First Watch:
KONY 2012 SCAM - Obama Deploys US Special Forces to Africa ( ALEX JONES INFOWARS )
Jason Russell (KONY 2012) gets naked, goes crazy & and swings nutz in San Deigo
New film on LRA courts controversy
Obama sends 100 US troops to Uganda to fight LRA: It is not what you think!!!
My analysis
It is very possible that this Jason Russel guy is a CIA agent. Now, that his invisible children film has been exposed as a documentary intended to hide the evils of the American new world order system, this so called Jason madness is intended to divert attention from critical analysis of the film to Jason’s condition. The truth is that Kony has been terrorizing Uganda for decades amidst the silence of the Americans. But, now that he is an obstacle to their rooting of Congo resources, they want to swing into action. They want to justify their sending of 100 US soldiers to help track Kony. They have protected Museveni and hidden his dictatorship and human rights violations in the war in northern Uganda and Congo.
Jason Russell Arrested? Co-Founder Of Invisible Children, 'Kony 2012' Creator, Not Charged In San Diego (VIDEO, UPDATE)
Posted: 03/16/2012 4:45 pm Updated: 03/19/2012 7:04 am
Jason Russell, the co-founder of Invisible Children, the advocacy group behind the "Kony 2012" viral video, was detained and taken by police to a medical facility for evaluation on Thursday morning after he was reported to be in his underwear, yelling incoherently and disrupting traffic in a San Diego neighborhood.
Law enforcement officials say there are no charges pending against Russell.
Lt. Andra Brown of the San Diego Police Department told The Huffington Post that a 33-year-old white male was not arrested but "transported to a local medical facility for evaluation and treatment." She would not confirm the identity of the man involved in the incident, but various media outlets report that it was the 33-year-old Russell.
In a statement posted online, Ben Keesey, the CEO of Invisible Children, also confirmed that Russell had been involved in an incident: "The past two weeks have taken a severe emotional toll on all of us, Jason especially, and that toll manifested itself in an unfortunate incident yesterday. Jason’s passion and his work have done so much to help so many, and we are devastated to see him dealing with this personal health issue."
Scroll down for Keesey's full statement.
According to the San Diego Police Department, officers responded to reports of a male in his underwear pounding his fists on the sidewalk and yelling incoherently, disrupting traffic in the Pacific Beach neighborhood of San Diego. Police said that one caller reported that the man was nude and could have been masturbating, but officers did not confirm that when they arrived.
According to TMZ, Russell was allegedly under the influence of alcohol. Police also told TMZ that he was vandalizing cars.
Russell created the 30-minute film featuring himself, his son, Gavin, and a former child soldier from Uganda named Jacob. Last week, the film received millions of views and rocketed Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, to fame. However, many were quick to respond with criticisms of the film and the organization's spending practices.
Russell is described on the organization's website as a "grand storyteller and dreamer" who dreams of "redefining the concept of humanitarian work" and having "nine more children" with his wife.
"Kony 2012" has received nearly 100 million views on Vimeo and YouTube.
Updated 6:25 p.m. EDT:
A Discernment and Apostasy watch site for African Saints. Prove all things..(1 Thesa.5:21) Test Spirits..(I John 4:1) Like the Bereans, check whether things are so(Acts 17:11)
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Mamdani blames World Bank for poor education standards
Mamdani blames World Bank for poor education standards
Publish Date: Mar 28, 2012
By Francis Kagolo
Renowned scholar Prof. Mahmood Mamdani has blamed the World Bank for the poor quality of university education in Uganda and across Africa.
Mamdani particularly attributed Makerere University’s current woes and fading glory to the World Bank’s ill-fated structural adjustment policies (SAPs) on education.
He said the Bank ill-advised African governments, Uganda inclusive, to shift investment from higher education and focus on primary education in 1980s. He said the policy did not only kill higher education but also murdered the quality of primary education too.
According to Mamdani, “the World Bank convinced the Government that university education was not only elitist but a luxury that society could not afford.”
As a result, the Government focused on primary education and left universities to be funded mainly by the students’ families through the private sponsorship scheme.
“The logic was elegant but populist and faulty,” Mamdani said. “It has had disastrous consequences for higher education, not just in Uganda but wherever it has been applied in Africa.”
He made the remarks during the fourth lecture of the Makerere University Africa lecture series on Thursday.
The lecture was held in memory of Dr. Joshua Mugyenyi, a former Bank of Uganda secretary, whom the former premier Prof. Apollo Nsibambi eulogized as “an intellectual and Uganda’s political liberator for fighting (Milton Obote’s) autocratic rule.”
Mugyenyi participated in the formation of the National Resistance Army (NRA) in Kenya in 1981 which later took over power in 1985.
Mamdani quashed the World Bank’s education policies, arguing that the primary school system could not thrive without a flourishing university system.
“Who would train administrators and teachers for primary schools? Who would design the curriculum? The answer to both questions is: universities,” he stated.
He added: “It is nonsense to think that the benefit of higher education goes only or even mainly to those who teach, work or study there.”
“It is like saying that the benefit of a power dam goes only to the management and the workers in the dam, ignoring the millions whose workplaces and houses, offices and streets, are lit by that power.”
Mamdani expressed discontent that the Government was lagging behind in increasing funding for higher education even after the World Bank realized its mistake and changed the policy in the late 1990s.
He however, said the World Bank ought to pay for its mistakes by funding universities like Makerere whose suffering is a result of its ill-conceived policies.
“The World Bank claims to be a champion of the free market. Well, the first law of the market is that if you make a bad investment, you must pay for it,” he said.
“But the Bank has a long history of making bad investments, yet it has never paid the cost of even one wrong decision. It has simply withdrawn and left its clients to pay the bill. The Bank has the luxury of not living by the rules it forces on others.”
Prof. Nsibambi, however, defended the Government for implementing the World Bank 1980s’ policy on education, saying Uganda would lose out on aid had the policy not been implemented.
The former Ugandan Prime Minister said Madman was unrealistic in his criticism of the Government.
“When the World Bank came up with the policy, Uganda produced a defiant budget in 1987. The Bank then denied us credit. President Museveni had to tactfully accept the SAPs because he was managing an ailing economy,” Nsibambi defended the 1987 education adoption.
The memorial lecture was also attended by a number of ministers and Kenya’s medical services minister, Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o.
Publish Date: Mar 28, 2012
By Francis Kagolo
Renowned scholar Prof. Mahmood Mamdani has blamed the World Bank for the poor quality of university education in Uganda and across Africa.
Mamdani particularly attributed Makerere University’s current woes and fading glory to the World Bank’s ill-fated structural adjustment policies (SAPs) on education.
He said the Bank ill-advised African governments, Uganda inclusive, to shift investment from higher education and focus on primary education in 1980s. He said the policy did not only kill higher education but also murdered the quality of primary education too.
According to Mamdani, “the World Bank convinced the Government that university education was not only elitist but a luxury that society could not afford.”
As a result, the Government focused on primary education and left universities to be funded mainly by the students’ families through the private sponsorship scheme.
“The logic was elegant but populist and faulty,” Mamdani said. “It has had disastrous consequences for higher education, not just in Uganda but wherever it has been applied in Africa.”
He made the remarks during the fourth lecture of the Makerere University Africa lecture series on Thursday.
The lecture was held in memory of Dr. Joshua Mugyenyi, a former Bank of Uganda secretary, whom the former premier Prof. Apollo Nsibambi eulogized as “an intellectual and Uganda’s political liberator for fighting (Milton Obote’s) autocratic rule.”
Mugyenyi participated in the formation of the National Resistance Army (NRA) in Kenya in 1981 which later took over power in 1985.
