing homes, however, we are all personally responsible for the accountability of our personal lives before God. Every one will stand to give account on their own…the Village Chief will too stand to give account for their actions.

The Pastors and leaders in many African Churches have taken on the mantle of a ‘Village Chief’ because of their growing affluence and power, often supplied by Western Preachers who also play usury so as to report ‘Big Numbers of Converts’ to their denominational headquarters in the USA and in return the blind undiscerning American Christians drunk with stupor, fill the offertories of these supposedly ‘missiologists’ who have done such a “great job of winning souls to Jesus Christ”…mammon becomes a factor in such events... Such duplicity certainly waters down the True Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The ‘Village Chief’ mentality has succeeded in turning true ministers of God into dictators, controllers, and manipulators with sponsorship from the American Laodicean Church that cements their legitimacy.

Divide and Rule NWO Hegelian Dialectics…
No wonder it has always been a Hegelian Dialectic principle of the New World Order to Divide and Rule. The Christian Dominations of the West have played this game over and over again. Instead of preaching Jesus Christ they have promoted a false Gospel of denominationalism. You have the Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Charismatics, and Pentecostals; all rushing to get as many converts for themselves and not Jesus Christ. As such American Denominational Christianity has failed greatly in Africa and is just a tool and program for the New World Order to Control and Manipulate Africans and removing Africa’s Religious and Spiritual independence.

The greatest historical lie is that the gospel spread to Africa in the late 1600s, this is a lie and a re-writing of History because the Bible itself disapproves that with the account of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. Countless references in the Old Testament books show the interaction of Africa and Israel; obviously the rulers and cultures of Africa were not blind to The God of Israel… Africa has never been a dark continent as reported by so-called western missionaries who came to exert control and lay ground for a one-world government. It is these political dominion Christian missionaries that were blind and saw darkness in the continent and sadly enough we see their seed arise again preaching Dominion Christianity again through the likes of Rick Warren Purpose Driven Doctrines, TBN Putrid Prosperity Churchianity and False Patriotism Evangelicalism.

New World Order Mind Control and Programming Africa…
So, Africa has suffered divide and rule at the hands of Western Missionaries who have sadly been programmed and Mind Controlled by the New World Order to setup ground for a one world religion and one world government… A 21-century scramble for Africa is under way because of her resources such as Oil, as such The American New World Order sees if fit to manipulate ‘false patriotic’ dominionist Christians to go all around the World and spread a false gospel and totally Mind Control Multitudes upon multitudes in Africa…their mission is almost complete and they have succeeded in giving Africa a false Jesus Christ, they have given Africans an Anti – Christ and not The Real Historical Jesus Christ.

As such they have taken away the spiritual independence of Africans who are no longer accountable directly to Jesus Christ but now have a Western Intermediary through whom they seek accountability to God… This is totally false and it is so sad that with millions and millions of dollars wasted, the counterfeit is what Africans have been given. However, there is good news, The New World Order Religious planners forgot about God and his Sovereignty. They forgot that God does exist, like the bible says the fool says God does not exist… They forgot that God still has a remnant left behind as the majority is taken away or ‘raptured’ or ‘ruptured’ away by False Western Doctrines… :>)

A false Jesus Christ is what the New World Order seeks to spread in Africa to control minds and break any logical and independent thinking among Africans that can offer resistance to Western Christian Ideologies from Hell. So, the saying goes that behind the Cross, was the Flag. So, behind the false western gospel is the New World Order Flag. We must remember that Western Gospel now has to do with ruling and taking over Nations and Cities for Christ – That is the sad and Nazi-ism ideology of Dominion Christianity or Kingdom now theology…

True Saints of God Please Stand up…
It is my prayer, even through this writing that God will raise men and women who will stand on the True Word of God and reject the false gospel being spread around by American Religious Right Apostate Neo-con bewitched lunatic Christians masquerading around the globe as “missionaries” yet seeking to control and manipulate their constituents by imposing subtly and overtly a Gospel filled with Dominionism and Mammon. The Greatest Tool for Discernment is your Bible…The Word of God is enough to help you discern The Lord’s Voice and not follow after Purpose Driven Prosperity Wolves. Anything that is not lined up with scripture, reject…preach the Gospel verse by verse, precept upon precept as in the Book of Acts and not Purpose Driven Books by doctored by power hungry Neo-con Western preachers.

