SHOCKING DOCUMENTARY PART 1- False spirits invade the church - KUNDALINI WARNING - Andrew Strom
Part 2- False spirits invade the church - KUNDALINI WARNING - Andrew Strom
Part 3- False spirits invade the church - KUNDALINI WARNING - Andrew Strom
Todd Bentley's Wife and Kundalin spirits
#1- AN INSIDER'S WARNING - LAKELAND - True or False Revival?
#2- AN INSIDER'S WARNING - FLORIDA REVIVAL - True or False Outpouring?
KUNDALINI WARNING - Are False Spirits Invading the Church? [Paperback]
Andrew Strom (Author)
-by Andrew Strom
I just saw the video of Rick Joyner announcing that Todd Bentley is back ministering every night at Morningstar in North Carolina and now they have so-called “revival” manifestations eerily similar to Lakeland.
They also announced that they are streaming these big meetings every night on their new TV channel – and they are greatly promoting the whole thing.
Now I am a tongues-speaking Pentecostal myself – but can I ask a simple question here please?
What kind of “spirit” was it operating in the Lakeland revival – when the leader and main focal-point of the meetings (Todd Bentley) was having an adulterous affair behind the scenes? Was it truly the “Holy” Spirit that was anointing something so sensual and unholy?
And now that Todd divorced his wife and married his mistress – are we supposed to welcome him back and this “anointing” with him? What is going on here?
Rick Joyner has been warned very specifically by high-level ministries not to do what he is doing now -bringing Todd Bentley back into the limelight. And yet it seems he does not care.
Apparently the “manifestations” are all that matter.
So what exactly are these ‘manifestations’ if they are seemingly at home in such an unholy environment? Are they from God at all? (I am talking here about the violent “jerking”, uncontrollable laughter, bodily contortions, drunkenness, ‘portals’, strange “angel” encounters, etc.)
Why do we not see such an ‘anointing’ in the Bible? Why aren’t Jesus or the apostles promoting these manifestations if they really are true Revival? Why instead do we see these things all the way through New Age and Hinduism, etc?
Do we not realize that many false religions have their own version of “laying on of hands” that results in these very types of manifestations?
This ‘spirit’ is not in the Bible – but it is (found) all the way through Kundalini-type Hinduism. Don’t you think this should alarm us?
If you search for Kundalini and Shakti on the Internet, you will find that multitudes of people in the New Age and Eastern religions still experience these powerful manifestations. Often this is with the help of a Guru, who touches them on the forehead so that they can experience a “Kundalini Awakening”.
As researcher Robert Walker wrote in 1995:
“The meetings which mystic Hindu gurus hold are called ‘Darshan’. At these meetings devotees go forward to receive spiritual experience from a touch by the open palm of the hand, often to the forehead, by the guru in what is known as the Shakti Pat or divine touch.
The raising of the spiritual experience is called raising Kundalini…
After a period when the devotee has reached a certain spiritual elevation they begin to shake, jerk, or hop or squirm uncontrollably, sometimes breaking into uncontrolled animal noises or laughter as they reach an ecstatic high. These manifestations are called ‘Kriyas’. Devotees sometimes roar like lions and show all kinds of physical signs during this period.
Often devotees move on to higher states of spiritual consciousness and become inert physically and appear to slip into an unconsciousness…”
And as guru Shri Yogãnandji Mahãrãja wrote:
“When Your body begins trembling, hair stands on roots, you laugh or begin to weep without your wishing, your tongue begins to utter deformed sounds, you are filled with fear or see frightening visions…the Kundalini Shakti has become active.”
In China there is a popular Kundalini-type movement called ‘Qigong’.
When a Chinese Qigong spiritual master spoke in the USA in 1991, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that many in the crowd began to experience “spontaneous movements”. The master told his audience,
“Those who are sensitive might start having some strong physical sensations – or start laughing or crying. Don’t worry. This is quite normal.”
When you see videos of these “kriyas” or other Kundalini-type manifestations, you would often swear that you are watching a modern “Impartation”-type church meeting. (And I say this as someone who believes strongly in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I just don’t believe in “alien” anointings infiltrating the Body of Christ! There is a big difference between Kundalini and the real Holy Spirit).
Since 1993-4, I believe a foreign spirit has been allowed to invade the church – first through Rodney Howard-Browne’s ministry – then Toronto, then the Prophetic movement (which I was part of at the time) and on into Lakeland and many other ministries and movements.
I urge people now to “test the spirits” just as we are commanded to in Scripture. Do not let just anyone lay hands on you. This is a powerful spirit and it has the backing of a lot of big-name ministries. In fact, these men and women are the very ones responsible for allowing it to spread through the body of Christ.
And one day they will be answerable to God for doing so.
We are specifically warned in the Bible that the Last Days will be a time of “seducing spirits,” false prophets, ‘lying signs and wonders,’ and that we always need to watch for “angels of light” masquerading as the real thing.
Why does the modern church not take these warnings seriously? Aren’t we living in the very days that the Bible warns about?
Right now I need to do something that I have never done in such a way before.
I have never before published a list of ministries or movements to watch out for. But this time I have to.
This sickness has gone on long enough. I urge you to cut yourself off from the following ministries and their tainted “anointings” my friends.
Even though some of these people say “good things” at times, it is simply not worth having any involvement with them due to the tainted anointing that they endorse or minister in themselves.
Here is the list-
* (1) Todd Bentley.
* (2) Rodney Howard Browne – the so-called “Holy Ghost Bartender.”
* (2) Rick Joyner or anyone connected with Morningstar Ministries.
* (3) John Arnott & any connected with TACF (The “Toronto Blessing”).
* (4) Peter Wagner of the ‘New Apostolic Reformation’ who claims to be head of a worldwide network of ‘apostles’ – who publicly endorsed Lakeland and will soon preach at Toronto TACF alongside other “false anointing” advocates.
* (5) Mike Bickle and IHOP Kansas City (-I lived nearby for over two years – and know how much they are into all this stuff. Mike Bickle promotes it in his book).
* (6) Bob Jones – the Kansas City prophet whose ministry is utterly tainted by it all.
* (7) Patricia King and anyone else from ‘Extreme Prophetic.’
* (8) John Crowder & anyone connected with “Sloshfest.”
* (9) Bill Johnson of Bethel church, Redding – who says some good things but publicly endorsed Lakeland and promotes the “false anointing” very strongly behind the scenes.
* (10) Heidi & Rolland Baker of IRIS Ministries – who do good work amongst the poor in Mozambique – but who have also carried and promoted this tainted anointing for years.
* (11) Randy Clark, Wes & Stacey Campbell, and other key figures from the “Toronto blessing.”
* (12) The Elijah List – and almost anyone featured on it.
Of course there are a huge number of lesser-known preachers and ministries who carry or endorse this Kundalini-type “anointing” around the world. But I have concentrated here on the most influential that I know of.
It really is an enormous issue in the church. I urge anyone who is a supporter of any of the above ministries to really check them out thoroughly. If you find (as I have) that they carry or endorse this false Kundalini spirit, then please stop supporting them in any way – and whatever you do, don’t let them “lay hands” on you!
I am putting everything on the line to be “naming names” like this. But I believe it is that serious. How on earth did we get to the point where “kriyas” just like Hinduism are spreading through the church?
Please forward this email to everyone you know, blogs and boards, etc. These people are trying to “relaunch” this whole thing right now. Help us get this warning out.
To see a video showing “kriyas” and other Kundalini-type manifestations, please click on the Youtube links above
God bless you all
Andrew Strom.
A Discernment and Apostasy watch site for African Saints. Prove all things..(1 Thesa.5:21) Test Spirits..(I John 4:1) Like the Bereans, check whether things are so(Acts 17:11)
Monday, 29 November 2010
Spiritual Politics in Uganda prior to the 2011 General Election: Why Pastor Sserwadda’s Namboole Passover Festival is to be aired Live on UBC
"Katonda yayogedde nnange n'andaga nti Museveni gwe osaanira okukulembera Uganda obulamu bwo bwonna. Bannange kambabuulire nze ku nsi manyiiko abantu babiri Museveni ne Yesu" Omusumba Godfrey Lule, Basabye Museveni addemu yeesimbewo
‘’God spoke to me and revealed to me that Museveni is the one worthy to rule Uganda for the rest of his life. Brethren let me tell you, on earth I know two people Museveni and Jesus’’. Pastor Godfrey Lule
SEE: Transformations II, Political Christianity and False African Revivals By Kato Mivule
Buganda Crisis, Ugandan Evangelicals, Ssabalokole, and the Future
Prosperity Pastors and Political Christianity in Uganda: The Case of Pastor Godfrey Lule’s Serpent antics
There is an advert running on Uganda Broad casting Corporation(UBC) on Pastor Joseph Sserwadda’s 31st December, 2010 Namboole Passover festival . According to this advert, this festival will be aired live on UBC I believe for the first time. One wonders why this is being done during the 2011 campaigns. This festival is covertly going to be used to support President Museveni’s 2011 presidency. I think president Museveni will not hesitate stealing the show as usual. In the 2006, presidential elections, Pentecostal churches openly supported president Museveni. In the 2005, Namboole Passover festival:
The Organizer of the “Passover” Annual prayer convocation, Pastor Joseph Sserwada sent a mixed message of forgiveness while at the same time subtly gearing support for the incumbent, Mr. Museveni. We must remember George Otis featured Pastor Joseph Sserwada on the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series in regards to the ‘Revival” in Uganda.
Pastor Joseph Sserwada used the opportunity to promote Christian Dominionism in the National Stadium while thousands of innocent Christians gathered to prayer during the “Passover” prayer meeting. Pastor Joseph Sserwada asked the incumbent Mr. Museveni to “forgive” the opposition candidate Dr. Besigye who was jailed by the Museveni Government. Pastor Joseph Sserwada referred to Dr. Besigye as the “Prodigal son” and Mr. Museveni as the “Father” who should welcome his son back…
““I’m asking His Excellence to forgive Kizza Besigye,” he said, amid shouts of Alleluia and Amen from the capacity crowd. He asked Museveni to forgive Besigye, saying he was the master and Besigye, the servant, who would never be above him.”
New Vision January 2, 2006
The statement was calculated to send support to the incumbent Mr. Museveni. In other words, the innocent Christians were programmed to believe that the opposition candidate was just a ‘rebellious’ son and so support should be given to the ‘father’ who happens to be the incumbent.
Pastor Joseph Sserwada made his views clear the next day when he stated that if the incumbent Mr. Museveni could assure Dr. Besigye “forgiveness” then Pastor Joseph Sserwada and all his followers would support Mr. Museveni in his bid for re-elections…
“"I need to hear that the President agrees with the court decision. He (Besigye) could be re-arrested by other people. I appeal to him (Museveni) to restrain the UPDF and other people from taking him back… After the President has forgiven Besigye, I'm going to give him my support," he said. He said he would also ask people who support him to rally behind the President. Serwadda said the President seemed to be in agreement with his request to let Besigye free. Serwadda said he would ask Besigye to step down as presidential candidate and let Museveni compete with the rest.”
All Africa January 3, 2006
It is a shame that thousands of innocent Christians were gathered by the current evangelical leaders in Uganda and programmed and conditioned to turn political, to be used politically. Pastor Joseph Sserwada used “forgiveness” and “prayer” as a platform to gear support for the Political. The Church of Jesus Christ was turned into a Political Platform and tool. This is what ‘Transformations’ has really done in Africa. This is the “Strategic” Level warfare that Peter Wagner speaks about and Uganda has been a very good test case.
This statement by Pastor Joseph Sserwada has however, sent chills and debate in many circles in Kampala the capital as people are questioning the Pastor’s motives with his hypocritical politically motivated “forgiveness pleas” as posted in the ‘Letter’ Section of a Local Newspaper…
“I have always looked at a religious leader as one supposed to reconcile and unite children of God during times of disagreement, but recently as I was watching WBS, I heard something very strange. People supposed to be uniting us are causing more harm.
I mean, how can a Pastor call Besigye a prodigal son to Museveni? What message is that Pastor trying to send to his listeners? Isn't that Pastor taking sides now? If Besigye is the prodigal son, is Museveni a faithful and holy father? Is that Pastor for peace and unity?”
Daily Monitor January 5, 2006
“But the ideas that Dr Joseph Serwadda, the Senior pastor of Victory Christian Centre church, goes on to advance later leaves the discerning reader wondering whether one understood his motive. For he is reported promising his own support and that of his people “if the President would forgive Besigye”. He then publishes his intention to ask Besigye to step down as presidential candidate and let Museveni compete with the rest!”
New Vision January 6, 2006
As if that is not enough, one of Pastor Sserwada's associates has demanded that the opposition candidate pays homage to the Evangelical Churches otherwise the opposition Candidate will never be president. Is this not Charismatic Witchcraft? When did The Lord call us to be spiritual political bullies to the governments of this world? This clearly shows how 'Power Hungry' the church has been deceived to get...
"PASTOR Jamada Gyagenda of Victory Church in Nateete, Kampala, on Wednesday said Col. Kizza Besigye will never be President of Uganda if he does not go to any pentecostal church to thank God for his release on bail. He said Besigye was released because born again Christians prayed for him during their passover festival at Namboole Stadium on December 31."
New Vision January, 9 2006
SEE: Transformations II, Political Christianity and False African Revivals
By Kato Mivule
Pastor Robert Kayanja is also organizing harvest conferences in December, 2010. Prior to the 2006 election Pastor Robert Kayanja prophesied as follows:
“There are going to be five candidates who will stand, two will drop off and one will die. Of the three, the winner will get 61.8%,” he said. Last year, he gave a similar prophecy.
Kayanja said all political parties were looking for power but what they needed was God in their endeavours. “Only candidates that are favouring the Lord’s cause shall win the 2006 elections,” he said.” New Vision January 2, 2006
The Robert Kayanja prophecies have been criticized by the locals and seen largely as politically motivated to boost support for Mr. Museveni. Even the Government owned Newspaper ran an editorial in stating that the Robert Kayanja prophecy was uncalled for. “Kayanja prophecy is not called for”, Editorial New Vision January 3, 2006
A local Christian is even suggested that it would not be unfit to call Robert Kayanja a ‘False Prophet’; another asks the motives behind the ‘political’ prophesy. Local Christians smell a very big rotten rat…
“I remember, the same pastor prophesied sometime back that the war in northern Uganda was coming to an end after a period which he specified but that did not happen.
I think it is high time some people distinguished prophesy from dreams and imagination. If Kayanja’s prophesy does not come to pass, will it not be fair comment to call him a false prophet?” New Vision January 5, 2006
“Prophets who prophesied doom in the bible like Jeremiah always explained the reason God was going to bring punishment to his people. What reason has Kayanja given?”
New Vision January 6, 2006
Pastor Joseph Serwadda’s so called revival
Pastor Joseph Serwadda has been spreading the lie that there is rival in Uganda. However in 2009, the Pentecostal churches in Uganda became a source of ridicule when God exposed the homosexuality, extortion and sexual scandals in the church. The American heretics who are fornicating with the Pentecostals church in Uganda like Benny Hinn are now also embedded in sex scandals. According to Dr.Joseph Serwadda:
Uganda is experiencing a massive wave of revival. The tiny East African nation, whose dictatorial leaders brought it to limelight, Only this time it is for the better, as revival is sweeping through Uganda's cities and towns like a mighty fire.
On October 8th 2002, as Pastor Joseph Serwadda was praying for the nation of Uganda, suddenly he heard the Lord say to him, “This 40th year of Uganda's independence marks the beginning of another generation.
There is going to be a purging and cleansing of the older generation and a new breed whose lives are ready to possess the land will take over. As Moses led a generation out of Egypt, a generation of sojourners, an army of liberation, and left off to Joshua to lead a new generation of settlers and an army of occupation, so it is going to be repeated this year and in your sight”. More was to come.
“I now instruct you to gather my people and prepare them to take the land. The task is tough. You will need to be strong in your spirit and as Joshua and Caleb were, leading the people into their inheritance. Those that will be willing in that day and hear your voice will become outstanding in this generation. Go forth and prepare a generation of spiritual warriors to take on the land. Many opposing forces will come against you but none shall be able to withstand the wisdom and power with which you shall smite at their fiery darts”.
That same year with very little preparation, the Passover Festival was born. To the amazement of all, 60,000 patrons turned up at the Mandela National Stadium to mark the night of crossing over! While we basked in the success of that day, we heard once again, “…bring them back this year and charge them even more”.
Nambole Sports Stadium was again hired. Without a single billboard, a flyer, a TV commercial, a newspaper advert, a radio spot, a cross street banner, or an announcement, 150,000 people jammed the Nambole Stadium and 40,000 were turned back for lack of space. The local newspapers in Uganda called it a record attendance, outwitting even the two papal visits Uganda has received in the years gone by! An American writer branded it the biggest single gathering on the face of the earth on that particular day!
The Passover Festival has now become the in-thing to attend. The response has been overwhelming and the vision has now taken root. Ministers with a high reputation in the prophetic have been invited to speak into the hearts of Ugandans. Plans are in the final stages to have the passover again this year., accessed on 18-7-2008
Pastor Serwadda’s Born Again faith federation
In 2009, Pastor Joseph Serwadda started the so called Born Again faith federation(BAF).
When this federation was formed, Many Pentecostal churches rejoiced that Born again Christians like the Catholics, muslims and Anglicans were going to be recognized as a faith. President Museveni is using BAF to get cheap political capital . He wants to look as the first president to recognize born again Christians in the country. In fact some pastors put on hats like Museveni to subtly send the message that there is no Pentecostal movement after Museveni. It must be noted that Museveni is an ecumenists( he wants all religions to unite). In fact Pastor Serwadda has recently joined the ecumenical inter-religious council in Uganda. President Museveni’s government is using pastor Serwadda to create the impression that they are responsible for creating religious unity in Uganda.
On Monday, 16th March, 2009, The New Vision reported as Follows:
Dr. Joseph Sserwadda of the Victory Christian Centre in Ndeeba, Kampala said on Saturday that the Born-Again Faith Federation of Uganda received its certificate from the Registrar on February 19.
He said the federation would be chaired by a “Presiding Apostle”, an equivalent of an archbishop in the Anglican Church.
Speaking from the federation’s offices on Millennium Chambers in Najjanankumbi, Kampala, Sserwadda said he was elected on February 23 as the presiding apostle for two years.
He is deputised by Bishop Julius Peter Oyet of the Life Line Ministry.
Other office bearers will be elected, he said.
Sserwadda said the body was formed on the advice of the Government, following a request by the Born-gain to be recognised as a distinct faith in Uganda.
“On February 14, 2006 the President responded to our call for recognition. From that day, we have been holding meetings with the ministries of justice, internal affairs, and ethics and integrity,” he said. The federation, he said, would oversee church activities.
“It will be responsible for registering churches,” Serwadda added.
However, ethics and integrity minister Nsaba Buturo denied Sserwadda’s assertion that the Born-again had been recognised.
“We have not done that at all. It is true that we have had meetings over the issues, but we have not reached that conclusion,” Buturo said. , see, Born–again Christians have formed an umbrella body,
Under the heading ‘’Pr. Serwadda is New Head of Born-Again’’ the Government news paper also reported that:
PASTOR Joseph Sserwada, the senior pastor of Victory Church in Ndeeba Kampala, has been elected the head of the Born-again Faith Federation and bestowed with the title of apostle.
The elections, which were held on Thursday, were part of the federation's convention that started on August 11 at Seroma Christian High School in Mukono district.
Sserwada was elected by over 2,000 born-again leaders. His appointment was announced by the federation's public relations officer, Pastor Charles Tumwine.
Sserwada then appointed Pastor Julius Oyet as his deputy and promised to announce his executive within two weeks.
The executive also consists of regional leaders who were also elected. Bishop Kiwanuka Musisi, the senior pastor of Prayer Palace Church in Kibuye Kampala, was elected bishop-elect of the central region.
Most prominent Pentecostal leaders did not attend the convention since some churches are not members of the federation, the body that regulates activities of the born-again churches.
Sserwada had been head of the interterm committee which was formed in April last year. Prof. Simon Kayiwa, the federation's legal counsel, guided the elections
The federation leaders urged the Government to ensure peaceful elections in 2011. They condemned the recent incidents of violence that marred the NRM primaries.
"We condemn all manner of election violence, especially as we approach the 2011 election time," Sserwada said.
