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Thursday, 20 December 2007
Was the 'crippled' man really healed?
Benny Hinn in Kampala, Uganda
Was the 'crippled' man really healed?
By Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service
June 12, 2007
To the Reader: The following information details an encounter between Benny Hinn and a crippled man named Moses, who, according to Hinn's Kampala, Uganda Crusade Report and a This Is Your Day! telecast, had been crippled since birth.
This information is not meant to satirize, ill-treat, or ridicule Moses. It does, however, expose more incredible, in-your-face deception that permeates the most prolific false prophet, false teacher, and false healer of our day.
On May 18-19, 2007, Benny Hinn conducted his first "Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade" in Uganda at the Nelson Mandela National Stadium in Kampala. The following information contains direct quotes from Benny Hinn's website, and a word-for-word transcript of portions of Benny Hinn's Monday, 6/4/07 This Is
Your Day! Archive Show.
Beginning with the Uganda Crusade Report from Benny Hinn's website, the reader is informed that,
Nationally distributed newspapers proclaimed, "The lame walked, the blind had their eyes opened, the deaf heard, and the sick recovered at the first-ever Pastor Benny Hinn crusade in Uganda!" ("Crusade In Uganda Draws International Audience," ).
The Crusade Report also shares "The Moving Story of Moses," which states in part that,
One of the most amazing stories that was shared with everyone was the story of Moses. At the close of the first service, the young man named came to the platform. Pastor Benny noticed that Moses was wearing no shoes. He quickly learned that Moses had been crippled since birth (emp. added).
"The Moving Story of Moses" goes on to state that Moses entered Hinn's crusade in a wheelchair, was accompanied by his sister, and that the 28 year old Moses took his first steps during the crusade.
The story contains two photos of Benny Hinn and Moses. The first photo is from the waist up. The second is full-length, where the reader will notice Moses' left leg, which is obviously bent at the knee and bowed inward.
Was the 'crippled' man really healed?
The following is a word-for-word transcript of a portion of Benny Hinn's Monday, 6/4/07 This Is Your Day! Archive Shows telecast of the "Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade" in Kampala, Uganda, ).
At 11 minutes:28 seconds into the telecast, a conversation takes place between Benny Hinn, Henry Hinn (Benny Hinn's brother), Benny Hinn's crusade interpreter, and Moses the crippled man:
Benny Hinn: "He has been a cripple from birth!"
Henry Hinn: "His mother; he was born in 1979. This is Moses, born in 1979; paralyzed when he was born. He couldn't move! He couldn't move his body! He, this is his wheelchair. He was back there. I saw him back there; pulled his way out of the wheelchair, and just began walking."
Benny Hinn [looks at Moses and asks]: "You've been a cripple all your life?"
Interpreter: "He has never walked. This is the first time."
Benny Hinn: "Now, you've never walked?"
Moses: "No."
Benny Hinn: "Ladies and gentlemen, this young man has never walked. You understand? From his mother's womb he was born a cripple. For the first time tonight, he's using his legs."
At 12 minutes:36 seconds into the telecast, Moses struggles to balance himself on one leg, and says he wants to be saved. Benny Hinn raises his hands and thousands cheer.
Benny Hinn: "Listen. The man has just walked for the first time in his life."
At this point, Benny Hinn instructs the crowd to stand up, and begins quoting from Isaiah 53:5. Afterwards, Benny Hinn states,
And the man comes up. You know what it's like for me to stand here and listen to a young man who had never walked in his life, and tell me, 'I want to be saved'?
At 14 minutes:22 seconds into the telecast, referring to Moses, Benny Hinn states,
His legs. Life is coming back in his legs tonight.
At 16 minutes:55 seconds into the telecast, Benny Hinn states,
You know, I'm, I'm standing here next to this young man. We better never take this for granted; never forget the privilege.
At 18 minutes:05 seconds into the telecast, Benny Hinn pronounces Moses healed:
Here's a young man who says, 'I want to be saved.' He's healed. He's happy about that but he really wants to be saved. That's what he wants.
At 21 minutes:05 seconds into the telecast, the Kampala, Uganda segment ends and returns to Benny Hinn in his This Is Your Day! studio, where Hinn states:
What a Lord we serve. There's none like Jesus is there? To heal this young man, like this, a cripple from birth. And then for the young man to look at me and say, 'I want to be saved.' This, I, I'm telling ya; there's nothing like it. Nothing.
Towards the end of the telecast at 22 minutes:04 seconds, Benny Hinn once again reminds his viewers that Moses was crippled from birth, and that he stood for the first time in his life:
And then this, this young man. I mean, this is one of the greatest miracles I've seen in really a long time. We've seen wonderful miracles. But, you know, to see a young man crippled from birth just standing for the first time in his life--in front of me--and he stood with no shoes on, with clothes that weren't that nice.
But the next night when he came back, he had new shoes for the first time in his life. And he had new clothing. And now he is in a Bible school.
The video evidence
If a picture is worth a thousands words, then a video must be worth its weight in gold. Benny Hinn is no stranger to controversy and deception, and the video evidence of Hinn's encounter with Moses does not lie.
At 22 minutes:17 seconds into the telecast, Moses and Benny Hinn are shown together on-stage during the crusade. Moses is balancing himself on his right leg. His left leg is still bent inward at the knee.
At 22 minutes:29 seconds into the telecast, Moses is seen limping to the stage. As he approaches the stairs to the stage, Moses is assisted up the stairs by Henry Hinn. Two "catchers" are behind Moses at the bottom of the stairs.
As Moses slowly hobbled up the stairs, he uses the stair-rails to assist his climb. His left leg remained bent inward during his climb. When Moses finally reached the top of the stairs and onto the stage, he was not only assisted by his sister, he limped to Benny Hinn with outstretched arms.
Therefore, was the crippled man Moses really healed? No. Yet, he was pronounced "healed" by Benny Hinn.
It bears repeating again: Benny Hinn follows a counterfeit Jesus, counterfeit gospel, and counterfeit spirit (Galatians 1:6-9; 2 Corinthians 11:3-4). Hinn's god is incapable of healing precious people like Moses.
However, Benny Hinn's god is capable of deceiving the masses into thinking a legitimate healing has taken place.
The crippled and lame: true accounts of healing
"One need not be a doctor or physical therapist to know when someone is walking abnormally and in pain. Most importantly, where in the Bible does it say that when Jesus healed someone, they remained partially blind, partially diseased, or walked away limping? It doesn't" (Bud Press, "MIRACLE IN TRINIDAD?" ).
One need not look to Benny Hinn and like-minded false healers for true accounts of healing. God's word records numerous accounts of legitimate healings of all types, including those who were lame and crippled from birth:
The news about Him spread throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were ill, those suffering with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them (Matthew 4:24).
Departing from there, Jesus went along by the Sea of Galilee, and having gone up on the mountain, He was sitting there. And large crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many others, and they laid them down at His feet; and He healed them. So the crowd marveled as they saw the mute speaking, the crippled restored, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel (Matthew 15:29-31).
And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them (Matthew 21:14).
Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer. And a man who had been lame from his mother's womb was being carried along, whom they used to set down every day at the gate of the temple which is
called Beautiful, in order to beg alms of those who were entering the temple. When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he began asking to receive alms. But Peter, along with John, fixed his gaze on him and said, "Look at us!" And he began to give them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene--walk!" And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up; and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened. With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God (Acts 3:1-9).
For in the case of many who had unclean spirits, they were coming out of them shouting with a loud voice; and many who had been paralyzed and lame were healed (Acts 8:7).
At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother's womb, who had never walked. This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze on him and had seen that he had faith to be made well, said with a loud voice, "Stand upright on your feet." And he leaped up and began to walk (Acts 14:8-10).
When Jesus healed the lame and crippled, they didn't get up, limp around, and struggle to maintain balance. When the apostles used their gift of healing through the power of God, there was no lag-time in between and no ifs, ands or buts. The feet, ankles, and legs of the lame and crippled were immediately straightened and made whole.
None could deny Jesus' miracles, nor could they deny the apostles' gift of healing through the miraculous power of God.
2,000 years later, although Benny Hinn is adored and idolized by his followers, he has once again clearly demonstrated his inability to heal the sick, dying, and crippled by the power of God. Indeed, the testimony of God's word proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Benny Hinn is a charlatan and a false healer.
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them (Isaiah 8:20).
The God of the Bible forgives, saves, sanctifies, and redeems the unsaved. The God of the Bible also heals broken bodies--according to His perfect will, that is:
This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us (1 John 5:14).
Sometimes, God's perfect will for the believer includes incredible suffering and persecution, of which the apostle Paul endured in 2 Corinthians 11:18-30.
Under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the apostle John wrote:
We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error (1 John 4:6).
Those who listen to God and study His word will know the difference between truth and error, as well as the difference between a true and false healing.
God does not work miracles through hyper-heretical faith healers like Benny Hinn, because Benny Hinn and those like him are ...false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
Final comments: To the skeptic and unbeliever
The situation with Moses is both sad and tragic. It not only serves as fuel for the skeptics and unbelievers to downplay Christianity, it serves to drive the unsaved deeper into sin and further away from accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Accordingly, a skeptic or unbeliever who witnessed the encounter between Benny Hinn and Moses may say, Benny Hinn proclaimed a "crippled" man healed, but the man continued to limp. If this is what Christianity is all about, then I want no part of it.
The fact of the matter is that individuals like Benny Hinn have been around for thousands of years. They do not represent true Christianity. They are, as the Bible warns: savage wolves (Acts 20:27-31); distorters of the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:6-9); false brothers (Galatians 2:4-5); enemies of the cross (Philippians 3:18-19); stumbling blocks to those searching for truth (Matthew 18:7); false prophets (Matthew 24:11); false teachers (2 Timothy 4:3-4); false healers (Matthew 7:21-23); and more.
This is why it is extremely important to trust in Jesus Christ and the truth of His word over-and-above the Benny Hinn's of this world. While Benny Hinn has a long history of controversy and deception, Jesus Christ will not lie or deceive you, for He alone is the Healer of souls:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30; KJV).
For additional articles and information on Benny Hinn, please refer to
Christian Research Service's "Benny Hinn: False Prophet" page at
Bud Press is the Director of Christian Research Service and a Christian Investigative Researcher. Christian Research Service is a discernment ministry that provides information, documentation and referral on a wide variety of issues to the body of Christ and the Christian news media worldwide. All correspondence is subject to public scrutiny.
Was the 'crippled' man really healed?
By Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service
June 12, 2007
To the Reader: The following information details an encounter between Benny Hinn and a crippled man named Moses, who, according to Hinn's Kampala, Uganda Crusade Report and a This Is Your Day! telecast, had been crippled since birth.
This information is not meant to satirize, ill-treat, or ridicule Moses. It does, however, expose more incredible, in-your-face deception that permeates the most prolific false prophet, false teacher, and false healer of our day.
On May 18-19, 2007, Benny Hinn conducted his first "Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade" in Uganda at the Nelson Mandela National Stadium in Kampala. The following information contains direct quotes from Benny Hinn's website, and a word-for-word transcript of portions of Benny Hinn's Monday, 6/4/07 This Is
Your Day! Archive Show.
Beginning with the Uganda Crusade Report from Benny Hinn's website, the reader is informed that,
Nationally distributed newspapers proclaimed, "The lame walked, the blind had their eyes opened, the deaf heard, and the sick recovered at the first-ever Pastor Benny Hinn crusade in Uganda!" ("Crusade In Uganda Draws International Audience," ).
The Crusade Report also shares "The Moving Story of Moses," which states in part that,
One of the most amazing stories that was shared with everyone was the story of Moses. At the close of the first service, the young man named came to the platform. Pastor Benny noticed that Moses was wearing no shoes. He quickly learned that Moses had been crippled since birth (emp. added).
"The Moving Story of Moses" goes on to state that Moses entered Hinn's crusade in a wheelchair, was accompanied by his sister, and that the 28 year old Moses took his first steps during the crusade.
The story contains two photos of Benny Hinn and Moses. The first photo is from the waist up. The second is full-length, where the reader will notice Moses' left leg, which is obviously bent at the knee and bowed inward.
Was the 'crippled' man really healed?
The following is a word-for-word transcript of a portion of Benny Hinn's Monday, 6/4/07 This Is Your Day! Archive Shows telecast of the "Holy Spirit Miracle Crusade" in Kampala, Uganda, ).
At 11 minutes:28 seconds into the telecast, a conversation takes place between Benny Hinn, Henry Hinn (Benny Hinn's brother), Benny Hinn's crusade interpreter, and Moses the crippled man:
Benny Hinn: "He has been a cripple from birth!"
Henry Hinn: "His mother; he was born in 1979. This is Moses, born in 1979; paralyzed when he was born. He couldn't move! He couldn't move his body! He, this is his wheelchair. He was back there. I saw him back there; pulled his way out of the wheelchair, and just began walking."
Benny Hinn [looks at Moses and asks]: "You've been a cripple all your life?"
Interpreter: "He has never walked. This is the first time."
Benny Hinn: "Now, you've never walked?"
Moses: "No."
Benny Hinn: "Ladies and gentlemen, this young man has never walked. You understand? From his mother's womb he was born a cripple. For the first time tonight, he's using his legs."
At 12 minutes:36 seconds into the telecast, Moses struggles to balance himself on one leg, and says he wants to be saved. Benny Hinn raises his hands and thousands cheer.
Benny Hinn: "Listen. The man has just walked for the first time in his life."
At this point, Benny Hinn instructs the crowd to stand up, and begins quoting from Isaiah 53:5. Afterwards, Benny Hinn states,
And the man comes up. You know what it's like for me to stand here and listen to a young man who had never walked in his life, and tell me, 'I want to be saved'?
At 14 minutes:22 seconds into the telecast, referring to Moses, Benny Hinn states,
His legs. Life is coming back in his legs tonight.
At 16 minutes:55 seconds into the telecast, Benny Hinn states,
You know, I'm, I'm standing here next to this young man. We better never take this for granted; never forget the privilege.
At 18 minutes:05 seconds into the telecast, Benny Hinn pronounces Moses healed:
Here's a young man who says, 'I want to be saved.' He's healed. He's happy about that but he really wants to be saved. That's what he wants.
At 21 minutes:05 seconds into the telecast, the Kampala, Uganda segment ends and returns to Benny Hinn in his This Is Your Day! studio, where Hinn states:
What a Lord we serve. There's none like Jesus is there? To heal this young man, like this, a cripple from birth. And then for the young man to look at me and say, 'I want to be saved.' This, I, I'm telling ya; there's nothing like it. Nothing.
Towards the end of the telecast at 22 minutes:04 seconds, Benny Hinn once again reminds his viewers that Moses was crippled from birth, and that he stood for the first time in his life:
And then this, this young man. I mean, this is one of the greatest miracles I've seen in really a long time. We've seen wonderful miracles. But, you know, to see a young man crippled from birth just standing for the first time in his life--in front of me--and he stood with no shoes on, with clothes that weren't that nice.
But the next night when he came back, he had new shoes for the first time in his life. And he had new clothing. And now he is in a Bible school.
The video evidence
If a picture is worth a thousands words, then a video must be worth its weight in gold. Benny Hinn is no stranger to controversy and deception, and the video evidence of Hinn's encounter with Moses does not lie.
At 22 minutes:17 seconds into the telecast, Moses and Benny Hinn are shown together on-stage during the crusade. Moses is balancing himself on his right leg. His left leg is still bent inward at the knee.
At 22 minutes:29 seconds into the telecast, Moses is seen limping to the stage. As he approaches the stairs to the stage, Moses is assisted up the stairs by Henry Hinn. Two "catchers" are behind Moses at the bottom of the stairs.
As Moses slowly hobbled up the stairs, he uses the stair-rails to assist his climb. His left leg remained bent inward during his climb. When Moses finally reached the top of the stairs and onto the stage, he was not only assisted by his sister, he limped to Benny Hinn with outstretched arms.
Therefore, was the crippled man Moses really healed? No. Yet, he was pronounced "healed" by Benny Hinn.
It bears repeating again: Benny Hinn follows a counterfeit Jesus, counterfeit gospel, and counterfeit spirit (Galatians 1:6-9; 2 Corinthians 11:3-4). Hinn's god is incapable of healing precious people like Moses.
However, Benny Hinn's god is capable of deceiving the masses into thinking a legitimate healing has taken place.
The crippled and lame: true accounts of healing
"One need not be a doctor or physical therapist to know when someone is walking abnormally and in pain. Most importantly, where in the Bible does it say that when Jesus healed someone, they remained partially blind, partially diseased, or walked away limping? It doesn't" (Bud Press, "MIRACLE IN TRINIDAD?" ).
One need not look to Benny Hinn and like-minded false healers for true accounts of healing. God's word records numerous accounts of legitimate healings of all types, including those who were lame and crippled from birth:
The news about Him spread throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were ill, those suffering with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them (Matthew 4:24).
Departing from there, Jesus went along by the Sea of Galilee, and having gone up on the mountain, He was sitting there. And large crowds came to Him, bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many others, and they laid them down at His feet; and He healed them. So the crowd marveled as they saw the mute speaking, the crippled restored, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel (Matthew 15:29-31).