Political America Married to Religious America = Harlotry…
It is interesting that liaison exists between Political America in its manipulation of African Politics for usury and Religious America who see the ‘results’ of the gospel and as catalyst for the expansion and fattening of their checkbooks. The saddest of these is the current marriage of Political America and Religious America, being used by the Neo-Conservatives (Neo-cons) to spread The New World Order (NWO) as reported in a number of Exposes‘.

This marriage is mainly composed of The American Religious Right who see it fit to spread Dominionism around the world and as such seek to pervert the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Africa by spreading their teachings of how Christians must take over governments in Jesus Name just like they did in America by voting for GW Bush back into office. This deceit from The Religious Right in America backed by the power of Mammon has become the most dangerous weapon Satan is using to hoodwink Christians in Africa away from the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Sufferings - the Cross. However, The Lord Jesus Christ will no longer stand such duplicity and lies; His True Words will certainly expose the very intents of the heart of men.

Say No to Christian Usury...
I would also like to point out that I am not advocating a gospel of laziness or preaching to Africans that they are not to work and never to fight social ills like illiteracy and corruption that bind them in poverty. I am not rejecting the responsibility of the African Leader; his current failure is a work orchestrated by the New World Order American Christians sent allover the world to weaken The ‘African Man’ with false spirituality and exert on them a capitalistic gospel from New World Order America that lays ground for The New World Order American empire to take over resources such as Oil with no objections. However, African Christians should never turn The Word of God into usury for supposedly promised prosperity. God honors Truth and those who will work under the influence of God’s Truth will surely receive His Justice.

However, the deceit being marketed by American preachers is one of lies and heave from hell that supposes that people can turn The True Word of God into usury so as to get all the prosperity, power, affluence and mammon…this has never been the Gospel and never Truth but lies. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is about forgiveness of sins, deliverance from demonic oppression, and carrying our crosses and following Him. If we love godliness then we must endure sufferings for Christ Jesus…it has been that way for all Christians through the centuries. We in the last days are even to endure more, seven years of tribulation.

Secondly, American preachers are constantly painting a picture through powerful media outlets like TBN that those who supposedly live right as they do will enjoy such an affluent Christian life as shown on TBN. To my number of trips back and fro to Africa, I have seen this deceit over and over again, especially in urban areas were Christians think that True Christianity is one portrayed by Paul Crouch and his preposterous Seed-faith Mammon family. I have found many Christians in Africa wasting resources to build structures just like those rendered on TBN and with all the Red Carpets…they have been bewitched and blinded by Paul Crouch and his fellow preachers in believing such deceit from Satan…this is truly ‘Another Gospel’.

Giving not tantamount to Righteousness…
As I have previously mentioned before, giving is never synonymous with Holiness and righteousness. Reading the bible, one clearly sees Jesus Christ confronting this type of deceit that the Pharisees and Scribes enjoyed to display. For they loved to be seen as the greatest givers and enjoyed the honors accorded to those who gave large sums of money.

Many Christians in the West have been deceived that if the give to Africans or poor people, then they are righteous and holy and therefore see themselves as next to God. Jesus bemused these Pharisees when He categorically charged to their ears that the old lady who gave her button had given more than all the rich men had done. Jesus Christ was not to be deceived, for He checked the hearts of men and motives.

The greatest tool being used by Satan to propagate deceit from the Apostate Churches in America to Africa has been through giving…using the power of Mammon, which is a pretext for spreading The Satanic New World Order America-nized Gospel. Many in Africa because of their plight in poverty don’t question the waters from whence they drink from. They don’t question the contamination of the milk they are getting…as long as it is 90 per cent milk, they will not question the subtle 10 per cent poison meant to kill them spiritually. On the other hand American so-called preachers and missionaries cement their motives by thinking that if they care for the poor and orphans in Africa, then they would have done Jesus Christ a great service and as such expand what they think is the kingdom of God yet what they propagate are their American denominations always giving handouts of half truth and lies. Jesus was so clear to His disciples when He warned then against the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod – the teachings of the False Leaders and Political Christianity. The Paul in the letter to the Galatians warns the Christians of the same…

Galatians 5:9
9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

So, half-truth is no good truth at all but lies. The notion that it is okay to take 90 percent truth and accept 10 per cent deceit from false teachers, hypocrisy and lies from Satan is no truth at all…the little leaven leaveneth the whole lump…be aware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees for it is hypocrisy.