Mamdani quashed the World Bank’s education policies, arguing that the primary school system could not thrive without a flourishing university system.
“Who would train administrators and teachers for primary schools? Who would design the curriculum? The answer to both questions is: universities,” he stated.
He added: “It is nonsense to think that the benefit of higher education goes only or even mainly to those who teach, work or study there.”
“It is like saying that the benefit of a power dam goes only to the management and the workers in the dam, ignoring the millions whose workplaces and houses, offices and streets, are lit by that power.”
Mamdani expressed discontent that the Government was lagging behind in increasing funding for higher education even after the World Bank realized its mistake and changed the policy in the late 1990s.
He however, said the World Bank ought to pay for its mistakes by funding universities like Makerere whose suffering is a result of its ill-conceived policies.
“The World Bank claims to be a champion of the free market. Well, the first law of the market is that if you make a bad investment, you must pay for it,” he said.
“But the Bank has a long history of making bad investments, yet it has never paid the cost of even one wrong decision. It has simply withdrawn and left its clients to pay the bill. The Bank has the luxury of not living by the rules it forces on others.”
Prof. Nsibambi, however, defended the Government for implementing the World Bank 1980s’ policy on education, saying Uganda would lose out on aid had the policy not been implemented.
The former Ugandan Prime Minister said Madman was unrealistic in his criticism of the Government.
“When the World Bank came up with the policy, Uganda produced a defiant budget in 1987. The Bank then denied us credit. President Museveni had to tactfully accept the SAPs because he was managing an ailing economy,” Nsibambi defended the 1987 education adoption.
The memorial lecture was also attended by a number of ministers and Kenya’s medical services minister, Prof. Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Don’t teach sex in schools: President Museveni challenges Neo-liberal corporate interests behind the HIV/AIDS crusade
First Read:
Ugandan President confronts junk science head on : Museveni warns on male circumcision
My analysis
I think President Museveni has come to the realization that the enormous interests behind HIV/AIDS crusade are aiming at promoting condom use in order to boost ‘corporate’ profits. Most of these NGOs in the HIV/AIDS crusade have been infiltrated by neo-liberal corporate interests. Neo-liberal capitalists are interested in increasing HIV infection all over the world for profit sake. President Museveni is right to emphasise abstinence and being faithful. These are the best methods of protecting the Youth against HIV spread. Recently, President Museveni challenged Uganda’s bogus circumcision crusade. The president has come to the realization that corporate profiteers are only interests in increasing the level of HIV infection so as to reap more profits from people’s misery. Statistics indicate that Mbale is one of the places in Uganda with a sky rocketing, HIV infection rate. If Circumcision reduces the rate of HIV infection, how comes HIV infection is increasing among the Bagishu who culturally practice circumcision ? This is the million dollar question.
Don’t teach sex in schools - Museveni
By Felix Warom Okello & Patrick Okaba
Posted Friday, March 9 2012 at 00:00
President Museveni has warned civil society organisations against promoting sex education in schools and asked the community to declare a zero tolerance for gender based violence.
Speaking at the national celebrations to mark the International Women’s Day in Nebbi, West Nile yesterday, the President warned that while the motive of “foreign NGO messages on sex education” may be good, they must not encourage promiscuity and turn classrooms into bedrooms.
Mr Museveni says, instead of promoting the use of condoms under the guise that it will prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and unnecessary abortions, the NGOs and teachers should focus on abstinence.
“Be careful with some of these messages from foreign NGOs. For them they are saying a child can become a wife as long as she uses a condom. This is not the way to counsel our children,” Mr Museveni said.
“Our message is put padlocks on your private parts until the time comes to open them when you have a husband. You are not there just to taste and taste (jaribu, jaribu). I can’t tell my daughter or granddaughter to do that. If you start with the right message from the beginning, they will take it.”
Mr Museveni also warned that if the practice is promoted in schools, the country will plunge into immorality.
Although there have been efforts to fight gender-based violence, the President noted that it still occurrs in homes, schools and workplaces. He further proposed that those who engage in incest and defilement be hanged to stop the crime completely.
“I don’t support the idea of mutilation for men who commit incest or defilement. I think hanging them is much better. Girls are not only threatened by harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation, and defilement, it goes on with impunity leading to many negative consequences,” he said.
Although the government has been promoting the ABC (Abstinence, be faithful and the use of condom) in the fight against HIV/Aids, the Ministry of Education, according to Mr Aggrey Kibenge, the undersecretary, advocates only abstinence in schools.
He urges that their biggest population in schools are minors (below 18 years) and should not be introduced to behaviour that will provoke their instinct.
“The children in our schools are very young and active. I can’t imagine my child in P2 being taught sex education. What does she know?” Mr Kibenge asked in an earlier interview with Daily Monitor.
The women, through their National Women Council chairperson, Ms Rose Najjemba, want the government to reinforce the socio-economic and political programmes for women with more funds. She said yesterday that human rights for girls have been compromised.
“The women in Uganda are still not benefiting from the economic empowerment. I propose that any man who commits incest, should be castrated and we shall push for the law on this,” Ms Najjembe added.
The Regional Representative of UN Women for East and Horn of Africa, Ms Simone Elis, also asked government to enforce the relevant laws that protect and promote girls education and women’s rights.
“The gender-based violence has frustrated efforts to promote rights of girls and women and even economic empowerment should be geared towards poverty alleviation,” she said.
Ugandan President confronts junk science head on : Museveni warns on male circumcision
My analysis
I think President Museveni has come to the realization that the enormous interests behind HIV/AIDS crusade are aiming at promoting condom use in order to boost ‘corporate’ profits. Most of these NGOs in the HIV/AIDS crusade have been infiltrated by neo-liberal corporate interests. Neo-liberal capitalists are interested in increasing HIV infection all over the world for profit sake. President Museveni is right to emphasise abstinence and being faithful. These are the best methods of protecting the Youth against HIV spread. Recently, President Museveni challenged Uganda’s bogus circumcision crusade. The president has come to the realization that corporate profiteers are only interests in increasing the level of HIV infection so as to reap more profits from people’s misery. Statistics indicate that Mbale is one of the places in Uganda with a sky rocketing, HIV infection rate. If Circumcision reduces the rate of HIV infection, how comes HIV infection is increasing among the Bagishu who culturally practice circumcision ? This is the million dollar question.
Don’t teach sex in schools - Museveni
By Felix Warom Okello & Patrick Okaba
Posted Friday, March 9 2012 at 00:00
President Museveni has warned civil society organisations against promoting sex education in schools and asked the community to declare a zero tolerance for gender based violence.
Speaking at the national celebrations to mark the International Women’s Day in Nebbi, West Nile yesterday, the President warned that while the motive of “foreign NGO messages on sex education” may be good, they must not encourage promiscuity and turn classrooms into bedrooms.
Mr Museveni says, instead of promoting the use of condoms under the guise that it will prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies and unnecessary abortions, the NGOs and teachers should focus on abstinence.
“Be careful with some of these messages from foreign NGOs. For them they are saying a child can become a wife as long as she uses a condom. This is not the way to counsel our children,” Mr Museveni said.
“Our message is put padlocks on your private parts until the time comes to open them when you have a husband. You are not there just to taste and taste (jaribu, jaribu). I can’t tell my daughter or granddaughter to do that. If you start with the right message from the beginning, they will take it.”
Mr Museveni also warned that if the practice is promoted in schools, the country will plunge into immorality.
Although there have been efforts to fight gender-based violence, the President noted that it still occurrs in homes, schools and workplaces. He further proposed that those who engage in incest and defilement be hanged to stop the crime completely.