And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them (Matthew 21:14).
Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer. And a man who had been lame from his mother's womb was being carried along, whom they used to set down every day at the gate of the temple which is
called Beautiful, in order to beg alms of those who were entering the temple. When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he began asking to receive alms. But Peter, along with John, fixed his gaze on him and said, "Look at us!" And he began to give them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene--walk!" And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up; and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened. With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God (Acts 3:1-9).
For in the case of many who had unclean spirits, they were coming out of them shouting with a loud voice; and many who had been paralyzed and lame were healed (Acts 8:7).
At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother's womb, who had never walked. This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze on him and had seen that he had faith to be made well, said with a loud voice, "Stand upright on your feet." And he leaped up and began to walk (Acts 14:8-10).
When Jesus healed the lame and crippled, they didn't get up, limp around, and struggle to maintain balance. When the apostles used their gift of healing through the power of God, there was no lag-time in between and no ifs, ands or buts. The feet, ankles, and legs of the lame and crippled were immediately straightened and made whole.
None could deny Jesus' miracles, nor could they deny the apostles' gift of healing through the miraculous power of God.
2,000 years later, although Benny Hinn is adored and idolized by his followers, he has once again clearly demonstrated his inability to heal the sick, dying, and crippled by the power of God. Indeed, the testimony of God's word proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Benny Hinn is a charlatan and a false healer.
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them (Isaiah 8:20).
The God of the Bible forgives, saves, sanctifies, and redeems the unsaved. The God of the Bible also heals broken bodies--according to His perfect will, that is:
This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us (1 John 5:14).
Sometimes, God's perfect will for the believer includes incredible suffering and persecution, of which the apostle Paul endured in 2 Corinthians 11:18-30.
Under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the apostle John wrote:
We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error (1 John 4:6).
Those who listen to God and study His word will know the difference between truth and error, as well as the difference between a true and false healing.
God does not work miracles through hyper-heretical faith healers like Benny Hinn, because Benny Hinn and those like him are ...false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds (2 Corinthians 11:13-15).
Final comments: To the skeptic and unbeliever
The situation with Moses is both sad and tragic. It not only serves as fuel for the skeptics and unbelievers to downplay Christianity, it serves to drive the unsaved deeper into sin and further away from accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Accordingly, a skeptic or unbeliever who witnessed the encounter between Benny Hinn and Moses may say, Benny Hinn proclaimed a "crippled" man healed, but the man continued to limp. If this is what Christianity is all about, then I want no part of it.
The fact of the matter is that individuals like Benny Hinn have been around for thousands of years. They do not represent true Christianity. They are, as the Bible warns: savage wolves (Acts 20:27-31); distorters of the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:6-9); false brothers (Galatians 2:4-5); enemies of the cross (Philippians 3:18-19); stumbling blocks to those searching for truth (Matthew 18:7); false prophets (Matthew 24:11); false teachers (2 Timothy 4:3-4); false healers (Matthew 7:21-23); and more.
This is why it is extremely important to trust in Jesus Christ and the truth of His word over-and-above the Benny Hinn's of this world. While Benny Hinn has a long history of controversy and deception, Jesus Christ will not lie or deceive you, for He alone is the Healer of souls:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30; KJV).
For additional articles and information on Benny Hinn, please refer to
Christian Research Service's "Benny Hinn: False Prophet" page at
Bud Press is the Director of Christian Research Service and a Christian Investigative Researcher. Christian Research Service is a discernment ministry that provides information, documentation and referral on a wide variety of issues to the body of Christ and the Christian news media worldwide. All correspondence is subject to public scrutiny.
Pastor rapes, impregnates his daughter
Pastor rapes, impregnates his daughter
December 20, 2007
By Richard M. Kavuma
A Kampala preacher who allegedly raped and impregnated his 16-year-old daughter says jealous pastors simply want to bring him down.
The girl produced a baby boy who made 6 months this week.
In a bizarre twist, the mother of his abused girl claims that she herself was forced into sex by the same pastor, resulting in the conception of Lucia (real name withheld).
Pastor Herbert Bugembe, 33, of the defunct Great Commission Christian Centre in Bweyogerere, is said to have raped Lucia, now 17, in Nairobi last year.
Lucia’s mother, Joyce, claims that she conceived her daughter after Bugembe forcibly had sex with her in 1989.
At that time, both Bugembe and Joyce were only 15, the same age Lucia was when she was allegedly raped by her father.
Under Chapter 14 of the Penal Code Act, both rape and defilement carry a maximum death penalty. Incest, which is sexual intercourse with a blood-relative, is punishable by up to seven years. If the person with whom the incest was committed is below 18, a culprit faces life imprisonment.
Bugembe this week calmly denied Lucia’s accusations in a two-hour interview outside his house in Mutungo, charging that some pastors were trying to tarnish his name. He said he had temporarily put his church on hold because of the problems associated with Lucia.
But this newspaper has seen signed documents where Bugembe admits that he “attempted” to sexually assault his daughter. In another document signed five months ago, Bugembe admitted being the father of his daughter’s child, who made six months on Monday.
The Weekly Observer has learnt that Bugembe was reported to the Police CID in Kampala by a child-rights organisation in September. But no action has been taken so far, reportedly because the case is complicated by the fact that the alleged crime was committed in another country.
Long story
Spanning two decades and two countries, the story starts in Jinja in 1989. Joyce was working as house-girl at the home of Bugembe’s elder sister, Sarah. Bugembe, then 15, was living with the family.
In an interview at her two-room rented home in Kayunga last week, Joyce said Bugembe forcibly had sex with her that year. By the time she found out that she was pregnant, she had lost her house-girl’s job and returned to Kayunga. She went on to deliver Lucia but Bugembe denied that he was the father.
On his part, Bugembe told The Weekly Observer that “like any young man then”, he “played around” with Joyce “about 20 years ago”. As to whether he was the father of Lucia, Bugembe said the matter would be resolved by a DNA test, which he was ready to pay for. He did not say why that test has never been taken.
Joyce, now a married mother of seven, says that Bugembe’s relatives, persuaded by a resemblance between him and the baby, accepted Lucia and lived with her at various times. Aged 7, she was taken in by Bugembe’s sister called Prosy who lived in Nsambya. It was not until she was 14 that she moved to Mutungo Zone 6, where her father Bugembe lives with his wife and six children.
Father’s care
What happened thereafter is not clear and depends on who you talk to. Lucia says she was mistreated by both her father and step-mother. At one point she ran away and went to live with her mother in Kayunga. On other occasions, she either took refuge at a teacher’s house or a Local Councillor’s home, because Bugembe allegedly wanted to rape her.
In response to these allegations, Bugembe calls Lucia a liar who has teamed up with rival pastors to bring him down. Asked to name and shame these jealous pastors, Bugembe said he had not kept their names, as that would create lasting enmity – something unchristian.
He also claimed that Lucia was being sponsored by her mother to make the allegations in order to get money out of him. To show how bad his daughter can be, Bugembe said that Lucia had gone to the extent of smuggling witchcraft – green leaves and tips of chicken legs wrapped in bark cloth – into his bedroom.
“But do you think [Lucia] can design witchcraft?” Bugembe said. “There is a force behind her. When you become a pastor, you have to be ready for any attack.”
However, the area Local Council leaders have a different story. The Mutungo Zone 6 Secretary for Women, Jane Nalongo Lugayizi, said she was aware that Lucia had run away from home several times, claiming that Bugembe was harassing her.
In March 2005, the girl sought shelter in a neighbour’s house and the neighbour took her to Nalongo at night. A meeting was convened that night involving local leaders, Lucia, Bugembe, his wife, and his in-laws. At the end of the meeting, said to have ended about 2 a.m., Bugembe wrote and signed a statement committing himself to be a better parent.
Taking responsibility
“I, Pastor Herbert Bugembe of Mutungo Zone 6… have accepted the claims and reports that were reported by [Lucia] that on the 20th of March 2005, I attempted to unlawfully have sexual intercourse with my daughter and upon refusing, I beat her and caused her to run away from our home… and it was the second time it was happening to the child,” Bugembe wrote in the statement dated March 30, 2005.
Bugembe further writes that the matter had been reported to Kitintale Police Post on March 27, 2005 by Lucia’s teacher. He ends by promising to put his daughter in a good boarding school and asking all present to forgive him.
According to Nalongo, the matter was then considered closed. But it did not end there. Bugembe says that last year, he had a mission to preach in 32 churches in Kenya and he took his family with him.
Lucia says that her father promised he would place her in a vocational school in Kenya. It was there in Mwimuto, near Nairobi, that Bugembe allegedly raped her.
“It was around 4 a.m. I was sleeping in the chair. I was wearing my night dress. He only had a towel wrapped around his body. Then I saw someone sitting on me and holding my mouth and I was struggling to shout… When he got off me, he entered his room and closed the door. I cried a lot.”
In the interview with The Weekly Observer, Bugembe repeatedly denied having had sexual intercourse with his daughter. He said he could not do such a thing both as a Muganda and as a born-again Christian.
Lucia says that a month after the incident, she developed sores and swellings in her private parts until she could hardly walk. Noticing the girl’s worsening situation, Bugembe later dressed her wounds using a piece of cloth, capsules and hot water.
According to Dr. Adrian Matovu, a medical officer in Rakai, if the sores and blisters were related to the alleged rape, it suggests that the girl contracted a sexually transmitted infection during the act.
Lucia says that once she missed her periods for two months, she knew she was pregnant. Despite the sickness and pregnancy, Lucia claims she did not get any help from Bugembe’s wife, who is said to have been incensed by the girl’s increased appetite.
Maid in Kenya
In January this year, Lucia says her father took her at night to a woman called Helen, promising to pick her up the next day. The next thing she heard, the Bugembe family had returned to Uganda and left her in Kenya. Apparently, she was supposed to work as Helen’s house maid.
“I just started crying. I was pregnant. What was I going to do? The woman told me that any Ugandan found walking on the road in the area could easily get killed,” Lucia said.
Bugembe admits that when the family returned to Uganda in January, Lucia remained in Kenya. He could not explain why he left her in Kenya. All Bugembe says is that he left her with a cousin called Robert in a house with rent paid upfront for two months. Then he adds that when he went back to pick the two children, he found that Lucia “had run away with men”.
Lucia’s account is that she got help from health workers at Wangige Health Centre, who also directed her to a doctor who bought her a bus ticket back to Uganda.
She went straight to her mother’s home in Kayunga. On June 17, 2007, she delivered a baby boy.
But because of cultural beliefs relating to incest, she is reported to have refused to breast-feed ‘her father’s’ baby, fearing it would die. The baby (names withheld) has since been taken to a Kampala orphanage following the intervention of ANPPCAN, the African Network for Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect.
Empty promises
ANPPCAN’s Information Officer, Joshua Lubandi, told The Weekly Observer that the NGO first learnt of Lucia’s case around May this year, when she reported having been raped by her father.
Lubandi said that Bugembe committed himself to maintain both children but had since reneged on his promise. The Weekly Observer has seen a document titled ‘Commitment to maintain and care for my child’, signed by Bugembe in the presence of APPCAN social workers.
“I, Bugembe Herbert hereby agree that I am the father of the child of [Lucia]. I therefore commit myself to care and maintain both the mother of the child and the child by providing for both of them food, shelter and clothing,” reads the July 15, 2007 statement. “I make this commitment without undue influence or coercion of any form and hereby append my signature to affirm this.”
Bugembe pledged to pay Shs 40,000 every month but ANPPCAN says he has not paid again since that July. About failing to pay, Bugembe explained that he had lost the contact of the ANPPCAN officials and did not know where their offices were located.
Both Lucia and Lubandi separately told The Weekly Observer that Bugembe was given a Post Bank Account number on which he was supposed to deposit the money.
But he failed to honour that commitment.
December 20, 2007
By Richard M. Kavuma
A Kampala preacher who allegedly raped and impregnated his 16-year-old daughter says jealous pastors simply want to bring him down.
The girl produced a baby boy who made 6 months this week.
In a bizarre twist, the mother of his abused girl claims that she herself was forced into sex by the same pastor, resulting in the conception of Lucia (real name withheld).
Pastor Herbert Bugembe, 33, of the defunct Great Commission Christian Centre in Bweyogerere, is said to have raped Lucia, now 17, in Nairobi last year.
Lucia’s mother, Joyce, claims that she conceived her daughter after Bugembe forcibly had sex with her in 1989.
At that time, both Bugembe and Joyce were only 15, the same age Lucia was when she was allegedly raped by her father.
Under Chapter 14 of the Penal Code Act, both rape and defilement carry a maximum death penalty. Incest, which is sexual intercourse with a blood-relative, is punishable by up to seven years. If the person with whom the incest was committed is below 18, a culprit faces life imprisonment.
Bugembe this week calmly denied Lucia’s accusations in a two-hour interview outside his house in Mutungo, charging that some pastors were trying to tarnish his name. He said he had temporarily put his church on hold because of the problems associated with Lucia.
But this newspaper has seen signed documents where Bugembe admits that he “attempted” to sexually assault his daughter. In another document signed five months ago, Bugembe admitted being the father of his daughter’s child, who made six months on Monday.
The Weekly Observer has learnt that Bugembe was reported to the Police CID in Kampala by a child-rights organisation in September. But no action has been taken so far, reportedly because the case is complicated by the fact that the alleged crime was committed in another country.
Long story
Spanning two decades and two countries, the story starts in Jinja in 1989. Joyce was working as house-girl at the home of Bugembe’s elder sister, Sarah. Bugembe, then 15, was living with the family.
In an interview at her two-room rented home in Kayunga last week, Joyce said Bugembe forcibly had sex with her that year. By the time she found out that she was pregnant, she had lost her house-girl’s job and returned to Kayunga. She went on to deliver Lucia but Bugembe denied that he was the father.
On his part, Bugembe told The Weekly Observer that “like any young man then”, he “played around” with Joyce “about 20 years ago”. As to whether he was the father of Lucia, Bugembe said the matter would be resolved by a DNA test, which he was ready to pay for. He did not say why that test has never been taken.
Joyce, now a married mother of seven, says that Bugembe’s relatives, persuaded by a resemblance between him and the baby, accepted Lucia and lived with her at various times. Aged 7, she was taken in by Bugembe’s sister called Prosy who lived in Nsambya. It was not until she was 14 that she moved to Mutungo Zone 6, where her father Bugembe lives with his wife and six children.
Father’s care
What happened thereafter is not clear and depends on who you talk to. Lucia says she was mistreated by both her father and step-mother. At one point she ran away and went to live with her mother in Kayunga. On other occasions, she either took refuge at a teacher’s house or a Local Councillor’s home, because Bugembe allegedly wanted to rape her.
In response to these allegations, Bugembe calls Lucia a liar who has teamed up with rival pastors to bring him down. Asked to name and shame these jealous pastors, Bugembe said he had not kept their names, as that would create lasting enmity – something unchristian.
He also claimed that Lucia was being sponsored by her mother to make the allegations in order to get money out of him. To show how bad his daughter can be, Bugembe said that Lucia had gone to the extent of smuggling witchcraft – green leaves and tips of chicken legs wrapped in bark cloth – into his bedroom.
“But do you think [Lucia] can design witchcraft?” Bugembe said. “There is a force behind her. When you become a pastor, you have to be ready for any attack.”
However, the area Local Council leaders have a different story. The Mutungo Zone 6 Secretary for Women, Jane Nalongo Lugayizi, said she was aware that Lucia had run away from home several times, claiming that Bugembe was harassing her.
In March 2005, the girl sought shelter in a neighbour’s house and the neighbour took her to Nalongo at night. A meeting was convened that night involving local leaders, Lucia, Bugembe, his wife, and his in-laws. At the end of the meeting, said to have ended about 2 a.m., Bugembe wrote and signed a statement committing himself to be a better parent.
Taking responsibility
“I, Pastor Herbert Bugembe of Mutungo Zone 6… have accepted the claims and reports that were reported by [Lucia] that on the 20th of March 2005, I attempted to unlawfully have sexual intercourse with my daughter and upon refusing, I beat her and caused her to run away from our home… and it was the second time it was happening to the child,” Bugembe wrote in the statement dated March 30, 2005.
Bugembe further writes that the matter had been reported to Kitintale Police Post on March 27, 2005 by Lucia’s teacher. He ends by promising to put his daughter in a good boarding school and asking all present to forgive him.
According to Nalongo, the matter was then considered closed. But it did not end there. Bugembe says that last year, he had a mission to preach in 32 churches in Kenya and he took his family with him.
Lucia says that her father promised he would place her in a vocational school in Kenya. It was there in Mwimuto, near Nairobi, that Bugembe allegedly raped her.
“It was around 4 a.m. I was sleeping in the chair. I was wearing my night dress. He only had a towel wrapped around his body. Then I saw someone sitting on me and holding my mouth and I was struggling to shout… When he got off me, he entered his room and closed the door. I cried a lot.”