This is what has killed the Church, especially in America where the same lies are propagated around the world. Half-truth and half lies is nothing but mere propaganda. The churches have become propaganda centers for the New World Order. It is a form of Mind Control and manipulation by those in Christian leadership. No true Christian can have a flourishing spiritual life in such churches. The leaders of these Mind Controlled churches always claim that “there is no church that preaches all truth” – this is in itself a lie and I urge saints to avoid such “men of God”.

Matthew 16: 5-12
5 And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. 6 Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. 7 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread. 8 Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread? 9 Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? 10 Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? 11 How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? 12 Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

Luke 12: 1-3
1 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. 3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops

Spending Millions with Strings Attached…
So, we hear churches and pastors boast of how they are to spend millions to care for the orphans and poor in Africa yet behind the curtains they are in usury schemes to collect more offertories for their ministries and gain accolades of men as being so humanitarian. So, in most cases you find out that the entire project they run across Africa are a means for survival and gain from them. It is how they benefit. That is why most of the so-called Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) spend huge amount of donor funds on so-called administrative costs, which can be defined as anything, and as such the poor become a source of means for survival…

Social Works Not Gospel of Jesus Christ…
So, giving powered by mammon become a conduit for manipulations and certainly evil and distortion of Truth and The Gospel. While I do appreciate the need to help the needy in Africa by clothing the needy and feeding the hungry, which should even be done at a greater degree, I do believe that we cannot substitute the Gospel of Jesus Christ that saves man from sin with American noodle soup gospel. The greatest need for any human soul is Jesus Christ and His Cross…we cannot pretend that we are preaching the gospel by simply giving hand outs yet deny these souls the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

African Man seen as ‘Evil’ and ‘Corrupt’…
It is at this point that American Christian NGOs and Missionaries feel the need to assert control. The African man is always seen as the most corrupt and unable to care to his own business, therefore these missionaries engage in a colonial and imperialistic mode of imposing their “managerial skills’ on the “less skilled” Africans. The result is a perpetual dependency on Western Aid and Donor funds with the Africans conditioned to think that they can never take control of their own affairs – Total Mind Control.

Poor African Bewitched by Denominational Funding…
These missionaries backed by humongous denominational funding always seek to impose the doctrines NOT of Christ Jesus but that of their American Denomination. The poor Africans will never question the “generous” missionary simply because they see it as the only way to escape their predicament of vicious poverty…as such they will accept any false doctrines and drink from mudded waters that flow from the ponds of the Apostate American Christianity.

Giving By American Evangelicals Neo-Imperialistic…
Giving by American Christian Denominations has become a Neo-Imperialistic and Neo-colonial New World Order adventure. These well established American Christian denominations see the poor in Africa as subjects who they must control and indoctrinate so as to expend their statistics and enlarge their checking accounts with huge donor funds from unsuspecting American Christians happy with the “Church Growth” of their denominations and what they see as a spread of Christianity with combined American democracy and so-called freedoms.

Be Aware of Yeast of Herod…
As mentioned earlier, there is always a link between the Religious Right America in and The Neo-con Political America. We are witnessing history repeat itself with the saying come true that “Behind the Cross was The Flag”. American Christian Dominionism together with all who perpetrate it has become one of the most repugnancies and smears from Satan against the True Christians who have nothing at all to do with such hypocrisy. American Christians, because of their affluence and wealth have resorted to worshiping the god of Mammon and use Missions as a means of gain from other Americans while at the same time blinding the Africans from a true personal relationship with Jesus Christ that has no imperialistic string attachment to it.

Jesus saw such hypocrisy and warned his disciples against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees…and interestingly, also the yeast of Herod…

Mark 8:14-19
14 Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf. 15 And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod. 16 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have no bread. 17 And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened? 18 Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? 19 When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him, Twelve.