He asked the Electoral Commission to accord equal platform to all candidates and political parties. , see,
National Fellowship of Born again Pentecostal churches reject BAF
Apostle Alex Mitala and his National Fellowship of Born again Pentecostal churches have disassociated themselves with Pastor Serwadda’s BAF
National Fellowship of Born again Pentecostal churches web site
On Sunday, 22nd March, 2009, the new vision reported as follows:
A section of born-again churches have denounced the newly formed Born-again Faith Federation, which was initiated by Pastor Joseph Sserwadda, the head of Victory Christian Centre, Kampala.
The executive director of Arising for Christ, Moses Solomon Male and a number of pastors, said on Tuesday that the federation was a ploy by Sserwadda to use Christians to justify the existence of his many NGOs.
The pastors were addressing a press conference at the Nomo Gallery in Kampala.
Michael Kyazze of Omega Healing Centre and Noah Sserunjogi said the churches had not met in any forum to decide on the federation and its leadership.
“Sserwadda must not mislead Christians because there is no consensus on the matter, ” Kyazze stated.
They presented a three-page document titled “False Teaching/Cult Awareness Campaign Progressive Report Covering Incidents since March 17, 2008”.
The group charged that senior pastors in some Pentecostal churches were engaged in sodomy and witchcraft.
“How can you put us together with gays, car thieves, witchdoctors, and husband and wife snatchers?” they asked.
Sserwadda said the umbrella body was formed on the advice of the Government, following a request by the churches to be recognised as a distinct faith.
He said President Yoweri Museveni responded to the appeal in February 2006.
Sserwadda said the federation received its certificate from the registrar on February 19.
Ethics and integrity minister Dr. Nsaba Buturo, however, denied the claim, saying talks were going on, but a conclusion had not been reached.
In the article below see how a story in a government news paper is supporting the idea of Unity among Pentecostal churches
Does the Pentecostal church need an archbishop?
The New Vision, Saturday, 16th October, 2010
PENTECOSTAL churches have for long been independent of each other. However, of recent, a body was elected to lead them. But how necessary is this? Moses Mulondo writes
A few weeks ago, a section of Pentecostal churches met at Seroma High School and elected leaders of the newly created Born Again Faith Federation (BAFFE), which they want to operate as the supreme body overseeing all Pentecostal churches in Uganda.
The pioneer of the project, Pastor Joseph Serwadda, the overseer of Victory churches and proprietor of Impact Radio, was elected the presiding apostle of BAFFE, and is the equivalent of the Archbishop for the Anglican Church. Apostle Julius Oyet of Life Line Ministries was elected Serwadda’s deputy.
Serwadda keeps explaining that the idea of putting in place a supreme body governing Pentecostal churches is to allow the Pentecostal church to operate as a distinct faith is a fulfillment of what the Government had promised him and other pastors.
Tempers among top Pentecostal pastors flared early last year when Pastor Joseph Serwadda went on radio and said that the Government had granted his request to create a supreme body (BAFFE) charged with the responsibility of regulating and guiding all Pentecostal churches in Uganda.
Serwadda’s move was rejected by other Pentecostal umbrella organisations, the main ones being the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBAPC), Evangelical Fellowship of Uganda, Miracle Centre Churches and Christian Life Churches.
Since then, these groups have been attacking each other on TV and radio stations especially NFBAPC and BAFFE.
It is these quarrels among Pentecostal pastors on the airwaves that have compelled gospel artist and pastor Wilson Bugembe to sing Ani, a song depicting the fallen state of the Pentecostal church.
NFBAPC has been for long the major umbrella organisation for Pentecostal churches especially before its founding chairman Simon Kayiwa and Pastor Jackson Senyonga broke away from NFBAPC over unclear reasons.
Kayiwa brought together the churches under him into another umbrella organisation called Association of Christian Fellowship Churches and Senyonga formed Christian Life Churches. Kayiwa, however, joined Serwadda in the formation of BAFFE.
In a meeting that was chaired by ethics minister Dr. James Nsaba Buturo, the leaders of those umbrella organisations expressed dismay that Serwadda had made the announcements of a supreme body overseeing Pentecostal churches yet they were not involved in its formation.
In the meeting whose minutes Sunday Vision received showed it was agreed that BAFFE only operates like one of the other umbrella organisations, not a supreme body overseeing all Pentecostal churches.
Buturo has told Sunday Vision that since last year’s meeting, the Government has not held any other meeting with Pentecostal pastors on the matter and, therefore, he expects nothing to change.
Unlike traditional churches like Catholics and Protestants for example, anyone can come up and start a born-again church so long as they register as an NGO. Serwadda says this has left the born-again denomination vulnerable to infiltrations by criminals and evil-minded people, who are using their churches for wrong activities. He says Pentecostal churches can only stop this trend if they unite and work together to eliminate the fake pastors.
The idea fronted by Serwadda and his group is good, but many argue it was formed hurriedly before getting endorsement from key stakeholders and, therefore, got a suspicious reception from many circles.
Many Pentecostal pastors Sunday Vision talked to believe the idea of having one supreme body overseeing the Pentecostal churches is not bad so long as a consensus is reached by the various umbrella organisations.
Even the first apostolic era had a council of apostles and elders that met in Jerusalem to decide on matters concerning their faith as seen in Acts 15.
Bishop David Kiganda, the deputy chairman of NFBAPC, argues that his umbrella organisation does not believe in the idea of BAFFE.
“The idea would have made sense if its initiators were not people who broke away from the broader body of NFBAPC after they had been denied leadership in our elections. I think they started it so that they would also have a body they lead,” Kiganda argues.
Judging from the state of affairs, one would not be wrong to argue that Uganda’s Pentecostal church is not different from the Corinthian church which was divided into various groups, each claiming to follow one of the apostles.
In John 17, Jesus prayed that his followers would be one so that, through their unity, the world would know that they are his followers.
Christian theologian Richard Baxter once said: “He that is not a son of peace is not a son of God. All other sins destroy the Church consequentially; but division and separation demolish it directly.”
Philippians 2:1-5 talks about the need for unity of the Church. It says: “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others to be better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.”
Lies, Sex and Hypocrisy in Pentecostal Churches
By Eunice Rukundo
Sunday Monitor
May 31, 2009
A story currently doing the rounds in the intelligence circles goes like this: that around 1988, with the National Resistance Movement government trying to lay down its political roots after shooting its way to power two years earlier, senior regime officials were approached by a young religious preacher.
The preacher had a proposal; in exchange for financial and other support, he would strengthen the Pentecostal movement in the country and use it to break or reduce the influence of the Catholic Church over the largely Anglican new government.
The idea, the story says, was quickly snapped up. The preacher received facilitation and went on to form one of the churches that was at the heart of the growth of the Pentecostal movement in the country. The pastor, like many others, remains close to the government and the Pentecostal movement remains firmly pro-government.
This story cannot be independently corroborated but the anecdotal evidence – of the pastor's close links to the regime, and the political stance of the Pentecostal churches – is self-evident. While religious leaders from the traditional Catholic and Anglican churches often criticise the government when it errors, most Pentecostal churches are stridently apolitical, preferring to preach a gospel of economic prosperity rather than dabble in politics.
The Pentecostal Movement now finds itself in a public scandal that appears to go to the very core of its foundations. Pastor Robert Kayanja, arguably the richest, most-influential and most visible patriarch of the Pentecostal Movement stands accused of sodomy. His accusers include a handful of young men who have sworn affidavits to support their accusations and are backed by other senior Pentecostal pastors including Pastors Solomon Male, Martin Ssempa and Michael Kyazze.
The allegations and counter-allegations have played out like a third rate Mexican soap opera; some of the alleged victims have changed their statements faster than one can say 'Hallelujah' and publicly accused their backers of offering them money to frame their alleged defiler. Pastor Kayanja's side has not acted entirely honestly in the matter either; police sources indicate that claims of one of their own being abducted appear to be false and an attempt to pervert the course of justice.
The police, too, are not beyond reproach. Senior officials have been frantically fighting off allegations that they bent over backwards – an admittedly poor pun in light of the current allegations – to dismiss the allegations against Pastor Kayanja. The corridors of the police headquarters at Parliamentary Avenue are awash with claims – vigorously denied – that money might have changed hands.
It is not clear what will come of the current allegations. A senior police officer told Sunday Monitor that investigations had been concluded and that it is now up to the Director of Public Prosecutions to determine whether Pastor Kayanja should defend himself in court or whether the accusers and their backers should be charged with giving false information to the police.
Whichever way it goes, the current scandal is only the latest in the Pentecostal Movement. Two other pastors, Grace Kitaka and Isaac Kiweweesi denied public allegations of sodomy while Pastor Jackson Senyonga, 41, of Christian Life Centre was questioned by the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigations over allegations, which he denied, that he had fondled a 13-year-old girl aboard a United Airlines flight on August 16th in 2008.
It is not just sex scandals, though. The Pentecostal churches have been awash with scandals involving lies, extortion, smuggling and all sorts of nefarious allegations. Pastor Kayanja has been here before, when it was discovered that his incomplete house on the shores of Lake Victoria was being used to smuggle alcohol into the country but he pointed out – and authorities accepted – that it was a scam run by the private security guards at the house of which he had nothing to do.
Other scandals have revolved around a core belief in the Pentecostal churches and one of their main attractions; the ability of pastors to perform miracles. In May 2008, Grace Kushemereire accused Pastor Imelda Namutebi of paying her to testify that her prayers had cured her of HIV, the virus that causes Aids and for which scientists say there is no cure.
The deal, Ms Kushemereire said, had been struck back in 1999 for which she was receiving a monthly stipend of Shs350,000 and protection for her false testimony. When the payments stopped and Ms Kushemereire threatened to spill the beans in 2005, goons turned up and beat up her daughter to try and gag her.
The most bizarre miracle scandal, however, involved a foreign pastor, technology and some shocking revelations. Pastor Kojo Obiri Yeboah, a Ghanaian 'expatriate' pastor based in Uganda was arrested at Entebbe International Airport on July 5, 2007, with a device that administered electric shocks which authorities said was probably used to hoodwink members of the congregation that they had been filled by the Holy Spirit. The deadly device, the pastor said, was a birthday present to his children.
Other churches, of course, are not without scandals but the Pentecostal churches appear to be the worst run. Apostle Alex Mitala, who heads the National Fellowship for Born Again Pentecostals in Uganda, an umbrella body of sorts, puts this down to differences in the way such scandals are handled.
"The only difference is that we on our part operate openly, allowing each person to report wherever they think they can get help, whether it is police and not the churches' board charged with resolving such issues," Mr Mitala told Sunday Monitor. He added that even when a case is handled by the board and the accused is found guilty, the offended is allowed the liberty to forgive or pursue the case with the courts of law.
"When it is a criminal case/allegation, the police have the right to get involved and since as Pentecostals we don't have anything to hide, we let them."
Father Nicholas Sendagala of the Catholic Christ the King Church says Christianity requires that such controversial issues are handled internally in order to aid the reformation of the accused rather than let it degenerate into a public spat.
It is a view shared by Reverend Emmanuel Mwesigye of the All Saints Cathedral who says that if he was suspected of wrongdoing, the hierarchy in the Anglican institution would require that his cases be solved by higher authorities within the Church and not be made public as if they were gloating over his errors. It is this lack of hierarchy in the Pentecostal churches, he says, that explains why most of the dirty linen is washed in public.
"Without hierarchy, accountability becomes shaky and I have heard even the Pentecostal pastors like [Deo] Sserwada admit that one of their biggest weaknesses is the lack of a hierarchy," says Mwesigye.
The lack of hierarchy and the absence of any formal education or requirement mean that anyone with some knowledge of the bible, a booming voice, a good translator and the ability to move large crowds with words can start a church any day. While the traditional churches have oversight institutions and are governed by the Trustees Incorporation Act, many of the Pentecostal churches are a power unto themselves and only answerable to God and their pastors.
Amidst this shaky framework, the prosperity gospel, which celebrates the acquisition – and, if the behaviour of several pastor's is anything to go by, the flaunting – of wealth, sparks off stiff competition for congregations and the offertory that they carry with them.
Almost all accused pastors dismiss the allegations as smear campaigns by their rivals and this, Rev. Mwesigye says, might be a symptom of a clash for cash. "You will notice that the more prominent the pastor involved at the time, the louder the scandals," he says.
The youthful 'victims', Nicholas Sengoba, a social critic and newspaper columnist argues, are attracted to the Pentecostal churches by this glamour and celebration of wealth and prosperity.
"For the pervert sex, it could be because this whole thing is a struggle for power right from individual basis," he says. "Reputable persons will need a manipulatable (sic) victim who can keep their misdeeds under wraps which could be why the younger congregation is falling victim more than say adults of the pastor's age groups."
The incessant scandals have sown some doubt among believers with some either changing churches or moving to smaller, less flashy ones although the evidence here is more anecdotal than scientific.
In many cases, though, the Pentecostal church and many of the accused pastors have remained resilient and, in a few cases, even using the allegations against them as evidence of the devil trying to derail their good deeds.
On Pastor Kayanja's Rubaga Miracle Centre website, a believer posted the following note of encouragement: "Pastor whatever is happening to you in this today's world... it is the Satan trying to shake this world... The devil doesn't attack nobodies...the opposition is a indication for a new position God is taking you...Dogs never bark to parked cars but moving ones...yours as a driver is to put the next gear and sojourn by faith."
The best example of this can be seen at Holy Fire Church in Namulanda on Entebbe Road.
After the church leader Pastor William Muwanguzi disappeared amidst fraud allegations – the Hummer-driving, high flying pastor said his Congolese wife had gone back to Congo with the cash in question – the congregation picked itself up, regrouped under the leadership of one of the church's junior pastors and started all over again.
Others, however, remain doubtful like the proverbial lost lambs.
"Honestly I have tried to ignore these rumours but have now started to be confused," says one believer from Kampala Pentecostal Church, one of the oldest in the country.
Another from Rubaga Miracle Centre who also refused to reveal her identity says she somehow had suspicions when these rumours about her pastor started and now she doesn't know who to believe.
What next?
Although the scandals will leave several reputations in tatters, Apostle Mitala says the Pentecostal movement will remain strong.
"Such religious scandals have been on for years in every sect but they never stopped people from joining up," he said. "Are there no people becoming Muslims because of scandals or Catholics after all the wars, rumours and allegations against them? No."
While some members of the congregations might become disheartened, the Pentecostal churches will continue to bring in the numbers. "Pastors are only human and can error," says a member of the Rubaga Miracle Centre, speaking anonymously so as not to offend other members of the Centre. "It is those people who go to the churches for the pastors and not God who are in trouble not me who comes for God and only consider pastors as His vessel."
Another believer, who only gave her name as Eleanor, says she has shifted from the big, glamorous churches to a smaller one. Mostly, though, she has taken the matter of her faith into her hands, literally. "I don't know who is right or wrong anymore so I buy as many books and recordings of the gospel as I can and try to do my Bible study at home," Eleanor told Sunday Monitor. "But you have to fellowship sometimes so I go to one of the smaller churches. If I don't trust their character, how can I trust their gospel?"
Robby Muhumuza, a born-again believer working with World Vision, East Africa, a Christian NGO, says although he agrees that the allegations may not cause too much damage to the Pentecostal Movement but are a source of great embarrassment to the individuals involved.
"I don't believe that one person's sins should be paid for by the whole church but they are embarrassing the Pentecostal church especially the intrigue of kidnaps, forced confessions and all that," he says. Specific damage on these individuals and whether it would extend to the whole church however would depend on whether the allegations are found to be true or not. None of the pastors named in these allegations is yet to face court or conviction.
Sarah, who goes to KPC, says although she is glad her church is not involved, she would rethink her options if one of her church leaders was accused. "If he apologised, I would stay in the church. I would however move if he remained adamant and even worse tried to justify his actions," she says.
Muhumuza says the consequences would go beyond whether people went to church or not to maybe a split in the Pentecostal Movement if there were pro- and anti-homosexual pastors like was the case with Church of England's openly gay reverend, Gene Robinson.
For an institution that goes back more than 2,000 years, the church has had its fair share of trials and tribulations. The Anglicans broke away from the Catholic Church in protest against the dogmatic teachings while many Pentecostals broke away from the Anglican Church to preach a hopeful gospel of wealth and prosperity. Only time will tell whether the scandals that perennially besiege the Pentecostal Movement will lead to another breakaway.
The current fight in Uganda, which has pitted the most powerful pastors against one another, might provide some clues about which way the Movement will evolve.
It will also help reveal who of the accused and the accusers are telling the truth, the hypocrites who preach water and drink wine and the professionalism of the investigators themselves. In the meantime, the grass will continue to suffer and young boys are best advised not to share beds with their pastors. The Lord might work in mysterious ways, but the Devil often works at night.
A general wave of discomfort had started to spread throughout the country by 2006 about allegations that Pentecostal pastors were amassing wealth by fleecing their impoverished congregations through tithes, offertory and payment for blessings and favours from God.
In April 2006, Pastor Solomon Male accused pastors Simeon Kayiiwa, John Kakande and Prophetess Imelda Namutebi of using witchcraft to perform miracles and keep people in their church in a bid to continue collecting tithe and have many people paying for blessings. The two male pastors apparently got powers from John Obua, a Nigerian Pastor who died in Uganda and is believed to be the founder of the Born Again Christian churches in Uganda.
That same month saw an HIV+ lady, Frances Adroa heading to the courts of law alleging that the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) had not delivered on their promise to miraculously heal her of the virus as promised for which she had offered her car in July 2005.
Around the same time, one Julius Lukyamuzi came up accusing Pastor Grace Kitaka of sodomising him and Pastor Imelda Namutebi of covering up the sex offences in the name of protecting the church. Somewhere in the midst of these sodomy allegations featured Pastor Leslie Handel of Abundant Life faith centre as one of the pastors accused of being gay, again by Pastor Male.
A Ghanaian Pastor, Kojo Obiri Yeboah's July 5, 2007 apprehension at Entebbe airport for possessing an electric touch machine he was being suspected of shocking believers with, claiming it was the Holy Spirit, was as amusing as it was absurd.
And then in October 2006, Pastor David Kigganda made headlines when he publicly divorced his wife Hadijja Nassejje for allegedly cheating on him with a Chapati baker. He also revealed plans to take all their children for DNA testing.
Then in May 2008, 55-year-old Grace Kushemereire also came up with a shocking revelation of how Pastor Namutebi had apparently approached her in 1999 to partner with her in a deal where the former falsely testified that Namutebi's prayers healed her of HIV in exchange for a monthly pay of Shs350,000 and protection. Namutebi had also been accused of 'stealing' the man she is currently married to, Tom Kula, from another woman who had allegedly come to her for counselling.
A few months later, 41-year-old Jackson Senyonga of Christian Life Centre was arrested for having allegedly fondled a 13 year-old girl aboard a United Airlines flight on August 16th in 2008.
ln May 2008, Pastor William Muwanguzi of Holy Fire Church along Namulanda was arrested over the disappearance of a reconditioned 4-wheel drive Toyota Land Cruiser which he later claimed had been taken by his wife to Congo.
Around September 2008, Pastor Isaac Kiweweesi of Kasanga Miracle Centre was also accused of using small boys sexually. One member of his church David Arinaitwe aged 28, claimed that the pastor had sodomised him for years.
Rubaga Miracle Centre's Robert Kayanga currently battles sodomy allegations by two boys claiming they were sexually abused by the pastor. In 2006, the Uganda Revenue Authority was reported to have impounded smuggled wines at the same pastor's House in Gaba. He denied owning the wine, saying the house was not inhabited and could have been used by smugglers to hide their merchandise.
In the spot
Mr Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre
The first most Ugandans of earlier generations ever heard of the Pentecostals after T.L. Osborn was Robert Kayanja. The eye catching 10, 500 seat edifice that is miracle centre cathedral started as a papyrus reed structure with Mr Kayanja and a few other young ministers having a 'congregation' of just one.
Powerful, rich and charismatic, Mr Kayanja has managed to amass one of the largest congregations while maintaining a clean reputation, until there were allegations that there was smuggled wine hidden at his home in Kawuku, near Kampala.
Of the pastor's biography, the Church's website,, tells a unordinary story of a miracle baby that should have died in place of its mother at birth but survived to be called to ministry at 17. Mr Kayanja is said to have fully launched into ministry at 22 to head Miracle Centre Cathedral. He oversees a bible college, and children's outreaches.