In the interview with The Weekly Observer, Bugembe repeatedly denied having had sexual intercourse with his daughter. He said he could not do such a thing both as a Muganda and as a born-again Christian.
Lucia says that a month after the incident, she developed sores and swellings in her private parts until she could hardly walk. Noticing the girl’s worsening situation, Bugembe later dressed her wounds using a piece of cloth, capsules and hot water.
According to Dr. Adrian Matovu, a medical officer in Rakai, if the sores and blisters were related to the alleged rape, it suggests that the girl contracted a sexually transmitted infection during the act.
Lucia says that once she missed her periods for two months, she knew she was pregnant. Despite the sickness and pregnancy, Lucia claims she did not get any help from Bugembe’s wife, who is said to have been incensed by the girl’s increased appetite.
Maid in Kenya
In January this year, Lucia says her father took her at night to a woman called Helen, promising to pick her up the next day. The next thing she heard, the Bugembe family had returned to Uganda and left her in Kenya. Apparently, she was supposed to work as Helen’s house maid.
“I just started crying. I was pregnant. What was I going to do? The woman told me that any Ugandan found walking on the road in the area could easily get killed,” Lucia said.
Bugembe admits that when the family returned to Uganda in January, Lucia remained in Kenya. He could not explain why he left her in Kenya. All Bugembe says is that he left her with a cousin called Robert in a house with rent paid upfront for two months. Then he adds that when he went back to pick the two children, he found that Lucia “had run away with men”.
Lucia’s account is that she got help from health workers at Wangige Health Centre, who also directed her to a doctor who bought her a bus ticket back to Uganda.
She went straight to her mother’s home in Kayunga. On June 17, 2007, she delivered a baby boy.
But because of cultural beliefs relating to incest, she is reported to have refused to breast-feed ‘her father’s’ baby, fearing it would die. The baby (names withheld) has since been taken to a Kampala orphanage following the intervention of ANPPCAN, the African Network for Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect.
Empty promises
ANPPCAN’s Information Officer, Joshua Lubandi, told The Weekly Observer that the NGO first learnt of Lucia’s case around May this year, when she reported having been raped by her father.
Lubandi said that Bugembe committed himself to maintain both children but had since reneged on his promise. The Weekly Observer has seen a document titled ‘Commitment to maintain and care for my child’, signed by Bugembe in the presence of APPCAN social workers.
“I, Bugembe Herbert hereby agree that I am the father of the child of [Lucia]. I therefore commit myself to care and maintain both the mother of the child and the child by providing for both of them food, shelter and clothing,” reads the July 15, 2007 statement. “I make this commitment without undue influence or coercion of any form and hereby append my signature to affirm this.”
Bugembe pledged to pay Shs 40,000 every month but ANPPCAN says he has not paid again since that July. About failing to pay, Bugembe explained that he had lost the contact of the ANPPCAN officials and did not know where their offices were located.
Both Lucia and Lubandi separately told The Weekly Observer that Bugembe was given a Post Bank Account number on which he was supposed to deposit the money.
But he failed to honour that commitment.
Where do born again churches put the Sunday offerings?
Rodney Muhumuza
Sunday Monitor
Insights | December 16, 2007
Many Pentecostal preachers could be diverting cash and other
donations to personal use. In the American case, as in Uganda,
preachers’ lavish lifestyles, flamboyance and sometimes deceptive prosperity sermons continue to make them fair game for critics
American televangelists Benny Hinn and Creflo Dollar are among four international preachers now on the spot over their failure to readily provide information that would be used in a federal inquiry into possible corruption within their ministries.
Both Hinn and Dollar were in Uganda a few months ago, and many Ugandans religiously watch their television shows. Chuck Grassley, the Republican senator from Iowa who has called for the probe, made his intentions clear in letters he sent to the televangelists on November 5, giving them at least four weeks within which to reply.
“I’m following up on complaints from the public and news coverage regarding certain practices at six ministries. The allegations involve governing boards that aren’t independent and allow generous salaries and housing allowances and amenities such as private jets and Rolls Royces,” Grassley said in a statement posted on his Web site.
“I don’t want to conclude that there’s a problem, but I have an obligation to donors and the taxpayers to find out more. People who donated should have their money spent as intended and in adherence with the tax code."
The lawmaker sent out long questionnaires to the six ministries, asking them to provide audited financial statements, compensation reports, records for ministry jet travel, and other documents. It turned out that the December 6 deadline was beaten by only the ministries of Joyce Meyer and Kenneth Copeland, with the other preachers—Dollar, Hinn, Eddie Long and Randy White--either questioning the senator’s motive or asking for more time.
It is now a waiting game: Grassley could seek the backing of the majority of senators on the Finance Committee, on which he is the ranking member, to authorise subpoenas or call for hearings, potentially leading to very damaging revelations.
But Ugandan observers say that while the American story is on a larger and much more complicated scale, the basic similarities are not hard to see, most especially the suspicion that many Pentecostal preachers here are diverting cash and other donations to personal use.
In the American case, as in Uganda, preachers’ lavish lifestyles, flamboyance and sometimes deceptive prosperity sermons continue to make them fair game for critics.
Mr Solomon Male, a Kampala pastor who is known for his exposes on impropriety in the Pentecostals, says that churches for the balokole (born again Christians), despite making a lot of money, have boards that are not independent and members who are loyal to the pastors.
“Many of these churches have dummy boards. They handpick anybody to sit on their boards,” Male said in an interview last Tuesday, adding: “The pastors are not accountable to anybody.”
Most, if not all, of the local pastors preach that there is no limit to recruiting warriors for Christ, and churchgoers are normally encouraged to give as much as they can. But while congregations are given only general accounts of how and when the collections are to be spent, there are no tales of churchgoers asking for accountability because, as the pastors like to say, money will forever be needed to complete “God’s work”.
While the overall strategy may be brilliant -- ultimate accountability is purportedly made to God, the pastors insist -- the tactics have sometimes been controversial. In some ministries, notably the church of the Kampala prophetess Imelda Namutebi, churchgoers, long discouraged from offering coins, are expected to drop high denomination notes in offertory bags. And bullion vans seen outside Kampala churches on Sundays leave no doubt that huge sums are collected.
Yet it is difficult to know how many of these religious non profit organisations account to their benefactors or congregations.
Mr Martin Sempa, a senior pastor at Makerere Community Church, says there are some dubious pastors who have added “too much drama” to the character of the local Pentecostal community.
“There are two kinds of pastors: those who exist to create a name and wealth and those who exist to serve God and the people,” Sempa said. “But the bad ones have greater publicity.”
In recent times, local pastors have attracted a bad press, facing accusations that range from trickery to defilement, but there has been no public scrutiny of their financial dealings. A spokesman for the Uganda Revenue Authority, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak on the subject, said the agency has been “trying to sensitise churches, as they think that all things to do with a church are not to be taxed”.
“They don’t pay taxes apart from Pay-As-You-Earn if they are employing people. But they have to pay tax if they engage in any business activity,” he added. The question is: Do they?
Some city pastors are known to have companies, most particularly printing presses, which, in addition to making money for their ministries, also churn out the money envelopes used during services or the flyers that invite the faithful to miracle bonanzas “where they are expected to give”, according to Male.
Critics of the local Pentecostals also find fault with the alleged reinvention of the phrase “sowing a seed”, especially as some prominent pastors have led their congregations into giving away so much in the sometimes misplaced hope of receiving miracles.
Mr Sempa admitted that there were cases of “abuse of power, while Mr Male spoke of incidents where pastors remind their audiences that they can only reap in dollars if they sow in a similar currency.
“In that case, the minimum amount of shillings that someone would need to change at a forex bureau is Shs10,000,” Male said. “For a big church, if about 2,000 give that amount on average, that is a lot of money every week.”
It has never been in doubt that many of the revivalist churches make a lot of money through just Sunday collections, and a lot more through countless fundraisers.
Maracha MP Alex Onzima, who sits on the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee of the 8th Parliament, said they would only be concerned if the pastors were using the donations in a way that endangers national security, and not if the funds are being used to build lavish homes.
Rubanda West MP Henry Banyenzaki, who sits on the Finance Committee, said Parliament would only investigate if a complainant “presents a petition on the [bad] conduct of pastors”. But no complaint has come through, he said.
Interestingly, some of issues Senator Grassley had with the six televangelists are not far removed from what is happening with Ugandan pastors. In his letter to Randy and Paula White of Without Walls International Church, the lawmaker asked the preachers to confirm that they gave Bishop T. D Jakes a Bentley Convertible as a gift and to “explain the tax-exempt purpose of the gift” if it was purchased by a tax-exempt entity.
Some Ugandan pastors have been reported to give car and cash gifts to colleagues whose loyalty they wish to hold. Mr Robert Kayanja, for example, gave $10,000 to Meyer when she visited Uganda recently, while Namutebi donated a luxury car to Mr Joseph Serwadda, another of the prominent Kampala pastors.
Critics at the time said the donation to Meyer was immoral as Kayanja failed to appreciate that there were needy people in his community who needed the money much more. Meyer runs a $124-million-a-year empire.
“Meyer has never apologised for her financial success.
In the 2003 series, Meyer said everything she has — the $10 million corporate jet, her $2 million home, her family's fleet of fancy cars — were blessings straight from God,” the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported on November 11. “Meyer preaches the prosperity gospel and uses blunt pitches to get her followers to open their wallets.”
But even when local pastors have been in conflict, which happens often, the results have been a spectacle. In August, for example, Moses Sekatawa, a Kampala pastor, was involved in a nasty conflict with the ministry of Joseph Serwadda, whose wife he accused of grabbing a donated car that he said was originally meant for him.
“Pastor Freda Serwadda refused to release the vehicle to me,” Sekatawa said in a letter sent to the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda (NAFBAPC), an umbrella organisation that brings together Pentecostal churches.
“I am always at pains trying to conceal the obvious truth so as not to tarnish her name whenever any of our church members ask me why they do not see me driving the vehicle I testified about.”
Sekatawa later confirmed that he had given up the car, a Toyota Liteace Station Wagon, by accepting a compensation fee of $2,000 from the Serwaddas. (Serwadda refused to comment, requesting for more time to study all the issues at hand).
Many more donations and other bizarre transactions go unreported, as there are at least 20,000 churches for the Pentecostals spread all over Uganda. Only about 1,020 subscribe to NAFBAPC, an association that does not have the mandate to regulate its members. In some cases, it has failed to investigate and arbitrate even those cases where there is smoking gun evidence of wrongdoing.
Officials at NAFBAPC insist there should be an independent agency that regulates religious organisations now that they are a force to be reckoned with.
Most Pentecostal churches register with the NGO Board at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Mr Warren Nyamugasira, the executive director of the NGO Forum, an umbrella organisation that has some churches within its ranks, said that while there are codes of conduct that would mandate the association to check for possible wrongdoing, “we have not received any complaints”.
He also said the NGO Forum was considering developing a code of conduct that “encompasses even those [NGOs] that are not our members”.
Rodney Muhumuza
Sunday Monitor
Insights | December 16, 2007
Many Pentecostal preachers could be diverting cash and other
donations to personal use. In the American case, as in Uganda,
preachers’ lavish lifestyles, flamboyance and sometimes deceptive prosperity sermons continue to make them fair game for critics
American televangelists Benny Hinn and Creflo Dollar are among four international preachers now on the spot over their failure to readily provide information that would be used in a federal inquiry into possible corruption within their ministries.
Both Hinn and Dollar were in Uganda a few months ago, and many Ugandans religiously watch their television shows. Chuck Grassley, the Republican senator from Iowa who has called for the probe, made his intentions clear in letters he sent to the televangelists on November 5, giving them at least four weeks within which to reply.
“I’m following up on complaints from the public and news coverage regarding certain practices at six ministries. The allegations involve governing boards that aren’t independent and allow generous salaries and housing allowances and amenities such as private jets and Rolls Royces,” Grassley said in a statement posted on his Web site.
“I don’t want to conclude that there’s a problem, but I have an obligation to donors and the taxpayers to find out more. People who donated should have their money spent as intended and in adherence with the tax code."
The lawmaker sent out long questionnaires to the six ministries, asking them to provide audited financial statements, compensation reports, records for ministry jet travel, and other documents. It turned out that the December 6 deadline was beaten by only the ministries of Joyce Meyer and Kenneth Copeland, with the other preachers—Dollar, Hinn, Eddie Long and Randy White--either questioning the senator’s motive or asking for more time.
It is now a waiting game: Grassley could seek the backing of the majority of senators on the Finance Committee, on which he is the ranking member, to authorise subpoenas or call for hearings, potentially leading to very damaging revelations.
But Ugandan observers say that while the American story is on a larger and much more complicated scale, the basic similarities are not hard to see, most especially the suspicion that many Pentecostal preachers here are diverting cash and other donations to personal use.
In the American case, as in Uganda, preachers’ lavish lifestyles, flamboyance and sometimes deceptive prosperity sermons continue to make them fair game for critics.
Mr Solomon Male, a Kampala pastor who is known for his exposes on impropriety in the Pentecostals, says that churches for the balokole (born again Christians), despite making a lot of money, have boards that are not independent and members who are loyal to the pastors.
“Many of these churches have dummy boards. They handpick anybody to sit on their boards,” Male said in an interview last Tuesday, adding: “The pastors are not accountable to anybody.”
Most, if not all, of the local pastors preach that there is no limit to recruiting warriors for Christ, and churchgoers are normally encouraged to give as much as they can. But while congregations are given only general accounts of how and when the collections are to be spent, there are no tales of churchgoers asking for accountability because, as the pastors like to say, money will forever be needed to complete “God’s work”.
While the overall strategy may be brilliant -- ultimate accountability is purportedly made to God, the pastors insist -- the tactics have sometimes been controversial. In some ministries, notably the church of the Kampala prophetess Imelda Namutebi, churchgoers, long discouraged from offering coins, are expected to drop high denomination notes in offertory bags. And bullion vans seen outside Kampala churches on Sundays leave no doubt that huge sums are collected.
Yet it is difficult to know how many of these religious non profit organisations account to their benefactors or congregations.
Mr Martin Sempa, a senior pastor at Makerere Community Church, says there are some dubious pastors who have added “too much drama” to the character of the local Pentecostal community.
“There are two kinds of pastors: those who exist to create a name and wealth and those who exist to serve God and the people,” Sempa said. “But the bad ones have greater publicity.”
In recent times, local pastors have attracted a bad press, facing accusations that range from trickery to defilement, but there has been no public scrutiny of their financial dealings. A spokesman for the Uganda Revenue Authority, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak on the subject, said the agency has been “trying to sensitise churches, as they think that all things to do with a church are not to be taxed”.
“They don’t pay taxes apart from Pay-As-You-Earn if they are employing people. But they have to pay tax if they engage in any business activity,” he added. The question is: Do they?
Some city pastors are known to have companies, most particularly printing presses, which, in addition to making money for their ministries, also churn out the money envelopes used during services or the flyers that invite the faithful to miracle bonanzas “where they are expected to give”, according to Male.
Critics of the local Pentecostals also find fault with the alleged reinvention of the phrase “sowing a seed”, especially as some prominent pastors have led their congregations into giving away so much in the sometimes misplaced hope of receiving miracles.
Mr Sempa admitted that there were cases of “abuse of power, while Mr Male spoke of incidents where pastors remind their audiences that they can only reap in dollars if they sow in a similar currency.
“In that case, the minimum amount of shillings that someone would need to change at a forex bureau is Shs10,000,” Male said. “For a big church, if about 2,000 give that amount on average, that is a lot of money every week.”
It has never been in doubt that many of the revivalist churches make a lot of money through just Sunday collections, and a lot more through countless fundraisers.
Maracha MP Alex Onzima, who sits on the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee of the 8th Parliament, said they would only be concerned if the pastors were using the donations in a way that endangers national security, and not if the funds are being used to build lavish homes.
Rubanda West MP Henry Banyenzaki, who sits on the Finance Committee, said Parliament would only investigate if a complainant “presents a petition on the [bad] conduct of pastors”. But no complaint has come through, he said.
Interestingly, some of issues Senator Grassley had with the six televangelists are not far removed from what is happening with Ugandan pastors. In his letter to Randy and Paula White of Without Walls International Church, the lawmaker asked the preachers to confirm that they gave Bishop T. D Jakes a Bentley Convertible as a gift and to “explain the tax-exempt purpose of the gift” if it was purchased by a tax-exempt entity.
Some Ugandan pastors have been reported to give car and cash gifts to colleagues whose loyalty they wish to hold. Mr Robert Kayanja, for example, gave $10,000 to Meyer when she visited Uganda recently, while Namutebi donated a luxury car to Mr Joseph Serwadda, another of the prominent Kampala pastors.
Critics at the time said the donation to Meyer was immoral as Kayanja failed to appreciate that there were needy people in his community who needed the money much more. Meyer runs a $124-million-a-year empire.
“Meyer has never apologised for her financial success.
In the 2003 series, Meyer said everything she has — the $10 million corporate jet, her $2 million home, her family's fleet of fancy cars — were blessings straight from God,” the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported on November 11. “Meyer preaches the prosperity gospel and uses blunt pitches to get her followers to open their wallets.”