“I don’t support the idea of mutilation for men who commit incest or defilement. I think hanging them is much better. Girls are not only threatened by harmful cultural practices such as female genital mutilation, and defilement, it goes on with impunity leading to many negative consequences,” he said.
Although the government has been promoting the ABC (Abstinence, be faithful and the use of condom) in the fight against HIV/Aids, the Ministry of Education, according to Mr Aggrey Kibenge, the undersecretary, advocates only abstinence in schools.
He urges that their biggest population in schools are minors (below 18 years) and should not be introduced to behaviour that will provoke their instinct.
“The children in our schools are very young and active. I can’t imagine my child in P2 being taught sex education. What does she know?” Mr Kibenge asked in an earlier interview with Daily Monitor.
The women, through their National Women Council chairperson, Ms Rose Najjemba, want the government to reinforce the socio-economic and political programmes for women with more funds. She said yesterday that human rights for girls have been compromised.
“The women in Uganda are still not benefiting from the economic empowerment. I propose that any man who commits incest, should be castrated and we shall push for the law on this,” Ms Najjembe added.
The Regional Representative of UN Women for East and Horn of Africa, Ms Simone Elis, also asked government to enforce the relevant laws that protect and promote girls education and women’s rights.
“The gender-based violence has frustrated efforts to promote rights of girls and women and even economic empowerment should be geared towards poverty alleviation,” she said.
New film on LRA courts controversy
New film on LRA courts controversy
By Tabu Butagira
Posted Friday, March 9 2012 at 00:00
In Kampala, former Gulu District chairman and Democratic Party president Norbert Mao, who features in the video urging a halt to massacres by LRA rebels, however, faulted the documentary for lack of balance.“It needs to be told clearly to the world that northern Uganda does not have LRA activities. Invisible Children seems scared to take on Uganda government, and if they are not showing atrocities committed by UPDF, we are not happy,” Mr Mao said.
A sensational video released by Invisible Children, a US charity, chronicling LRA anarchy in northern Uganda, has raised suspicion after its maker exhorts immediate American military action at a time the rebel force poses no threat to the country.
The 30-minute documentary titled, Kony 2012, has at its heart a tear-jerking narration by LRA survivor Jacob, a teenager from Acholi sub-region, the former epicentre for the rebellion.
The rebels first escaped to South Sudan and onward to DRC’s dense Garamba Forest, before spreading to Central African Republic.
Latest UN alerts indicate they have resumed plunder of villages, abduction and or killing of civilians after a four-month respite.
In the movie uploaded on YouTube on Monday, which had been viewed 32.6 million times by 6pm yesterday, Jacob tells of how LRA rebels beheaded his brother.
“It’s better to kill us,” he tells the movie-maker Jason Russell, a co-founder of Invisible Children. The teenager says immediate death would relieve him of an uncertain future, and enable him spiritually re-unite with his slain brother.
The image of toddler Garvin, Mr Russell’s son, is flashed and he can be heard concluding that Kony is a “bad guy” who must be “stopped”.
UPDF spokesman Felix Kulayigye said he had not watched the video but welcomed any help to capture or kill the elusive rebel chief.
“Whether Kony is in Uganda or not, the bottom line is he must be eliminated. The crime he is committing elsewhere is still against humanity,” Col. Kulayigye .
Government officials contacted by this newspaper were unaware of the video that has elicited social media comments from world celebrities; singer Robyn Rihanna and TV personality Oprah Winfrey.
“Everybody who’s tweeting me about #LRA I’ve helped. Gave major dollars had Invisible Children on my show 2x,” Oprah tweeted.
In Kampala, former Gulu District chairman and Democratic Party president Norbert Mao, who features in the video urging a halt to massacres by LRA rebels, however, faulted the documentary for lack of balance.
“It needs to be told clearly to the world that northern Uganda does not have LRA activities. Invisible Children seems scared to take on Uganda government, and if they are not showing atrocities committed by UPDF, we are not happy,” Mr Mao said.
The NGO also came under strong criticism after it emerged that it spent only 30 per cent of the $8.9m (Shs 20b) it mobilised for the children in their names from well-wishers. The bulk of the cash was expended on salaries, office rentals, travel as well as filming, according to Invisible Children’s audited accounts.
Invisible Children, Enough Project and Resolve jointly wrote to US president Barack Obama on Wednesday, urging him to keep the Special Forces in the Great Lakes and pressure regional governments to cooperate to apprehend Kony before the end of this year.
New film on LRA courts controversy
By Tabu Butagira
Posted Friday, March 9 2012 at 00:00
In Kampala, former Gulu District chairman and Democratic Party president Norbert Mao, who features in the video urging a halt to massacres by LRA rebels, however, faulted the documentary for lack of balance.“It needs to be told clearly to the world that northern Uganda does not have LRA activities. Invisible Children seems scared to take on Uganda government, and if they are not showing atrocities committed by UPDF, we are not happy,” Mr Mao said.
A sensational video released by Invisible Children, a US charity, chronicling LRA anarchy in northern Uganda, has raised suspicion after its maker exhorts immediate American military action at a time the rebel force poses no threat to the country.
The 30-minute documentary titled, Kony 2012, has at its heart a tear-jerking narration by LRA survivor Jacob, a teenager from Acholi sub-region, the former epicentre for the rebellion.
The rebels first escaped to South Sudan and onward to DRC’s dense Garamba Forest, before spreading to Central African Republic.
Latest UN alerts indicate they have resumed plunder of villages, abduction and or killing of civilians after a four-month respite.
In the movie uploaded on YouTube on Monday, which had been viewed 32.6 million times by 6pm yesterday, Jacob tells of how LRA rebels beheaded his brother.
“It’s better to kill us,” he tells the movie-maker Jason Russell, a co-founder of Invisible Children. The teenager says immediate death would relieve him of an uncertain future, and enable him spiritually re-unite with his slain brother.
The image of toddler Garvin, Mr Russell’s son, is flashed and he can be heard concluding that Kony is a “bad guy” who must be “stopped”.
UPDF spokesman Felix Kulayigye said he had not watched the video but welcomed any help to capture or kill the elusive rebel chief.
“Whether Kony is in Uganda or not, the bottom line is he must be eliminated. The crime he is committing elsewhere is still against humanity,” Col. Kulayigye .
Government officials contacted by this newspaper were unaware of the video that has elicited social media comments from world celebrities; singer Robyn Rihanna and TV personality Oprah Winfrey.
“Everybody who’s tweeting me about #LRA I’ve helped. Gave major dollars had Invisible Children on my show 2x,” Oprah tweeted.
In Kampala, former Gulu District chairman and Democratic Party president Norbert Mao, who features in the video urging a halt to massacres by LRA rebels, however, faulted the documentary for lack of balance.
“It needs to be told clearly to the world that northern Uganda does not have LRA activities. Invisible Children seems scared to take on Uganda government, and if they are not showing atrocities committed by UPDF, we are not happy,” Mr Mao said.
The NGO also came under strong criticism after it emerged that it spent only 30 per cent of the $8.9m (Shs 20b) it mobilised for the children in their names from well-wishers. The bulk of the cash was expended on salaries, office rentals, travel as well as filming, according to Invisible Children’s audited accounts.
Invisible Children, Enough Project and Resolve jointly wrote to US president Barack Obama on Wednesday, urging him to keep the Special Forces in the Great Lakes and pressure regional governments to cooperate to apprehend Kony before the end of this year.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
‘Circumcision doesn’t reduce HIV spread’: Gregory Boyle and George Hill challenge Uganda’s Bogus Circumcision Crusade
Archbishop Dr. Luke Orombi should fight HIV using the bible and not conjectural science
Circumcision is the same as baptism :Archbishop Dr. Luke Orombi urges Christians to embrace Male circumcision
Posted Tuesday, March 6 2012 at 00:00
Contrary to recent popular claims that male circumcision reduces HIV/Aids transmission by 60 per cent, a group of researchers has disputed the findings, saying the action will only increase the spread of HIV/Aids and can only reduce its transmission by 1.3 per cent at most.