Mr Solomon Male of Arising for Christ
"I will not rest until the church is free of such decadence" is how Mr Male responded when he was accused by fellow pastors of washing their dirty linen in the public. An outspoken critic of corruption, deceit, false miracles, extortion and the prosperity gospel in born again churches, Mr Male was converted in October 1987, becoming one of the ministers of Mr Kakande's Church (The Synagogue Church of All Nations) but denouncing it in 1992 as a cult. Not attached to any particular Church for a while, Mr Male was at one time attacked and referred
to as an imposter by fellow pastors who argued that he couldn't be a pastor without a Church. To this, Mr Male had argued that he didn't need a Church to comment on the ills being done against Christians in the born again churches. In 1999, he founded the Arising for Christ Ministries (ARCH), as an umbrella organisation of pastors and preachers and evangilists who want to restore "the sanctity of Christ and to rid the Church of fake and selfish people posing as pastors.'
The organisation said in January 2008 to have compiled a list of 300 believers who accuse born-again pastors of extortion, fraud, sex slavery among other crimes
Mr Martin Sempa of Makerere Community Church
Mr Martin Sempa is not new to scandal and usually surfaces in times of sex-related controversies like homosexuality and pornography. The youthful pastor, who concentrates his ministry amongst the youth is based at Makerere University.Mr Sempa's core message, abstinence until marriage and faithfulness within marriage as the key solution to HIV prevention, is delivered with compassion and humour. The pastor endeavours to stoop to the youth's levels making them comfortable and attracting more to him.
Mr Michael Kyazze of Omega Healing Centre
The senior pastor at the Zana-based Church is known to his congregation as a man of integrity, intolerant to sin and down to earth. Having just moved into his own house in Kajjansi recently, his congregation defends him as an honest pastor not interested in amassing wealth. Omega Healing Centre, in existence since 2005 has close to 2,000 members now, about 80% youth, and still stands in a semi-permanent structure still under construction. Mr Kyazze is also in charge of doctrine and discipline at the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda and has not been implicated in any scandal before. He is most popular for intiating the mass wedding tradition.
Transformations II, Political Christianity and False African Revivals
By Kato Mivule
January 9, 2006
Romans 12:2
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 8:29
29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.
1 John 2:15-17
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
Reports have been circulating Christendom especially in the West about a “Revival” that is going on in Uganda and Africa by the Sentinel Group and their ‘Transformations II’ DVD/Video Series. A careful examination of what Sentinel Group calls ‘Revival ‘ and ‘Transformation’ is nothing short of an advancement of ‘Western Global Civilization, Democracy, and Christianity’.
A ‘Transformation’ is going on for real in Africa and yes, I will not dispute the fact as reported by George Otis, Peter Wagner and the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD Series. However, one has to carefully look at the “Transformations” going on in Africa and ask a simple question, who is ‘transforming’ Christianity in Africa today? Is this the working of Christ Jesus or a joint effort of Man and Satan? The fruits tell as we see the Church in Africa being conformed to this world and not transformed to the Image of Christ Jesus…
I have endeavored to spend more time on the Dominionism – Political Christianity point in this article so as to clearly show the readers what the goals of Peter Wagner, George Otis, Rick Warren and many other ‘Christian Globalists’ have in mind to achieve – a Global Christian Utopia in which what they call the ‘Kingdom of God’ is ushered in by the power, efforts, and workings of Man.
The truth is that these men are working for a One World Religious System and Government. I endeavor to show how successful the ‘Ugandan Case’ has been in achieving very subtly the goals of a One World Religious System and Government – Basically the Anti-Christ System through fronts like ‘Transformations’. This article also should give one a clear picture of what is happening in African Christendom, Uganda being a case here.
The ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series gives a clear picture of what is transpiring in African Christendom. It shows the ‘Falling Away’ happening in Africa being reported as “Revival” yet it is pure Political Christianity – ‘Constantine’ Christianity Repackaged.
More Info on the Transformations II…
More Info on the Sentinel Group and George Otis…
‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series is a joint venture of Peter Wagner and George Otis. The two men are heavy believers in Dominionism Theology that Christians can take over World Nations and Governments and exert change through political offices and usher in the Kingdom of God on this earth. This is nothing but a front for Political Christianity, which is eating much of Ugandan Christianity today. Political and Dominionist Christianity is not Biblical Christianity but a ‘Transforming’ and conforming of Christians into the Image of the World
Is Revival in the Land yet? I don’t think so…
Brothers and Sisters, I am yet to find a ‘Revival’ in Uganda as reported by George Otis and his Sentinel Group. Having lived in the West for seven years and returned to my home country in Uganda, what I have found are the true fruits of Dominionism Gospel and the championing of Political Christianity, all working towards a One World Religious and Political Order. The Revival spoken about is none existent! If a Revival is happening as reported by George Otis, then this must be a pure ‘Constantine Christianity’ Revival in the land.
Does that mean there exists not a Remnant in Uganda truly following after The Lord? No, there does exist a remnant given to the Whole Counsel of God's Word, Holiness, Purity, Evangelism, Prayer, Fasting but from a Pure Heart and not to gain political offices and not involved at all in Dominionism Christianity. This Remnant is all about The Lord's Business and not interested in entertaining Western Revival Hunters.
The Real ‘Transformation’ that George Otis and Peter Wagner speak about has been one in which Christianity in Africa has been successfully ‘Transformed’ to ‘Westernized Christianity’. The marks of ‘Western Christianity’ are fully evident in the Ugandan Church today and unless there is True Repentance from the Doctrines as offered by ‘Westernized Christianity’, Africa is descending deeper into the religious abyss of the Anti-Christ system.
Further reading on ‘Westernized Christianity’ from an African Perspective…
Jesus Christ, An Offence to ‘Westernized Christianity
By Kato Mivule
Am I disputing healings, miracles and prayer in Africa?
Am I disputing that God does not heal, or perform miracles in Uganda or other parts of Africa? No, The Lord does heal and miracles do happen, I am no Cessationist. However, This has been happening for quite some time and is normal for Africans who are sick to ask for prayers from fellow Christians and God does answer and many are healed. Many people are so poor and desperate that it costs them nothing to ask Jesus Christ through prayer to heal them; it does cost dearly to go see a Medical Doctor – especially 'Western' Doctors. However, the use of these healings and miracles that happen in Africa to legitimize a “Revival” and promote Dominionism by Western ‘Revival Hunters’ is a slap in the face of poor and sick Africans.
Am I disputing that fact that many people spend more time in prayer here in Uganda or other parts of Africa? No, Christians pray a lot here in Africa, this too has been the norm and not something new. Yes, Christians did pray more during persecutions here in Uganda in the days of Idi Amin. However, the use of the Christian prayer life in Uganda to justify the claims of George Otis and Peter Wagner is a profound slap in the face of the suffering church in Africa, satisfying the cravings of ‘Western Revival Hunters’ in their expedition to promote Christian Dominionism…
Am I disputing the fact that the HIV/AIDS rate has considerably dropped in Uganda more than any other Nation in Africa? No, as a matter of fact, the Nation of Uganda embraced a Moral Platform and taught the locals to fully respect the institution of marriage and that sex was to be only in the confines of Marriage. This was a positive step and yes, The Lord blessed the Nation as a result of people stopping the fornication and adultery and abstained from sex till marriage. However, it is sad that the ‘Transformations’ group has used this as a cover to promote their Christian Dominionist agenda.
‘Transformations’, a front for Spiritual Globalism…
It is clear from the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series that the Religious Elite and World Globalists use miracles, healings and prayer to justify a more sinister plot; that is using pseudo Christianity as a cover for world religious dominance. What is more disturbing is that fact that many Christian leaders here in Uganda and Africa are not aware of this deceit and plot from the headquarters of Satan but they simply enjoy the limelight and free air tickets to crisscross Western Capitals to entertain ‘Revival Hunters’ that “Revival” is happening in Africa and to tell American Christians what they love to hear – that revival is coming to America too…
From the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD Series, the following teachings and doctrines of ‘Westernized Christianity’ are clearly promoted and seen as the ‘key’ to ‘Transformation’ of a community to a “Christian” community, Politically, Socially and Spiritually. One should note that the ‘Transformations’ teachings are all geared towards one goal, which is the ‘Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare’ in which the territorial devils are overcome and the Political arena is changed and made Christian so as to further the “Christian Cause”…
Spiritual Mapping: The ‘Transformation II’ is more a mixture of Peter Wagner and George Otis teachings in which they see communities change as a result of Spiritual Mapping and Warfare in which the problems of a community are identified and translated to be all spiritual. The Spiritual Mapping persons encompass a community; identify the ‘Demons’ reigning in an area and then take the results to the community pastors…
Unity: It is at this point that the Community Pastors are told that they would have to have Unity in order to overcome the principalities that reign in their communities. Many times the Unity involves all peoples of the “Christian” faith. The Unity is no different from ecumenism and universalism. This time the Unifying factor is Prayer. The Church Leaders forget their differences and focus efforts to conquer the principalities that the spiritual mapping persons have identified.
Community Repentance: Community Repentance and prayer is initiated. The church repents on behalf of the community and political leaders past sins. The Community must be united in this repentance as they are told Unity is a key to “revival”. The curse or curses over the community is identified and in joint prayer broken. The prayers involve repentance on behalf of all sinners in the community.
Strategic Level Warfare: It is at this point that Peter Wagner’s ‘Strategic Level’ Warfare is initiated. We must remember that Peter Wagner has “identified” three levels of spiritual warfare, Ground Level, Occult Level, and Strategic Level Spiritual warfare. The highest and most important of all is the Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare that involves the cosmic forces that control governments and nations…
“C. Peter Wagner, head of Global Harvest Ministries in Colorado Springs, Colo., is in the vanguard of the movement. He defines three levels of spiritual warfare: "Ground-level" involves casting demons out of individuals; "occult-level warfare" involves more organized "powers of darkness" [They target here New Age thought, Tibetan Buddhism, Freemasonry, etc.]; and "strategic-level warfare" directly "confronts 'territorial spirits' assigned by Satan to coordinate activities over a geographical area."” CS Monitor September 23, 1999
Prayer for “Christian” Politicians: At this point the community identifies the strongholds that are destabilizing the political arena. It is at this point that prayer for political change is initiated if the current political leadership does not further the “Christian Cause”. The goal is always to ‘Transform’ the community so that it becomes a Christian Town, City, or Nation. Many times a Political Leader who happens to be a darling of the “Christians” is invited at the end of the prayer meeting to “re-dedicate” the Town, City, or Nation ‘Back to God’. In the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD, Uganda in this case is “re-dedicated” back to God as a “Christian Nation”.
Community Prosperity and Blessings: The results are always seen as Prosperity and Community Blessings in which the community enjoys the leadership of the “Christian” President or maybe his wife, the community enjoys favor with the United States of America and seen largely in the West as a “Transformed” Nation or “Democracy”. The community enjoys the fruits of capitalism as they see trade and business flourish. The Churches enjoy a time of “peace” as they are no longer persecuted. The Church also sees their members become, doctors, teachers, engineers, and politicians and hold high offices in “very sensitive areas of government”.
It at this point that the Prosperity Teachings, Church Growth Doctrines, and Purpose Driven Life Doctrines are injected to the Christians. The undiscerning Christians see this as a result of their ‘United Prayer Efforts’ and a “Blessing” from God. The Pastors emphasize ‘Church Building’ emulating the Multi-Million Dollar Mega Churches of the USA. The Pastors believe that this is a time of “Blessing” and “Prosperity” because the “Principalities” have been overcome and ‘chased’ away from the Community. Ugandan Christianity has sadly succumbed to this and some of the Pastors featured on ‘Transformations II’ by George Otis are leaders in this ‘Prosperity’ trend. It is at this point that the Church and Christian Community becomes totally part of ‘Westernized Christianity’.
Dominionism – Political Christianity…
‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD clearly shows the propagation of Dominionist Theology from America. America’s Religious Right, Neo-Conservative Christians and so-called Christian Coalition are big pushers of Dominionist Theology in which they believe Christians will take over the world and its governments and as such have a ‘Christian’ Nations and leaders so as to promote the preaching of the Gospel. It is from such schools of thought that Christians are depicted as through ‘relentless’ prayer breaking the strongholds over Cities and ushering in new leaders and authorities that are purported to be Christian.
This is clearly shown in ‘Transformations II’ with the ‘Ugandan Case Study’ were Idi Amin, and Milton Obote were removed because of Christian Prayers and how Janet Museveni wife of President Museveni declared Uganda to be a Christian Nation again. It is from this point that Jackson Ssenyonga, one of local Pastors featured on ‘Transformations II’ in Uganda promises America a “Revival” if they pray too just like documented on ‘Transformations’ by George Otis.
Effects of Dominion Political Christianity Detrimental…
The Apostles of ‘Westernized Christianity’ successfully experimented their Dominion Theology and found it working in Uganda. However, the effects have been detrimental that the top Christian leadership of Uganda has successfully become Political and with very strong beliefs that they are to have a “Christian” President in office or perhaps one who ‘promotes’ the “Christian Cause”.
“Democratic” elections are currently underway in Uganda and almost all presidential Candidates claim that “God sent them” to be president and that the people should elect them to office. They claim that they will promote the “Christian Cause” and help Uganda keep her place as a “Christian Nation”.
It is startling just to see and hear how Ugandan Christians have been fully submerged into the Theology of Political and Dominion Christianity. This is clearly a departure from Biblical Christianity and a full blown embracing on ‘Westernized Political Christianity’. Just like American Christians were deceived into voting GW Bush as a True Evangelical Christian, it is no doubt that his fruits show otherwise and Christians in America bare the reproach of GW Bush and his warmongering policies.
Ugandan Christians Go Crazy with Political Christianity…
The local press recently quoted the wife of the President in Uganda while running for Parliament Office as saying…
“I debated this (political move) with God and as a family. My husband even took it to the NRM executive, asking them if this is really something I should do. I told NEC that, whatever you do, just remember this is not my making. God has sent me to do this and when God sends me I must obey.” Sunday Vision January 1, 2006
Peter Ssematimba, a local Pastor and FM Radio Proprietor told the local press that…
“I do not consider myself a politician, but a leader. I have always had a burning desire to make sure I improve the image of Kampala City. God equipped me with the ability of leadership. So, He has sent me to lead the city and I am convinced I can do so.”
Sunday Vision January 1, 2006
The Leader and Overseer of All Born-Again Churches in Uganda has not been left untouched by Dominionist and Political Christian Theology. The sad part is that the “Overseer” of Evangelical Churches in Uganda has been hoodwinked by ‘Westernized Christianity’ and no different from the Ted Haggard of Evangelical America.
What made even matters worse, was the meeting in which the thousands of Born-Again innocent Christians came to pray as they entered the year 2006. The National Stadium was filled to capacity and the “Overseer” and other Christian leaders hoodwinked the undiscerning Christians into crying out for “forgiveness” for a local opposition candidate who has been imprisoned by the incumbent while at the same time the “Christian” leaders pushed Christians towards a Christian Dominionist Political agenda.
The “Overseer” has repeatedly announced that the evangelicals need to “field” their own ‘Born-Again’ presidential candidates who will promote the “Christian Cause” as quoted from the local press…
“The overseer of the Born-Again Churches, Apostle Alex Mitala, asked the Government to waive the registration of their churches as NGOs. He urged Christians to contest for political office and asked the Baganda to repent their sins and stop witchcraft.”
New Vision January 2, 2006
Prayer Meetings are Turned Political...
The Organizer of the “Passover” Annual prayer convocation, Pastor Joseph Sserwada sent a mixed message of forgiveness while at the same time subtly gearing support for the incumbent, Mr. Museveni. We must remember George Otis featured Pastor Joseph Sserwada on the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series in regards to the ‘Revival” in Uganda.
Pastor Joseph Sserwada used the opportunity to promote Christian Dominionism in the National Stadium while thousands of innocent Christians gathered to prayer during the “Passover” prayer meeting. Pastor Joseph Sserwada asked the incumbent Mr. Museveni to “forgive” the opposition candidate Dr. Besigye who was jailed by the Museveni Government. Pastor Joseph Sserwada referred to Dr. Besigye as the “Prodigal son” and Mr. Museveni as the “Father” who should welcome his son back…
““I’m asking His Excellence to forgive Kizza Besigye,” he said, amid shouts of Alleluia and Amen from the capacity crowd. He asked Museveni to forgive Besigye, saying he was the master and Besigye, the servant, who would never be above him.”
New Vision January 2, 2006
The statement was calculated to send support to the incumbent Mr. Museveni. In other words, the innocent Christians were programmed to believe that the opposition candidate was just a ‘rebellious’ son and so support should be given to the ‘father’ who happens to be the incumbent.
Pastor Joseph Sserwada made his views clear the next day when he stated that if the incumbent Mr. Museveni could assure Dr. Besigye “forgiveness” then Pastor Joseph Sserwada and all his followers would support Mr. Museveni in his bid for re-elections…
“"I need to hear that the President agrees with the court decision. He (Besigye) could be re-arrested by other people. I appeal to him (Museveni) to restrain the UPDF and other people from taking him back… After the President has forgiven Besigye, I'm going to give him my support," he said. He said he would also ask people who support him to rally behind the President. Serwadda said the President seemed to be in agreement with his request to let Besigye free. Serwadda said he would ask Besigye to step down as presidential candidate and let Museveni compete with the rest.”
All Africa January 3, 2006
It is a shame that thousands of innocent Christians were gathered by the current evangelical leaders in Uganda and programmed and conditioned to turn political, to be used politically. Pastor Joseph Sserwada used “forgiveness” and “prayer” as a platform to gear support for the Political. The Church of Jesus Christ was turned into a Political Platform and tool. This is what ‘Transformations’ has really done in Africa. This is the “Strategic” Level warfare that Peter Wagner speaks about and Uganda has been a very good test case.
This statement by Pastor Joseph Sserwada has however, sent chills and debate in many circles in Kampala the capital as people are questioning the Pastor’s motives with his hypocritical politically motivated “forgiveness pleas” as posted in the ‘Letter’ Section of a Local Newspaper…
“I have always looked at a religious leader as one supposed to reconcile and unite children of God during times of disagreement, but recently as I was watching WBS, I heard something very strange. People supposed to be uniting us are causing more harm.
I mean, how can a Pastor call Besigye a prodigal son to Museveni? What message is that Pastor trying to send to his listeners? Isn't that Pastor taking sides now? If Besigye is the prodigal son, is Museveni a faithful and holy father? Is that Pastor for peace and unity?”
Daily Monitor January 5, 2006
“But the ideas that Dr Joseph Serwadda, the Senior pastor of Victory Christian Centre church, goes on to advance later leaves the discerning reader wondering whether one understood his motive. For he is reported promising his own support and that of his people “if the President would forgive Besigye”. He then publishes his intention to ask Besigye to step down as presidential candidate and let Museveni compete with the rest!”
New Vision January 6, 2006
As if that is not enough, one of Pastor Sserwada's associates has demanded that the opposition candidate pays homage to the Evangelical Churches otherwise the opposition Candidate will never be president. Is this not Charismatic Witchcraft? When did The Lord call us to be spiritual political bullies to the governments of this world? This clearly shows how 'Power Hungry' the church has been deceived to get...
"PASTOR Jamada Gyagenda of Victory Church in Nateete, Kampala, on Wednesday said Col. Kizza Besigye will never be President of Uganda if he does not go to any pentecostal church to thank God for his release on bail. He said Besigye was released because born again Christians prayed for him during their passover festival at Namboole Stadium on December 31."
New Vision January, 9 2006
Ugandan Pastor now an ‘Agent of Change and Transformation ‘…
Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga of Kampala Uganda has been traversing Western Cities as the ‘Ambassador’ of ‘Transformations’ in Uganda and testifying on the purported ‘Revival’ as reported by George Otis and the Sentinel Group. Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga is quoted speaking about the “Revival” and ‘Transformations’…
“Today, researchers say Uganda is one of the most transformed nations on the face of the earth. We've seen God transform the political system, the marketplace, and the church… In Uganda, we are living in a time of transformation. And the glory of God will transform America, too.” Christianity Today November/December 2003, Vol. 9, No. 6, Page 22
One wonders what kind of ‘Transformations’ is going on in Uganda. Truly the Peter Wagner, Rick Warren and George Otis experiment has worked and Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga can boldly claim, “Uganda is one of the most TRANSFORMED nations on the face of the earth”.