But even when local pastors have been in conflict, which happens often, the results have been a spectacle. In August, for example, Moses Sekatawa, a Kampala pastor, was involved in a nasty conflict with the ministry of Joseph Serwadda, whose wife he accused of grabbing a donated car that he said was originally meant for him.
“Pastor Freda Serwadda refused to release the vehicle to me,” Sekatawa said in a letter sent to the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda (NAFBAPC), an umbrella organisation that brings together Pentecostal churches.
“I am always at pains trying to conceal the obvious truth so as not to tarnish her name whenever any of our church members ask me why they do not see me driving the vehicle I testified about.”
Sekatawa later confirmed that he had given up the car, a Toyota Liteace Station Wagon, by accepting a compensation fee of $2,000 from the Serwaddas. (Serwadda refused to comment, requesting for more time to study all the issues at hand).
Many more donations and other bizarre transactions go unreported, as there are at least 20,000 churches for the Pentecostals spread all over Uganda. Only about 1,020 subscribe to NAFBAPC, an association that does not have the mandate to regulate its members. In some cases, it has failed to investigate and arbitrate even those cases where there is smoking gun evidence of wrongdoing.
Officials at NAFBAPC insist there should be an independent agency that regulates religious organisations now that they are a force to be reckoned with.
Most Pentecostal churches register with the NGO Board at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Mr Warren Nyamugasira, the executive director of the NGO Forum, an umbrella organisation that has some churches within its ranks, said that while there are codes of conduct that would mandate the association to check for possible wrongdoing, “we have not received any complaints”.
He also said the NGO Forum was considering developing a code of conduct that “encompasses even those [NGOs] that are not our members”.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
No value for cash at Hinn crusade
No value for cash at Hinn crusade
The Weekly Observer, June 15, 2007
Local newspapers reported that more than $1.5 million was spent on Benny Hinn’s May Crusade in Kampala. What is more shocking however is the fact that less than 20 ‘miracles’ were reaped from this crusade.
Benny’s god is not the God of the Bible who indiscriminately heals everybody. Did you know that despite holding many healing crusades all over the world, Benny Hinn lacks a single medically verified healing? An investigation carried out by Dateline in 2005 revealed that some of the so-called healed people died shortly after the crusade.
I challenge the pastors in Uganda to parade the so-called Benny Hinn Namboole healings for medical verification. A couple of days from now, Pastor Creflo Dollar is going to dupe us with the same economics of spiritual foolery. Do not say I never warned you.
Kizito Michael George,
Bergen, Norway.
See also
Uganda: Oh, These External Preachers!
Benny Hinn in the News
Uganda: Benny Hinn Has a Gift????
The Weekly Observer, June 15, 2007
Local newspapers reported that more than $1.5 million was spent on Benny Hinn’s May Crusade in Kampala. What is more shocking however is the fact that less than 20 ‘miracles’ were reaped from this crusade.
Benny’s god is not the God of the Bible who indiscriminately heals everybody. Did you know that despite holding many healing crusades all over the world, Benny Hinn lacks a single medically verified healing? An investigation carried out by Dateline in 2005 revealed that some of the so-called healed people died shortly after the crusade.
I challenge the pastors in Uganda to parade the so-called Benny Hinn Namboole healings for medical verification. A couple of days from now, Pastor Creflo Dollar is going to dupe us with the same economics of spiritual foolery. Do not say I never warned you.
Kizito Michael George,
Bergen, Norway.
See also
Uganda: Oh, These External Preachers!
Benny Hinn in the News
Uganda: Benny Hinn Has a Gift????
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
Thousands throng Dollar crusade
Wednesday, 13th June, 2007
By Anne Mugisa and Flavia Nakagwa
Hundreds of Christians, some from as far as Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Sudan, thronged the Namboole Stadium last evening for a crusade against poverty by American evangelist Dr. Creflo Dollar.
The Prosperity For All (Bonna Bagaggawale) crusade also attracted delegations from Kenya, Rwanda and the DR Congo.
Dr. Dollar and his wife Taffi arrived on Tuesday at the invitation of Pastor Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Cathedral. Dollar is expected to meet pastors and government leaders.
The gates opened at around 1:00pm, but the faithful had started lining to enter the stadium from 8:00am. Not even the afternoon drizzle could deter them. When the crusade kicked off at 7:00pm, the 42,000 capacity Namboole was full. Choirs and gospel musicians from South Africa performed at the crusade. They were joined by God’s Fire Band, which is made up of born-again UPDF soldiers.
To avoid the hiccups experienced during the Benny Hinn Crusade about a month ago, the number of entry and security points was increased to 13 rather than just two.
So the visitors did not have to brave the scorching sun for long hours.
Traders out to make a quick buck, camped outside the stadium where they hawked soft drinks and snacks.
The traffic on Jinja Road was very slow, while the stretch from Shell Kireka to the stadium was reserved for vehicles going to the crusade.
Abalokole beeyiye e Namboole
Wednesday, 13th June, 2007
By Anne Mugisa and Flavia Nakagwa
Hundreds of Christians, some from as far as Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Sudan, thronged the Namboole Stadium last evening for a crusade against poverty by American evangelist Dr. Creflo Dollar.
The Prosperity For All (Bonna Bagaggawale) crusade also attracted delegations from Kenya, Rwanda and the DR Congo.
Dr. Dollar and his wife Taffi arrived on Tuesday at the invitation of Pastor Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Cathedral. Dollar is expected to meet pastors and government leaders.
The gates opened at around 1:00pm, but the faithful had started lining to enter the stadium from 8:00am. Not even the afternoon drizzle could deter them. When the crusade kicked off at 7:00pm, the 42,000 capacity Namboole was full. Choirs and gospel musicians from South Africa performed at the crusade. They were joined by God’s Fire Band, which is made up of born-again UPDF soldiers.
To avoid the hiccups experienced during the Benny Hinn Crusade about a month ago, the number of entry and security points was increased to 13 rather than just two.
So the visitors did not have to brave the scorching sun for long hours.
Traders out to make a quick buck, camped outside the stadium where they hawked soft drinks and snacks.
The traffic on Jinja Road was very slow, while the stretch from Shell Kireka to the stadium was reserved for vehicles going to the crusade.
Abalokole beeyiye e Namboole
Monday, 11 June 2007
Creflo Dollar coming
Coffee Break | June 11, 2007
Coming on the heels of Benny Hinn is another celebrity televangelist. Dr. Creflo A. Dollar will hold a crusade at the Nelson Mandela Stadium in Namboole on Wednesday starting 7p.m.
Dollar is an internationally acclaimed preacher, founder and senior pastor of the 30,000 members World Changers Church International in the US. He has been an evangelist for over 25 years and is the publisher of Change, a magazine with over 100,000 subscribers. His Changing Your World broadcast reaches one billion homes globally.
Dollar arrives tomorrow and will be here to teaching principles of success that are not only Biblical but have worked in his life. Although Dollar is expected to preach in the evening, gates will be open from 9a.m.
There will be 500 commuter taxis from the city centre to the venue with the fare costing Shs1, 000. The event will have a 1000-voice choir, an awesome sound and lighting system and 10, 000 ushers to help people out.
Dollar's brief will not be to perform miracles but help break the yoke of poverty. After the Namboole do, Dollar will meet pastors and religious leaders on Thursday June 14 at Miracle Centre Cathedral, Rubaga between 10a.m. and 12p.m. His wife Taffi will then speak in the afternoon from 2p.m. to 4p.m.
Dollar and his wife will then be hosted to a dinner targeting corporate and businessmen at Serena Hotel Gardens at 7pm. He has not come cheap though. His visit has come at a cost of Ushs700m.
The Creflo Dollar Half a Million Dollar Africa Meeting
Creflo Dollar to 'Destroy Spirit Poverty' At Cost $0.5 Million
Prosperity Pimp Creflo Dollar is coming to Kampala, Uganda
Coffee Break | June 11, 2007
Coming on the heels of Benny Hinn is another celebrity televangelist. Dr. Creflo A. Dollar will hold a crusade at the Nelson Mandela Stadium in Namboole on Wednesday starting 7p.m.
Dollar is an internationally acclaimed preacher, founder and senior pastor of the 30,000 members World Changers Church International in the US. He has been an evangelist for over 25 years and is the publisher of Change, a magazine with over 100,000 subscribers. His Changing Your World broadcast reaches one billion homes globally.
Dollar arrives tomorrow and will be here to teaching principles of success that are not only Biblical but have worked in his life. Although Dollar is expected to preach in the evening, gates will be open from 9a.m.
There will be 500 commuter taxis from the city centre to the venue with the fare costing Shs1, 000. The event will have a 1000-voice choir, an awesome sound and lighting system and 10, 000 ushers to help people out.
Dollar's brief will not be to perform miracles but help break the yoke of poverty. After the Namboole do, Dollar will meet pastors and religious leaders on Thursday June 14 at Miracle Centre Cathedral, Rubaga between 10a.m. and 12p.m. His wife Taffi will then speak in the afternoon from 2p.m. to 4p.m.
Dollar and his wife will then be hosted to a dinner targeting corporate and businessmen at Serena Hotel Gardens at 7pm. He has not come cheap though. His visit has come at a cost of Ushs700m.
The Creflo Dollar Half a Million Dollar Africa Meeting
Creflo Dollar to 'Destroy Spirit Poverty' At Cost $0.5 Million
Prosperity Pimp Creflo Dollar is coming to Kampala, Uganda
Friday, 1 June 2007
Kenya 'miracle baby' wife jailed
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Mrs Deya's husband says he aids infertile couples by prayer
The wife of Kenyan pastor Gilbert Deya accused of child trafficking has been sentenced to two years in jail by a Nairobi court for stealing a child.
Mary Deya claimed that one of her two accomplices had given birth to the child, but the court proved the woman was not the biological mother.
"The actions and claims of miraculous birth deserve no mercy," Magistrate Teresia Ngugi said.
Kenya has requested the extradition of UK-based evangelist Mr Deya.
No amount of the sentence can undo the damage done to the life of the child
Magistrate Teresia Ngugi
He runs a number of churches in UK cities and says he aids infertile couples by prayer.
Kenyan police allege the Gilbert Deya Ministries is an international baby-snatching ring, allegations Mr Deya denies.
Some children were taken into care in Kenya when DNA tests showed they were not related to women claiming to be their mothers.
"No amount of the sentence can undo the damage done to the life of the child who may never know who his biological parents are," said Ms Ngugi is quoted by Kenya's Daily Nation as saying on Wednesday.
Mrs Deya's co-accused - Miriam Nyeko and Rose Kiserem - were also jailed for two years.
The women claimed that Ms Nyeko, who is a British citizen, had given birth to the baby boy.
She was sentenced to another one year in prison - to run concurrently - for obtaining a false birth certificate.
More Resources on the scandals of Deya Ministires
Rickross articles on Deya Ministries
Deya Ministries, a place for V.I.Ps???
Deya Ministires Internet TV, sponsored by global corporates
More expositions of Deya Ministries
Pregnant by Jesus?
Miracle baby mother 'stole child'
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Mrs Deya's husband says he aids infertile couples by prayer
The wife of Kenyan pastor Gilbert Deya accused of child trafficking has been sentenced to two years in jail by a Nairobi court for stealing a child.
Mary Deya claimed that one of her two accomplices had given birth to the child, but the court proved the woman was not the biological mother.
"The actions and claims of miraculous birth deserve no mercy," Magistrate Teresia Ngugi said.
Kenya has requested the extradition of UK-based evangelist Mr Deya.
No amount of the sentence can undo the damage done to the life of the child
Magistrate Teresia Ngugi
He runs a number of churches in UK cities and says he aids infertile couples by prayer.
Kenyan police allege the Gilbert Deya Ministries is an international baby-snatching ring, allegations Mr Deya denies.
Some children were taken into care in Kenya when DNA tests showed they were not related to women claiming to be their mothers.
"No amount of the sentence can undo the damage done to the life of the child who may never know who his biological parents are," said Ms Ngugi is quoted by Kenya's Daily Nation as saying on Wednesday.
Mrs Deya's co-accused - Miriam Nyeko and Rose Kiserem - were also jailed for two years.
The women claimed that Ms Nyeko, who is a British citizen, had given birth to the baby boy.
She was sentenced to another one year in prison - to run concurrently - for obtaining a false birth certificate.
More Resources on the scandals of Deya Ministires
Rickross articles on Deya Ministries
Deya Ministries, a place for V.I.Ps???
Deya Ministires Internet TV, sponsored by global corporates
More expositions of Deya Ministries
Pregnant by Jesus?
Miracle baby mother 'stole child'
Sunday, 27 May 2007
American embarrassed by Benny Hinn's visit to Uganda
Letters to the Editor, The Daily Monitor
May 27 - June 2, 2007
Benny Hinn visit embarrassed me
As an American citizen I hang my head in shame when I see the antics of [Pastor] Benny Hinn celebrated and being praised and hosted by the President and the First Lady, and numerous reputable members of the local religious community.
Sadly, when the likes of Pastor Hinn, Morris Cerullo and others get discredited in the United States of America, they take their "show" on the road to other parts of the planet where faith runs high alongside poverty and desperation.
Pastor Hinn shamelessly takes money from the poorest of the poor while providing nothing more than religious entertainment. By now he is back on his private jet laughing all the way to the bank! It is so sad, and I am terribly sorry. For additional information on this guy, please look up
Geoffrey Maguire.
Benny Hinn’s god has no value for money
Local news papers in Uganda reported that over 1.5 million US dollars was spent on Hinn’s May Crusade in Kampala. What is more shocking however is the fact that less than 20 ‘miracles’ were reaped from this crusade. Benny’s god must be a thug god who is ignorant of the economics of investment. He is not the God of the bible who indiscriminately heals every body. Did you know that despite the fact that Pastor Benny has had many healing crusades all over the world, he lacks a single medically verified healing? An investigation carried out by date line in 2005 revealed that some so called healed people died shortly after the crusade. I challenge the pastors in Uganda, to parade the so called Benny Hinn May 2007 healings for medical verification. A couple of days from now, Pastor DOLLAR is going to dupe us with the same economics of spiritual foolery. Do not say I never warned you.
Also see,
Benny Hinn Greed life style exposed
Africa's Worship of Benny Hinn the "Little Messiah"
Benny Hinn: Quotes, False Teachings, False Prophecies
Benny Hinn Visit and Pomp in Uganda as Reported in the Press
Enemies of Doctrine
Benny Hinn attacks those who criticise his false doctrines
If you talk about doctrine Crouch does not want to see you ugly face.
Joel Osteen does not know who is going to heaven
Date line exposes Benny Hinn , full video
Date line exposes Hinn , 10 minute video
Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?" James 3:10-11
Benny Hinn Curses critics
Media Elites Propagate lies about Benny Hinn
Prosperity Pimp Creflo Dollar is coming to Kampala, Uganda
Have you read, the Agony of Deceit , Christinity in crisis , charismatic chaos etc
Scandals of televangelists
Preacher says God will call him Home(he will die) if you do not send him money
May 27 - June 2, 2007
Benny Hinn visit embarrassed me
As an American citizen I hang my head in shame when I see the antics of [Pastor] Benny Hinn celebrated and being praised and hosted by the President and the First Lady, and numerous reputable members of the local religious community.
Sadly, when the likes of Pastor Hinn, Morris Cerullo and others get discredited in the United States of America, they take their "show" on the road to other parts of the planet where faith runs high alongside poverty and desperation.
Pastor Hinn shamelessly takes money from the poorest of the poor while providing nothing more than religious entertainment. By now he is back on his private jet laughing all the way to the bank! It is so sad, and I am terribly sorry. For additional information on this guy, please look up
Geoffrey Maguire.
Benny Hinn’s god has no value for money
Local news papers in Uganda reported that over 1.5 million US dollars was spent on Hinn’s May Crusade in Kampala. What is more shocking however is the fact that less than 20 ‘miracles’ were reaped from this crusade. Benny’s god must be a thug god who is ignorant of the economics of investment. He is not the God of the bible who indiscriminately heals every body. Did you know that despite the fact that Pastor Benny has had many healing crusades all over the world, he lacks a single medically verified healing? An investigation carried out by date line in 2005 revealed that some so called healed people died shortly after the crusade. I challenge the pastors in Uganda, to parade the so called Benny Hinn May 2007 healings for medical verification. A couple of days from now, Pastor DOLLAR is going to dupe us with the same economics of spiritual foolery. Do not say I never warned you.
Also see,
Benny Hinn Greed life style exposed
Africa's Worship of Benny Hinn the "Little Messiah"
Benny Hinn: Quotes, False Teachings, False Prophecies
Benny Hinn Visit and Pomp in Uganda as Reported in the Press
Enemies of Doctrine
Benny Hinn attacks those who criticise his false doctrines
If you talk about doctrine Crouch does not want to see you ugly face.