Researchers Gregory Boyle and George Hill in a study published by Australia’s Thomson Reuters, base their argument on a recent male-to-female transmission of HIV study in Uganda, which showed that more women contracted the virus after unprotected intercourse to infected circumcised male partners.
They concluded that male circumcision is associated with a 61-per-cent increase in HIV transmission. “Across all the three female-to-male trials, of the 5,411 men subjected to male circumcision, 64 (1.18 per cent) became HIV-positive while among the 5,497 controls, 137 (2.49 per cent) became HIV-positive,” Boyle and Hill said.
“So the absolute decrease in HIV infection was only 1.31 per cent, which is not significant. Examination of epidemiological data shows that male circumcision does not provide protection against HIV transmission in several sub-Saharan African countries, including Cameroon, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania, all of which have higher prevalence of HIV infection among circumcised men,” they concluded.
Uganda rolled out medical male circumcision drive two years ago after the World Health Organisation-UNAIDS in 2007 recommended male circumcision as an HIV preventive measure based on randomised clinical trials in female-to-male sexual transmission in South Africa, Kenya and Uganda, which suggested that circumcision could reduce infection by up to 60 per cent.
Thousands of men have undergone the surgical pinch in Uganda. However, President Museveni in July last year castigated the call for male circumcision as a measure to curtail HIV/Aids, saying it was “diversionary” and called for abstienence.
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Dr Asuman Lukwago, yesterday, said he was not aware of the new findings but said should it be proved otherwise, the country will drop the method for other viable ones.
“We do not strongly condone it and neither do we dispute it. We work in a world of information and evidence and when it is proven otherwise we shall be alerted and we change our policies just like we did for malaria medicine,” he said.
Circumcision-generated emotions bias medical literature
1.Gregory J. Boyle1,
2.George Hill2
Article first published online: 7 FEB 2012
DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2012.10917.x
In the Journal of the American Medical Association, Tobian and Gray [1] seek to re-evaluate the risks and alleged benefits of male circumcision (MC), but seem blithely unaware that two authoritative medical associations, the Dutch Medical Association and Royal Australasian College of Physicians, have just completed comprehensive reviews [2,3]
The authors base their argument on three methodologically deficient African clinical randomised controlled trials (RCTs), which purport to show that MC protects against female-to-male HIV infection. However, these trials were terminated early, thereby overstating any putative protective effect [4]. Despite the assertions of the authors of the three African RCTs, both medical associations, after extensive critical review, independently declined to recommend circumcision of male children [2,3].
In an egregious omission, Tobian and Gray failed to acknowledge that in a parallel RCT into male-to-female transmission of HIV carried out in Uganda [5], MC was associated with a 61% relative increase in HIV infection among the female sexual partners of HIV-positive men.
MC ablates the foreskin, destroying its protective, sensory, mechanical, and sexual functions and carries many potential short-term complications and risks, including haemorrhage, infection, and possible death, as well as possible long-term psychosexual difficulties [4,6–8]. MC invokes an abundance of human rights and ethical issues [4,6].
Tobian and Gray have taken a position in stark opposition to that of two highly respected medical societies. In so doing, they have peremptorily dismissed the very substantial issues of certain inherent injury, complications that may result in irreversible mutilation or death, and intractable moral, child abuse, human rights, and ethical problems [2–4,6].
MC changes human and sexual behaviour [4,6–8]. Most doctors favouring MC are circumcised themselves [4]. Circumcision status ‘plays a huge role in whether doctors are in support of circumcisions or not’[9]. Circumcised doctors often defend circumcision by producing flawed papers that minimise or dismiss the harm and exaggerate alleged benefits [10].
Tobian and Gray are products of circumcising cultures. Their article exudes Freudian defences of denial and rationalisation [6,10]. The authors seem blinded by their own circumcision-generated emotional needs. The readers of such articles must be aware of the culture-of-origin and circumcision status of the authors, in order to properly evaluate assertions about MC [4].
Invariably, when biased opinions promoting MC are published by doctors trying to justify their own psychosexual wounding [10], uncircumcised doctors (who mostly see no need for amputating anatomically normal healthy erogenous tissue) are quick to refute such overstated claims [2,4]. We fully expect that this distortion of the medical literature [11] will continue until non-therapeutic male circumcision is prohibited by law and most circumcised male doctors have passed from the scene.
Tobian AA, Gray RH. The medical benefits of male circumcision. JAMA 2011; 306: 1479–80
oWeb of Science®
Anonymous. Non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors. Utrecht: Royal Dutch Medical Association, 2010. Available at: Accessed January 2012
Circumcision of Male Infants. Sydney: Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2010. Available at: Accessed January 2012
Hill G. The case against circumcision. J Men's Health Gender 2007; 4: 318–23
o CrossRef
Wawer MJ, Makumbi F, Kigozi G et al. Circumcision in HIV-infected men and its effect on HIV transmission to female partners in Rakai, Uganda: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2009; 374: 229–37
oWeb of Science® Times Cited: 55
Boyle GJ, Goldman R, Svoboda JS et al. Male circumcision: pain, trauma and psychosexual sequelae. J Health Psychol 2002; 7: 329–43
oWeb of Science® Times Cited: 15
Boyle GJ, Svoboda JS, Price CP et al. Circumcision of healthy boys: criminal assault? J Law Med 2000; 7: 301–10
Bensley GA, Boyle GJ. Physical, sexual, and psychological impact of male infant circumcision: an exploratory survey. In Denniston GC, Hodges FM and Milos MF eds, Understanding circumcision: a multi-disciplinary approach to a multi-dimensional problem. New York: Kluwer/Plenum, 2001: 207–40
Muller AJ. To cut or not to cut? Personal factors influence primary care physicians' position on elective circumcision. J Men's Health 2010; 7: 227-32.
oWeb of Science®
Goldman R. The psychological impact of circumcision. BJU Int 1999; 83 (Suppl. 1): 93–102
Direct Link:
LeBourdais E. Circumcision no longer a ‘routine’ surgical procedure. Can Med Assoc J 1995; 152: 1873–6
oWeb of Science® Times Cited: 5
Archbishop Dr. Luke Orombi should fight HIV using the bible and not conjectural science
Ugandan President confronts junk science head on : Museveni warns on male circumcision
Circumcision is the same as baptism :Archbishop Dr. Luke Orombi urges Christians to embrace Male circumcision
‘Circumcision doesn’t reduce HIV spread’
Posted Tuesday, March 6 2012 at 00:00
Contrary to recent popular claims that male circumcision reduces HIV/Aids transmission by 60 per cent, a group of researchers has disputed the findings, saying the action will only increase the spread of HIV/Aids and can only reduce its transmission by 1.3 per cent at most.
Researchers Gregory Boyle and George Hill in a study published by Australia’s Thomson Reuters, base their argument on a recent male-to-female transmission of HIV study in Uganda, which showed that more women contracted the virus after unprotected intercourse to infected circumcised male partners.
They concluded that male circumcision is associated with a 61-per-cent increase in HIV transmission. “Across all the three female-to-male trials, of the 5,411 men subjected to male circumcision, 64 (1.18 per cent) became HIV-positive while among the 5,497 controls, 137 (2.49 per cent) became HIV-positive,” Boyle and Hill said.