It is interesting that Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga goes ahead to tie the ‘Transformations’ to the Political System of the country…”We’ve seen God transform the political system, the marketplace, and the church…” The most important of all goals is the Strategic spiritual warfare in which Political systems are changed to favor the “Christians” so as to have “Christian” politicians and rulers who will favor the “Christian Cause”. This is nothing short of blasphemy and a replicate of Constantine Christianity in 313 AD.
The ‘Transformation’ that Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga speaks about in ‘Christianity Today’ is simply a successful invite of the world and demons into the church disguised as “Revival”. This is pure charismatic witchcraft and bewitching of the Ugandan Church. This ‘Transformations’ was a successful ‘Westernizing’ of the Ugandan Church by Peter Wagner and George Otis.
Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga went ahead on his ‘Transformation’ tours on the 700 Club to state how “Unity” is a precursor for the “Revival’ and the “Transformations”. However, one notes clearly how the doctrine of Dominionism and Political Christianity is always the Goal. One notices how Jackson Ssenyonga ties in the regime of Obote was overthrown and Museveni ushered in through a Guerilla warfare as the President…don’t forget, He is the President whose wife "re-dedicated" the Nation back to God and declared it a “Christian Nation”.
“Unity is more than having a crusade together; it takes a revelation of God to strike hearts in tangible ways, causing a need for each other. Because of the intensity of the spiritual darkness over a city, one man or one church cannot handle it. But when there is unity in the Body, the spiritual strongholds cannot withstand the combined strength…
Jackson says unfortunately the church in Uganda did not follow up, but rather went back to sleep and worshiped its own victories. Milton Obote again headed the government, and Jackson says it was back to the ugly days of villages being wiped out. Once again the church was desperate. In 1986 Obote was overthrown by the current leader, Yoweri Museveni.”
CBN’s 700 Club March 24, 2004
Ugandan TBN Tele-Evangelist and Political Christianity…
As if this is not enough, one of the most “famous” Ugandan Tele-Evangelist who happens to be a darling of TBN, Robert Kayanja, and featured on ‘Praise The Lord’ TBN programs many times has come up with ‘Political’ prophesies in which he has foreseen some presidential candidates quit, die and apparently one win election with a 61.8%.
Robert Kayanja a darling of TBN…
The Tele-Evangelist has strong ties with the President Museveni and has had the President officiate at the opening of many “Christian” Churches headed by the Tele-Evangelist.
It is interesting to note the message that President Museveni made as he officiated as guest of honor at the opening of the Kansanga Miracle Center, one of Robert Kayanja’s satellite Churches…
“"It is my pleasure to dedicate this church to God and to the salvation of our youth and our country. I am also happy to see that although you come from different churches, I can see more cooperation among faiths," a jovial Museveni said…Pastor Robert Kayanja, the head of the Miracle Centre churches said, "In 1986, you said this was not a mere change of guards but a fundamental change. You were prophesying. Your excellence, we request you come to dedicate to God our Entebbe Miracle Centre in December 2006.”
All Africa December 19, 2005
The message was clear and President Museveni made no mistake about it, he wants ”cooperation among faiths”, an ecumenism and universalism in Uganda. What more evidence does one need about the goals of Dominionist Theology, ‘Transformations’, George Otis, Peter Wagner, and Rick Warren? Is Robert Kayanja not truly ‘An Agent of Change’, a word coined by Rick Warren???
And if I may ask, when did Jesus Christ, the Apostles in the Book of Acts and early Christians invite their ‘heads of state’ to officiate at the opening their churches? When did Paul or Peter invite the Emperor to open their assemblies? Was not Emperor Constantine the first to “Officiate” at the “opening” of the first Roman Catholic Church in 313 AD and emphasized the “cooperation among faith”?????
Amazingly Robert Kayanja went ahead to state that President Museveni was “Prophesying” when the President took office through a Guerrilla war in 1986. Robert Kayanja then “Requests” the President to officiate at the opening of the Entebbe Miracle Center come December 2006. The “Man of God” subtly sends a message to all innocent Christians that he supports the incumbent President, Mr. Museveni. How does Robert Kayanja know that Museveni will win the 2006 elections to “Request”? What a working of Dominionist Theology in Uganda!
It is interesting to note that the Robert Kayanja Prophesies are geared towards the establishment of a Christian Dominion and promotion of a Worldwide Christian Utopia. The Tele-Evangelist stated that only candidates that “favor” The Lord’s cause would win the 2006 elections.
“There are going to be five candidates who will stand, two will drop off and one will die. Of the three, the winner will get 61.8%,” he said. Last year, he gave a similar prophecy.
Kayanja said all political parties were looking for power but what they needed was God in their endeavours. “Only candidates that are favouring the Lord’s cause shall win the 2006 elections,” he said.” New Vision January 2, 2006
The Robert Kayanja prophecies have been criticized by the locals and seen largely as politically motivated to boost support for Mr. Museveni. Even the Government owned Newspaper ran an editorial in stating that the Robert Kayanja prophecy was uncalled for. “Kayanja prophecy is not called for”, Editorial New Vision January 3, 2006
A local Christian is even suggested that it would not be unfit to call Robert Kayanja a ‘False Prophet’; another asks the motives behind the ‘political’ prophesy. Local Christians smell a very big rotten rat…
“I remember, the same pastor prophesied sometime back that the war in northern Uganda was coming to an end after a period which he specified but that did not happen.
I think it is high time some people distinguished prophesy from dreams and imagination. If Kayanja’s prophesy does not come to pass, will it not be fair comment to call him a false prophet?” New Vision January 5, 2006
“Prophets who prophesied doom in the bible like Jeremiah always explained the reason God was going to bring punishment to his people. What reason has Kayanja given?”
New Vision January 6, 2006
Pat Robertson and his African Copycats…
I was reminded about the American counterpart to Robert Kayanja, Pat Robertson and his 700 Club. Pat Robertson clearly gives a very good description of what Dominionism Christianity is. However, this is a very sad and serious issue. Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and has had a number of pre-election prophecies too.
"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it...It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop." Pat Robertson
USA TODAY August 22, 2005
One wonders what the African ‘Pat Robertson’ copycats will be prophesying in the near future. This is no comical matter; it is serious and grievous before The Lord as hundreds of ‘Westernized Christianity’ Preachers in Africa take up the mantle of Dominionist Political Christianity from their Western Counterparts.
Robert Kayanja has had the unbiblical audacity of stating that politicians in Uganda were going to get born-again…
“He said the glory of God was going to cover Uganda, its neighbouring countries, wipe out the begging culture and politicians were going to get born-again.”
New Vision January 2, 2006
Robert Kayanja, the beloved of TBN and featured on ‘Transformations’ by George Otis is clearly a Prosperity and Dominionist Preacher and continues boasting about his prophesies that “came true” in Kenya where he fore told of a political shift in Kenya that would usher in a political change that would ‘favor’ only God’s agenda…
"There will be a great political shift in Kenya before Christmas of this year and on a given day between 4:30 and 5:30pm there will be an earthquake emerging from the Kenyan right valley. It will be felt through all Africa”
Sunday Vision December1, 2005
Interesting enough is the statement by Robert Kayanja posted on his FrontPage …”Come 2015; we are going to be one”…
"”I am not here as a Ugandan. We are all one people. Come 2015; we are going to be one. The days of bad leadership in Uganda and Kenya are over”. Kayanja, who was accompanied by his wife Jessica, delivered a startling prophesy that would symbolize the birth of a new nation, Kenya”. (I have saved this particular FrontPage for those who need more evidence)
There is no doubt that Robert Kayanja refers to the New World Order knowingly or I think unknowingly. The prophesy seems to point to the Federation of the East African Community and which the President of Uganda says that he seeks re-election so as to see this East African Federation come to pass…
“President Museveni says he is seeking another term in office to work towards the formation of the East African Federation and to fight household poverty in Uganda.”
Monitor December 22, 2005
Evangelical Leaders Show Support For Political Christianity and Prophesies...
Although many Christians and locals are cry foul towards Kayanja's Prophesy and are smelling a very big rotten rat, some church leaders in Uganda have come out unashamedly to support Robert Kayanja and his 'Political Prophesies'. The Church leaders who head the Evangelical Christians in Uganda have been hoodwinked into 'Political Christianity' and see that they must have a "Voice" in the Political Future of Uganda.
"“The church has a role in the nation’s unstable politics. We are supposed to have prophetic voices, and warn those who are going into weakness. God has given us the role of a watchman, so that we see things before they take place,” Pr. Laban Jjumba of Kansanga Deliverance Church said yesterday." New Vision January 6, 2006
Pastor Laban Jjumba happens to be one of the Ugandan Christian Leaders featured on 'Transformations II' by George Otis and the Sentinel Group. One wonders how far the Ugandan Christians have been bewitched by the demons of Dominionism and Political Christianity.
Apparently the many of the current Evangelical Church Leaders in Uganda don't smell the big fat rotten Christian Political Dominionism rat. They have truly been deceived by the likes of Robert Kayanja and his prophesies. they claim that they must have a "role" in the nations unstable politics and "prophetic voices"...these "Prophetic Voices" are nothing less than Evil Spirits that reign over Political Dominionist Christianity.
It seems that just because Robert Kayanja had Prophesies that came to pass therefore they are hoodwinked to believe that he is sent of God not knowing that Robert Kayanja and his political prophesies are part of the Great Delusion sent to deceive all who love the world and are friends of the world.
These Evangelical Church leaders seem to refuse to cross check their bibles and see if any so-called fulfilled prophesy makes one a True Prophet and 'Sent of God'...the Doctrine of Balaam reigns high in Ugandan Christendom.
Surely a Political Christianity Revival Exists…
There can be no much clear evidence that the “Revival” George Otis and his ‘Transformations II’ speak about is none evident in Uganda but a ‘Transformation’ is taking place to change innocent Christians into political machines and ‘Agents of Change’. Warren states.
The goal however, of the Dominionist Christians is very ominous and perilous; they plan a One World Christian utopia that definitely is leading to the anti-Christ and his one world religion and government. George Otis and his ‘Transformations’ are only promoting False Revivals in the likes of the “Toronto Blessings”, and “Pensacola Outpourings”.
Dear Saints of God, let us flee from ALL that which is unholy, for surely certain men have crept in among us and desire to take away the liberty we enjoy in Christ Jesus. These men are clear representatives of the Anti-Christ and Satan.
Ugandan Evangelical Leaders Mind-Controlled and Bewitched…
Ugandan Christian Leaders have been hoodwinked and bewitched by ‘Westernized Christianity’ in believing that they can achieve a Christian utopia and usher in the age of ‘Christian Rule’ in the world.
Satan and his evil spirits are deceiving African preachers through false prophesies that even come to pass but are very unbiblical, never line up with True Bible End-time Prophesy, and are only a ‘Purpose Drive’ to a one world religious system and the Anti-Christ government as we have evidenced with Pastor Robert Kayanja and his prophesies. So, by what spirit do Robert Kayanja and TBN prophesy? This should be clear to everyone.
Rick Warren, Peter Wagner, Robert Schuller, George Otis, Rev. Moon, TBN and Paul Crouch, Tim LaHaye and Left Behind Series, and all ‘Westernized Christianity’ must be very happy, Satan smiling behind them as they watch with amazement at how Dominionist Christianity is flourishing in Uganda, Africa; only if they could transplant this success or what they love to call Revival to America and the rest of the world.
What we see is clearly Christian Dominionism and a ‘Copy and Paste’ type of Christianity were African Christian Leaders simply copy and paste what they see their Western counterparts do without questioning the waters from whence they drink.
In this case Robert Kayanja is being ‘mind controlled’ and used by Western Christian Dominionist to promote False Christianity and a One World Anti Christ Religious System in Uganda, thanks to the auspices of ‘George Otis Transformations’, ‘Rick Warren Purpose Driven Life’ and ‘Paul Crouch’s TBN’; which are all the works of Satan and his illuminati world controllers.
We must remember that George Otis featured Robert Kayanja as one of the leaders from Uganda who had “witnessed” the ‘Transformations II’ a.k.a. “Revival” in Uganda as a result of Christian united prayer.
The Head of the True Church is NOT Man but Jesus Christ…
The Bible is so clear that the Head of the Body of Christ is Jesus Christ Himself and not Governments, Politicians or Businessmen. It is Blasphemy for the Saints to be used as a political tool to satisfy the cravings of evil and rich men of the earth. Christ Jesus as the Head of His Body has NEVER been Political or called His church to be as Such…
The Saints or the Church – The Elect, The Called Out Ones are SUBJECT to Christ Jesus. The Head of The True Church can NEVER be a MAN, if it is a MAN, flee that Church, it is NOT the Body of Christ. There has to be a clear Separation of Church and State…
Ephesians 5:22-24
22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
The Lord Jesus Christ Requires we separate from ALL that is Unholy…
However, the scriptures are so clear that we are to SEPARATE from all that which is evil, not of God, False Doctrines and the World and keep ourselves Holy and pure unto God. We are not to unite with false teachers and preachers just for the sake of Unity. The Head of The Body of Christ is Jesus Christ, that means doing everything according to God’s Holy Word.
2Corinthians 6:11-18
11 O Corinthians! We have spoken openly to you, our heart is wide open. 12 You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections. 13 Now in return for the same (I speak as to children), you also be open.
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
“ I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.”
17 Therefore
“ Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you.”
18 “ I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the LORD Almighty.”
The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is not of this world…
The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is NOT of this world and we must remember that it is Satan who is the prince of this world. Those who desire Political Christianity and the kingdoms of this world fall headlong into the trap of the Anti-Christ and Satan.
John 18:36
36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”
Jesus Christ rejected Satan’s offer of worldly kingdoms…
We must remember that our Lord and savior rejected the offer from Satan of the kingdoms of this world if He fell down and worship Satan; Jesus Christ rebuked the Devil with The Word of God. As Christians we must not allow ourselves to be taken over by this temptation to take over the nations of the earth pretending that we are doing it for Christ.
Matthew 4: 8-10
8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
10 Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”
Our Kingdom in Christ Jesus is clearly not of this world…
Our Allegiance belongs to Christ Jesus alone…
We are called to pray for those in leadership and yes, give to Caesar what belongs to him and to God what belongs to God. Yes, pay your Taxes to Caesar and forget those entire foolish devil trap Tax Breaks and Tax Exemptions (501 C3 Tax Exempt Status in the USA).
Stop the Unholy Alliance and Spiritual fornication between Church and State as a under the Bedcover of Tax Exemptions. If Jesus Christ paid His, then pay yours too. Our Allegiance Does NOT Belong to the State but to Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior. Caesar should only get our taxes and prayers, not our Allegiance.
Matthew 22:18-22
18 But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, “Why do you test Me, you hypocrites? 19 Show Me the tax money.”
So they brought Him a denarius.
20 And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?”
21 They said to Him, “Caesar’s.”
And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 22 When they had heard these words, they marveled, and left Him and went their way.
Obey Laws of the land in context of Jesus Christ’s Lordship…
We obey the laws of the land as long as they don’t force us to sin, evil and denial of our Faith in Christ Jesus. The scriptures on ‘obeying’ government authorities have nothing to do with political Christianity and Dominionism. They have nothing to do with “fielding” a “Christian Presidential” Candidate.
They are seen clearly in the Context of Jesus Christ being Head of His Body and Total Allegiance to Jesus Christ and nothing less. Through Jesus Christ as Head of His Body, we hold a good testimony before the physical rulers of this World. Anything done out of the Context of Christ Jesus being Head of His Church is Spiritual Adultery and Fornication with the World.
1Peter 2:13-17 (Romans 13:1-5)
13 Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, 14 or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men— 16 as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. 17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
1 Timothy 2:1-2
1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
True Christians forbidden from war, rebellion and bloodshed…
Dominionism Christianity fosters Rebellion, Wars, and Bloodshed. Dominionism Christianity sees it fit to use the military muscle of the state to enforce “Christianity” around the world. The Religious Right and Evangelicals in America hold to this principle. They see the military machine of the ‘Mighty USA’ as God sent to punish the evildoers in this world a.k.a. terrorists, in order to establish “Christianity” around the world.
Current ‘American Christianity’ and their “Evangelical” President GW Bush are a very good example of the failures of Political Dominionist Christianity. The War and Bloodshed in Iraq based on deception and fraud has brought a reproach on Christians in America who are seen as Warmongers, Liars, Greedy, Haters of Truth, and Living by the Sword. But the Word of God is clear and prohibits us to take up arms as Christians and fight wars of this world. Those who live by the sword will perish by the sword.
Matthew 26:51-54
51 And suddenly, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
52 But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. 53 Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? 54 How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen thus?”
“Vengeance is Mine…” says the Lord…
The Lord is very clear on retaliation. His Words says that vengeance belongs to the Lord and we overcome evil with good. As true Christians we are forbidden to revenge in anyway other than paying evil with good. We are not to engage in hate, lies, murder, and the attack of other nations in the name of Christ as some Evangelical Christians demonstrated in the USA with their “Evangelical” President GW Bush. We are called to bless those who persecute us and live repay no evil for evil.
Romans 12:14-21
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written,
“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 Therefore
“ If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
History Keeps Repeating – Nothing new under the sun…
Whoever said it was right that “History Keeps Repeating”, ‘Westernized Christianity’ is a replicate of Constantine in 313 AD and his creation of the ‘Universal Church’. The results were disastrous, the Inquisition, Murder, Hate, Genocides, Crusades and the Dark Ages.
As True Christians who love Jesus Christ, let us not be a part of the Dominionist Christianity that George Otis and his ‘Transformations’ are promoting. Truly the Dark Ages Part II is coming upon the world courtesy of ‘Westernized Christianity’, or should I say ‘Constantine-nized’ Christianity.
All who Love Jesus Christ will suffer persecution…
We must be willing to suffer for our Faith for the sake of Christ Jesus and stop the creation of Political, Social and Economical Christian Comfort Zones. If you Truly Love Jesus Christ, the World will HATE you but if you are a DARLING of The World then you are an ENEMY of Christ Jesus – Check yourself again to make sure you still stand in the Faith…
John 15:18-21
18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.
Romans 8:5-8
5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
1 Timothy 3:12
12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution
Kayanja Prophesy coming to Pass does not make him a Prophet...
Many Ugandan Christians have been overtaken by the prophesies of Kayanja coming to pass and as such many are confused thinking he is a "Man of God" and therefore get carried away by Robert Kayanja's Clear Political Christianity ambitions and Prophesies...
Ezekiel 14:6-11
6 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Repent, turn away from your idols, and turn your faces away from all your abominations. 7 For anyone of the house of Israel, or of the strangers who dwell in Israel, who separates himself from Me and sets up his idols in his heart and puts before him what causes him to stumble into iniquity, then comes to a prophet to inquire of him concerning Me, I the LORD will answer him by Myself. 8 I will set My face against that man and make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of My people. Then you shall know that I am the LORD.
9 “And if the prophet is induced to speak anything, I the LORD have induced that prophet, and I will stretch out My hand against him and destroy him from among My people Israel. 10 And they shall bear their iniquity; the punishment of the prophet shall be the same as the punishment of the one who inquired, 11 that the house of Israel may no longer stray from Me, nor be profaned anymore with all their transgressions, but that they may be My people and I may be their God,” says the Lord GOD.’”
2 Peter 2:1-3 and 2 Peter 2:15-16
1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber...
...15 They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; 16 but he was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb donkey speaking with a man’s voice restrained the madness of the prophet.
Revelations 2:14
14 But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality.
Matthew 24: 24-25
24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.
Matthew 7:21-23
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Uganda and Africa, let us not be deceived and hoodwinked by "Men of God" simply because they prophesied and it came to pass. Let us be very careful, the days are so evil. Look for the fruits of these so-called prophets, you will see them clear, prosperity, riches, wealth, money, false doctrines, etc, and certainly Political Christianity.
Current Ugandan Church in Love with the World…
I will personally testify that what I have seen in many Churches Uganda (especially urban middle class churches), is the world in the Church and the Church being very good friends with the world. The current church in Uganda is not as the former suffering church, persecuted church, and hated church. It is a Prosperity and Purpose Driven Church. It is a Church with Leaders after money, wealth, riches, fame and the glories of this world.
This is a church completely conforming to the Image of the World and NEVER being TRANSFORMED to the IMAGE of CHRIST JESUS and HIS HOLY WORD. Many a Ugandan and African Pastors have resorted to quick money from such ‘Westernized Christianity’ ‘Apostles’ like Rick Warren, George Otis and Peter Wagner. They have turned to them for money while deceiving them that a “Revival” is happening across Africa. The Western Preachers and Revival Hunters love lies and deceit and HATE TRUTH, therefore the deceived get more deceived.