Joel Osteen does not know who is going to heaven
Date line exposes Benny Hinn , full video
Date line exposes Hinn , 10 minute video
Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?" James 3:10-11
Benny Hinn Curses critics
Media Elites Propagate lies about Benny Hinn
Prosperity Pimp Creflo Dollar is coming to Kampala, Uganda
Have you read, the Agony of Deceit , Christinity in crisis , charismatic chaos etc
Scandals of televangelists
Preacher says God will call him Home(he will die) if you do not send him money
The Occult: “The signs are still out there...”
Sunday Life | May 27 - June 2, 2007
Different scenes from the movie Battle of the Souls; Wycliffe walks out of the water; A lecturer, Frederick talks about the occultic signs; Two disciples walk out of the water. Just how safe is one from the occult? Courtesy photos
The signs are almost everywhere. On clothes, jewellery, shoes, bags and many other items. Most people do not know what they stand for or that they are signs
anyway. Phoebe Mutetsi looks at what the occult signs mean and asks whether we should be wary about them
Means to abolish all laws. In other words "do what thou wilt" the law of Satanists. Used by Punk rockers and Heavy Metal followers.
Symbolises fertility rites and the building up of lust within a person. A spirit of lust is the power of this union of male /female representations. Also called the Long Life Seal.
Church of Satan:
Founded by Anton LaVey in 1966.
It is one of the most potent symbols used in the working of the powers of darkness. Used to work magic.
Inverted Pentagram:
Symbolises the morning star, a name Satan has taken. Used in witchcraft and occult rituals to conjure up evil spirits. Satanists use it 2 points up and pagans use it one point up. Any way it is used symbolises evil.
Pentagram:Symbol used in Witchcraft. Represents the elements, earth, wind, fire and water with the spirit surrounding them.
Satanic Cross:
Upside down question mark that questions the Deity of God. Within the occult, it is the representation of the three crown princes; Satan, Belial and Leviathan. Symbolises complete power under Lucifer
In Chinese philosophy, two great opposite principles or forces on whose interplay everything depends. Yang is male, light and positive, Yin is female , dark and negative.
Used in satanic and occult worship. Practitioners are acknowledging their god as Baal or Lucifer. Horoscope signs are included
Horned Hand:
The sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.
Going under water is so last season; no need not to wet your clothes and hair while holding your breath just to be in conference with the horned one. Today, all it takes is to be in possession of any of the 26 or more occult signs whether as accessories, wall hangings or on your clothes and Lucifer will be in possession of your soul.
That is of course if one is to go by studies published on the Internet and/or the theory presented in Matthew Bishanga's underworld themed movie, Battle Of The Souls.
GOTHIC: People have labelled heavy metal rock and rock stars like Marilyn Manson as Satanic. Net photo
In this movie, the plot revolves around the book of the occult signs. Right from that first scene, set in a cemetery in Gayaza; in the middle of the night, an old priest is digging up the occult book of signs with the intention of setting it on fire so this world can be rid of Satanism; to that long lecture given on three of the common occult signs, one gathers that this is a subject worth paying attention to.
These underworld signs range from the RnB/Rock n Roll finger gestures that apparently symbolise the devil's horns and a sign of recognition between those in the occult also used to place curses on the person it is pointed to, to seemingly harmless horn-like pendants and those silver circular pendants that Oprah Winfrey and so many others spot on their necklaces.
The unfairness of all this is that one needs no prior knowledge of these signs or intention to be in partnership with Satan to be sucked in.
Ignorance, no defence
According to Roger Mugisha whose former life as a Satanist is the inspiration for Battle of the Souls, the fact that one is not aware that what they are wearing as an accessory or the picture on their clothes is an Occult symbol doesn't let the wearer off the hook. "The signs will still be significant and the wearer becomes an advocate of the devil." With this statement, Roger Mugisha is shown a recent picture of the Nabagereka, Nagginda Sylvia Luswata at the Kabaka's birthday celebration.
Looking impeccable as usual, the queen of Buganda is wearing a blue dress, which bears a Ying-Yang symbol on the chest area. To a layman's eye and most likely herself, the Ying-Yang sign is only another artistic impression that makes the dress a lot more glamorous. But to one who knows about the occult signs, a Satanist or a former devil worshipper in this case, wearing this dress is no different from proclaiming your discipleship with the devil.
"It is very likely that the Queen of Buganda has no idea of what the Ying-Yang sign symbolises or the grave significance of her wearing such a dress," says Mugisha.
According to him, light needs to be shed on these signs such that people can be educated because, "these signs are spreading into the world like a bush fire. And the more people in possession of them, the more recruits the devil has."
But not every one is buying into this underworld exposé. To some, the talk about the occult signs is just a fresh angle to feed the increasingly lucrative obsession with the underworld.
"People are obsessed with the underworld, it's scary. I wish they spent that time and money teaching about the kingdom of God, His mercy and kindness instead of trying to sell books and movies using the gospel of the devil," one female radio presenter states.
Sam Tendo, like the lady above, says that this underworld obsession is baseless and illogical.
"The Bible is clear that it is not what we take in but what we put out that is important. Is it even logical that I will be possessed by the devil simply because my T-shirt has a Ying Yang sign or my hip-hop finger gestures are apparently the devil's horns? Who says that the devil has got horns to begin with? He might be a very attractive man, woman or just a spirit for all we know," he says.
Many Ugandans were subjected to listening to singer Chameleone's side of the story in his song Mbalangire when a rumour that his musical success was as a result of his underwater sojourns did the rounds. He rubbished all theories that suggested any association between him and the devil. But some people still insist that he has a pentagram in his living room.
According to Pastor Billy Bissel's chart of the occult signs and symbols, "the Pentagram is a symbol used in witchcraft. It represents the elements; earth, wind, fire and water with the spirit surrounding them. An inverted Pentagram symbolises the "Morning Star" a name Satan has taken." No one has however come forward with significant proof that Chameleone is a Satanist apart from pointing to his amassed wealth, which in all fairness, the man has openly worked hard to earn.
Spread of Satanism
A youth pastor in one of Kampala's Pentecostal churches insists that the spread of Satanism has been greatly enabled by secular music and musicians especially pop and rock music.
"Most young people start by innocently taking to rock music (especially). Before you know it they are emulating rock stars and taking to the gothic lifestyle; wearing only pitch black and scarlet red for clothes, accessories and make up. The numerous body piercing and tattoos come next," he says.
This youth pastor who declines to be named adds that books like the Harry Porter series, which openly uphold witchcraft and are packaged to sound seductive and fun for our children are also another route of spreading Satanism.
"In the process, J.K. Rowlings (the author of the Harry Porter series) has become a billionaire by spreading the gospel of the underworld and also contaminated and probably converted a large number of our future leaders and law makers," he says.
One mother is not having this talk against the Harry Porter series.
"It is a children's book for goodness sake and besides, in the end, good triumphs over evil. Bad deeds are punished, the bad guy suffers and the good guy wins, the moral of all stories we have read. So what do people [who are anti-Harry Porter series] have to say about the tale of Father Christmas; a white old man with a reindeer flying a sleigh, coming into our houses every Christmas morning through the chimney? Is that satanic too or only a children's story?"
The debate over Satanic symbols and signs continues. While some people may condemn music genres like rock music labelling it as music of the anti-Christ, others find it fun and harmless.
Arthur Twinamatsiko a.k.a T.A, a presenter on 95.9 Touch FM, a private station playing predominantly rock music, says that the station has received a lot of support from listeners.
"People who have labelled rock music as Satanic have a problem with heavy metal rock and rock stars like Marilyn Manson. We (Touch FM) don't play hard metal rock unless it is requested, which is very rare," he says.
At the end of day, it comes down to an individual's convictions, whether to regard or disregard these occult signs and symbols and whether the kind of music one listens to or the hand gestures one makes will determine whether you end in hell, heaven or another place.
Food for thought though - The Battle Of The Souls closes with the quote; "The signs are still out there… The battle is not yours…" has 666
Vampires on National Geographical channel.
If you can't see the video search it again on the National Geographical channel website.Use the search term 'vampires'
what is wrong with Christian rock Music?
Satanic Roots of Rock music
The music of devils in the Church
Christian Rock exposed
Is Conjuring the Holy Spirit Scriptural?
Satanism in Uganda
Articles Published in Bukedde News paper on Witchcraft in Ugandan Pentecostal Churches
Kata nfe
'Omusumba yandoga n'ansikdikira eminya'
Bya Richard Kayiira
NZE gwe mulaba nnasimattuka okufa, Omusumba bwe yansindikira eminya gintabaale.
Ebyo byonna okubaawo nga mmaze okwerabirako abantu munaana omusumba be yakolimira n'abalaalika bwe bajja okufa era ne bafa. Buno bwe bujulizi bwa Josephat Asimwe 37, eyalokoka mu 1998.
Agamba: Omusumba w'ekkanisa emu e Naguru (amannya galekeddwa) yamubuulira enjiri n'alokoka era wadde e Kitintale gy'abeera eriyo amakanisa, obulokole bwe yalina kubukolera Naguru. Ebyamutuukako abinyumya bwati: Mukama yannyimusa mangu ne nfuna ekitiibwa ky'Omudinkoni.
Omusumba yansiiga amafuta n'anfuula omu ku bakulembeze. Bwe nneeyongera okukuguka mu by'omwoyo, Omusumba n'assaawo amateeka okunkugira ne bannange okukola emirimu ye omusumba gye yali atwala nti gigye.
Yatugaana okusoma ennyiriri ezimu mu bayibuli okugeza olwa Matayo 16:19 oluwa abakkiriza amaanyi okugoba emizimu.
Yatugaana ennyimba okuli "mwoyo wa Mukama bw'akka wabeerawo enjawulo." Yatugaana n'okusiiba okuggyako nga y'alagidde. Ebintu byatabuka bwe twewaggula ne tusoma ennyiriri ze yatugaana, ne tuyimba n'ennyimba z'atayagala.
Buli lwe twasomanga ennyiriri ezo n'okuyimba ennyimba ng'omusumba afuna omutawaana. Olumu yafuna akabenje n'ajja atubuuza oba twakoze bye yatugaana.
Ekituufu twali twabikoze. Nze okumanya nti omusumba yalina eddogo, yamala kuva bweru mu 2001 n'ampa embira n'akawoowo bye yali anguliddeyo.
Embira nnaziwanika ku musumaali mu kisenge, kyokka olwefuuyira akawoowo ne ndaba ekifaananyi ky'omusumba ng'ajja gyendi n'annyingiramu n'abulira mu mubiri gwange. Nnafunirawo omusujja, ne nzirika ne banjoolayoola okuntwala mu ddwaaliro.
Nga ndi mu ddwaaliro nnafuna ebizimba omubiri gwonna. Baatuuka kunsiibula ng'omusumba wange talinnye mu ddwaaliro. Olwava mu ddwaaliro nnasibira wa musumba n'ansekerera nti: Olaba ovudde mu ddwaaliro ng'oli mulamu genda olye enkoko yo.
Yandabula: Komya olugezigezi oba oyagala obulamu. Bino okubaawo, agamba nti yali awakanya nnyo omusumba olw'amateeka ge agakontana ne bayibuli. Ebigambo by'omusumba byankwasa obusungu ne nzirayo eka.
Waayitawo ennaku bbiri n'antumira okugendayo kyokka ne ng'aana. Olunaku olwaddako nnalumbibwa eminya. Gyasooka mu kisenge nga buli we ntunula ndaba minya nga ne bwe ngigoba tegiseguka.
Mu kiseera ekyo nnajjirwa ebirowoozo bingi ne nzijukira engeri omusumba gye yakolimirangamu abantu, ebigambo bye ne bituukirira.
Waliwo abantu munaana abaamwesimbamu n'abakolimira era n'antegeeza nti bajja kufa.
Baagenda bafa okutuusa lwe baggwawo. Mu kutya nnasalawo okusenguka mu nju, kyokka ne nzijukira ennyiriri mu bayibuli ze twasomanga omusumba n'afuna ebizibu. Nnazisoma era okukyusa amaso ng'omunya ogwali ku buliri gufudde.
Ekiro Katonda yandaga ng'embira, omusumba ze yampa ze zaali zifuuka eminya. Nnaziggyawo ne nzisuula kwe kufuna emirembe. Nnakyusa ekkanisa ne nneegatta ku Prayer Palace e Kibuye gye bansabira okutereera.
Published on: Tuesday, 2nd May, 2006
Abasumba katono balwane lwa ddogo
Male (ku kkono) ng'alamusa ssentebe w'abasawo b'ekinnansi, Sylivia Namutebi ku Bulange Plaza.
Bya Richard Kayiira ne James Kabengwa
ABASUMBA b'Abalokole katono ebifuba bibabugumire ku laadiyo, bwe baatandise okuwaanyisanya ebisongovu ng'entabwe eva ku ddogo erisitudde enkundi mu makanisa gaabwe.
Ku makya g'Olwomukaaga, Omusumba Simeon Kayiwa ow'ekkanisa ya Namirembe Christian Fellowship ye yasoose okugugulana ne Moses Male ow'ekibiina kya Arising for Christ abalumiriza nti bakozesa ddogo okukola ebyamagero.
Baasisinkanye ku ya CBS mu Puloogulaamu ya 'Cross Fire' era Kayiwa eyabadde asoose okutuuka, bwe yalabye Male ng'ayingidde ne yeekandagga n'afuluma.
Eyabadde abakyazizza Andrew Kizito yagambye nti yagezezzaako okuwooyawooya Kayiwa ne yeerema.
Kyokka Kayiwa bwe yatuukiriddwa yategeezezza nti omutegesi wa pulogula-amu bwe yali amuyita teyamutegeeza nti anaabeeramu n'omuntu omulala yenna.
Olweggulo, Male yazzeemu okugwisanya obwenyi n'Abasumba abalala okwabadde Godfrey Lule ow'ekkanisa ya Blessed Temple e Kawanda n'Omusumba Patrick Kimera ow'ekkanisa ya Endtime Messengers e Wakaliga abaamusisinkanye ku pulogulaamu ya Mambo bado.
Male yasoose kuteeka Basu-mba ku nninga ng'agamba nti banyaga abagoberezi baabwe.
Wano Kimera we yaviiriddeyo n'alumba Male nti, "Otuswaza otya ? Eyo nsaalwa olwokuba ggwe tolina kkanisa.
Published on: Sunday, 30th April, 2006Naye mulogo
ABASUMBA b'Abalokole ab'enjawulo bongedde okuwa obujulizi ku ddogo n'obubbi obuli mu makanisa ag'enjawulo. Kyokka abamu be balumiriza bagamba nti eyo nnugu. Terah Kaaya yabatuukiridde ne babaako bye boogera.
ATAMUKUTTE y'agamba nti kwatira ddala onyweze. Naye ne nnabe agudde mu Kkanisa z'Abalokole yandyabuluzaamu ekkanisa.
Amakanisa gano galudde nga geerumaaluma ku bintu ebyenjawulo omuli eddogo, obubbi, Abasumba b'obulimba n'abasamize. Kati n'endiga zaabwe zitandise okuwanyisiganya ebisongovu.
Obukuubagano buno bwasooka kweyoleka mu 2003 eyali omukulembeze waabwe Simeon Kayiwa (ku ddyo) bwe baamuggyamu obwesige nti yali akozesa ddogo oluvannyuma lw'omukazi Omumerika okumulumiriza.
Baamuteekako akakiiko akabuuliriza naye n'okutuusa kati alipoota tefulumizibwanga mu butongole era tewali amanyi ky'azuulibwa.
Abawomye omutwe mu lutalo luno nga bakola kye baayise okugogola Kkanisa ye Musumba David Kiganda owa Focus Christian Centre , Omusumba Nehemiah Bamutiire ne Solmon Male.
Ate be basinze okuvumirira mulimu Nabbi Samuel Kakande nnannyini Kkanisa ya Synagoque of all Nations e Mulago, Godfrey Lule ow'e Nakulabye ne Steven Ssozi ku Kaleerwe.
Ekizimba kyeyongedde okusamba eddagala wiiki ssatu emabega Abalokole abaakulembeddwamu Nehemiah Bamutiire bwe beekalakaasizza nga bwe bayimba ennyimba ezivumirira banabbi ab'obulimba.
Ebimu ku bigambo ebyayogeddwa Abasumba bano mu bukambwe:
Bamutiire: Abo batwerimbikamu nga beeyita Abasumba naye balogo bennyini. Tufunye abantu ababaddemu ne batubuulira ebikolobero bye bakola.
Abamu balina amasabo gye bagenda ne basamira oluvannyuma ne badda mu makanisa ne bakola ebyamagero olwo abagoberezi baabwe ne babatenda okukola ennyo. Waliwo n'abalala abapanga abantu ne bawa obujulizi obutaliiyo.
Abakazi bangi bavuddeyo mu nkukutu ne boogera ebikolobero ebibakoleddwaako Abasumba bano. Abamu babakaka omukwano, bababbako ssente zaabwe n'okubasiiga amafuta mu bitundu byabwe eby'ekyama.
Waliwo ababba ssente ku bagoberezi baabwe nga babaguza ebintu nga emigaati, amazzi n'amafuta nga babalimba nti mwe muli emikisa.