“So the absolute decrease in HIV infection was only 1.31 per cent, which is not significant. Examination of epidemiological data shows that male circumcision does not provide protection against HIV transmission in several sub-Saharan African countries, including Cameroon, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania, all of which have higher prevalence of HIV infection among circumcised men,” they concluded.
Uganda rolled out medical male circumcision drive two years ago after the World Health Organisation-UNAIDS in 2007 recommended male circumcision as an HIV preventive measure based on randomised clinical trials in female-to-male sexual transmission in South Africa, Kenya and Uganda, which suggested that circumcision could reduce infection by up to 60 per cent.
Thousands of men have undergone the surgical pinch in Uganda. However, President Museveni in July last year castigated the call for male circumcision as a measure to curtail HIV/Aids, saying it was “diversionary” and called for abstienence.
The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Dr Asuman Lukwago, yesterday, said he was not aware of the new findings but said should it be proved otherwise, the country will drop the method for other viable ones.
“We do not strongly condone it and neither do we dispute it. We work in a world of information and evidence and when it is proven otherwise we shall be alerted and we change our policies just like we did for malaria medicine,” he said.
Circumcision-generated emotions bias medical literature
1.Gregory J. Boyle1,
2.George Hill2
Article first published online: 7 FEB 2012
DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2012.10917.x
In the Journal of the American Medical Association, Tobian and Gray [1] seek to re-evaluate the risks and alleged benefits of male circumcision (MC), but seem blithely unaware that two authoritative medical associations, the Dutch Medical Association and Royal Australasian College of Physicians, have just completed comprehensive reviews [2,3]
The authors base their argument on three methodologically deficient African clinical randomised controlled trials (RCTs), which purport to show that MC protects against female-to-male HIV infection. However, these trials were terminated early, thereby overstating any putative protective effect [4]. Despite the assertions of the authors of the three African RCTs, both medical associations, after extensive critical review, independently declined to recommend circumcision of male children [2,3].
In an egregious omission, Tobian and Gray failed to acknowledge that in a parallel RCT into male-to-female transmission of HIV carried out in Uganda [5], MC was associated with a 61% relative increase in HIV infection among the female sexual partners of HIV-positive men.
MC ablates the foreskin, destroying its protective, sensory, mechanical, and sexual functions and carries many potential short-term complications and risks, including haemorrhage, infection, and possible death, as well as possible long-term psychosexual difficulties [4,6–8]. MC invokes an abundance of human rights and ethical issues [4,6].
Tobian and Gray have taken a position in stark opposition to that of two highly respected medical societies. In so doing, they have peremptorily dismissed the very substantial issues of certain inherent injury, complications that may result in irreversible mutilation or death, and intractable moral, child abuse, human rights, and ethical problems [2–4,6].
MC changes human and sexual behaviour [4,6–8]. Most doctors favouring MC are circumcised themselves [4]. Circumcision status ‘plays a huge role in whether doctors are in support of circumcisions or not’[9]. Circumcised doctors often defend circumcision by producing flawed papers that minimise or dismiss the harm and exaggerate alleged benefits [10].
Tobian and Gray are products of circumcising cultures. Their article exudes Freudian defences of denial and rationalisation [6,10]. The authors seem blinded by their own circumcision-generated emotional needs. The readers of such articles must be aware of the culture-of-origin and circumcision status of the authors, in order to properly evaluate assertions about MC [4].
Invariably, when biased opinions promoting MC are published by doctors trying to justify their own psychosexual wounding [10], uncircumcised doctors (who mostly see no need for amputating anatomically normal healthy erogenous tissue) are quick to refute such overstated claims [2,4]. We fully expect that this distortion of the medical literature [11] will continue until non-therapeutic male circumcision is prohibited by law and most circumcised male doctors have passed from the scene.
Tobian AA, Gray RH. The medical benefits of male circumcision. JAMA 2011; 306: 1479–80
oWeb of Science®
Anonymous. Non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors. Utrecht: Royal Dutch Medical Association, 2010. Available at: Accessed January 2012
Circumcision of Male Infants. Sydney: Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2010. Available at: Accessed January 2012
Hill G. The case against circumcision. J Men's Health Gender 2007; 4: 318–23
o CrossRef
Wawer MJ, Makumbi F, Kigozi G et al. Circumcision in HIV-infected men and its effect on HIV transmission to female partners in Rakai, Uganda: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2009; 374: 229–37
oWeb of Science® Times Cited: 55
Boyle GJ, Goldman R, Svoboda JS et al. Male circumcision: pain, trauma and psychosexual sequelae. J Health Psychol 2002; 7: 329–43
oWeb of Science® Times Cited: 15
Boyle GJ, Svoboda JS, Price CP et al. Circumcision of healthy boys: criminal assault? J Law Med 2000; 7: 301–10
Bensley GA, Boyle GJ. Physical, sexual, and psychological impact of male infant circumcision: an exploratory survey. In Denniston GC, Hodges FM and Milos MF eds, Understanding circumcision: a multi-disciplinary approach to a multi-dimensional problem. New York: Kluwer/Plenum, 2001: 207–40
Muller AJ. To cut or not to cut? Personal factors influence primary care physicians' position on elective circumcision. J Men's Health 2010; 7: 227-32.
oWeb of Science®
Goldman R. The psychological impact of circumcision. BJU Int 1999; 83 (Suppl. 1): 93–102
Direct Link:
LeBourdais E. Circumcision no longer a ‘routine’ surgical procedure. Can Med Assoc J 1995; 152: 1873–6
oWeb of Science® Times Cited: 5
Monday, 5 March 2012
UPDF in Kony hunt accused of rape, looting in Congo
First read:
Friday, 02 March 2012 00:33
Written by Emma Mutaizibwa
A new report accuses UPDF of massive plunder of resources like diamonds and timber in the tiny and war-wracked Central African Republic (CAR) where the army is pursuing bands of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
The dossier, titled 'The Lord's Resistance Army in the Central African Republic' and authored by the New York-based Social Science Research Council (SSRC) in December 2011, alleges that some Ugandan soldiers operated a prostitution ring, raped and infected Congolese refugee girls in CAR, with the deadly HIV.
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is an independent, non-profit international organization founded in 1923. It nurtures new generations of social scientists, fosters innovative research, and mobilizes necessary knowledge on important public issues. However, army spokesman Col Felix Kulayigye, on Thursday described the report as the usual banter from self-seeking organisations attempting to account for money from donors.
"That report is unfortunate. It's from masqueraders who are trying to earn bread from our blood and sweat. The UPDF is one of the most disciplined forces in Africa and we are pro-people. Anyone can check our record", Kulayigye said.
In November 2011, the Brussels-based International Crisis Group also accused the UPDF of plundering timber, gold and diamond not only in CAR but also in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The report claims that government representatives in Bangui claimed that the UPDF "has allowed a culture of impunity, because those in charge were also involved in illicit activities in CAR, including illegal logging, looting of mineral resources and the sale of everything [one can] think of, from bicycles brought from Uganda on UPDF transport planes to AK 47s and bullets".
When the LRA began making incursions into CAR, President Museveni started courting the support of his counterpart, Gen Francois Bozizé. This culminated in a visit by Bozizé in August 2007, eventually sealing the deal for the UPDF to enter the country in pursuit of Joseph Kony, the elusive rebel leader. Since then, the hunt for Kony and his rebels has ensued. After escaping from the Garamba jungle pounded by helicopter gunships in a December 2008 operation, Kony has found sanctuary in French-speaking CAR. Kony and his acolytes have continued to plant a trail of bloodshed and despair in CAR, killing, abducting and looting property, especially in the towns of Obo and Djema.