Jesus Christ warns us first of the Yeast of The Pharisees and Second The Yeast of Herod. We know that the Pharisees represented The Religious Right of that day and all those who wanted to be seen as holy yet practiced deceit in darkness. They used good to pretend to be good on the outwards but the good acts were mere strings to bind yokes on those under them. The Pharisees just like the American Religious Right and Dominionism Movement had political backing…and that was King Herod who surprisingly loved to be seen as a solutions provider, and loved to be worshiped. He loved to be seen as a protector of religious freedoms of the Jews, yet many saw him as a traitor, even the Pharisees, but used him anyway to get their agendas done. Herod likewise used the Pharisees to legitimize his authority.

The differences are not so much different today with the advent of the Religious Right Dominion Movement…these are our modern day Pharisees and have a backing of an “evangelical” President of The United States of America who sees these religious lunatics as extending his “Freedoms” around the world. The Political and Religious, the Pharisees and Herod, all joining hands to establish deceit and lies as they push forward for world Dominionism.

Yes, Jesus Christ warned us against such ‘Political Christianity’…
Jesus Christ was very adamant about such hypocrisy and said that we are to be aware of the Yeast of The Pharisees and The Yeast of Herod. Now, many are surprised that Jesus Christ would attack such a political figure as Herod…some Christians who will read this will be mad and go like…”oh no! How can he attack our Christian Brother, The evangelical President of the USA?” Jesus Christ was very clear…the Yeast of Herod was to be rejected…the usury of politicians to use Christianity to foster their agendas was and is to be rejected by all Christians.

The recent usury demonstrated by the Herods of our day in the US has brought disdain to The Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. The war in Iraq had a blessing on many American non discerning Christians who bought into the Herod Yeast and with the blessings of the Yeast of the Religious Right Evangelicals, these poor Christians were deceived into a war that turned out to be lies and greed of the Rich Men of The Earth who are waging wars for Oil.

The Church in America has become so tied with the Political and that is what they are propagating around the world. That is the essence of Dominion Christianity. They see themselves as taking over politics and as such ushering in Jesus Christ’s Kingdom by having so-called Christian nations and so-called Christian politicians. This is the doctrine that was used to support GW Bush to office in America and support his imperialistic wars in Iraq for oil with lies as evidence…such Christianity is NOT and we should separate from such Political Evangecalism…

It is sad that Christians in Africa are drinking from the same cup of deceit from American Evangelical Political Christianity. As Christians it is time we renounce such activities, repent and love Jesus Christ, flee from such hideous yeast of Pharisees and Herod of Today.

So, the business of using missions to bind Africans in another form of religious slavery and form denominational colonies is absurd and a reproach to the preaching of the true gospel.

Racist and Fascist Missionary Mentality…
Because of this racist mentality by American missionaries, African peoples have resorted to see themselves and not real men and people who cannot think for themselves but have to wait on the white man from America to think and make plans for them. The American Pharisee Missionaries have succeeded in their mind control mission. It is interesting that American missionaries claim that handling of their institutions to the African Man will ruin their missions still largely control most of the missions and bible colleges being setup in Africa today. Most of the churches bare overtly mark of Americanization with no shame to these missionaries. The simple fact they give is that they supply money and resources and therefore Micro and Macro Manage the African Christian Man. This has been one of the greatest setbacks in developing true leadership in African Christian Communities. The whole notion is racist and at the very best fascist.

This mentality being fostered by American Missions is a very big hindrance to the furthering of the gospel in many parts of Africa and the cried a lot about 10-40 Window. American Missionaries see themselves with the ordained right, skills and endeavors from Heaven of fulfilling these missions. However, the mentality is sorely based on the dominion gospel that sees American Christians take all nations for Christ.

America-nized Christian Culture a Reject…
There are many setbacks that many have endeavored to write about on this subject. I for one being from Africa see that American Culture is constantly being rejected by thousands around the world, they are drained of all the imperialistic predilection that is portrayed by the religious right and neo-con politicians in America. They see this as an invasion to take away their religious freedoms and political freedoms and get imposed with the religion of GW Bush and his Neo-cons. However, dominionist American Missionaries refuse to see this and instead think that money will buy blessings. The poor Africans in turn resort to siphoning all the monies from the West while themselves turning corrupt more than their western dominionist sponsors…thus fulfilling the sayings of Jesus Christ to the Pharisees…

Matthew 23:15
15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.