David Kiganda; Agamba nti kino bakikoze okutaasa abantu okulema okugwa mu butego bw'abanyazi abeenoonyeza ebyabwe n'okukwabulwa.
Era abamu bye bakola katemba yennyini kufunirako ssente. 'Twagala omuntu bw'aba Mulokole akole ebintu ebituweesa ekitiibwa si kusamira olw'okuba ayagala okuganja mu bagoberezi be. Obubbi obukudde ejjembe mu makanisa tetukyasobola kubugumiikiriza,' bwe yayongeddeko.
Abantu bangi bali mu kubonaabona olwa ssente zaabwe okutwalibwa Abasumba mu lukujjukuju.
Abakazi bafiiriddwa obufumbo bwabwe naddala abakola bizinensi baziggyemu ssente zonna ne bazitwalira Abasumba okuzizaazaamu.
Abaami baabwe olubitegeera ne babagoba. Kati kye kiseera okugogola Ekkanisa n'okugirongoosa tuwone okuvumibwa n'okuweebuuka.
Male: Nze abasumba bonna mbamanyi nnyo. Nnali ewa Kakande okumala emyaka etaano, ebyaliyo byonna nnabiraba era mbimanyi bulungi. Ebyamagero ebikolebwayo ebisinga gonna maanyi ga mizimu. Basamize bennyini abawedde emirimu era baliko n'ennaku ze bagenda mu masabo gaabwe okufuna amaanyi gano.
Godfrey Lule: Abo Abasumba balina 'ennugu'. Bwavu bwe buboogeza batyo. Tebalina byawandiikibwa bye beesigamako okugamba nti tuli ba nnabbi abobulimba.
Ekikwekweto kye balimu Mukama si ye yabatumye wabula sitaani y'abatawaanya.
Batandise kwawulayawula mu bantu, balese amasabo agali okumpi n'amakanisa gaabwe bazze ku bannaabwe.
Okugeza Ekkanisa ya Kiganda yeetooloddwa bamalaaya abasuula kondomu mu mulyango gwe ne ku lubalaza. Lwaki tasookera kw'abo? Abo beeyita basumba naye balalu ate balogo abawedde emirimu, babuliddwa amaanyi agakola ebyamagero ne balufuula lutalo.
Kye balina okumanya abantu baakoowa Kkanisa ezibeebasa nga tewali kikolebwayo. Ssozi:
Katonda talwanira muntu yenna ntalo. Olaba bagamba nti Kakande ye yamenya ekkanisa ya Luwaga n'etta abantu ng'ekituufu bakimanyi nti yazimbibwa bubi mba si bategeera.
Ddala abo basumba?
Wabula baagambye nti olutalo Male lwasitudde ng'alowooza nti agogola Kkanisa yeerimba.
Lugenda kwabuluzaamu Kkanisa era kino kiraga nti naye Mulogo.
Published on: Thursday, 27th April, 2006
Eddogo balifunira mu biwandiiko
Bya Richard Kayiira
ABAALI abayambi b'Abasumba b'Abalokole basatu bavuddeyo ne balaga ebiwandiiko bbo bye baayise 'yirizi' bakama baabwe ze bakozesa okukola ebyamagero n'okutuusa ku bantu abalala obulabe.
Ebiwandiiko bino biri mu lulimi Luwalabu era ekimu kiriko n'ekifaananyi ky'omusaalaba wakati (ku ddyo).
Abayambi bano baali bawee-reza mu kkanisa z'Abalokole entutumufu (amannya galekeddwa) era olw'ebikolwa eby'eddogo bye baalaba ku Basumba abaali babakulembera ne basalawo okwawukana ku kkanisa zaabwe.
Yirizi zino ezaali zibaweereddwa okusobola okukola ebyamagero nga bakama baabwe tebaliiwo, baasalawo okuziweereza Moses Male ow'ekibiina kya Arising For Christ mu kiseera we yatandikira okulwanyisiza Abasumba abakozesa eddogo.
Omuyambi omu yagambye nti, "Omusumba yampa yirizi eno mu 1989 ng'ang'ambye nti y'egenda okunnyamba okukola ebyamagero buli lw'anaabanga taliiwo abantu baleme kudduka mu kkanisa. Nagiteekanga mu Bayibuli era bwe natuusanga okusabira abantu nga ngizingako (bayibuli) ne ngikubako ekibatu n'amaanyi amangi nga bwe mpita Yesu, olwo amaanyi ga yirizi ne gasaanuuka abantu ne bagwa ebigwo."
Agamba nti wabula bwe yafuna obutakkaanya n'omusumba mukama we oluvannyuma lw'okukitegeera nti yali ateekateeka okutandikawo ekkanisa ye, yirizi n'emufuukira ekyambika.
"Buli lwe nneebakanga nga ndaba emisota egimubojja, kyokka nga bwe mpawamuka sirabawo kintu kyonna. Ate emisana, buli we nnateekanga olupapula luno (yirizi), nga ndabawo omusota oba omukka ogunyooka kyokka nga bwe nsembera we biri nga bibula," bwe yannyonnyodde.
Agamba nti ekkanisa yagiddukamu era mu 1994 ekipapula (ekiri ku P1) n'akiwa Male era kwe kufuna ku mirembe.
Omuyambi omulala naye yaweereza Male yirizi mu 2002 ng'agamba nti yali esobozesa mukamaawe okumanya buli ky'akoze, ky'alowooza ne ky'ateekateeka okukola ebyobugagga by'alina n'ebyafaayo bye.
Ate omuyambi Owookusatu yirizi yagiweereza mu April 2003 n'annyonnyola nti buli lwe yabeeranga nayo ng'ebintu bitandika okumutambula mu mubiri era bwe butuuka ekiro ng'ebintu bitandika okumutuga kyokka bwe yagamba Omusumba eyagimuwa yamuddamu kimu nti, "Awo amaanyi ga Yesu gaba gakola" Male ayongera okunnyonnyola ebyewuunyisa yirizi eno by'esobola okukola n'ebizibu by'esobola okutuusa ku muntu gwe baba bagiwadde era agyogerako bw'ati:
Ewunza Abalokole ababa bakulemberwa Omusumba agikozesa nga buli ky'abagamba bakikkiririzaawo awatali kusengejja. Ewaliriza abagoberezi okuwaayo buli ke balina okukkakkana nga tebasigazza kantu konna.
Ekuwaliriza okuggya obwesige mu bantu bonna ne busigala mu Musumba oyo yekka nga ne ssente tokyazitereka mu banka, Omusumba y'azikuterekera. Bw'ogitwala ew'omuntu gw'otakolagana naye, n'olaamiriza ekintu ekibi kimutuukeko, ekimutuusaako.
Bw'ofuna obutakkaanya n'Omusumba eyagikuwa, buli lwe weebaka otandika okulaba ebifaananyi by'Omusumba oyo nga bikukolako obulabe.
Published on: Sunday, 30th April, 2006
Omusumba Ssozi
Wednesday, 27th April, 2005
Omusumba Ssozi
Bya Terah Kaaya ne Godfrey Katamba
BW’OGENDA mu kkanisa y’Omusumba Steven Ssozi eri ku Kaleerwe toyinza kuvaayo ng’enviiri tezikuvudde ku mutwe!
Kubanga emboozi z’osangayo, nga zinyumizibwa abantu b’olowooza nti babitiibwa mu ggwanga zikumala okumanya nti abantu bangi mu nsi basula ku tebuukye.
Olumu mu 1998 Maj. gen James Kazini yava e Congo ng’ali bubi, era nga buli omu alowooza nti taasulewo.
Wabula Omusumba Ssozi bwe yamusabira yavaamu ebintu ebya kiragala omukwafu ebigambibwa nti ly’Eddogo eryamusindikirwa.
“Kazini yawona, buli munnamagye yali amuwaddeyo, era ebyuma ebyasooka mu kkanisa y’Omusumba Kazini ye yabigula ng’ayagala okumwebaza okumuwonya,” omu ku balokole bwe yang’ambye.
Ate olumu mu 2001 Col. Dr. Kiiza Besigye yakeera ew’Omusumba Ssozi. Omu ku bakebezi ababiri abaaliwo nga Besigye asisinkana Ssozi agamba nti yali ayagala amusabireko omusango aguwangule.
“Omusumba yamugamba nti Besigye ne Gavumenti tewali ajja kuwangula musango. N’amukuutira nti bw’alyeyingiza mu buyeekera, bajja kumutwala talinnya, nti ate okudda mu Uganda alimala kusimba nnakakongo. Kyokka byonna Omusumba bye yagamba Besigye byatuukirira,” omukebezi bw’agamba.
Okumala eggobe mu kibya y’emboozi y’omusajja Moses Ssebbombo agamba nti baamukolera Eddogo e Mpereerwe nga buli w’agenda bw’aggyamu engatto ng’emu ebula.
Olumu yagenda n’okusaba omulimu okutuuka eri engatto emu n’emusowoka mu kigere n’ebula. Omulimu baagumumma!
Bino byonna biri wa musumba Ssozi. Bw’otuuka mu kkanisa ye e Kaleerwe oyinza okulowooza nti waliwo afudde. Kubanga kumpi mu buli kusaba, abantu bwe bakwatibwa emizimu emikambwe nga bakuba enduulu, okusinda, n’okutema emiranga gy’obeera bafiiriddwa.
Ekkanisa y’Omusumba Ssozi eyitibwa Glad Tidings.Eyiye eyawukanako ku nkola z’amakanisa amalala ag’Abalokole. Okusaba kubeerawo buli Lwakutaano, sso si ku Ssande. mu mwezi bakung’aana ku Lwassande olusooka lwokka. Olwokusatu luba lw’akusabira na kuyamba bagenyi ababa batagendangako mu kkanisa eno.
“Abamu ku bakungu ba Gavumenti bampita mu ofiisi zaabwe mbasabireko, sikulwa ng’emizimu gibakaabirako abantu ne babawulira. Bano mbasabira buli ku Mmande,” Omusumba bw’agamba.
Olwokuna lwa balwadde, abalina ebizibu eby’enjawulo omuli, bangoba ku mulimu, bangoba mu nju, ezadde libuze, ebintu bintambula mu mubiri, emizimu gintuga n’ebirala .
Kigambibwa nti mu kiseera eyali omumyuka wa Pulezidenti Dr. Sepecioza Naigaga Wandira Kazibwe we baali bamunyeenyeza ennyo olw’ebidiba, nga tava wa musumba Ssozi. Wabula bwe nnakimubuuzizza yagaanyi okukikakasa!
Agamba nti ye takola ku bantu, wabula Katonda y’akola era y’amuwa amaanyi.
mu kusaba okw’Olwokutaano oluwedde Ssozi yayogedde ku mubbi lukulwe John muhanguzi eyeeyita ‘John King’ gwe baakutte wiiki ewedde. Yagambye nti yali alemye abaserikale okukwata, nga yeemulula nga Bin Laden, naye bwe yakisabiddeko Katonda n’amukwasa ab’obuyinza.
Agamba nti amaanyi g’alina okukusabira ne bakuwa viza, n’ofuna omulimu, abadde omwavu lunkupe n’ovulumula emmotoka n’ebizibu ebirala ebimweyunya Katonda y’abikolako.
“Waliwo Abasumba abanjogerera obubi naye nze nnina ebirabo bye mbasingako. Nnina ekirabo ky’obunnabbi, ndi musumba, musomesa ate omubuulizi,” Ssozi bw’agamba.
Ekkanisa ye oyinza okugiyitako nga togitegedde. Okuva ku kkubo ku Kaleerwe oyita mu lukuubo nga bw’olaba zino ezibeeramu bamalaaya e Kabalagala. Naye omusomi wange, ani yakugamba nti Katonda abeera mu bifo b
imasamasa byokka?
Omusumba agamba nti Katonda tatondanga muntu amusse ku nsi aboneebone, naye obujeemu bwammwe n’okuba nga temumanyi ani ayinza kubayamba kumumanya kye kibasibye mu bwavu, ebizibu, ebikolimo na buli kalonda omubi ali mu nsi.
Kati wuliriza emboozi ya muky. Sarah Nkonge muwonge ayagala okwesimbawo ku bwameeya bwa Kampala. “Nfuna nnyo ebizibu bingi naye byonna biggweera wa musumba Ssozi. Nnina ennyumba gye nzimba era bwe ngibeeramu ndaba nga Kampala ali wansi wa bigere byange. Naye omu ku bannannyini ttaka yabadde ayagala bagimenye naye Omusumba bwe yansabira byonna byagonjoose,” bwe yawadde obujulizi mu kusaba kw’Olwokutaano.
Kati ggwe oli ku ki?
Eby’eddogo mu balokole biranze
Monday, 24th April, 2006
MU LINNYA LYA YESU NDAGIRA OWONE: Nnabbi Samuel Kakande ng’asabira omulwadde eggulo.
Bya Basasi baffe OmuSUMBA eyayawukanye ne Nabbi Samuel Kakande ayongedde ayongedde okulumiriza nti eby’amagero ebisinga ebikolerwa mu makanisa g’abalokole bibeera bipange. Moses Male eyafulumidde mu Bukedde ku Ssande yagambye nti abamu ku bawa obujulizi bamala ‘kukola ddiiru’ n’abasumba.
Yawadde ekyokulabirako ky’omusumba omu (amannya galekeddwa) eyeeyogerako nti awonya siriimu n’ebizibu ebirala kyokka amazima gali nti akolagana n’omusawo asooka okukebera omusaayi n’alaga nti omuntu oyo mulwadde n’oluvannyuma n’akakasa nti omuntu oyo awonye oluvannyuma lw’okumusabira.
Male agattako nti abasumba abamu bapanga n’abantu baabwe ne bajja mu kkanisa ne bawa obujulizi obwewuunyisa ku byamagero Katonda by’abakoledde kyokka nga tebiriiyo. Yagambye nti tawakanya maanyi ga Katonda kyokka basumba banne ebintu babitaddemu obutali bwesimbu nga bakozesa erinnya lya Katonda.
Okugeza bawonya buli agendayo n’abasomooza nti bwe baba ng’amaanyi ago bagalina bagende e mulago batuwonyezeeko ku balwadde abaliyo kubanga abo (abali e mulago) tebalina ngeri gye bajja kupanga nabo.
Ebigambo bya Male byasaanudde abasumba era eggulo kye kyabadde ekyokubuulirako mu makanisa agenjawulo. Ekkanisa ya Kakande e mulago yabooze abantu omwabadde ne RDC w’e Kalangala, Katenda Luutu.
Yabasabidde okuwona endwadde n’ebizibu ebirala. “Mwenna abalina endwadde n’ebikoligo ebibadde bibasibye musumuluddwa mwetambulire”, bwe yalangiridde mu mizira ng’abantu bwe bagwa ebigwo olw’amaanyi g’omwoyo.
Yagambye nti kituufu yaliko n’omusumba Male naye byonna byayogera (Male) bikyamu kubanga baayawukana dda.
Yajulizza bayibuli nti abayigirizwa baali 12 naye omu Yuda yayawukana ku banne n’alyamu ne Yesu olukwe. Male naye atwalibwa mu kiti ekyo.
Kyokka Male yategeezezzza Bukedde eggulo nti tayinza kuleka Basumba kuswaza linnya lya Krisito nga bakola ebikyamu. Ajja kubaanika. Yagambye nti aludde nga wa munda nnyo. Yasooka kubeera ne Bishop David Makumbi mu 1989, n’adda ewa Kayiwa, n’azzaako Stephen Ssozi n’oluvannyuma ewa Kakande n’olwekyo ‘mbamanyi nnyo.’ mu kusaba ewa Kayiwa, yategeezezza a nti amaanyi gaakozesa agaggya mu bayibuli. N’ajuliza Bakolinso ekisooka, 1:10, nti Katonda agaba ebitone ebyenjawulo okulaga amaanyi ge.
Awo we nzigya amaanyi. mu Victory Centre mu Ndeeba, Joseph Sserwadda yabuuliridde Basumba banne obutalwanira bagoberezi n’agamba nti ekyetaagisa kunyiikira okubuulira enjiri abagoberezi bajje bokka. Omusumba Imelda Namutebi eyabadde abuulira mu kkanisa ye eya Liberty Worship e Lugala yavudde mu mbeera n’alabula abakimusibako nti akozesa ddogo nti bwe bataakikomye Katonda ajja kubabonereza.
Yalangidde basumba banne nti obutaba na maanyi gakola byamagero kiva ku butawa kimu kya kkumi. “ Nze buli lwe ngaba ekintu nfuna amafuta”.Yabadde yaaakava mu South Afrika n’agamba nti abamwogerako bamala biseera, ajja kweyongera okukola ebyamagero abantu basumululwe.
Omulabirizi w’e Namirembe Balagadde Ssekkadde eyabadde e Maganjo yalabudde Abakukisitaayo obutagenda mu makanisa mapya kubanga bawulidde nti eyo gye bagenda abantu abamu bakozesa ddogo. Yagambye nti abasumba abamu okutandika okulangira bannaabwe okukozesa Eddogo kiragira ddala nga bwe bavudde ku mulamwa. Yataddeko Abakulisitaayo 60 emikono. Biwandiikiddwa Henry mutebi, Hannington Nkalubo, Richard Kayiira , Ibrahim Ssegirinya.