This unending bloodshed persuaded the United States government to commit 100 elite soldiers to the anti-LRA effort last year. In his address to Congress on October 14, 2011, President Obama said: "I authorised a small number of combat-equipped US forces to deploy to central Africa to provide assistance to regional forces that are working toward the removal of Joseph Kony from the battlefield. I believe that deploying these US Armed Forces furthers US national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa".
The latest string of allegations draws parallels with widespread accusations, including a UN report, that Ugandan soldiers were involved in looting DR Congo natural resources during an incursion between 1997 and 2003. As a result, the DRC sued Uganda at the International Court of Justice, and Uganda was ordered to pay $10bn in compensation. According to the latest report, in the first few months of UPDF's presence in CAR, government officials in Bangui were somewhat indifferent about the Ugandan army. This stance changed slightly in July 2010 when President Bozizé asked the UPDF to leave their base in Sam Ouandja and return to their initial base at Obo.
The report suggests that Bozize did that because he feared the UPDF were plundering diamonds.
"It is unclear why Bozizé asked the UPDF to stay only in Obo and Djema, but the proximity of Ugandan soldiers to the diamond mines of Sam Ouandja might have been a concern for the President", says the report. By December 2011, the report claims, dissatisfaction with the Ugandan army was barely concealed.
The minister of Commerce and resident of Haut Mbomou was quoted as saying that the UPDF were not welcome in CAR as they were more interested in looting resources than chasing the LRA, according to the report. The report adds that the minister showed the author a handwritten report from the highest local official in Obo, detailing the "destruction of the Obo forest by UPDF soldiers cutting timber and transporting it in army trucks towards Bambouti and South Sudan".
According to the minister, when UPDF commanders were confronted about the timber, they said they needed it to fix bridges and roads. While it is true that the roads in CAR which the UPDF relies on to move are in a very bad condition, the minister stated that: "it is not the job of the UPDF to fix roads; certainly not the roads of southern Sudan where most of the timber is going".
According to the report, allegations of illicit logging on the part of the UPDF are not new; similar claims were made against the Ugandan army in South Sudan in the past. The report claims that local discontent with the UPDF stems primarily from the fact that the Uganda armed forces have taken too long to end the LRA menace. At a local level, the report says, Ugandan soldiers stand accused of mistreatment of women.
A representative of an NGO with a presence in Haut Mbomou said UPDF soldiers, by bringing cash to impoverished areas, had created "a market for prostitution", fanning conflict in the local communities.
The report claims that another NGO worker said UPDF soldiers bring alcohol from Uganda and sell it or give it to young women, including underage girls. Allegations of sexual exploitation of children by UPDF elements were reported by various sources. A representative of a UN organisation said there were reports of several girls, some as young as 12, involved in prostitution with Ugandan soldiers. An internal report for a UN organisation based on investigations from field staff states that it is not "unusual to see girls and women sneak into the UPDF base at night, or find UPDF personnel embroiled in brawls over girls or women".
The report cites at least one very serious case of sexual violence by a Uganda soldier against a 16-year-old girl. Abducted at 14 by the LRA near the town of Obo, the young girl returned home at the beginning of 2011 and, in unclear circumstances, was raped by a UPDF soldier at the Ugandan army base in Obo in May 2011. According to the girl, who became pregnant as a result of the rape, the perpetrator eventually left for Uganda, leaving her "in the custody" of another soldier who continued to abuse her at least until August 2011 when she spoke to a UN worker.
The report points out that this case is similar to another incident reported in February 2011 by a Sudanese NGO worker. In September 2010, two Ugandan soldiers reportedly took a young Congolese girl of 15 named Marie to a clinic in Nzara, South Sudan. The girl had been "rescued" from the LRA by the Ugandan soldiers, who allegedly gang-raped and impregnated her, before taking her to the clinic "nearly dead".
As the army spokesman said, the UPDF does have a reputation of being relatively well behaved, compared to many armies in the world, but as American soldiers have demonstrated in Iraq and Afghanistan, even the most disciplined armies have rogue elements.
Government officials in the Central Africa Republic have expressed what appears to be a commonly-held belief that the UPDF does not want to end the threat of the LRA, as this would end US aid to it for LRA operations. At both government and local levels, a worrying conviction seems to have been formed, which holds that chasing the LRA is a pretext for Uganda to maintain an invading force in CAR indefinitely. Such views have been fueled by claims that former LRA combatants are quickly integrated into UPDF units once captured, without proper demobilisation and reintegration processes.
In fact, the report claims that at least one third of the total UPDF force chasing LRA groups is composed of former LRA combatants. It is further claimed that former LRA combatants receive no payment for their efforts. The report says the fighters are deceived that their salaries are to be obtained once they are back in Uganda.
Kampala, Bangui ties favourable
At the highest level, however, the relations between Kampala and Bangui remains cordial, says the report - a revelation that appears contradictory. President Bozizé and his son, Jean-Francis Bozizé, the defence minister, have not publicly criticised the Ugandans. A diplomat said that with the exception of the episode in 2010 when President Bozizé asked the Ugandan army to leave the diamond-rich area of Sam Ouandja, both father and son have refrained from publically discussing the Ugandan presence in CAR.
President Bozizé has responded well to Uganda's diplomatic demarches, and has visited Kampala regularly in the last four years, most recently in December 2011 when he attended the meeting of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region.
Posted Sunday, March 4 2012 at 00:00
Justice Minister Gen. Kahinda Otafiire and the former External Security Organisation deputy chief Emmy Allio have locked horns with a South African businessman over Shs1.8 billion gold deal gone bad.
The businessman, running a Kampala-based firm called International Metals and Minerals (IMM), partnered with Mineral Point Ltd (MP) run by Gen. Otafiire and Mr Allio but the South African accuses the duo of luring him into a fake gold deal in Mwanza, Tanzania.
In a written statement reported to have been sent to President Museveni, the businessman, Henri Van Der Westhuizen, said: “I was lured to Tanzania by Gen. Otafiire and Mr Emmy Allio to meet a conman.”
After the deal unravelled, Mr Van Der Westhuizen says he has had friction with some security chiefs, who have allegedly threatened his life.
Gen. Otafiire denies any dubious dealings, saying the South African businessman tested the gold himself, exported it from Tanzania to Uganda and then to Dubai and “after two weeks he came back claiming that the gold is fake.” He added that his company was just a commissioning agent whose work was to identify the gold dealer for IMM.
“If I identify for you the girl and you are impotent, do you blame me?” the General asked. “The minister is now claiming that Gen. Mayunga is suing him for $100,000, which I had stood surety for, for the South African buyer. If I see Henry, I will cut off his head.”
Gen. Otafiire said the South African investor wanted him to deal with rebels in DR Congo, which he decline being a government minister.
His business partner, Allio, said at his office on Ecobank building on Thursday that: “We made a loss as a company because of that foolish man. We expected from him our $36,000 commission.”
Mr Allio further said Mr Van Der Westhuizen should reveal the people who conned him because after he took the gold to Dubai, he came back and said the Gold was fake.
According to Mr Van Der Westhuizen, IMM entered a strategic partnership in which Mineral Point was to assist it in identifying business opportunities, especially gold buying.
“During the week of July 19, 2010, Mr Emmy Allio approached me with a potential gold buying opportunity. Mr Allio told me that minister, Maj. Gen. Otafiire, has a trusted friend in Tanzania, Lt. Gen. Silas Mayunga, who is a big diamond and gold dealer,” he says.
The deal
Mr Van Der Westhuizen says Mr Allio discussed the proposal with Gen. Otafiire and in his presence, a call was made to Gen. Mayunga and a rendezvous fixed for Mwanza on July 25, 2010.