African Christians ‘Raped’ By ‘Westernized Christianity’ Wolves…
The main gospel in many Ugandan churches today is one about Prosperity and getting out of poverty by giving a tithe to the “Men of God” some of whom are featured on ‘Transformations II’ by George Otis.
Some of these “Men of God” featured on the Transformations II Video/DVD by George Otis are men embroiled in materialism, buy expensive cars, build mansions, build Multi-Million Dollar Churches, preach false doctrines and at the end of the day claim that “Revival” and “Transformation” is happening in Africa. This is pure lies, deceit, greed, and sleeping in the bed with Satan to engage in Spiritual Adultery.
The so-called Transformations as claimed by George Otis is nothing short of Obscenity, Spiritual Fornication, and the Raping of the African Christians in search of False Revivals while hypocritically ‘Transforming’ them to ‘Westernized Christianity’ and to the Image of the World using Prayer, Unity, and Evangelism as a Pretext.
The ‘Transformations’ by George Otis is nothing less of what Rick Warren is doing in Africa in the creation of a Worldwide Purpose Driven Church. This is clearly a ‘Rape’ of the African Christians by Western Christian Wolves roaming around the world in creation of One World Government.
To such men is stored furor of judgment and brimstone unless they REPENT NOW! The Lord Jesus Christ will not sit silently and watch such demonic garbage and filth go on as ‘Westernized Christianity’ Wolves eat His innocent Lambs around the world.
Money has become a source of evil…
Part of the reason for failure to discern ‘Western Christian Wolves’ in Africa has been the love of money by the current Christian leadership in Africa. Uganda is a very poor country and as such preachers, pastors and church leaders struggle to meet the basic needs of their life while catering for the sheep under their care.
When Western Wolves in the likes of Rick Warren, Peter Wagner, Tim LaHaye – Left Behind Series and many others come to Africa, they ‘trap’ the hungry and undiscerning leadership. Money becomes a source of evil and as such the African Christian Leaders get bought.
They look to the wealthy western Christian leaders and think that Christianity is what the West has and success is ‘truly’ defined by ‘Westernized Christianity’ leaders like Rick Warren and the gobbledygook of George Otis and his ‘Transformations’.
Western Christian Media has also played a huge role in the brainwashing, conditioning and mind control of African Leaders forcing them into subtle submission to the doctrines of ‘Westernized Christianity’ without even a fight.
TBN has truly been that ‘Agent of Change’ in the ‘Transformations’ of African Christians to ‘Westernized Christianity’, which is all the work of the Anti-Christ and one world government system.
Message to All African Christian Leaders is REPENT!
My final message to all the African Leaders involved with George Otis, Transformations II, Peter Wagner and Rick Warren is that please Repent before it is too late.
I call upon the African Christian Leaders to re-examine what they have been taught by George Otis, Transformations II, and Peter Wagner, see if their teachings line up with God’s Word. Renounce all the false Doctrines and teachings from these men and Repent and return to The Lord Jesus Christ.
Totally separate your selves from Dominionist and Political Christianity. The Saints of God are not a ‘Political Machine’ that can be used to bring some candidate into office to promote the ‘Christian Cause’. Jesus Christ is the Head of His church and not some politician or businessmen.
Let there be a SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. I call upon African Christian leaders to totally separate from all that is unholy. Don’t believe in American Political Evangecalism. Believe God’s Word. Separate your selves to the Lord and be holy even as the Lord is Holy. For without Holiness NO ONE WILL SEE GOD.
Repent and return to the True and Holy Word of God. Return to the Whole Counsel of God’s Word and not the wisdom and philosophies of men engineered in Western Ivy League Bible Colleges. Repent and again I say Repent!
Repent, Repent, Repent, Turn Away from Evil, Repent;
The Lord is still so Merciful to Forgive, Heal and Restore...
Revelations 3:14-22
14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—
18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
22 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”’”
Your Servant in Christ Jesus
Kato Mivule
‘’God spoke to me and revealed to me that Museveni is the one worthy to rule Uganda for the rest of his life. Brethren let me tell you, on earth I know two people Museveni and Jesus’’. Pastor Godfrey Lule
SEE: Transformations II, Political Christianity and False African Revivals By Kato Mivule
Buganda Crisis, Ugandan Evangelicals, Ssabalokole, and the Future
Prosperity Pastors and Political Christianity in Uganda: The Case of Pastor Godfrey Lule’s Serpent antics
There is an advert running on Uganda Broad casting Corporation(UBC) on Pastor Joseph Sserwadda’s 31st December, 2010 Namboole Passover festival . According to this advert, this festival will be aired live on UBC I believe for the first time. One wonders why this is being done during the 2011 campaigns. This festival is covertly going to be used to support President Museveni’s 2011 presidency. I think president Museveni will not hesitate stealing the show as usual. In the 2006, presidential elections, Pentecostal churches openly supported president Museveni. In the 2005, Namboole Passover festival:
The Organizer of the “Passover” Annual prayer convocation, Pastor Joseph Sserwada sent a mixed message of forgiveness while at the same time subtly gearing support for the incumbent, Mr. Museveni. We must remember George Otis featured Pastor Joseph Sserwada on the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series in regards to the ‘Revival” in Uganda.
Pastor Joseph Sserwada used the opportunity to promote Christian Dominionism in the National Stadium while thousands of innocent Christians gathered to prayer during the “Passover” prayer meeting. Pastor Joseph Sserwada asked the incumbent Mr. Museveni to “forgive” the opposition candidate Dr. Besigye who was jailed by the Museveni Government. Pastor Joseph Sserwada referred to Dr. Besigye as the “Prodigal son” and Mr. Museveni as the “Father” who should welcome his son back…
““I’m asking His Excellence to forgive Kizza Besigye,” he said, amid shouts of Alleluia and Amen from the capacity crowd. He asked Museveni to forgive Besigye, saying he was the master and Besigye, the servant, who would never be above him.”
New Vision January 2, 2006
The statement was calculated to send support to the incumbent Mr. Museveni. In other words, the innocent Christians were programmed to believe that the opposition candidate was just a ‘rebellious’ son and so support should be given to the ‘father’ who happens to be the incumbent.
Pastor Joseph Sserwada made his views clear the next day when he stated that if the incumbent Mr. Museveni could assure Dr. Besigye “forgiveness” then Pastor Joseph Sserwada and all his followers would support Mr. Museveni in his bid for re-elections…
“"I need to hear that the President agrees with the court decision. He (Besigye) could be re-arrested by other people. I appeal to him (Museveni) to restrain the UPDF and other people from taking him back… After the President has forgiven Besigye, I'm going to give him my support," he said. He said he would also ask people who support him to rally behind the President. Serwadda said the President seemed to be in agreement with his request to let Besigye free. Serwadda said he would ask Besigye to step down as presidential candidate and let Museveni compete with the rest.”
All Africa January 3, 2006
It is a shame that thousands of innocent Christians were gathered by the current evangelical leaders in Uganda and programmed and conditioned to turn political, to be used politically. Pastor Joseph Sserwada used “forgiveness” and “prayer” as a platform to gear support for the Political. The Church of Jesus Christ was turned into a Political Platform and tool. This is what ‘Transformations’ has really done in Africa. This is the “Strategic” Level warfare that Peter Wagner speaks about and Uganda has been a very good test case.
This statement by Pastor Joseph Sserwada has however, sent chills and debate in many circles in Kampala the capital as people are questioning the Pastor’s motives with his hypocritical politically motivated “forgiveness pleas” as posted in the ‘Letter’ Section of a Local Newspaper…
“I have always looked at a religious leader as one supposed to reconcile and unite children of God during times of disagreement, but recently as I was watching WBS, I heard something very strange. People supposed to be uniting us are causing more harm.
I mean, how can a Pastor call Besigye a prodigal son to Museveni? What message is that Pastor trying to send to his listeners? Isn't that Pastor taking sides now? If Besigye is the prodigal son, is Museveni a faithful and holy father? Is that Pastor for peace and unity?”
Daily Monitor January 5, 2006
“But the ideas that Dr Joseph Serwadda, the Senior pastor of Victory Christian Centre church, goes on to advance later leaves the discerning reader wondering whether one understood his motive. For he is reported promising his own support and that of his people “if the President would forgive Besigye”. He then publishes his intention to ask Besigye to step down as presidential candidate and let Museveni compete with the rest!”
New Vision January 6, 2006
As if that is not enough, one of Pastor Sserwada's associates has demanded that the opposition candidate pays homage to the Evangelical Churches otherwise the opposition Candidate will never be president. Is this not Charismatic Witchcraft? When did The Lord call us to be spiritual political bullies to the governments of this world? This clearly shows how 'Power Hungry' the church has been deceived to get...
"PASTOR Jamada Gyagenda of Victory Church in Nateete, Kampala, on Wednesday said Col. Kizza Besigye will never be President of Uganda if he does not go to any pentecostal church to thank God for his release on bail. He said Besigye was released because born again Christians prayed for him during their passover festival at Namboole Stadium on December 31."
New Vision January, 9 2006
SEE: Transformations II, Political Christianity and False African Revivals
By Kato Mivule
Pastor Robert Kayanja is also organizing harvest conferences in December, 2010. Prior to the 2006 election Pastor Robert Kayanja prophesied as follows:
“There are going to be five candidates who will stand, two will drop off and one will die. Of the three, the winner will get 61.8%,” he said. Last year, he gave a similar prophecy.
Kayanja said all political parties were looking for power but what they needed was God in their endeavours. “Only candidates that are favouring the Lord’s cause shall win the 2006 elections,” he said.” New Vision January 2, 2006
The Robert Kayanja prophecies have been criticized by the locals and seen largely as politically motivated to boost support for Mr. Museveni. Even the Government owned Newspaper ran an editorial in stating that the Robert Kayanja prophecy was uncalled for. “Kayanja prophecy is not called for”, Editorial New Vision January 3, 2006
A local Christian is even suggested that it would not be unfit to call Robert Kayanja a ‘False Prophet’; another asks the motives behind the ‘political’ prophesy. Local Christians smell a very big rotten rat…
“I remember, the same pastor prophesied sometime back that the war in northern Uganda was coming to an end after a period which he specified but that did not happen.
I think it is high time some people distinguished prophesy from dreams and imagination. If Kayanja’s prophesy does not come to pass, will it not be fair comment to call him a false prophet?” New Vision January 5, 2006
“Prophets who prophesied doom in the bible like Jeremiah always explained the reason God was going to bring punishment to his people. What reason has Kayanja given?”
New Vision January 6, 2006
Pastor Joseph Serwadda’s so called revival
Pastor Joseph Serwadda has been spreading the lie that there is rival in Uganda. However in 2009, the Pentecostal churches in Uganda became a source of ridicule when God exposed the homosexuality, extortion and sexual scandals in the church. The American heretics who are fornicating with the Pentecostals church in Uganda like Benny Hinn are now also embedded in sex scandals. According to Dr.Joseph Serwadda:
Uganda is experiencing a massive wave of revival. The tiny East African nation, whose dictatorial leaders brought it to limelight, Only this time it is for the better, as revival is sweeping through Uganda's cities and towns like a mighty fire.
On October 8th 2002, as Pastor Joseph Serwadda was praying for the nation of Uganda, suddenly he heard the Lord say to him, “This 40th year of Uganda's independence marks the beginning of another generation.
There is going to be a purging and cleansing of the older generation and a new breed whose lives are ready to possess the land will take over. As Moses led a generation out of Egypt, a generation of sojourners, an army of liberation, and left off to Joshua to lead a new generation of settlers and an army of occupation, so it is going to be repeated this year and in your sight”. More was to come.
“I now instruct you to gather my people and prepare them to take the land. The task is tough. You will need to be strong in your spirit and as Joshua and Caleb were, leading the people into their inheritance. Those that will be willing in that day and hear your voice will become outstanding in this generation. Go forth and prepare a generation of spiritual warriors to take on the land. Many opposing forces will come against you but none shall be able to withstand the wisdom and power with which you shall smite at their fiery darts”.
That same year with very little preparation, the Passover Festival was born. To the amazement of all, 60,000 patrons turned up at the Mandela National Stadium to mark the night of crossing over! While we basked in the success of that day, we heard once again, “…bring them back this year and charge them even more”.
Nambole Sports Stadium was again hired. Without a single billboard, a flyer, a TV commercial, a newspaper advert, a radio spot, a cross street banner, or an announcement, 150,000 people jammed the Nambole Stadium and 40,000 were turned back for lack of space. The local newspapers in Uganda called it a record attendance, outwitting even the two papal visits Uganda has received in the years gone by! An American writer branded it the biggest single gathering on the face of the earth on that particular day!
The Passover Festival has now become the in-thing to attend. The response has been overwhelming and the vision has now taken root. Ministers with a high reputation in the prophetic have been invited to speak into the hearts of Ugandans. Plans are in the final stages to have the passover again this year., accessed on 18-7-2008
Pastor Serwadda’s Born Again faith federation
In 2009, Pastor Joseph Serwadda started the so called Born Again faith federation(BAF).
When this federation was formed, Many Pentecostal churches rejoiced that Born again Christians like the Catholics, muslims and Anglicans were going to be recognized as a faith. President Museveni is using BAF to get cheap political capital . He wants to look as the first president to recognize born again Christians in the country. In fact some pastors put on hats like Museveni to subtly send the message that there is no Pentecostal movement after Museveni. It must be noted that Museveni is an ecumenists( he wants all religions to unite). In fact Pastor Serwadda has recently joined the ecumenical inter-religious council in Uganda. President Museveni’s government is using pastor Serwadda to create the impression that they are responsible for creating religious unity in Uganda.
On Monday, 16th March, 2009, The New Vision reported as Follows:
Dr. Joseph Sserwadda of the Victory Christian Centre in Ndeeba, Kampala said on Saturday that the Born-Again Faith Federation of Uganda received its certificate from the Registrar on February 19.
He said the federation would be chaired by a “Presiding Apostle”, an equivalent of an archbishop in the Anglican Church.
Speaking from the federation’s offices on Millennium Chambers in Najjanankumbi, Kampala, Sserwadda said he was elected on February 23 as the presiding apostle for two years.
He is deputised by Bishop Julius Peter Oyet of the Life Line Ministry.
Other office bearers will be elected, he said.
Sserwadda said the body was formed on the advice of the Government, following a request by the Born-gain to be recognised as a distinct faith in Uganda.
“On February 14, 2006 the President responded to our call for recognition. From that day, we have been holding meetings with the ministries of justice, internal affairs, and ethics and integrity,” he said. The federation, he said, would oversee church activities.
“It will be responsible for registering churches,” Serwadda added.
However, ethics and integrity minister Nsaba Buturo denied Sserwadda’s assertion that the Born-again had been recognised.
“We have not done that at all. It is true that we have had meetings over the issues, but we have not reached that conclusion,” Buturo said. , see, Born–again Christians have formed an umbrella body,
Under the heading ‘’Pr. Serwadda is New Head of Born-Again’’ the Government news paper also reported that:
PASTOR Joseph Sserwada, the senior pastor of Victory Church in Ndeeba Kampala, has been elected the head of the Born-again Faith Federation and bestowed with the title of apostle.
The elections, which were held on Thursday, were part of the federation's convention that started on August 11 at Seroma Christian High School in Mukono district.
Sserwada was elected by over 2,000 born-again leaders. His appointment was announced by the federation's public relations officer, Pastor Charles Tumwine.
Sserwada then appointed Pastor Julius Oyet as his deputy and promised to announce his executive within two weeks.
The executive also consists of regional leaders who were also elected. Bishop Kiwanuka Musisi, the senior pastor of Prayer Palace Church in Kibuye Kampala, was elected bishop-elect of the central region.
Most prominent Pentecostal leaders did not attend the convention since some churches are not members of the federation, the body that regulates activities of the born-again churches.
Sserwada had been head of the interterm committee which was formed in April last year. Prof. Simon Kayiwa, the federation's legal counsel, guided the elections
The federation leaders urged the Government to ensure peaceful elections in 2011. They condemned the recent incidents of violence that marred the NRM primaries.
"We condemn all manner of election violence, especially as we approach the 2011 election time," Sserwada said.
He asked the Electoral Commission to accord equal platform to all candidates and political parties. , see,
National Fellowship of Born again Pentecostal churches reject BAF
Apostle Alex Mitala and his National Fellowship of Born again Pentecostal churches have disassociated themselves with Pastor Serwadda’s BAF
National Fellowship of Born again Pentecostal churches web site
On Sunday, 22nd March, 2009, the new vision reported as follows:
A section of born-again churches have denounced the newly formed Born-again Faith Federation, which was initiated by Pastor Joseph Sserwadda, the head of Victory Christian Centre, Kampala.
The executive director of Arising for Christ, Moses Solomon Male and a number of pastors, said on Tuesday that the federation was a ploy by Sserwadda to use Christians to justify the existence of his many NGOs.
The pastors were addressing a press conference at the Nomo Gallery in Kampala.
Michael Kyazze of Omega Healing Centre and Noah Sserunjogi said the churches had not met in any forum to decide on the federation and its leadership.
“Sserwadda must not mislead Christians because there is no consensus on the matter, ” Kyazze stated.
They presented a three-page document titled “False Teaching/Cult Awareness Campaign Progressive Report Covering Incidents since March 17, 2008”.
The group charged that senior pastors in some Pentecostal churches were engaged in sodomy and witchcraft.
“How can you put us together with gays, car thieves, witchdoctors, and husband and wife snatchers?” they asked.
Sserwadda said the umbrella body was formed on the advice of the Government, following a request by the churches to be recognised as a distinct faith.
He said President Yoweri Museveni responded to the appeal in February 2006.
Sserwadda said the federation received its certificate from the registrar on February 19.
Ethics and integrity minister Dr. Nsaba Buturo, however, denied the claim, saying talks were going on, but a conclusion had not been reached.
In the article below see how a story in a government news paper is supporting the idea of Unity among Pentecostal churches
Does the Pentecostal church need an archbishop?
The New Vision, Saturday, 16th October, 2010
PENTECOSTAL churches have for long been independent of each other. However, of recent, a body was elected to lead them. But how necessary is this? Moses Mulondo writes
A few weeks ago, a section of Pentecostal churches met at Seroma High School and elected leaders of the newly created Born Again Faith Federation (BAFFE), which they want to operate as the supreme body overseeing all Pentecostal churches in Uganda.
The pioneer of the project, Pastor Joseph Serwadda, the overseer of Victory churches and proprietor of Impact Radio, was elected the presiding apostle of BAFFE, and is the equivalent of the Archbishop for the Anglican Church. Apostle Julius Oyet of Life Line Ministries was elected Serwadda’s deputy.
Serwadda keeps explaining that the idea of putting in place a supreme body governing Pentecostal churches is to allow the Pentecostal church to operate as a distinct faith is a fulfillment of what the Government had promised him and other pastors.
Tempers among top Pentecostal pastors flared early last year when Pastor Joseph Serwadda went on radio and said that the Government had granted his request to create a supreme body (BAFFE) charged with the responsibility of regulating and guiding all Pentecostal churches in Uganda.
Serwadda’s move was rejected by other Pentecostal umbrella organisations, the main ones being the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches (NFBAPC), Evangelical Fellowship of Uganda, Miracle Centre Churches and Christian Life Churches.
Since then, these groups have been attacking each other on TV and radio stations especially NFBAPC and BAFFE.
It is these quarrels among Pentecostal pastors on the airwaves that have compelled gospel artist and pastor Wilson Bugembe to sing Ani, a song depicting the fallen state of the Pentecostal church.
NFBAPC has been for long the major umbrella organisation for Pentecostal churches especially before its founding chairman Simon Kayiwa and Pastor Jackson Senyonga broke away from NFBAPC over unclear reasons.
Kayiwa brought together the churches under him into another umbrella organisation called Association of Christian Fellowship Churches and Senyonga formed Christian Life Churches. Kayiwa, however, joined Serwadda in the formation of BAFFE.
In a meeting that was chaired by ethics minister Dr. James Nsaba Buturo, the leaders of those umbrella organisations expressed dismay that Serwadda had made the announcements of a supreme body overseeing Pentecostal churches yet they were not involved in its formation.
In the meeting whose minutes Sunday Vision received showed it was agreed that BAFFE only operates like one of the other umbrella organisations, not a supreme body overseeing all Pentecostal churches.