Nabbi Ezra Lukwago
Tuesday, 31st May, 2005
Nabbi Ezra Lukwago omu ku Basumba b’Abalokole ababadde basinga amaanyi mu Kampala.
Bya Tom mutebi
Nabbi Ezra Lukwaago yafudde obulwadde bw’omutima n’amawuggwe ku Lwokutaano lwa wiiki ewedde Ono y’abadde nnannyini kkanisa ya Good Samaritan Mission Of Uganda, e Masajja ,kyokka ng’erina n’amatabi amalala agasoba mu 100 mu bitundu by’eggwanga ebitali bimu.
Byonna ebimwogerwako okuva ku kuzaalibwa okutuusa lw’afudde bya kyewuunyo. Yazaalibwa nga July 3 1958, ku kyaalo Katwe Bambula ku lugenda e Hoima mu maka g’abagenzi Petero Luuti Kanani Jjumba ne Nasita.
Ekitabo kye yeewandiikira kiraga nti mu lubuto lwa nnyina yamalamu emyezi 28! Nti olubuto bwe lwaweza emyezi mwenda nnyina n’agenda mu ddwaaliro okumukebera kyokka ne bakamutema nti mu kifo ky’omwana alinamu mazzi. Emyezi bwe gyeyongera nga mukazi wattu tasobola kutambula yadde okutuula ate nga n’abasawo b’ekinnansi bwe bamulyako ssente baasalawo bagende ewa dokita omu eyeeyita mucheeza n’amutegeeza nga bwe yali alina okulongoosebwa.
Lwe yali agenda okulongoosebwa ate lwe yazaala! Nti Lukwago teyatambula, kitaawe yakola eddagala lyonna lye yali amanyi n’atuuka n’okukyuka mu ddiini okuva mu Busiraamu okudda mu Butakoliki ne birema!
mu 1964, Abalokole ba mungu Umwema bwe baagenda ku kyalo kyabwe nnyina n’alokoka n’abantu abalala bangi olwo Lukwago naye mwe yagendera era n’atambula.
Yali muto naye n’atandika okukola obunabbi. Nti era abantu beekuluumululanga okugenda okulaba omwana omuto akola eby’amagero omuli okusabira abalwadde ne bawona n’ebirala.
Obuwereza yabutandikira mu Kiryokya Full Gospel Church n’omugenzi Christopher Kimera.
Omugenzi Erick Ssali ye yamuleeta e Kampala nga babeera Makindye , wano Dr. Abul Nyanzi we yamusangira ne yeewunya eby’amagero omwana omuto bye yali akola n’amutwalira omusajja Omwesiopia Daz Wet , eyamutwala e wa Ssekabaka Salius mu Ethiopia. Eno yakolerayo ebyewuunyo era nti mu kiseera ekyo n’alagira bendera ya Uganda ewanikibwe olw’okumuwa ekitiibwa.
Bwe yakomawo mu Uganda yaddayo n’asoma e Bukoola Primary School n’akoma mu P.3.
Abalokole Abakanada bajja mu Uganda okubuulira enjiri mu kiseera ekyo ng’ekkanisa esinga obututumufu ye ya Makerere Full Gospel. Baatambula mu bitundu eby’enjawulo ne batuuka n’e Kiryokya gye baasanga Lukwaago ng’abuulira enjiri , bamwettika ne bamutwala e Canada.
Eyo nti yasangayo omuwala Galad eyali alwadde eddookooli n’amusabira n’awona. Nti ate emikono gye gyali gyagongobala n’agosabira ne gitereera.
mu Uganda yakomawo mu 1976, kyokka ate ne bamuyita e Toronto , baamuwerera okuddamu okusoma mu yunivasite ya Toronto . Omulabirizi Kivengere ye yali munnayuganda eyali mu Canada mu biseera ebyo n’amuyamba okubeerawo.
mu 1979 ng’akomyewo yatambuza bigere okutuuka e Kiryokya, kyokka eyo abatujju baamusangayo ne bamubba n’okumusiba mu kkomera.
Olwava mu kkomera n’akola nga haawusibooyi e Kasubi, naye ng’akawungeezi abuulira enjiri ew’Omusumba Simeon Kayiwa.
Eyo nayo baamukwatirayo ku mulembe gwa Obote nga bamuyita omuyeekera n’asibira e Luzira.
Enjiri yagibuyulirirako e Tanzania . Yavaayo atandiseeyo ekkanisa ya Good Samaritan Bihalamuro era ekyaliyo era ekulirwa Omusumba Bumaali.
Bwe yava e Tanzania ne yeegatta ku Kkanisa ya Uganda era Abalabirizi Lwetungula , Kauma ne Kivengere baamusindika Busoga. Wabula Omulabirizi Bamwoze ne mukyala we nti baamuyisaamu amaaso n’adda mu bulokole.
Yatandikawo ekkanisa ya Redeemed Church e Katwe eyasabiranga mu bbaala ya White Nile. Eno gye yasisinkana ne Nabbi Obiri Yeboah, omusajja agambibwa okuleeta Eddogo mu balokole mu Uganda.
Yali omu ku balokole abeegatta ne Balabyekkubo okukola ekkanisa ya Prayer Palace e Kibuye.
Era Balabyekkubo bwe yafa Lukwago n’akola ekkanisa ku Nakivubo Blue. Oluvannyuma omugenzi Henry Kasule yamuwa yiika bbiri e Kawempe-Ttula n’azimbayo ekkanisa .
Gye yava okugenda okupangisa e Najjanankumbi.
Omugenzi Sarah Nakibuuka ye yamuwa ettaka e Ndikita-madda ku lw’e Salaama awali ekkanisa ye. Wabula Omusumba abadde tava Luzira kubanga nga tayisa sikaati!
Male ayongedde bwino ku Basumba. ‘Babbi’
Wednesday, 26th April, 2006
Moses Male eyayawukana ne Nabbi Samuel Kakande alumiriza nti Abasumba b’abalokole abamannya bakozesa Eddogo, banyaga ensimbi ku bagoberezi era bapanga abantu okuwa obujulizi nti bawonyezeddwa kyokka nga si kituufu. Yabadde ku CBS ku Mmande ku pulogulaamu ya ‘Kkiriza oba gaana’ ekubirizibwa Meddie Nsereko Ssebuliba. Bino bye bimu ku bye yayogedde:
Nsereko: Waliko ewa Kayiwa, n’odda ewa Stephen Ssozi n’oluvannyuma ewa Kakande. Nga kiki ekikutabaaza?
Male: Nnali sitabaala.Ng’omulokole tewali king’aana kusabira mu kkanisa gye njagala. Ate bwe wabaawo ebitatambudde bulungi ddembe lyange okugenda awalala. Abasumba mbamanyi kiwanvu. Bye bakola byonna mbimanyi. Ewa Kakande nnali wa munda nga ndi nnamba ssatu okuva ku Kakande ne mukazi we.
Lwaki ovuddeyo kati okwanika Abasumba Abalokole bye bakola kyokka ng’obadde obisirikidde ebbanga ddene?
Buli kintu kibaako ekiseera kyakyo. Olwaleero
ky’ekiseera okubuulira abantu nti be bayita abalokole babbi, bakozesa ddogo, beegomba bak’abasajja ne basinda nabo omukwano, basaddaaka. Bantu bakyamu nnyo.
Olumu nnali n’omusumba omututumufu mu Kampala akola ebyamagero (amannya galekeddwa) ne tugenda mu dduuka lya Wina Classic ku Sheraton. Omusumba yeegomba essuuti n’engatto nga bigula buwanana. Nga tuli n’omusumba oyo twayiiya engeri y’okufunamu ensimbi zino okuva mu bantu abajja okusaba. Kwe kusalawo enkeera ku Ssande abuulire enjiri y’okusiga.
Ku Ssande, Omusumba yayimirira mu Kkanisa n’abuuza abaagala okusiga ewa mukama bawanike emikono. Kyokka abaawanika baali batono. Waliwo omuvubuka, Omusumba gwe yali ayisizzaamu olukwe eyasituka n’ayogera ku kusiga nti yawaayo eri mukama 5,000/- kyokka n’afuna 50,000/- mu ddakiika ntono.
Abantu baacamuka ne bakuba mu ngalo. Ku nkomerero baamatira enjiri y’okusiga. Omusumba n’alaggira baddeyo beetegeke baddeyo ku Ssande n’ekirabo kya mukama. Ssande eyaddako abantu baayiwa ssente era Omusumba n’abawa omukisa.
Omusumba yalaba ssente nnyingi nnyo nga zipakiddwa mu bisawo n’alowooza nti zijja kutiisa abagoberezi, kwe kubagaana okufuluma Ekkanisa okutuusa ng’ensimbi ziggyiddwawo.
Male yennyini naye ekitimba ky’Abasumba yakigwamu. Yali anoonya omuwala ow’okuwasa, Omusumba n’amubuulira ebisaanyizo omuwala gw’anaawasa by’alina okuba nabyo. Male yagwa ku muwala alina ebisaanyizo ebyo: luvannyuma nnyo nga tusiimaganye lwe mmanya nti omusumba yali asisinkanye omuwala oyo n’amubuulira ebisaanyizo by’omusajja gw’ateekwa okufumbirwa nga ye nze (Male).
Bikyamu ki ebirala?
Omusumba omukazi omwatiikirivu (amannya garekeddwa) mubbi w’abasajja. Ekyo ani atakimanyi? Nsobola okumenya abasajja b’asigudde. Wano Nsereko amukomako aleme kulumba bantu.
Ebirala by’omanyi?
Amazzi Abasumba ge bamansira abantu gawunya ekivundu ng’omulambo. Kino bakikola okwongera okutiisa abantu. Obujulizi obuweebwa obumu bupange. Abasumba bakolagana n’abantu baabwe okuwubisa oba okumatiza abagoberezi abalala.
Wano Omusumba Simeon Kayiwa akuba essimu: Male by’ayogera si bituufu. Nnina ekifaananyi kya Ebiri Yebowa mu Kkanisa kyokka si ddogo. Kyampeebwa mukwano gwange. mu nkola ey’ekigunjufu toyinza kusuula kirabo.
Kayiwa: mu 1990 Male yantuukirira ng’omukulembeze w’Abalokole n’antegeeza nti Kakande akozesa Eddogo. Nnamulagira aleete abajulizi kyokka bwe yagenda teyadda.
Male akozesebwa bantu abalina ekigendererwa okwonoona Abalokole. Male teyasoma. Agezaako kusuula bamusinga buyigirize n’ensimbi.
Male: Yesu bwe yali abunyisa enjiri yakozesa bataasoma abaawansi. Abayigiriza be 12 kwaliko abavubi. Yesu yennyini yazaalibwa mu kiraalo, ekyo kiraga bwetoowaze tasosola baavu nga nze Male.
Amakanisa mangi gaavuwaza abantu nga babalagira okutunda ebyabwe ensimbi ne bazibanyagako. Njagala okulabula abantu bonna mu kiseera kino eky’okusasula fiizi z’amasomero: Abasumba bajja kukozesa omukisa guno babanyage mulemwe n’okuzzaayo abaana mu masomero.
Waliwo abasajja abali ku kyeyo abaweereza ensimbi bakyala baabwe, kyokka abakazi ne bazitwalira Abasumba baziwe omukisa zonna ne bazibalyako.
Ebirala bingi ebizuuliddwa ku balokole birinde mu Bukedde w’enkya.
‘Batukaka omukwano’
Omusumba yankuba nga mmugaanyi.
Bya Richard Kayiira ne Henry Ssennyondo
OBUJULIZI obusamaaliriza ku Basumba b’Abalokole abeeyambisa Ekkanisa ng’empuku y’ebikolobero bwongera okuvaayo buli olukya. Abalokole ab’enjawulo baasanguzizza emize gy’Abasumba abaludde nga babalyowa emyoyo.
Justine Namayanja, 24, ayanise Omusumba ‘eyasiba ffaamu’ y’abawala n’atandika okubakozesa omu ku omu era abamu ne babuukayo n’embuto. Byonna abirombojja bw’ati:
“Nali mbeera ne mmange e Lubaga era gye navanga okugenda okusoma. Emisomo bwe nagimaliriza omulimu ne gubula. Bandagirira ew’Omusumba omu alina kkanisa ku luguudo Musajjalumbwa mu Kampala gwe bankakasa nti talina kizibu ky’alemwa.
Nga ntuuseeyo, mu October wa 2004 omusumba yankwatako n’ang’amba nti naliko ekikoligo ekyali kizibikira emikisa gyange era n’andagira okubeera mu maka ge ansabire okutuusa ng’ekikoligo akikutudde.
Nasiibula maama ne nkwatamu ebyangu amakanda ne ngasimba ewa paasita. Eno nasangayo abawala abalungi musanvu abaali mu kigero kyange era nti nabo baali balindiridde kukutulwako ‘dayi mooni’.
Nakitegeera luvannyuma nti gano amaka Omusumba yali agataddewo kukuumiramu bantu be kyokka nga yalina amaka amatongole omwali mukazi we n’abaana.
Nga wayise emyezi ebiri nakizuula ng’Omusumba yali yaakeebaka n’abawala basatu ku musanvu be nasangawo. Omusumba ky’ataamanya kiri nti abawala bwe baamalanga okwebaka naye nga batunyumizaako ng’obulamu bwabwe bwe bumaze okukyusibwa.
Yabagambanga nti bw’amala okwegatta nabo mu buliri babeera bagabanye ku mafuta agakola ebyamagero Katonda ge yamufukako nti era kye babeera baagala mu bulamu basaba busabi ne bafuna.
Be yamalanga okukozesa, ng’abafunira abamu ku baweereza be nga babawasa ng’abamatizza nti Mukama amulung’amizza nti amafuta ge bagabanye gajja kukola ebyamagero bingi nga bafumbiddwa abasajja abo.
Eby’embi abamu okwali Harriet ne Kisaakye baagenda okubagabira abasajja abalala nga bali mbuto, Omusumba ze yabafunisa. Olunaku lwakya lumu Omusumba n’ampita mu kisenge kye n’atandika okunkuba ‘siasa’ gwe yakubanga bannange.
Nagaana ne mmugamba nti bwe kituuka awo nze nga nzirayo ewa mmami era olwamugamba bino n’atandika okunsamba n’okumpacca empi. Bwe yalaba ng’aanidde ddala n’atandika okunsendasenda nfumbirwe omu ku balenzi gwe yakozesanga mu kkanisa kyokka ne nneerema.
Baakola olukwe bankwate nga nneebase bansobyeko olw’empaka kyokka omu ku bavubuka eyalumanyaako n’andabula, kwe kuddukayo ne nzira ewaffe.”
Bino Justine okubyogera ng’ali mu musomo ogwategekeddwa e Mmengo ogwagenderedde okulabula abantu ku Basumba abeeyambisa ekkanisa okutuukiriza ebigendererwa byabwe ebikontana ne Bayibuli.
Wano akola ku by’okukunga abantu mu Ofiisi ya RDC wa Kampala Rehema Kyeyune eyakazibwako ‘Maama Nakagiri’ we yasitukidde n’awa obujulizi bw’omuyambi w’Omusumba Samuel Kakande eyamukuba ng’agamba nti yali asaalimbidde ku lusozi lwa Nabbi.
Agamba nti mu December wa 2006 yagenda ku kkanisa ya Kakande eya Synagogue esangibwa Kubbiri ng’alina ensonga z’ayagala okumuyitiramu, wabula ne bamugamba nti ali ku lusozi lwe oluyitibwa Prayer Mountain e Bulenga gy’asabira n’okusiiba.
“Nneesitula ne ng’enda e Bulenga ku Prayer Mountain ne nnyingira mu kikomera Nabbi mwe yali wabula nali nkyalindiridde okumusisinkana, Omuyambi we amuvvuunulira Johnson Kato n’annumba n’annyambalira nga bw’ambuuza ampadde olukusa olugenda mu kifo ekyo.”
Mu musango maama Nakagiri gwe yaggula ku Kato ku fayiro SD16/06/12/06 ku Poliisi y’e Kakiri agamba nti mu kavuvung’ano Kato yasindika mmotoka ya Nakagiri n’ewaba ng’alina ekigendererwa ky’okumusuula ku kabenje.
Omusumba Moses Solomon Male ow’ekibiina kya Arising For Christ eyategese omusomo guno yagambye nti bagenda kutegeka emirala egiringa guno mu bitundu bya Uganda eby’enjawulo nga basaasaanya enjiri evumirira Abasumba abavvoola ekitiibwa ky’ekkanisa.
Published on: Saturday, 13th January, 2007
Sunday Life | May 27 - June 2, 2007
Different scenes from the movie Battle of the Souls; Wycliffe walks out of the water; A lecturer, Frederick talks about the occultic signs; Two disciples walk out of the water. Just how safe is one from the occult? Courtesy photos
The signs are almost everywhere. On clothes, jewellery, shoes, bags and many other items. Most people do not know what they stand for or that they are signs
anyway. Phoebe Mutetsi looks at what the occult signs mean and asks whether we should be wary about them
Means to abolish all laws. In other words "do what thou wilt" the law of Satanists. Used by Punk rockers and Heavy Metal followers.