He said he was taken to a gold refinery where he was first shown a sample of genuine gold after which he was asked for the money to clear security personnel at the airport, who would assist when they are exiting with the gold.
“I was only carrying $3,500 at the time as I thought this was just an introductory and viewing exercise,” he said, adding that Mr Allio who did not want to go out of his hotel room for fear of being identified, pestered him to conclude the deal because Gen. Mayunga was drunk and that “this is a very dangerous man.”
The businessman says he later chartered a plane back to Uganda to pick the money and he returned to Mwanza with $230,000 hoping that “with the presence of the Gen. Otafiire, Lt. Mayunga would allow us to make a down payment and that we could carry the product to Dubai, sell it, come back and do the next deal.”
This did not happen as Lt. Gen. Muyunga reportedly said he had earlier been conned by Canadians, therefore; he needed full amount of $765,000.
UPDF in Kony hunt accused of rape, looting
Friday, 02 March 2012 00:33
Written by Emma Mutaizibwa
Army denies allegations of US research group
A new report accuses UPDF of massive plunder of resources like diamonds and timber in the tiny and war-wracked Central African Republic (CAR) where the army is pursuing bands of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA).
The dossier, titled 'The Lord's Resistance Army in the Central African Republic' and authored by the New York-based Social Science Research Council (SSRC) in December 2011, alleges that some Ugandan soldiers operated a prostitution ring, raped and infected Congolese refugee girls in CAR, with the deadly HIV.
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) is an independent, non-profit international organization founded in 1923. It nurtures new generations of social scientists, fosters innovative research, and mobilizes necessary knowledge on important public issues. However, army spokesman Col Felix Kulayigye, on Thursday described the report as the usual banter from self-seeking organisations attempting to account for money from donors.
"That report is unfortunate. It's from masqueraders who are trying to earn bread from our blood and sweat. The UPDF is one of the most disciplined forces in Africa and we are pro-people. Anyone can check our record", Kulayigye said.
In November 2011, the Brussels-based International Crisis Group also accused the UPDF of plundering timber, gold and diamond not only in CAR but also in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Culture of impunity
The report claims that government representatives in Bangui claimed that the UPDF "has allowed a culture of impunity, because those in charge were also involved in illicit activities in CAR, including illegal logging, looting of mineral resources and the sale of everything [one can] think of, from bicycles brought from Uganda on UPDF transport planes to AK 47s and bullets".
When the LRA began making incursions into CAR, President Museveni started courting the support of his counterpart, Gen Francois Bozizé. This culminated in a visit by Bozizé in August 2007, eventually sealing the deal for the UPDF to enter the country in pursuit of Joseph Kony, the elusive rebel leader. Since then, the hunt for Kony and his rebels has ensued. After escaping from the Garamba jungle pounded by helicopter gunships in a December 2008 operation, Kony has found sanctuary in French-speaking CAR. Kony and his acolytes have continued to plant a trail of bloodshed and despair in CAR, killing, abducting and looting property, especially in the towns of Obo and Djema.
This unending bloodshed persuaded the United States government to commit 100 elite soldiers to the anti-LRA effort last year. In his address to Congress on October 14, 2011, President Obama said: "I authorised a small number of combat-equipped US forces to deploy to central Africa to provide assistance to regional forces that are working toward the removal of Joseph Kony from the battlefield. I believe that deploying these US Armed Forces furthers US national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa".
Paralles with DRC
The latest string of allegations draws parallels with widespread accusations, including a UN report, that Ugandan soldiers were involved in looting DR Congo natural resources during an incursion between 1997 and 2003. As a result, the DRC sued Uganda at the International Court of Justice, and Uganda was ordered to pay $10bn in compensation. According to the latest report, in the first few months of UPDF's presence in CAR, government officials in Bangui were somewhat indifferent about the Ugandan army. This stance changed slightly in July 2010 when President Bozizé asked the UPDF to leave their base in Sam Ouandja and return to their initial base at Obo.
The report suggests that Bozize did that because he feared the UPDF were plundering diamonds.
"It is unclear why Bozizé asked the UPDF to stay only in Obo and Djema, but the proximity of Ugandan soldiers to the diamond mines of Sam Ouandja might have been a concern for the President", says the report. By December 2011, the report claims, dissatisfaction with the Ugandan army was barely concealed.
Timber alarm
The minister of Commerce and resident of Haut Mbomou was quoted as saying that the UPDF were not welcome in CAR as they were more interested in looting resources than chasing the LRA, according to the report. The report adds that the minister showed the author a handwritten report from the highest local official in Obo, detailing the "destruction of the Obo forest by UPDF soldiers cutting timber and transporting it in army trucks towards Bambouti and South Sudan".
According to the minister, when UPDF commanders were confronted about the timber, they said they needed it to fix bridges and roads. While it is true that the roads in CAR which the UPDF relies on to move are in a very bad condition, the minister stated that: "it is not the job of the UPDF to fix roads; certainly not the roads of southern Sudan where most of the timber is going".
According to the report, allegations of illicit logging on the part of the UPDF are not new; similar claims were made against the Ugandan army in South Sudan in the past. The report claims that local discontent with the UPDF stems primarily from the fact that the Uganda armed forces have taken too long to end the LRA menace. At a local level, the report says, Ugandan soldiers stand accused of mistreatment of women.
Prostitution and rape
A representative of an NGO with a presence in Haut Mbomou said UPDF soldiers, by bringing cash to impoverished areas, had created "a market for prostitution", fanning conflict in the local communities.
The report claims that another NGO worker said UPDF soldiers bring alcohol from Uganda and sell it or give it to young women, including underage girls. Allegations of sexual exploitation of children by UPDF elements were reported by various sources. A representative of a UN organisation said there were reports of several girls, some as young as 12, involved in prostitution with Ugandan soldiers. An internal report for a UN organisation based on investigations from field staff states that it is not "unusual to see girls and women sneak into the UPDF base at night, or find UPDF personnel embroiled in brawls over girls or women".
The report cites at least one very serious case of sexual violence by a Uganda soldier against a 16-year-old girl. Abducted at 14 by the LRA near the town of Obo, the young girl returned home at the beginning of 2011 and, in unclear circumstances, was raped by a UPDF soldier at the Ugandan army base in Obo in May 2011. According to the girl, who became pregnant as a result of the rape, the perpetrator eventually left for Uganda, leaving her "in the custody" of another soldier who continued to abuse her at least until August 2011 when she spoke to a UN worker.
The report points out that this case is similar to another incident reported in February 2011 by a Sudanese NGO worker. In September 2010, two Ugandan soldiers reportedly took a young Congolese girl of 15 named Marie to a clinic in Nzara, South Sudan. The girl had been "rescued" from the LRA by the Ugandan soldiers, who allegedly gang-raped and impregnated her, before taking her to the clinic "nearly dead".
As the army spokesman said, the UPDF does have a reputation of being relatively well behaved, compared to many armies in the world, but as American soldiers have demonstrated in Iraq and Afghanistan, even the most disciplined armies have rogue elements.
Growing apathy
Government officials in the Central Africa Republic have expressed what appears to be a commonly-held belief that the UPDF does not want to end the threat of the LRA, as this would end US aid to it for LRA operations. At both government and local levels, a worrying conviction seems to have been formed, which holds that chasing the LRA is a pretext for Uganda to maintain an invading force in CAR indefinitely. Such views have been fueled by claims that former LRA combatants are quickly integrated into UPDF units once captured, without proper demobilisation and reintegration processes.
In fact, the report claims that at least one third of the total UPDF force chasing LRA groups is composed of former LRA combatants. It is further claimed that former LRA combatants receive no payment for their efforts. The report says the fighters are deceived that their salaries are to be obtained once they are back in Uganda.