Making Twice The Sons of Hell…
So, shame and reproach is brought on The Name of The Lord in Africa by Christians who end up becoming more corrupt and reprobate than their American TV Evangelists and Denominational Missionaries who care more about expending their kingdoms. African Christians are now being turned into twice sons of hell than the American Evangelical political Christians. It is time to repent from all these dead works of men. I call upon African Christians to Repent and Turn Back to The True Word of God, a life of holiness, purity and righteousness, until we no longer live but Jesus Christ lives in us for His glory as we totally submit to Him alone and not to the laws and rulings of the America-nized Man.

American Missionary-ism is over!!!
At this point I would like to say that the American Missionary Enterprise is over! Yes, Missionary work, as we know it today will cease and stop because it has become a reproach before The Lord and His saints around the world. The era of American Denominational worldwide evangelism is over! This is a very hard saying and many will disagree…especially the imperialistic American dominion evangelicals. However, those who will critically look at these things will see otherwise. American evangelical Dominion Christianity is nothing but simply a push and extension of the American Empire and not the True and Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is coming to an end and will not endure in the end times. It will not endure the great tribulations. Thanks to Jesus Christ for the great tribulation because it will be a time for cleansing and purification of the Church and death dead works of men such as the pathetic Dominion Evangelical Christianity.

Matthew 23:13
13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

Some of the False Peace and Security America-nized Church Doctrines…
Once Saved Always Saved…
Raptured Away before the Tribulation…
Peace Prosperity, Tithe Gospel – Bribe God To ‘Get Rich Quick’ Theology…
Purpose Driven Satanic Gospel – Goats are driven but Sheep are led…
False Patriotism – ‘God Bless America Political Christianity’…
Dominionism – Christian Political Takeover of all Nations for Christ…
Commercialized Christianity – Sell DVDs Books, CDs and all spiritual junk food…
Rejection of God’s Ordained Five Fold Ministry Leadership…
Rejection of God’s Truth, His Word…
Rejection of Holiness, Purity, and Righteousness…
Rejection of The Holy Spirit – “I am already filled” Baptist nonsense and stupidity…
Christian Feminism, usurping Man’s Authority and destroying leadership…
One-Man CEO Pastor Churches/Ministries – Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes…
Multi-Million Dollar Mega Church Building Theologies…
Seeker Friendly Christianity – Friends of the World = World in Church…
False Church Growth and Home Cell Movement – Playing The ‘Number’s Game’…
False Worldwide American Missionary Outreaches – New World Order CIA Cover…
…And many more…
What to do…
>>Totally Surrender Your Life To Jesus Christ
>>Surrender yourself under the Covering of Jesus Christ and NOT any Man! Yes, don’t be accountable to mere Men to please Men, be accountable directly to the word of God, to Jesus Christ… Man cannot help, cursed is he who trusts Man, Trust Jesus Christ…
>>His Word…Study God’s Word
>>Holiness… Live a life of Holiness; separate from ALL that which is unholy…
>>Simple Fasted Lifestyle, stop hoarding wealth, stop that nonsense, it won’t help you a bit... live a simple life, if you have food, water and a roof over your head, that should be enough…
>>Be ready to suffer for Christ Jesus holding His Testimony True even unto death…
>>Preach The Gospel…preach repentance as in the Bible and not smooth-talker messages from corrupt and filthy American pulpits…
>>Be filled with The Holy Spirit, Yes Be filled with The Holy Spirit just like it happened in The book of Acts, stop your Baptist preconceived Ideas and nonsense and repent of them and Be filled with The Holy Spirit and learn to pray and worship in the Spirit.
>>Prayer and Fasting…you will need to develop a devotion of prayer and forgo meals, yes fasting, it is hard work but you will need that…maybe that will help you loose some pounds…LOL!
>>Ask The Lord what He requires of you…His Will For Your Life
>>Meet and Fellowship with those of like-mind, who call on The Name of The Lord and will challenge you to a deeper Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ, to Holiness, Purity and Righteousness… Leave Babylonian Churches, yes, it is time to leave All Purpose Driven Prosperity Churches that do nothing but exalt Man. Yes, leave America-nized Churches and leaders…
>>Care for the Poor, Orphans and the Neglected of This world.

Your Brother In Christ
Kato Mivule


SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE | 14th April 2024 - YouTube