Buturo has told Sunday Vision that since last year’s meeting, the Government has not held any other meeting with Pentecostal pastors on the matter and, therefore, he expects nothing to change.
Unlike traditional churches like Catholics and Protestants for example, anyone can come up and start a born-again church so long as they register as an NGO. Serwadda says this has left the born-again denomination vulnerable to infiltrations by criminals and evil-minded people, who are using their churches for wrong activities. He says Pentecostal churches can only stop this trend if they unite and work together to eliminate the fake pastors.
The idea fronted by Serwadda and his group is good, but many argue it was formed hurriedly before getting endorsement from key stakeholders and, therefore, got a suspicious reception from many circles.
Many Pentecostal pastors Sunday Vision talked to believe the idea of having one supreme body overseeing the Pentecostal churches is not bad so long as a consensus is reached by the various umbrella organisations.
Even the first apostolic era had a council of apostles and elders that met in Jerusalem to decide on matters concerning their faith as seen in Acts 15.
Bishop David Kiganda, the deputy chairman of NFBAPC, argues that his umbrella organisation does not believe in the idea of BAFFE.
“The idea would have made sense if its initiators were not people who broke away from the broader body of NFBAPC after they had been denied leadership in our elections. I think they started it so that they would also have a body they lead,” Kiganda argues.
Judging from the state of affairs, one would not be wrong to argue that Uganda’s Pentecostal church is not different from the Corinthian church which was divided into various groups, each claiming to follow one of the apostles.
In John 17, Jesus prayed that his followers would be one so that, through their unity, the world would know that they are his followers.
Christian theologian Richard Baxter once said: “He that is not a son of peace is not a son of God. All other sins destroy the Church consequentially; but division and separation demolish it directly.”
Philippians 2:1-5 talks about the need for unity of the Church. It says: “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others to be better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.”
Lies, Sex and Hypocrisy in Pentecostal Churches
By Eunice Rukundo
Sunday Monitor
May 31, 2009
A story currently doing the rounds in the intelligence circles goes like this: that around 1988, with the National Resistance Movement government trying to lay down its political roots after shooting its way to power two years earlier, senior regime officials were approached by a young religious preacher.
The preacher had a proposal; in exchange for financial and other support, he would strengthen the Pentecostal movement in the country and use it to break or reduce the influence of the Catholic Church over the largely Anglican new government.
The idea, the story says, was quickly snapped up. The preacher received facilitation and went on to form one of the churches that was at the heart of the growth of the Pentecostal movement in the country. The pastor, like many others, remains close to the government and the Pentecostal movement remains firmly pro-government.
This story cannot be independently corroborated but the anecdotal evidence – of the pastor's close links to the regime, and the political stance of the Pentecostal churches – is self-evident. While religious leaders from the traditional Catholic and Anglican churches often criticise the government when it errors, most Pentecostal churches are stridently apolitical, preferring to preach a gospel of economic prosperity rather than dabble in politics.
The Pentecostal Movement now finds itself in a public scandal that appears to go to the very core of its foundations. Pastor Robert Kayanja, arguably the richest, most-influential and most visible patriarch of the Pentecostal Movement stands accused of sodomy. His accusers include a handful of young men who have sworn affidavits to support their accusations and are backed by other senior Pentecostal pastors including Pastors Solomon Male, Martin Ssempa and Michael Kyazze.
The allegations and counter-allegations have played out like a third rate Mexican soap opera; some of the alleged victims have changed their statements faster than one can say 'Hallelujah' and publicly accused their backers of offering them money to frame their alleged defiler. Pastor Kayanja's side has not acted entirely honestly in the matter either; police sources indicate that claims of one of their own being abducted appear to be false and an attempt to pervert the course of justice.
The police, too, are not beyond reproach. Senior officials have been frantically fighting off allegations that they bent over backwards – an admittedly poor pun in light of the current allegations – to dismiss the allegations against Pastor Kayanja. The corridors of the police headquarters at Parliamentary Avenue are awash with claims – vigorously denied – that money might have changed hands.
It is not clear what will come of the current allegations. A senior police officer told Sunday Monitor that investigations had been concluded and that it is now up to the Director of Public Prosecutions to determine whether Pastor Kayanja should defend himself in court or whether the accusers and their backers should be charged with giving false information to the police.
Whichever way it goes, the current scandal is only the latest in the Pentecostal Movement. Two other pastors, Grace Kitaka and Isaac Kiweweesi denied public allegations of sodomy while Pastor Jackson Senyonga, 41, of Christian Life Centre was questioned by the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigations over allegations, which he denied, that he had fondled a 13-year-old girl aboard a United Airlines flight on August 16th in 2008.
It is not just sex scandals, though. The Pentecostal churches have been awash with scandals involving lies, extortion, smuggling and all sorts of nefarious allegations. Pastor Kayanja has been here before, when it was discovered that his incomplete house on the shores of Lake Victoria was being used to smuggle alcohol into the country but he pointed out – and authorities accepted – that it was a scam run by the private security guards at the house of which he had nothing to do.
Other scandals have revolved around a core belief in the Pentecostal churches and one of their main attractions; the ability of pastors to perform miracles. In May 2008, Grace Kushemereire accused Pastor Imelda Namutebi of paying her to testify that her prayers had cured her of HIV, the virus that causes Aids and for which scientists say there is no cure.
The deal, Ms Kushemereire said, had been struck back in 1999 for which she was receiving a monthly stipend of Shs350,000 and protection for her false testimony. When the payments stopped and Ms Kushemereire threatened to spill the beans in 2005, goons turned up and beat up her daughter to try and gag her.
The most bizarre miracle scandal, however, involved a foreign pastor, technology and some shocking revelations. Pastor Kojo Obiri Yeboah, a Ghanaian 'expatriate' pastor based in Uganda was arrested at Entebbe International Airport on July 5, 2007, with a device that administered electric shocks which authorities said was probably used to hoodwink members of the congregation that they had been filled by the Holy Spirit. The deadly device, the pastor said, was a birthday present to his children.
Other churches, of course, are not without scandals but the Pentecostal churches appear to be the worst run. Apostle Alex Mitala, who heads the National Fellowship for Born Again Pentecostals in Uganda, an umbrella body of sorts, puts this down to differences in the way such scandals are handled.
"The only difference is that we on our part operate openly, allowing each person to report wherever they think they can get help, whether it is police and not the churches' board charged with resolving such issues," Mr Mitala told Sunday Monitor. He added that even when a case is handled by the board and the accused is found guilty, the offended is allowed the liberty to forgive or pursue the case with the courts of law.
"When it is a criminal case/allegation, the police have the right to get involved and since as Pentecostals we don't have anything to hide, we let them."
Father Nicholas Sendagala of the Catholic Christ the King Church says Christianity requires that such controversial issues are handled internally in order to aid the reformation of the accused rather than let it degenerate into a public spat.
It is a view shared by Reverend Emmanuel Mwesigye of the All Saints Cathedral who says that if he was suspected of wrongdoing, the hierarchy in the Anglican institution would require that his cases be solved by higher authorities within the Church and not be made public as if they were gloating over his errors. It is this lack of hierarchy in the Pentecostal churches, he says, that explains why most of the dirty linen is washed in public.
"Without hierarchy, accountability becomes shaky and I have heard even the Pentecostal pastors like [Deo] Sserwada admit that one of their biggest weaknesses is the lack of a hierarchy," says Mwesigye.
The lack of hierarchy and the absence of any formal education or requirement mean that anyone with some knowledge of the bible, a booming voice, a good translator and the ability to move large crowds with words can start a church any day. While the traditional churches have oversight institutions and are governed by the Trustees Incorporation Act, many of the Pentecostal churches are a power unto themselves and only answerable to God and their pastors.
Amidst this shaky framework, the prosperity gospel, which celebrates the acquisition – and, if the behaviour of several pastor's is anything to go by, the flaunting – of wealth, sparks off stiff competition for congregations and the offertory that they carry with them.
Almost all accused pastors dismiss the allegations as smear campaigns by their rivals and this, Rev. Mwesigye says, might be a symptom of a clash for cash. "You will notice that the more prominent the pastor involved at the time, the louder the scandals," he says.
The youthful 'victims', Nicholas Sengoba, a social critic and newspaper columnist argues, are attracted to the Pentecostal churches by this glamour and celebration of wealth and prosperity.
"For the pervert sex, it could be because this whole thing is a struggle for power right from individual basis," he says. "Reputable persons will need a manipulatable (sic) victim who can keep their misdeeds under wraps which could be why the younger congregation is falling victim more than say adults of the pastor's age groups."
The incessant scandals have sown some doubt among believers with some either changing churches or moving to smaller, less flashy ones although the evidence here is more anecdotal than scientific.
In many cases, though, the Pentecostal church and many of the accused pastors have remained resilient and, in a few cases, even using the allegations against them as evidence of the devil trying to derail their good deeds.
On Pastor Kayanja's Rubaga Miracle Centre website, a believer posted the following note of encouragement: "Pastor whatever is happening to you in this today's world... it is the Satan trying to shake this world... The devil doesn't attack nobodies...the opposition is a indication for a new position God is taking you...Dogs never bark to parked cars but moving ones...yours as a driver is to put the next gear and sojourn by faith."
The best example of this can be seen at Holy Fire Church in Namulanda on Entebbe Road.
After the church leader Pastor William Muwanguzi disappeared amidst fraud allegations – the Hummer-driving, high flying pastor said his Congolese wife had gone back to Congo with the cash in question – the congregation picked itself up, regrouped under the leadership of one of the church's junior pastors and started all over again.
Others, however, remain doubtful like the proverbial lost lambs.
"Honestly I have tried to ignore these rumours but have now started to be confused," says one believer from Kampala Pentecostal Church, one of the oldest in the country.
Another from Rubaga Miracle Centre who also refused to reveal her identity says she somehow had suspicions when these rumours about her pastor started and now she doesn't know who to believe.
What next?
Although the scandals will leave several reputations in tatters, Apostle Mitala says the Pentecostal movement will remain strong.
"Such religious scandals have been on for years in every sect but they never stopped people from joining up," he said. "Are there no people becoming Muslims because of scandals or Catholics after all the wars, rumours and allegations against them? No."
While some members of the congregations might become disheartened, the Pentecostal churches will continue to bring in the numbers. "Pastors are only human and can error," says a member of the Rubaga Miracle Centre, speaking anonymously so as not to offend other members of the Centre. "It is those people who go to the churches for the pastors and not God who are in trouble not me who comes for God and only consider pastors as His vessel."
Another believer, who only gave her name as Eleanor, says she has shifted from the big, glamorous churches to a smaller one. Mostly, though, she has taken the matter of her faith into her hands, literally. "I don't know who is right or wrong anymore so I buy as many books and recordings of the gospel as I can and try to do my Bible study at home," Eleanor told Sunday Monitor. "But you have to fellowship sometimes so I go to one of the smaller churches. If I don't trust their character, how can I trust their gospel?"
Robby Muhumuza, a born-again believer working with World Vision, East Africa, a Christian NGO, says although he agrees that the allegations may not cause too much damage to the Pentecostal Movement but are a source of great embarrassment to the individuals involved.
"I don't believe that one person's sins should be paid for by the whole church but they are embarrassing the Pentecostal church especially the intrigue of kidnaps, forced confessions and all that," he says. Specific damage on these individuals and whether it would extend to the whole church however would depend on whether the allegations are found to be true or not. None of the pastors named in these allegations is yet to face court or conviction.
Sarah, who goes to KPC, says although she is glad her church is not involved, she would rethink her options if one of her church leaders was accused. "If he apologised, I would stay in the church. I would however move if he remained adamant and even worse tried to justify his actions," she says.
Muhumuza says the consequences would go beyond whether people went to church or not to maybe a split in the Pentecostal Movement if there were pro- and anti-homosexual pastors like was the case with Church of England's openly gay reverend, Gene Robinson.
For an institution that goes back more than 2,000 years, the church has had its fair share of trials and tribulations. The Anglicans broke away from the Catholic Church in protest against the dogmatic teachings while many Pentecostals broke away from the Anglican Church to preach a hopeful gospel of wealth and prosperity. Only time will tell whether the scandals that perennially besiege the Pentecostal Movement will lead to another breakaway.
The current fight in Uganda, which has pitted the most powerful pastors against one another, might provide some clues about which way the Movement will evolve.
It will also help reveal who of the accused and the accusers are telling the truth, the hypocrites who preach water and drink wine and the professionalism of the investigators themselves. In the meantime, the grass will continue to suffer and young boys are best advised not to share beds with their pastors. The Lord might work in mysterious ways, but the Devil often works at night.
A general wave of discomfort had started to spread throughout the country by 2006 about allegations that Pentecostal pastors were amassing wealth by fleecing their impoverished congregations through tithes, offertory and payment for blessings and favours from God.
In April 2006, Pastor Solomon Male accused pastors Simeon Kayiiwa, John Kakande and Prophetess Imelda Namutebi of using witchcraft to perform miracles and keep people in their church in a bid to continue collecting tithe and have many people paying for blessings. The two male pastors apparently got powers from John Obua, a Nigerian Pastor who died in Uganda and is believed to be the founder of the Born Again Christian churches in Uganda.
That same month saw an HIV+ lady, Frances Adroa heading to the courts of law alleging that the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) had not delivered on their promise to miraculously heal her of the virus as promised for which she had offered her car in July 2005.
Around the same time, one Julius Lukyamuzi came up accusing Pastor Grace Kitaka of sodomising him and Pastor Imelda Namutebi of covering up the sex offences in the name of protecting the church. Somewhere in the midst of these sodomy allegations featured Pastor Leslie Handel of Abundant Life faith centre as one of the pastors accused of being gay, again by Pastor Male.
A Ghanaian Pastor, Kojo Obiri Yeboah's July 5, 2007 apprehension at Entebbe airport for possessing an electric touch machine he was being suspected of shocking believers with, claiming it was the Holy Spirit, was as amusing as it was absurd.
And then in October 2006, Pastor David Kigganda made headlines when he publicly divorced his wife Hadijja Nassejje for allegedly cheating on him with a Chapati baker. He also revealed plans to take all their children for DNA testing.
Then in May 2008, 55-year-old Grace Kushemereire also came up with a shocking revelation of how Pastor Namutebi had apparently approached her in 1999 to partner with her in a deal where the former falsely testified that Namutebi's prayers healed her of HIV in exchange for a monthly pay of Shs350,000 and protection. Namutebi had also been accused of 'stealing' the man she is currently married to, Tom Kula, from another woman who had allegedly come to her for counselling.
A few months later, 41-year-old Jackson Senyonga of Christian Life Centre was arrested for having allegedly fondled a 13 year-old girl aboard a United Airlines flight on August 16th in 2008.
ln May 2008, Pastor William Muwanguzi of Holy Fire Church along Namulanda was arrested over the disappearance of a reconditioned 4-wheel drive Toyota Land Cruiser which he later claimed had been taken by his wife to Congo.
Around September 2008, Pastor Isaac Kiweweesi of Kasanga Miracle Centre was also accused of using small boys sexually. One member of his church David Arinaitwe aged 28, claimed that the pastor had sodomised him for years.
Rubaga Miracle Centre's Robert Kayanga currently battles sodomy allegations by two boys claiming they were sexually abused by the pastor. In 2006, the Uganda Revenue Authority was reported to have impounded smuggled wines at the same pastor's House in Gaba. He denied owning the wine, saying the house was not inhabited and could have been used by smugglers to hide their merchandise.
In the spot
Mr Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre
The first most Ugandans of earlier generations ever heard of the Pentecostals after T.L. Osborn was Robert Kayanja. The eye catching 10, 500 seat edifice that is miracle centre cathedral started as a papyrus reed structure with Mr Kayanja and a few other young ministers having a 'congregation' of just one.
Powerful, rich and charismatic, Mr Kayanja has managed to amass one of the largest congregations while maintaining a clean reputation, until there were allegations that there was smuggled wine hidden at his home in Kawuku, near Kampala.
Of the pastor's biography, the Church's website,, tells a unordinary story of a miracle baby that should have died in place of its mother at birth but survived to be called to ministry at 17. Mr Kayanja is said to have fully launched into ministry at 22 to head Miracle Centre Cathedral. He oversees a bible college, and children's outreaches.
Mr Solomon Male of Arising for Christ
"I will not rest until the church is free of such decadence" is how Mr Male responded when he was accused by fellow pastors of washing their dirty linen in the public. An outspoken critic of corruption, deceit, false miracles, extortion and the prosperity gospel in born again churches, Mr Male was converted in October 1987, becoming one of the ministers of Mr Kakande's Church (The Synagogue Church of All Nations) but denouncing it in 1992 as a cult. Not attached to any particular Church for a while, Mr Male was at one time attacked and referred
to as an imposter by fellow pastors who argued that he couldn't be a pastor without a Church. To this, Mr Male had argued that he didn't need a Church to comment on the ills being done against Christians in the born again churches. In 1999, he founded the Arising for Christ Ministries (ARCH), as an umbrella organisation of pastors and preachers and evangilists who want to restore "the sanctity of Christ and to rid the Church of fake and selfish people posing as pastors.'
The organisation said in January 2008 to have compiled a list of 300 believers who accuse born-again pastors of extortion, fraud, sex slavery among other crimes
Mr Martin Sempa of Makerere Community Church
Mr Martin Sempa is not new to scandal and usually surfaces in times of sex-related controversies like homosexuality and pornography. The youthful pastor, who concentrates his ministry amongst the youth is based at Makerere University.Mr Sempa's core message, abstinence until marriage and faithfulness within marriage as the key solution to HIV prevention, is delivered with compassion and humour. The pastor endeavours to stoop to the youth's levels making them comfortable and attracting more to him.
Mr Michael Kyazze of Omega Healing Centre
The senior pastor at the Zana-based Church is known to his congregation as a man of integrity, intolerant to sin and down to earth. Having just moved into his own house in Kajjansi recently, his congregation defends him as an honest pastor not interested in amassing wealth. Omega Healing Centre, in existence since 2005 has close to 2,000 members now, about 80% youth, and still stands in a semi-permanent structure still under construction. Mr Kyazze is also in charge of doctrine and discipline at the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda and has not been implicated in any scandal before. He is most popular for intiating the mass wedding tradition.
Transformations II, Political Christianity and False African Revivals
By Kato Mivule
January 9, 2006
Romans 12:2
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 8:29
29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.
1 John 2:15-17
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
Reports have been circulating Christendom especially in the West about a “Revival” that is going on in Uganda and Africa by the Sentinel Group and their ‘Transformations II’ DVD/Video Series. A careful examination of what Sentinel Group calls ‘Revival ‘ and ‘Transformation’ is nothing short of an advancement of ‘Western Global Civilization, Democracy, and Christianity’.
A ‘Transformation’ is going on for real in Africa and yes, I will not dispute the fact as reported by George Otis, Peter Wagner and the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD Series. However, one has to carefully look at the “Transformations” going on in Africa and ask a simple question, who is ‘transforming’ Christianity in Africa today? Is this the working of Christ Jesus or a joint effort of Man and Satan? The fruits tell as we see the Church in Africa being conformed to this world and not transformed to the Image of Christ Jesus…
I have endeavored to spend more time on the Dominionism – Political Christianity point in this article so as to clearly show the readers what the goals of Peter Wagner, George Otis, Rick Warren and many other ‘Christian Globalists’ have in mind to achieve – a Global Christian Utopia in which what they call the ‘Kingdom of God’ is ushered in by the power, efforts, and workings of Man.
The truth is that these men are working for a One World Religious System and Government. I endeavor to show how successful the ‘Ugandan Case’ has been in achieving very subtly the goals of a One World Religious System and Government – Basically the Anti-Christ System through fronts like ‘Transformations’. This article also should give one a clear picture of what is happening in African Christendom, Uganda being a case here.
The ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series gives a clear picture of what is transpiring in African Christendom. It shows the ‘Falling Away’ happening in Africa being reported as “Revival” yet it is pure Political Christianity – ‘Constantine’ Christianity Repackaged.
More Info on the Transformations II…
More Info on the Sentinel Group and George Otis…
‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series is a joint venture of Peter Wagner and George Otis. The two men are heavy believers in Dominionism Theology that Christians can take over World Nations and Governments and exert change through political offices and usher in the Kingdom of God on this earth. This is nothing but a front for Political Christianity, which is eating much of Ugandan Christianity today. Political and Dominionist Christianity is not Biblical Christianity but a ‘Transforming’ and conforming of Christians into the Image of the World
Is Revival in the Land yet? I don’t think so…
Brothers and Sisters, I am yet to find a ‘Revival’ in Uganda as reported by George Otis and his Sentinel Group. Having lived in the West for seven years and returned to my home country in Uganda, what I have found are the true fruits of Dominionism Gospel and the championing of Political Christianity, all working towards a One World Religious and Political Order. The Revival spoken about is none existent! If a Revival is happening as reported by George Otis, then this must be a pure ‘Constantine Christianity’ Revival in the land.