Kampala, Bangui ties favourable
At the highest level, however, the relations between Kampala and Bangui remains cordial, says the report - a revelation that appears contradictory. President Bozizé and his son, Jean-Francis Bozizé, the defence minister, have not publicly criticised the Ugandans. A diplomat said that with the exception of the episode in 2010 when President Bozizé asked the Ugandan army to leave the diamond-rich area of Sam Ouandja, both father and son have refrained from publically discussing the Ugandan presence in CAR.
President Bozizé has responded well to Uganda's diplomatic demarches, and has visited Kampala regularly in the last four years, most recently in December 2011 when he attended the meeting of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region.
South African tycoon accuses Otafiire of selling him fake gold
Posted Sunday, March 4 2012 at 00:00
Justice Minister Gen. Kahinda Otafiire and the former External Security Organisation deputy chief Emmy Allio have locked horns with a South African businessman over Shs1.8 billion gold deal gone bad.
The businessman, running a Kampala-based firm called International Metals and Minerals (IMM), partnered with Mineral Point Ltd (MP) run by Gen. Otafiire and Mr Allio but the South African accuses the duo of luring him into a fake gold deal in Mwanza, Tanzania.
In a written statement reported to have been sent to President Museveni, the businessman, Henri Van Der Westhuizen, said: “I was lured to Tanzania by Gen. Otafiire and Mr Emmy Allio to meet a conman.”
After the deal unravelled, Mr Van Der Westhuizen says he has had friction with some security chiefs, who have allegedly threatened his life.
Gen. Otafiire denies any dubious dealings, saying the South African businessman tested the gold himself, exported it from Tanzania to Uganda and then to Dubai and “after two weeks he came back claiming that the gold is fake.” He added that his company was just a commissioning agent whose work was to identify the gold dealer for IMM.
“If I identify for you the girl and you are impotent, do you blame me?” the General asked. “The minister is now claiming that Gen. Mayunga is suing him for $100,000, which I had stood surety for, for the South African buyer. If I see Henry, I will cut off his head.”
Gen. Otafiire said the South African investor wanted him to deal with rebels in DR Congo, which he decline being a government minister.
His business partner, Allio, said at his office on Ecobank building on Thursday that: “We made a loss as a company because of that foolish man. We expected from him our $36,000 commission.”
Mr Allio further said Mr Van Der Westhuizen should reveal the people who conned him because after he took the gold to Dubai, he came back and said the Gold was fake.
According to Mr Van Der Westhuizen, IMM entered a strategic partnership in which Mineral Point was to assist it in identifying business opportunities, especially gold buying.
“During the week of July 19, 2010, Mr Emmy Allio approached me with a potential gold buying opportunity. Mr Allio told me that minister, Maj. Gen. Otafiire, has a trusted friend in Tanzania, Lt. Gen. Silas Mayunga, who is a big diamond and gold dealer,” he says.
The deal
Mr Van Der Westhuizen says Mr Allio discussed the proposal with Gen. Otafiire and in his presence, a call was made to Gen. Mayunga and a rendezvous fixed for Mwanza on July 25, 2010.
He said he was taken to a gold refinery where he was first shown a sample of genuine gold after which he was asked for the money to clear security personnel at the airport, who would assist when they are exiting with the gold.
“I was only carrying $3,500 at the time as I thought this was just an introductory and viewing exercise,” he said, adding that Mr Allio who did not want to go out of his hotel room for fear of being identified, pestered him to conclude the deal because Gen. Mayunga was drunk and that “this is a very dangerous man.”
The businessman says he later chartered a plane back to Uganda to pick the money and he returned to Mwanza with $230,000 hoping that “with the presence of the Gen. Otafiire, Lt. Mayunga would allow us to make a down payment and that we could carry the product to Dubai, sell it, come back and do the next deal.”
This did not happen as Lt. Gen. Muyunga reportedly said he had earlier been conned by Canadians, therefore; he needed full amount of $765,000.
Mulago, police block media from accessing nodding disease patients
First Read:
A God Creation or a creation by human kind!!!!Mysterious Nodding Disease hits Northern Uganda
Mulago, police block media from accessing patients
By Stephen Otage
Posted Monday, March 5 2012 at 00:00
The Kitgum Woman Member of Parliament, Ms Beatrice Anywar, clashed with Mulago Hospital administrators and the police, after they attempted to confiscate cameras from journalists who had gone to cover patients of the nodding disease syndrome yesterday.
The clash erupted as journalists tried to take photographs and videos of the patients who were seated on the floor of the pediatric ward at the Acute Assessment Centre watching television.
The hospital administration has since Saturday barred the press from covering the 25 patients, who arrived at the hospital on Friday evening, after being detained in Gulu Distrcit on their way to Kampala for treatment.
The patients and attendants booed the hospital executive director, Dr Byarugaba Baterana, when he attempted to explain that the media was barred from covering them because the hospital respects their confidentiality.
“Even when we were in Kitgum, the local authorities stopped journalists from coming to the villages to see the situation,” an unidentified attendant said.
Meanwhile, the hospital authorities yesterday announced that government has taken over the management of the 25 patients after it emerged that most of them had different ailments.
“We have one we have done a CT scan on and we found that he has meningitis and a brain tumor, while others have known epilepsy and the rest have conditions which are not related to nodding,” said Dr Hellen Aanyu, the doctor who has been attending to the patients since they arrived.
Not new illness
According to Dr Banterana, the nodding syndrome is not a new phenomenon because it has been in existence elsewhere since 1962.
“This syndrome was in southern Tanzania and South Sudan in 1962 and now it has come to Uganda. We do not know what causes it but we have taken samples. Some of these children came when they had convulsions while others were dehydrated but we managed to resuscitate them and we are progressing well with their management,” he said.
According to Ms Anywar, good Samaritans have started donating assistance to the patients.
A God Creation or a creation by human kind!!!!Mysterious Nodding Disease hits Northern Uganda
Mulago, police block media from accessing patients
By Stephen Otage
Posted Monday, March 5 2012 at 00:00
The Kitgum Woman Member of Parliament, Ms Beatrice Anywar, clashed with Mulago Hospital administrators and the police, after they attempted to confiscate cameras from journalists who had gone to cover patients of the nodding disease syndrome yesterday.
The clash erupted as journalists tried to take photographs and videos of the patients who were seated on the floor of the pediatric ward at the Acute Assessment Centre watching television.
The hospital administration has since Saturday barred the press from covering the 25 patients, who arrived at the hospital on Friday evening, after being detained in Gulu Distrcit on their way to Kampala for treatment.
The patients and attendants booed the hospital executive director, Dr Byarugaba Baterana, when he attempted to explain that the media was barred from covering them because the hospital respects their confidentiality.
“Even when we were in Kitgum, the local authorities stopped journalists from coming to the villages to see the situation,” an unidentified attendant said.
Meanwhile, the hospital authorities yesterday announced that government has taken over the management of the 25 patients after it emerged that most of them had different ailments.
“We have one we have done a CT scan on and we found that he has meningitis and a brain tumor, while others have known epilepsy and the rest have conditions which are not related to nodding,” said Dr Hellen Aanyu, the doctor who has been attending to the patients since they arrived.
Not new illness
According to Dr Banterana, the nodding syndrome is not a new phenomenon because it has been in existence elsewhere since 1962.
“This syndrome was in southern Tanzania and South Sudan in 1962 and now it has come to Uganda. We do not know what causes it but we have taken samples. Some of these children came when they had convulsions while others were dehydrated but we managed to resuscitate them and we are progressing well with their management,” he said.
According to Ms Anywar, good Samaritans have started donating assistance to the patients.