Does that mean there exists not a Remnant in Uganda truly following after The Lord? No, there does exist a remnant given to the Whole Counsel of God's Word, Holiness, Purity, Evangelism, Prayer, Fasting but from a Pure Heart and not to gain political offices and not involved at all in Dominionism Christianity. This Remnant is all about The Lord's Business and not interested in entertaining Western Revival Hunters.
The Real ‘Transformation’ that George Otis and Peter Wagner speak about has been one in which Christianity in Africa has been successfully ‘Transformed’ to ‘Westernized Christianity’. The marks of ‘Western Christianity’ are fully evident in the Ugandan Church today and unless there is True Repentance from the Doctrines as offered by ‘Westernized Christianity’, Africa is descending deeper into the religious abyss of the Anti-Christ system.
Further reading on ‘Westernized Christianity’ from an African Perspective…
Jesus Christ, An Offence to ‘Westernized Christianity
By Kato Mivule
Am I disputing healings, miracles and prayer in Africa?
Am I disputing that God does not heal, or perform miracles in Uganda or other parts of Africa? No, The Lord does heal and miracles do happen, I am no Cessationist. However, This has been happening for quite some time and is normal for Africans who are sick to ask for prayers from fellow Christians and God does answer and many are healed. Many people are so poor and desperate that it costs them nothing to ask Jesus Christ through prayer to heal them; it does cost dearly to go see a Medical Doctor – especially 'Western' Doctors. However, the use of these healings and miracles that happen in Africa to legitimize a “Revival” and promote Dominionism by Western ‘Revival Hunters’ is a slap in the face of poor and sick Africans.
Am I disputing that fact that many people spend more time in prayer here in Uganda or other parts of Africa? No, Christians pray a lot here in Africa, this too has been the norm and not something new. Yes, Christians did pray more during persecutions here in Uganda in the days of Idi Amin. However, the use of the Christian prayer life in Uganda to justify the claims of George Otis and Peter Wagner is a profound slap in the face of the suffering church in Africa, satisfying the cravings of ‘Western Revival Hunters’ in their expedition to promote Christian Dominionism…
Am I disputing the fact that the HIV/AIDS rate has considerably dropped in Uganda more than any other Nation in Africa? No, as a matter of fact, the Nation of Uganda embraced a Moral Platform and taught the locals to fully respect the institution of marriage and that sex was to be only in the confines of Marriage. This was a positive step and yes, The Lord blessed the Nation as a result of people stopping the fornication and adultery and abstained from sex till marriage. However, it is sad that the ‘Transformations’ group has used this as a cover to promote their Christian Dominionist agenda.
‘Transformations’, a front for Spiritual Globalism…
It is clear from the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series that the Religious Elite and World Globalists use miracles, healings and prayer to justify a more sinister plot; that is using pseudo Christianity as a cover for world religious dominance. What is more disturbing is that fact that many Christian leaders here in Uganda and Africa are not aware of this deceit and plot from the headquarters of Satan but they simply enjoy the limelight and free air tickets to crisscross Western Capitals to entertain ‘Revival Hunters’ that “Revival” is happening in Africa and to tell American Christians what they love to hear – that revival is coming to America too…
From the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD Series, the following teachings and doctrines of ‘Westernized Christianity’ are clearly promoted and seen as the ‘key’ to ‘Transformation’ of a community to a “Christian” community, Politically, Socially and Spiritually. One should note that the ‘Transformations’ teachings are all geared towards one goal, which is the ‘Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare’ in which the territorial devils are overcome and the Political arena is changed and made Christian so as to further the “Christian Cause”…
Spiritual Mapping: The ‘Transformation II’ is more a mixture of Peter Wagner and George Otis teachings in which they see communities change as a result of Spiritual Mapping and Warfare in which the problems of a community are identified and translated to be all spiritual. The Spiritual Mapping persons encompass a community; identify the ‘Demons’ reigning in an area and then take the results to the community pastors…
Unity: It is at this point that the Community Pastors are told that they would have to have Unity in order to overcome the principalities that reign in their communities. Many times the Unity involves all peoples of the “Christian” faith. The Unity is no different from ecumenism and universalism. This time the Unifying factor is Prayer. The Church Leaders forget their differences and focus efforts to conquer the principalities that the spiritual mapping persons have identified.
Community Repentance: Community Repentance and prayer is initiated. The church repents on behalf of the community and political leaders past sins. The Community must be united in this repentance as they are told Unity is a key to “revival”. The curse or curses over the community is identified and in joint prayer broken. The prayers involve repentance on behalf of all sinners in the community.
Strategic Level Warfare: It is at this point that Peter Wagner’s ‘Strategic Level’ Warfare is initiated. We must remember that Peter Wagner has “identified” three levels of spiritual warfare, Ground Level, Occult Level, and Strategic Level Spiritual warfare. The highest and most important of all is the Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare that involves the cosmic forces that control governments and nations…
“C. Peter Wagner, head of Global Harvest Ministries in Colorado Springs, Colo., is in the vanguard of the movement. He defines three levels of spiritual warfare: "Ground-level" involves casting demons out of individuals; "occult-level warfare" involves more organized "powers of darkness" [They target here New Age thought, Tibetan Buddhism, Freemasonry, etc.]; and "strategic-level warfare" directly "confronts 'territorial spirits' assigned by Satan to coordinate activities over a geographical area."” CS Monitor September 23, 1999
Prayer for “Christian” Politicians: At this point the community identifies the strongholds that are destabilizing the political arena. It is at this point that prayer for political change is initiated if the current political leadership does not further the “Christian Cause”. The goal is always to ‘Transform’ the community so that it becomes a Christian Town, City, or Nation. Many times a Political Leader who happens to be a darling of the “Christians” is invited at the end of the prayer meeting to “re-dedicate” the Town, City, or Nation ‘Back to God’. In the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD, Uganda in this case is “re-dedicated” back to God as a “Christian Nation”.
Community Prosperity and Blessings: The results are always seen as Prosperity and Community Blessings in which the community enjoys the leadership of the “Christian” President or maybe his wife, the community enjoys favor with the United States of America and seen largely in the West as a “Transformed” Nation or “Democracy”. The community enjoys the fruits of capitalism as they see trade and business flourish. The Churches enjoy a time of “peace” as they are no longer persecuted. The Church also sees their members become, doctors, teachers, engineers, and politicians and hold high offices in “very sensitive areas of government”.
It at this point that the Prosperity Teachings, Church Growth Doctrines, and Purpose Driven Life Doctrines are injected to the Christians. The undiscerning Christians see this as a result of their ‘United Prayer Efforts’ and a “Blessing” from God. The Pastors emphasize ‘Church Building’ emulating the Multi-Million Dollar Mega Churches of the USA. The Pastors believe that this is a time of “Blessing” and “Prosperity” because the “Principalities” have been overcome and ‘chased’ away from the Community. Ugandan Christianity has sadly succumbed to this and some of the Pastors featured on ‘Transformations II’ by George Otis are leaders in this ‘Prosperity’ trend. It is at this point that the Church and Christian Community becomes totally part of ‘Westernized Christianity’.
Dominionism – Political Christianity…
‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD clearly shows the propagation of Dominionist Theology from America. America’s Religious Right, Neo-Conservative Christians and so-called Christian Coalition are big pushers of Dominionist Theology in which they believe Christians will take over the world and its governments and as such have a ‘Christian’ Nations and leaders so as to promote the preaching of the Gospel. It is from such schools of thought that Christians are depicted as through ‘relentless’ prayer breaking the strongholds over Cities and ushering in new leaders and authorities that are purported to be Christian.
This is clearly shown in ‘Transformations II’ with the ‘Ugandan Case Study’ were Idi Amin, and Milton Obote were removed because of Christian Prayers and how Janet Museveni wife of President Museveni declared Uganda to be a Christian Nation again. It is from this point that Jackson Ssenyonga, one of local Pastors featured on ‘Transformations II’ in Uganda promises America a “Revival” if they pray too just like documented on ‘Transformations’ by George Otis.
Effects of Dominion Political Christianity Detrimental…
The Apostles of ‘Westernized Christianity’ successfully experimented their Dominion Theology and found it working in Uganda. However, the effects have been detrimental that the top Christian leadership of Uganda has successfully become Political and with very strong beliefs that they are to have a “Christian” President in office or perhaps one who ‘promotes’ the “Christian Cause”.
“Democratic” elections are currently underway in Uganda and almost all presidential Candidates claim that “God sent them” to be president and that the people should elect them to office. They claim that they will promote the “Christian Cause” and help Uganda keep her place as a “Christian Nation”.
It is startling just to see and hear how Ugandan Christians have been fully submerged into the Theology of Political and Dominion Christianity. This is clearly a departure from Biblical Christianity and a full blown embracing on ‘Westernized Political Christianity’. Just like American Christians were deceived into voting GW Bush as a True Evangelical Christian, it is no doubt that his fruits show otherwise and Christians in America bare the reproach of GW Bush and his warmongering policies.
Ugandan Christians Go Crazy with Political Christianity…
The local press recently quoted the wife of the President in Uganda while running for Parliament Office as saying…
“I debated this (political move) with God and as a family. My husband even took it to the NRM executive, asking them if this is really something I should do. I told NEC that, whatever you do, just remember this is not my making. God has sent me to do this and when God sends me I must obey.” Sunday Vision January 1, 2006
Peter Ssematimba, a local Pastor and FM Radio Proprietor told the local press that…
“I do not consider myself a politician, but a leader. I have always had a burning desire to make sure I improve the image of Kampala City. God equipped me with the ability of leadership. So, He has sent me to lead the city and I am convinced I can do so.”
Sunday Vision January 1, 2006
The Leader and Overseer of All Born-Again Churches in Uganda has not been left untouched by Dominionist and Political Christian Theology. The sad part is that the “Overseer” of Evangelical Churches in Uganda has been hoodwinked by ‘Westernized Christianity’ and no different from the Ted Haggard of Evangelical America.
What made even matters worse, was the meeting in which the thousands of Born-Again innocent Christians came to pray as they entered the year 2006. The National Stadium was filled to capacity and the “Overseer” and other Christian leaders hoodwinked the undiscerning Christians into crying out for “forgiveness” for a local opposition candidate who has been imprisoned by the incumbent while at the same time the “Christian” leaders pushed Christians towards a Christian Dominionist Political agenda.
The “Overseer” has repeatedly announced that the evangelicals need to “field” their own ‘Born-Again’ presidential candidates who will promote the “Christian Cause” as quoted from the local press…
“The overseer of the Born-Again Churches, Apostle Alex Mitala, asked the Government to waive the registration of their churches as NGOs. He urged Christians to contest for political office and asked the Baganda to repent their sins and stop witchcraft.”
New Vision January 2, 2006
Prayer Meetings are Turned Political...
The Organizer of the “Passover” Annual prayer convocation, Pastor Joseph Sserwada sent a mixed message of forgiveness while at the same time subtly gearing support for the incumbent, Mr. Museveni. We must remember George Otis featured Pastor Joseph Sserwada on the ‘Transformations II’ Video/DVD series in regards to the ‘Revival” in Uganda.
Pastor Joseph Sserwada used the opportunity to promote Christian Dominionism in the National Stadium while thousands of innocent Christians gathered to prayer during the “Passover” prayer meeting. Pastor Joseph Sserwada asked the incumbent Mr. Museveni to “forgive” the opposition candidate Dr. Besigye who was jailed by the Museveni Government. Pastor Joseph Sserwada referred to Dr. Besigye as the “Prodigal son” and Mr. Museveni as the “Father” who should welcome his son back…
““I’m asking His Excellence to forgive Kizza Besigye,” he said, amid shouts of Alleluia and Amen from the capacity crowd. He asked Museveni to forgive Besigye, saying he was the master and Besigye, the servant, who would never be above him.”
New Vision January 2, 2006
The statement was calculated to send support to the incumbent Mr. Museveni. In other words, the innocent Christians were programmed to believe that the opposition candidate was just a ‘rebellious’ son and so support should be given to the ‘father’ who happens to be the incumbent.
Pastor Joseph Sserwada made his views clear the next day when he stated that if the incumbent Mr. Museveni could assure Dr. Besigye “forgiveness” then Pastor Joseph Sserwada and all his followers would support Mr. Museveni in his bid for re-elections…
“"I need to hear that the President agrees with the court decision. He (Besigye) could be re-arrested by other people. I appeal to him (Museveni) to restrain the UPDF and other people from taking him back… After the President has forgiven Besigye, I'm going to give him my support," he said. He said he would also ask people who support him to rally behind the President. Serwadda said the President seemed to be in agreement with his request to let Besigye free. Serwadda said he would ask Besigye to step down as presidential candidate and let Museveni compete with the rest.”
All Africa January 3, 2006
It is a shame that thousands of innocent Christians were gathered by the current evangelical leaders in Uganda and programmed and conditioned to turn political, to be used politically. Pastor Joseph Sserwada used “forgiveness” and “prayer” as a platform to gear support for the Political. The Church of Jesus Christ was turned into a Political Platform and tool. This is what ‘Transformations’ has really done in Africa. This is the “Strategic” Level warfare that Peter Wagner speaks about and Uganda has been a very good test case.
This statement by Pastor Joseph Sserwada has however, sent chills and debate in many circles in Kampala the capital as people are questioning the Pastor’s motives with his hypocritical politically motivated “forgiveness pleas” as posted in the ‘Letter’ Section of a Local Newspaper…
“I have always looked at a religious leader as one supposed to reconcile and unite children of God during times of disagreement, but recently as I was watching WBS, I heard something very strange. People supposed to be uniting us are causing more harm.
I mean, how can a Pastor call Besigye a prodigal son to Museveni? What message is that Pastor trying to send to his listeners? Isn't that Pastor taking sides now? If Besigye is the prodigal son, is Museveni a faithful and holy father? Is that Pastor for peace and unity?”
Daily Monitor January 5, 2006
“But the ideas that Dr Joseph Serwadda, the Senior pastor of Victory Christian Centre church, goes on to advance later leaves the discerning reader wondering whether one understood his motive. For he is reported promising his own support and that of his people “if the President would forgive Besigye”. He then publishes his intention to ask Besigye to step down as presidential candidate and let Museveni compete with the rest!”
New Vision January 6, 2006
As if that is not enough, one of Pastor Sserwada's associates has demanded that the opposition candidate pays homage to the Evangelical Churches otherwise the opposition Candidate will never be president. Is this not Charismatic Witchcraft? When did The Lord call us to be spiritual political bullies to the governments of this world? This clearly shows how 'Power Hungry' the church has been deceived to get...
"PASTOR Jamada Gyagenda of Victory Church in Nateete, Kampala, on Wednesday said Col. Kizza Besigye will never be President of Uganda if he does not go to any pentecostal church to thank God for his release on bail. He said Besigye was released because born again Christians prayed for him during their passover festival at Namboole Stadium on December 31."
New Vision January, 9 2006
Ugandan Pastor now an ‘Agent of Change and Transformation ‘…
Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga of Kampala Uganda has been traversing Western Cities as the ‘Ambassador’ of ‘Transformations’ in Uganda and testifying on the purported ‘Revival’ as reported by George Otis and the Sentinel Group. Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga is quoted speaking about the “Revival” and ‘Transformations’…
“Today, researchers say Uganda is one of the most transformed nations on the face of the earth. We've seen God transform the political system, the marketplace, and the church… In Uganda, we are living in a time of transformation. And the glory of God will transform America, too.” Christianity Today November/December 2003, Vol. 9, No. 6, Page 22
One wonders what kind of ‘Transformations’ is going on in Uganda. Truly the Peter Wagner, Rick Warren and George Otis experiment has worked and Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga can boldly claim, “Uganda is one of the most TRANSFORMED nations on the face of the earth”.
It is interesting that Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga goes ahead to tie the ‘Transformations’ to the Political System of the country…”We’ve seen God transform the political system, the marketplace, and the church…” The most important of all goals is the Strategic spiritual warfare in which Political systems are changed to favor the “Christians” so as to have “Christian” politicians and rulers who will favor the “Christian Cause”. This is nothing short of blasphemy and a replicate of Constantine Christianity in 313 AD.
The ‘Transformation’ that Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga speaks about in ‘Christianity Today’ is simply a successful invite of the world and demons into the church disguised as “Revival”. This is pure charismatic witchcraft and bewitching of the Ugandan Church. This ‘Transformations’ was a successful ‘Westernizing’ of the Ugandan Church by Peter Wagner and George Otis.
Pastor Jackson Ssenyonga went ahead on his ‘Transformation’ tours on the 700 Club to state how “Unity” is a precursor for the “Revival’ and the “Transformations”. However, one notes clearly how the doctrine of Dominionism and Political Christianity is always the Goal. One notices how Jackson Ssenyonga ties in the regime of Obote was overthrown and Museveni ushered in through a Guerilla warfare as the President…don’t forget, He is the President whose wife "re-dedicated" the Nation back to God and declared it a “Christian Nation”.
“Unity is more than having a crusade together; it takes a revelation of God to strike hearts in tangible ways, causing a need for each other. Because of the intensity of the spiritual darkness over a city, one man or one church cannot handle it. But when there is unity in the Body, the spiritual strongholds cannot withstand the combined strength…
Jackson says unfortunately the church in Uganda did not follow up, but rather went back to sleep and worshiped its own victories. Milton Obote again headed the government, and Jackson says it was back to the ugly days of villages being wiped out. Once again the church was desperate. In 1986 Obote was overthrown by the current leader, Yoweri Museveni.”
CBN’s 700 Club March 24, 2004
Ugandan TBN Tele-Evangelist and Political Christianity…
As if this is not enough, one of the most “famous” Ugandan Tele-Evangelist who happens to be a darling of TBN, Robert Kayanja, and featured on ‘Praise The Lord’ TBN programs many times has come up with ‘Political’ prophesies in which he has foreseen some presidential candidates quit, die and apparently one win election with a 61.8%.
Robert Kayanja a darling of TBN…
The Tele-Evangelist has strong ties with the President Museveni and has had the President officiate at the opening of many “Christian” Churches headed by the Tele-Evangelist.
It is interesting to note the message that President Museveni made as he officiated as guest of honor at the opening of the Kansanga Miracle Center, one of Robert Kayanja’s satellite Churches…
“"It is my pleasure to dedicate this church to God and to the salvation of our youth and our country. I am also happy to see that although you come from different churches, I can see more cooperation among faiths," a jovial Museveni said…Pastor Robert Kayanja, the head of the Miracle Centre churches said, "In 1986, you said this was not a mere change of guards but a fundamental change. You were prophesying. Your excellence, we request you come to dedicate to God our Entebbe Miracle Centre in December 2006.”
All Africa December 19, 2005
The message was clear and President Museveni made no mistake about it, he wants ”cooperation among faiths”, an ecumenism and universalism in Uganda. What more evidence does one need about the goals of Dominionist Theology, ‘Transformations’, George Otis, Peter Wagner, and Rick Warren? Is Robert Kayanja not truly ‘An Agent of Change’, a word coined by Rick Warren???
And if I may ask, when did Jesus Christ, the Apostles in the Book of Acts and early Christians invite their ‘heads of state’ to officiate at the opening their churches? When did Paul or Peter invite the Emperor to open their assemblies? Was not Emperor Constantine the first to “Officiate” at the “opening” of the first Roman Catholic Church in 313 AD and emphasized the “cooperation among faith”?????
Amazingly Robert Kayanja went ahead to state that President Museveni was “Prophesying” when the President took office through a Guerrilla war in 1986. Robert Kayanja then “Requests” the President to officiate at the opening of the Entebbe Miracle Center come December 2006. The “Man of God” subtly sends a message to all innocent Christians that he supports the incumbent President, Mr. Museveni. How does Robert Kayanja know that Museveni will win the 2006 elections to “Request”? What a working of Dominionist Theology in Uganda!
It is interesting to note that the Robert Kayanja Prophesies are geared towards the establishment of a Christian Dominion and promotion of a Worldwide Christian Utopia. The Tele-Evangelist stated that only candidates that “favor” The Lord’s cause would win the 2006 elections.
“There are going to be five candidates who will stand, two will drop off and one will die. Of the three, the winner will get 61.8%,” he said. Last year, he gave a similar prophecy.
Kayanja said all political parties were looking for power but what they needed was God in their endeavours. “Only candidates that are favouring the Lord’s cause shall win the 2006 elections,” he said.” New Vision January 2, 2006
The Robert Kayanja prophecies have been criticized by the locals and seen largely as politically motivated to boost support for Mr. Museveni. Even the Government owned Newspaper ran an editorial in stating that the Robert Kayanja prophecy was uncalled for. “Kayanja prophecy is not called for”, Editorial New Vision January 3, 2006
A local Christian is even suggested that it would not be unfit to call Robert Kayanja a ‘False Prophet’; another asks the motives behind the ‘political’ prophesy. Local Christians smell a very big rotten rat…
“I remember, the same pastor prophesied sometime back that the war in northern Uganda was coming to an end after a period which he specified but that did not happen.
I think it is high time some people distinguished prophesy from dreams and imagination. If Kayanja’s prophesy does not come to pass, will it not be fair comment to call him a false prophet?” New Vision January 5, 2006
“Prophets who prophesied doom in the bible like Jeremiah always explained the reason God was going to bring punishment to his people. What reason has Kayanja given?”
New Vision January 6, 2006
Pat Robertson and his African Copycats…
I was reminded about the American counterpart to Robert Kayanja, Pat Robertson and his 700 Club. Pat Robertson clearly gives a very good description of what Dominionism Christianity is. However, this is a very sad and serious issue. Pat Robertson called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and has had a number of pre-election prophecies too.
"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it...It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... and I don't think any oil shipments will stop." Pat Robertson
USA TODAY August 22, 2005
One wonders what the African ‘Pat Robertson’ copycats will be prophesying in the near future. This is no comical matter; it is serious and grievous before The Lord as hundreds of ‘Westernized Christianity’ Preachers in Africa take up the mantle of Dominionist Political Christianity from their Western Counterparts.
Robert Kayanja has had the unbiblical audacity of stating that politicians in Uganda were going to get born-again…
“He said the glory of God was going to cover Uganda, its neighbouring countries, wipe out the begging culture and politicians were going to get born-again.”
New Vision January 2, 2006
Robert Kayanja, the beloved of TBN and featured on ‘Transformations’ by George Otis is clearly a Prosperity and Dominionist Preacher and continues boasting about his prophesies that “came true” in Kenya where he fore told of a political shift in Kenya that would usher in a political change that would ‘favor’ only God’s agenda…
"There will be a great political shift in Kenya before Christmas of this year and on a given day between 4:30 and 5:30pm there will be an earthquake emerging from the Kenyan right valley. It will be felt through all Africa”
Sunday Vision December1, 2005
Interesting enough is the statement by Robert Kayanja posted on his FrontPage …”Come 2015; we are going to be one”…
"”I am not here as a Ugandan. We are all one people. Come 2015; we are going to be one. The days of bad leadership in Uganda and Kenya are over”. Kayanja, who was accompanied by his wife Jessica, delivered a startling prophesy that would symbolize the birth of a new nation, Kenya”. (I have saved this particular FrontPage for those who need more evidence)
There is no doubt that Robert Kayanja refers to the New World Order knowingly or I think unknowingly. The prophesy seems to point to the Federation of the East African Community and which the President of Uganda says that he seeks re-election so as to see this East African Federation come to pass…
“President Museveni says he is seeking another term in office to work towards the formation of the East African Federation and to fight household poverty in Uganda.”
Monitor December 22, 2005
Evangelical Leaders Show Support For Political Christianity and Prophesies...
Although many Christians and locals are cry foul towards Kayanja's Prophesy and are smelling a very big rotten rat, some church leaders in Uganda have come out unashamedly to support Robert Kayanja and his 'Political Prophesies'. The Church leaders who head the Evangelical Christians in Uganda have been hoodwinked into 'Political Christianity' and see that they must have a "Voice" in the Political Future of Uganda.
"“The church has a role in the nation’s unstable politics. We are supposed to have prophetic voices, and warn those who are going into weakness. God has given us the role of a watchman, so that we see things before they take place,” Pr. Laban Jjumba of Kansanga Deliverance Church said yesterday." New Vision January 6, 2006
Pastor Laban Jjumba happens to be one of the Ugandan Christian Leaders featured on 'Transformations II' by George Otis and the Sentinel Group. One wonders how far the Ugandan Christians have been bewitched by the demons of Dominionism and Political Christianity.
Apparently the many of the current Evangelical Church Leaders in Uganda don't smell the big fat rotten Christian Political Dominionism rat. They have truly been deceived by the likes of Robert Kayanja and his prophesies. they claim that they must have a "role" in the nations unstable politics and "prophetic voices"...these "Prophetic Voices" are nothing less than Evil Spirits that reign over Political Dominionist Christianity.
It seems that just because Robert Kayanja had Prophesies that came to pass therefore they are hoodwinked to believe that he is sent of God not knowing that Robert Kayanja and his political prophesies are part of the Great Delusion sent to deceive all who love the world and are friends of the world.
These Evangelical Church leaders seem to refuse to cross check their bibles and see if any so-called fulfilled prophesy makes one a True Prophet and 'Sent of God'...the Doctrine of Balaam reigns high in Ugandan Christendom.
Surely a Political Christianity Revival Exists…
There can be no much clear evidence that the “Revival” George Otis and his ‘Transformations II’ speak about is none evident in Uganda but a ‘Transformation’ is taking place to change innocent Christians into political machines and ‘Agents of Change’. Warren states.
The goal however, of the Dominionist Christians is very ominous and perilous; they plan a One World Christian utopia that definitely is leading to the anti-Christ and his one world religion and government. George Otis and his ‘Transformations’ are only promoting False Revivals in the likes of the “Toronto Blessings”, and “Pensacola Outpourings”.
Dear Saints of God, let us flee from ALL that which is unholy, for surely certain men have crept in among us and desire to take away the liberty we enjoy in Christ Jesus. These men are clear representatives of the Anti-Christ and Satan.
Ugandan Evangelical Leaders Mind-Controlled and Bewitched…
Ugandan Christian Leaders have been hoodwinked and bewitched by ‘Westernized Christianity’ in believing that they can achieve a Christian utopia and usher in the age of ‘Christian Rule’ in the world.
Satan and his evil spirits are deceiving African preachers through false prophesies that even come to pass but are very unbiblical, never line up with True Bible End-time Prophesy, and are only a ‘Purpose Drive’ to a one world religious system and the Anti-Christ government as we have evidenced with Pastor Robert Kayanja and his prophesies. So, by what spirit do Robert Kayanja and TBN prophesy? This should be clear to everyone.
Rick Warren, Peter Wagner, Robert Schuller, George Otis, Rev. Moon, TBN and Paul Crouch, Tim LaHaye and Left Behind Series, and all ‘Westernized Christianity’ must be very happy, Satan smiling behind them as they watch with amazement at how Dominionist Christianity is flourishing in Uganda, Africa; only if they could transplant this success or what they love to call Revival to America and the rest of the world.
What we see is clearly Christian Dominionism and a ‘Copy and Paste’ type of Christianity were African Christian Leaders simply copy and paste what they see their Western counterparts do without questioning the waters from whence they drink.
In this case Robert Kayanja is being ‘mind controlled’ and used by Western Christian Dominionist to promote False Christianity and a One World Anti Christ Religious System in Uganda, thanks to the auspices of ‘George Otis Transformations’, ‘Rick Warren Purpose Driven Life’ and ‘Paul Crouch’s TBN’; which are all the works of Satan and his illuminati world controllers.
We must remember that George Otis featured Robert Kayanja as one of the leaders from Uganda who had “witnessed” the ‘Transformations II’ a.k.a. “Revival” in Uganda as a result of Christian united prayer.
The Head of the True Church is NOT Man but Jesus Christ…
The Bible is so clear that the Head of the Body of Christ is Jesus Christ Himself and not Governments, Politicians or Businessmen. It is Blasphemy for the Saints to be used as a political tool to satisfy the cravings of evil and rich men of the earth. Christ Jesus as the Head of His Body has NEVER been Political or called His church to be as Such…
The Saints or the Church – The Elect, The Called Out Ones are SUBJECT to Christ Jesus. The Head of The True Church can NEVER be a MAN, if it is a MAN, flee that Church, it is NOT the Body of Christ. There has to be a clear Separation of Church and State…
Ephesians 5:22-24
22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
The Lord Jesus Christ Requires we separate from ALL that is Unholy…
However, the scriptures are so clear that we are to SEPARATE from all that which is evil, not of God, False Doctrines and the World and keep ourselves Holy and pure unto God. We are not to unite with false teachers and preachers just for the sake of Unity. The Head of The Body of Christ is Jesus Christ, that means doing everything according to God’s Holy Word.
2Corinthians 6:11-18
11 O Corinthians! We have spoken openly to you, our heart is wide open. 12 You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections. 13 Now in return for the same (I speak as to children), you also be open.
14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
“ I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people.”
17 Therefore
“ Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you.”
18 “ I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the LORD Almighty.”
The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is not of this world…
The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is NOT of this world and we must remember that it is Satan who is the prince of this world. Those who desire Political Christianity and the kingdoms of this world fall headlong into the trap of the Anti-Christ and Satan.
John 18:36
36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”
Jesus Christ rejected Satan’s offer of worldly kingdoms…
We must remember that our Lord and savior rejected the offer from Satan of the kingdoms of this world if He fell down and worship Satan; Jesus Christ rebuked the Devil with The Word of God. As Christians we must not allow ourselves to be taken over by this temptation to take over the nations of the earth pretending that we are doing it for Christ.
Matthew 4: 8-10
8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
10 Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”
Our Kingdom in Christ Jesus is clearly not of this world…
Our Allegiance belongs to Christ Jesus alone…
We are called to pray for those in leadership and yes, give to Caesar what belongs to him and to God what belongs to God. Yes, pay your Taxes to Caesar and forget those entire foolish devil trap Tax Breaks and Tax Exemptions (501 C3 Tax Exempt Status in the USA).
Stop the Unholy Alliance and Spiritual fornication between Church and State as a under the Bedcover of Tax Exemptions. If Jesus Christ paid His, then pay yours too. Our Allegiance Does NOT Belong to the State but to Christ Jesus Our Lord and Savior. Caesar should only get our taxes and prayers, not our Allegiance.
Matthew 22:18-22
18 But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, “Why do you test Me, you hypocrites? 19 Show Me the tax money.”
So they brought Him a denarius.
20 And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription is this?”
21 They said to Him, “Caesar’s.”
And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” 22 When they had heard these words, they marveled, and left Him and went their way.
Obey Laws of the land in context of Jesus Christ’s Lordship…
We obey the laws of the land as long as they don’t force us to sin, evil and denial of our Faith in Christ Jesus. The scriptures on ‘obeying’ government authorities have nothing to do with political Christianity and Dominionism. They have nothing to do with “fielding” a “Christian Presidential” Candidate.
They are seen clearly in the Context of Jesus Christ being Head of His Body and Total Allegiance to Jesus Christ and nothing less. Through Jesus Christ as Head of His Body, we hold a good testimony before the physical rulers of this World. Anything done out of the Context of Christ Jesus being Head of His Church is Spiritual Adultery and Fornication with the World.
1Peter 2:13-17 (Romans 13:1-5)
13 Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, 14 or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men— 16 as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. 17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
1 Timothy 2:1-2
1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
True Christians forbidden from war, rebellion and bloodshed…
Dominionism Christianity fosters Rebellion, Wars, and Bloodshed. Dominionism Christianity sees it fit to use the military muscle of the state to enforce “Christianity” around the world. The Religious Right and Evangelicals in America hold to this principle. They see the military machine of the ‘Mighty USA’ as God sent to punish the evildoers in this world a.k.a. terrorists, in order to establish “Christianity” around the world.
Current ‘American Christianity’ and their “Evangelical” President GW Bush are a very good example of the failures of Political Dominionist Christianity. The War and Bloodshed in Iraq based on deception and fraud has brought a reproach on Christians in America who are seen as Warmongers, Liars, Greedy, Haters of Truth, and Living by the Sword. But the Word of God is clear and prohibits us to take up arms as Christians and fight wars of this world. Those who live by the sword will perish by the sword.
Matthew 26:51-54
51 And suddenly, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
52 But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. 53 Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? 54 How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must happen thus?”
“Vengeance is Mine…” says the Lord…
The Lord is very clear on retaliation. His Words says that vengeance belongs to the Lord and we overcome evil with good. As true Christians we are forbidden to revenge in anyway other than paying evil with good. We are not to engage in hate, lies, murder, and the attack of other nations in the name of Christ as some Evangelical Christians demonstrated in the USA with their “Evangelical” President GW Bush. We are called to bless those who persecute us and live repay no evil for evil.
Romans 12:14-21
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. 16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.
17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. 18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written,
“Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 Therefore
“ If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
History Keeps Repeating – Nothing new under the sun…
Whoever said it was right that “History Keeps Repeating”, ‘Westernized Christianity’ is a replicate of Constantine in 313 AD and his creation of the ‘Universal Church’. The results were disastrous, the Inquisition, Murder, Hate, Genocides, Crusades and the Dark Ages.
As True Christians who love Jesus Christ, let us not be a part of the Dominionist Christianity that George Otis and his ‘Transformations’ are promoting. Truly the Dark Ages Part II is coming upon the world courtesy of ‘Westernized Christianity’, or should I say ‘Constantine-nized’ Christianity.
All who Love Jesus Christ will suffer persecution…
We must be willing to suffer for our Faith for the sake of Christ Jesus and stop the creation of Political, Social and Economical Christian Comfort Zones. If you Truly Love Jesus Christ, the World will HATE you but if you are a DARLING of The World then you are an ENEMY of Christ Jesus – Check yourself again to make sure you still stand in the Faith…
John 15:18-21
18 “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.
Romans 8:5-8
5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
1 Timothy 3:12
12 Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution
Kayanja Prophesy coming to Pass does not make him a Prophet...
Many Ugandan Christians have been overtaken by the prophesies of Kayanja coming to pass and as such many are confused thinking he is a "Man of God" and therefore get carried away by Robert Kayanja's Clear Political Christianity ambitions and Prophesies...
Ezekiel 14:6-11
6 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Repent, turn away from your idols, and turn your faces away from all your abominations. 7 For anyone of the house of Israel, or of the strangers who dwell in Israel, who separates himself from Me and sets up his idols in his heart and puts before him what causes him to stumble into iniquity, then comes to a prophet to inquire of him concerning Me, I the LORD will answer him by Myself. 8 I will set My face against that man and make him a sign and a proverb, and I will cut him off from the midst of My people. Then you shall know that I am the LORD.
9 “And if the prophet is induced to speak anything, I the LORD have induced that prophet, and I will stretch out My hand against him and destroy him from among My people Israel. 10 And they shall bear their iniquity; the punishment of the prophet shall be the same as the punishment of the one who inquired, 11 that the house of Israel may no longer stray from Me, nor be profaned anymore with all their transgressions, but that they may be My people and I may be their God,” says the Lord GOD.’”
2 Peter 2:1-3 and 2 Peter 2:15-16
1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber...
...15 They have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; 16 but he was rebuked for his iniquity: a dumb donkey speaking with a man’s voice restrained the madness of the prophet.
Revelations 2:14
14 But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality.
Matthew 24: 24-25
24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.
Matthew 7:21-23
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Uganda and Africa, let us not be deceived and hoodwinked by "Men of God" simply because they prophesied and it came to pass. Let us be very careful, the days are so evil. Look for the fruits of these so-called prophets, you will see them clear, prosperity, riches, wealth, money, false doctrines, etc, and certainly Political Christianity.
Current Ugandan Church in Love with the World…
I will personally testify that what I have seen in many Churches Uganda (especially urban middle class churches), is the world in the Church and the Church being very good friends with the world. The current church in Uganda is not as the former suffering church, persecuted church, and hated church. It is a Prosperity and Purpose Driven Church. It is a Church with Leaders after money, wealth, riches, fame and the glories of this world.
This is a church completely conforming to the Image of the World and NEVER being TRANSFORMED to the IMAGE of CHRIST JESUS and HIS HOLY WORD. Many a Ugandan and African Pastors have resorted to quick money from such ‘Westernized Christianity’ ‘Apostles’ like Rick Warren, George Otis and Peter Wagner. They have turned to them for money while deceiving them that a “Revival” is happening across Africa. The Western Preachers and Revival Hunters love lies and deceit and HATE TRUTH, therefore the deceived get more deceived.
African Christians ‘Raped’ By ‘Westernized Christianity’ Wolves…
The main gospel in many Ugandan churches today is one about Prosperity and getting out of poverty by giving a tithe to the “Men of God” some of whom are featured on ‘Transformations II’ by George Otis.
Some of these “Men of God” featured on the Transformations II Video/DVD by George Otis are men embroiled in materialism, buy expensive cars, build mansions, build Multi-Million Dollar Churches, preach false doctrines and at the end of the day claim that “Revival” and “Transformation” is happening in Africa. This is pure lies, deceit, greed, and sleeping in the bed with Satan to engage in Spiritual Adultery.
The so-called Transformations as claimed by George Otis is nothing short of Obscenity, Spiritual Fornication, and the Raping of the African Christians in search of False Revivals while hypocritically ‘Transforming’ them to ‘Westernized Christianity’ and to the Image of the World using Prayer, Unity, and Evangelism as a Pretext.
The ‘Transformations’ by George Otis is nothing less of what Rick Warren is doing in Africa in the creation of a Worldwide Purpose Driven Church. This is clearly a ‘Rape’ of the African Christians by Western Christian Wolves roaming around the world in creation of One World Government.
To such men is stored furor of judgment and brimstone unless they REPENT NOW! The Lord Jesus Christ will not sit silently and watch such demonic garbage and filth go on as ‘Westernized Christianity’ Wolves eat His innocent Lambs around the world.
Money has become a source of evil…
Part of the reason for failure to discern ‘Western Christian Wolves’ in Africa has been the love of money by the current Christian leadership in Africa. Uganda is a very poor country and as such preachers, pastors and church leaders struggle to meet the basic needs of their life while catering for the sheep under their care.
When Western Wolves in the likes of Rick Warren, Peter Wagner, Tim LaHaye – Left Behind Series and many others come to Africa, they ‘trap’ the hungry and undiscerning leadership. Money becomes a source of evil and as such the African Christian Leaders get bought.
They look to the wealthy western Christian leaders and think that Christianity is what the West has and success is ‘truly’ defined by ‘Westernized Christianity’ leaders like Rick Warren and the gobbledygook of George Otis and his ‘Transformations’.
Western Christian Media has also played a huge role in the brainwashing, conditioning and mind control of African Leaders forcing them into subtle submission to the doctrines of ‘Westernized Christianity’ without even a fight.
TBN has truly been that ‘Agent of Change’ in the ‘Transformations’ of African Christians to ‘Westernized Christianity’, which is all the work of the Anti-Christ and one world government system.
Message to All African Christian Leaders is REPENT!
My final message to all the African Leaders involved with George Otis, Transformations II, Peter Wagner and Rick Warren is that please Repent before it is too late.
I call upon the African Christian Leaders to re-examine what they have been taught by George Otis, Transformations II, and Peter Wagner, see if their teachings line up with God’s Word. Renounce all the false Doctrines and teachings from these men and Repent and return to The Lord Jesus Christ.
Totally separate your selves from Dominionist and Political Christianity. The Saints of God are not a ‘Political Machine’ that can be used to bring some candidate into office to promote the ‘Christian Cause’. Jesus Christ is the Head of His church and not some politician or businessmen.
Let there be a SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. I call upon African Christian leaders to totally separate from all that is unholy. Don’t believe in American Political Evangecalism. Believe God’s Word. Separate your selves to the Lord and be holy even as the Lord is Holy. For without Holiness NO ONE WILL SEE GOD.
Repent and return to the True and Holy Word of God. Return to the Whole Counsel of God’s Word and not the wisdom and philosophies of men engineered in Western Ivy League Bible Colleges. Repent and again I say Repent!
Repent, Repent, Repent, Turn Away from Evil, Repent;
The Lord is still so Merciful to Forgive, Heal and Restore...
Revelations 3:14-22
14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked—
18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
22 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”’”
Your Servant in Christ Jesus
Kato Mivule