Symbolises fertility rites and the building up of lust within a person. A spirit of lust is the power of this union of male /female representations. Also called the Long Life Seal.
Church of Satan:
Founded by Anton LaVey in 1966.
It is one of the most potent symbols used in the working of the powers of darkness. Used to work magic.
Inverted Pentagram:
Symbolises the morning star, a name Satan has taken. Used in witchcraft and occult rituals to conjure up evil spirits. Satanists use it 2 points up and pagans use it one point up. Any way it is used symbolises evil.
Pentagram:Symbol used in Witchcraft. Represents the elements, earth, wind, fire and water with the spirit surrounding them.
Satanic Cross:
Upside down question mark that questions the Deity of God. Within the occult, it is the representation of the three crown princes; Satan, Belial and Leviathan. Symbolises complete power under Lucifer
In Chinese philosophy, two great opposite principles or forces on whose interplay everything depends. Yang is male, light and positive, Yin is female , dark and negative.
Used in satanic and occult worship. Practitioners are acknowledging their god as Baal or Lucifer. Horoscope signs are included
Horned Hand:
The sign of recognition between those in the Occult. When pointed at someone it is meant to place a curse. Note the thumb over the fingers and given by the left hand.
Going under water is so last season; no need not to wet your clothes and hair while holding your breath just to be in conference with the horned one. Today, all it takes is to be in possession of any of the 26 or more occult signs whether as accessories, wall hangings or on your clothes and Lucifer will be in possession of your soul.
That is of course if one is to go by studies published on the Internet and/or the theory presented in Matthew Bishanga's underworld themed movie, Battle Of The Souls.
GOTHIC: People have labelled heavy metal rock and rock stars like Marilyn Manson as Satanic. Net photo
In this movie, the plot revolves around the book of the occult signs. Right from that first scene, set in a cemetery in Gayaza; in the middle of the night, an old priest is digging up the occult book of signs with the intention of setting it on fire so this world can be rid of Satanism; to that long lecture given on three of the common occult signs, one gathers that this is a subject worth paying attention to.
These underworld signs range from the RnB/Rock n Roll finger gestures that apparently symbolise the devil's horns and a sign of recognition between those in the occult also used to place curses on the person it is pointed to, to seemingly harmless horn-like pendants and those silver circular pendants that Oprah Winfrey and so many others spot on their necklaces.
The unfairness of all this is that one needs no prior knowledge of these signs or intention to be in partnership with Satan to be sucked in.
Ignorance, no defence
According to Roger Mugisha whose former life as a Satanist is the inspiration for Battle of the Souls, the fact that one is not aware that what they are wearing as an accessory or the picture on their clothes is an Occult symbol doesn't let the wearer off the hook. "The signs will still be significant and the wearer becomes an advocate of the devil." With this statement, Roger Mugisha is shown a recent picture of the Nabagereka, Nagginda Sylvia Luswata at the Kabaka's birthday celebration.
Looking impeccable as usual, the queen of Buganda is wearing a blue dress, which bears a Ying-Yang symbol on the chest area. To a layman's eye and most likely herself, the Ying-Yang sign is only another artistic impression that makes the dress a lot more glamorous. But to one who knows about the occult signs, a Satanist or a former devil worshipper in this case, wearing this dress is no different from proclaiming your discipleship with the devil.
"It is very likely that the Queen of Buganda has no idea of what the Ying-Yang sign symbolises or the grave significance of her wearing such a dress," says Mugisha.
According to him, light needs to be shed on these signs such that people can be educated because, "these signs are spreading into the world like a bush fire. And the more people in possession of them, the more recruits the devil has."
But not every one is buying into this underworld exposé. To some, the talk about the occult signs is just a fresh angle to feed the increasingly lucrative obsession with the underworld.
"People are obsessed with the underworld, it's scary. I wish they spent that time and money teaching about the kingdom of God, His mercy and kindness instead of trying to sell books and movies using the gospel of the devil," one female radio presenter states.
Sam Tendo, like the lady above, says that this underworld obsession is baseless and illogical.
"The Bible is clear that it is not what we take in but what we put out that is important. Is it even logical that I will be possessed by the devil simply because my T-shirt has a Ying Yang sign or my hip-hop finger gestures are apparently the devil's horns? Who says that the devil has got horns to begin with? He might be a very attractive man, woman or just a spirit for all we know," he says.
Many Ugandans were subjected to listening to singer Chameleone's side of the story in his song Mbalangire when a rumour that his musical success was as a result of his underwater sojourns did the rounds. He rubbished all theories that suggested any association between him and the devil. But some people still insist that he has a pentagram in his living room.
According to Pastor Billy Bissel's chart of the occult signs and symbols, "the Pentagram is a symbol used in witchcraft. It represents the elements; earth, wind, fire and water with the spirit surrounding them. An inverted Pentagram symbolises the "Morning Star" a name Satan has taken." No one has however come forward with significant proof that Chameleone is a Satanist apart from pointing to his amassed wealth, which in all fairness, the man has openly worked hard to earn.
Spread of Satanism
A youth pastor in one of Kampala's Pentecostal churches insists that the spread of Satanism has been greatly enabled by secular music and musicians especially pop and rock music.
"Most young people start by innocently taking to rock music (especially). Before you know it they are emulating rock stars and taking to the gothic lifestyle; wearing only pitch black and scarlet red for clothes, accessories and make up. The numerous body piercing and tattoos come next," he says.
This youth pastor who declines to be named adds that books like the Harry Porter series, which openly uphold witchcraft and are packaged to sound seductive and fun for our children are also another route of spreading Satanism.
"In the process, J.K. Rowlings (the author of the Harry Porter series) has become a billionaire by spreading the gospel of the underworld and also contaminated and probably converted a large number of our future leaders and law makers," he says.
One mother is not having this talk against the Harry Porter series.
"It is a children's book for goodness sake and besides, in the end, good triumphs over evil. Bad deeds are punished, the bad guy suffers and the good guy wins, the moral of all stories we have read. So what do people [who are anti-Harry Porter series] have to say about the tale of Father Christmas; a white old man with a reindeer flying a sleigh, coming into our houses every Christmas morning through the chimney? Is that satanic too or only a children's story?"
The debate over Satanic symbols and signs continues. While some people may condemn music genres like rock music labelling it as music of the anti-Christ, others find it fun and harmless.
Arthur Twinamatsiko a.k.a T.A, a presenter on 95.9 Touch FM, a private station playing predominantly rock music, says that the station has received a lot of support from listeners.
"People who have labelled rock music as Satanic have a problem with heavy metal rock and rock stars like Marilyn Manson. We (Touch FM) don't play hard metal rock unless it is requested, which is very rare," he says.
At the end of day, it comes down to an individual's convictions, whether to regard or disregard these occult signs and symbols and whether the kind of music one listens to or the hand gestures one makes will determine whether you end in hell, heaven or another place.
Food for thought though - The Battle Of The Souls closes with the quote; "The signs are still out there… The battle is not yours…" has 666
Vampires on National Geographical channel.
If you can't see the video search it again on the National Geographical channel website.Use the search term 'vampires'
what is wrong with Christian rock Music?
Satanic Roots of Rock music
The music of devils in the Church
Christian Rock exposed
Is Conjuring the Holy Spirit Scriptural?
Satanism in Uganda
Articles Published in Bukedde News paper on Witchcraft in Ugandan Pentecostal Churches
Kata nfe
'Omusumba yandoga n'ansikdikira eminya'
Bya Richard Kayiira
NZE gwe mulaba nnasimattuka okufa, Omusumba bwe yansindikira eminya gintabaale.
Ebyo byonna okubaawo nga mmaze okwerabirako abantu munaana omusumba be yakolimira n'abalaalika bwe bajja okufa era ne bafa. Buno bwe bujulizi bwa Josephat Asimwe 37, eyalokoka mu 1998.
Agamba: Omusumba w'ekkanisa emu e Naguru (amannya galekeddwa) yamubuulira enjiri n'alokoka era wadde e Kitintale gy'abeera eriyo amakanisa, obulokole bwe yalina kubukolera Naguru. Ebyamutuukako abinyumya bwati: Mukama yannyimusa mangu ne nfuna ekitiibwa ky'Omudinkoni.
Omusumba yansiiga amafuta n'anfuula omu ku bakulembeze. Bwe nneeyongera okukuguka mu by'omwoyo, Omusumba n'assaawo amateeka okunkugira ne bannange okukola emirimu ye omusumba gye yali atwala nti gigye.
Yatugaana okusoma ennyiriri ezimu mu bayibuli okugeza olwa Matayo 16:19 oluwa abakkiriza amaanyi okugoba emizimu.
Yatugaana ennyimba okuli "mwoyo wa Mukama bw'akka wabeerawo enjawulo." Yatugaana n'okusiiba okuggyako nga y'alagidde. Ebintu byatabuka bwe twewaggula ne tusoma ennyiriri ze yatugaana, ne tuyimba n'ennyimba z'atayagala.
Buli lwe twasomanga ennyiriri ezo n'okuyimba ennyimba ng'omusumba afuna omutawaana. Olumu yafuna akabenje n'ajja atubuuza oba twakoze bye yatugaana.
Ekituufu twali twabikoze. Nze okumanya nti omusumba yalina eddogo, yamala kuva bweru mu 2001 n'ampa embira n'akawoowo bye yali anguliddeyo.
Embira nnaziwanika ku musumaali mu kisenge, kyokka olwefuuyira akawoowo ne ndaba ekifaananyi ky'omusumba ng'ajja gyendi n'annyingiramu n'abulira mu mubiri gwange. Nnafunirawo omusujja, ne nzirika ne banjoolayoola okuntwala mu ddwaaliro.
Nga ndi mu ddwaaliro nnafuna ebizimba omubiri gwonna. Baatuuka kunsiibula ng'omusumba wange talinnye mu ddwaaliro. Olwava mu ddwaaliro nnasibira wa musumba n'ansekerera nti: Olaba ovudde mu ddwaaliro ng'oli mulamu genda olye enkoko yo.
Yandabula: Komya olugezigezi oba oyagala obulamu. Bino okubaawo, agamba nti yali awakanya nnyo omusumba olw'amateeka ge agakontana ne bayibuli. Ebigambo by'omusumba byankwasa obusungu ne nzirayo eka.
Waayitawo ennaku bbiri n'antumira okugendayo kyokka ne ng'aana. Olunaku olwaddako nnalumbibwa eminya. Gyasooka mu kisenge nga buli we ntunula ndaba minya nga ne bwe ngigoba tegiseguka.
Mu kiseera ekyo nnajjirwa ebirowoozo bingi ne nzijukira engeri omusumba gye yakolimirangamu abantu, ebigambo bye ne bituukirira.
Waliwo abantu munaana abaamwesimbamu n'abakolimira era n'antegeeza nti bajja kufa.
Baagenda bafa okutuusa lwe baggwawo. Mu kutya nnasalawo okusenguka mu nju, kyokka ne nzijukira ennyiriri mu bayibuli ze twasomanga omusumba n'afuna ebizibu. Nnazisoma era okukyusa amaso ng'omunya ogwali ku buliri gufudde.
Ekiro Katonda yandaga ng'embira, omusumba ze yampa ze zaali zifuuka eminya. Nnaziggyawo ne nzisuula kwe kufuna emirembe. Nnakyusa ekkanisa ne nneegatta ku Prayer Palace e Kibuye gye bansabira okutereera.
Published on: Tuesday, 2nd May, 2006
Abasumba katono balwane lwa ddogo
Male (ku kkono) ng'alamusa ssentebe w'abasawo b'ekinnansi, Sylivia Namutebi ku Bulange Plaza.
Bya Richard Kayiira ne James Kabengwa
ABASUMBA b'Abalokole katono ebifuba bibabugumire ku laadiyo, bwe baatandise okuwaanyisanya ebisongovu ng'entabwe eva ku ddogo erisitudde enkundi mu makanisa gaabwe.
Ku makya g'Olwomukaaga, Omusumba Simeon Kayiwa ow'ekkanisa ya Namirembe Christian Fellowship ye yasoose okugugulana ne Moses Male ow'ekibiina kya Arising for Christ abalumiriza nti bakozesa ddogo okukola ebyamagero.
Baasisinkanye ku ya CBS mu Puloogulaamu ya 'Cross Fire' era Kayiwa eyabadde asoose okutuuka, bwe yalabye Male ng'ayingidde ne yeekandagga n'afuluma.
Eyabadde abakyazizza Andrew Kizito yagambye nti yagezezzaako okuwooyawooya Kayiwa ne yeerema.
Kyokka Kayiwa bwe yatuukiriddwa yategeezezza nti omutegesi wa pulogula-amu bwe yali amuyita teyamutegeeza nti anaabeeramu n'omuntu omulala yenna.
Olweggulo, Male yazzeemu okugwisanya obwenyi n'Abasumba abalala okwabadde Godfrey Lule ow'ekkanisa ya Blessed Temple e Kawanda n'Omusumba Patrick Kimera ow'ekkanisa ya Endtime Messengers e Wakaliga abaamusisinkanye ku pulogulaamu ya Mambo bado.
Male yasoose kuteeka Basu-mba ku nninga ng'agamba nti banyaga abagoberezi baabwe.
Wano Kimera we yaviiriddeyo n'alumba Male nti, "Otuswaza otya ? Eyo nsaalwa olwokuba ggwe tolina kkanisa.
Published on: Sunday, 30th April, 2006Naye mulogo
ABASUMBA b'Abalokole ab'enjawulo bongedde okuwa obujulizi ku ddogo n'obubbi obuli mu makanisa ag'enjawulo. Kyokka abamu be balumiriza bagamba nti eyo nnugu. Terah Kaaya yabatuukiridde ne babaako bye boogera.
ATAMUKUTTE y'agamba nti kwatira ddala onyweze. Naye ne nnabe agudde mu Kkanisa z'Abalokole yandyabuluzaamu ekkanisa.
Amakanisa gano galudde nga geerumaaluma ku bintu ebyenjawulo omuli eddogo, obubbi, Abasumba b'obulimba n'abasamize. Kati n'endiga zaabwe zitandise okuwanyisiganya ebisongovu.
Obukuubagano buno bwasooka kweyoleka mu 2003 eyali omukulembeze waabwe Simeon Kayiwa (ku ddyo) bwe baamuggyamu obwesige nti yali akozesa ddogo oluvannyuma lw'omukazi Omumerika okumulumiriza.
Baamuteekako akakiiko akabuuliriza naye n'okutuusa kati alipoota tefulumizibwanga mu butongole era tewali amanyi ky'azuulibwa.
Abawomye omutwe mu lutalo luno nga bakola kye baayise okugogola Kkanisa ye Musumba David Kiganda owa Focus Christian Centre , Omusumba Nehemiah Bamutiire ne Solmon Male.
Ate be basinze okuvumirira mulimu Nabbi Samuel Kakande nnannyini Kkanisa ya Synagoque of all Nations e Mulago, Godfrey Lule ow'e Nakulabye ne Steven Ssozi ku Kaleerwe.
Ekizimba kyeyongedde okusamba eddagala wiiki ssatu emabega Abalokole abaakulembeddwamu Nehemiah Bamutiire bwe beekalakaasizza nga bwe bayimba ennyimba ezivumirira banabbi ab'obulimba.
Ebimu ku bigambo ebyayogeddwa Abasumba bano mu bukambwe:
Bamutiire: Abo batwerimbikamu nga beeyita Abasumba naye balogo bennyini. Tufunye abantu ababaddemu ne batubuulira ebikolobero bye bakola.
Abamu balina amasabo gye bagenda ne basamira oluvannyuma ne badda mu makanisa ne bakola ebyamagero olwo abagoberezi baabwe ne babatenda okukola ennyo. Waliwo n'abalala abapanga abantu ne bawa obujulizi obutaliiyo.
Abakazi bangi bavuddeyo mu nkukutu ne boogera ebikolobero ebibakoleddwaako Abasumba bano. Abamu babakaka omukwano, bababbako ssente zaabwe n'okubasiiga amafuta mu bitundu byabwe eby'ekyama.
Waliwo ababba ssente ku bagoberezi baabwe nga babaguza ebintu nga emigaati, amazzi n'amafuta nga babalimba nti mwe muli emikisa.
David Kiganda; Agamba nti kino bakikoze okutaasa abantu okulema okugwa mu butego bw'abanyazi abeenoonyeza ebyabwe n'okukwabulwa.
Era abamu bye bakola katemba yennyini kufunirako ssente. 'Twagala omuntu bw'aba Mulokole akole ebintu ebituweesa ekitiibwa si kusamira olw'okuba ayagala okuganja mu bagoberezi be. Obubbi obukudde ejjembe mu makanisa tetukyasobola kubugumiikiriza,' bwe yayongeddeko.
Abantu bangi bali mu kubonaabona olwa ssente zaabwe okutwalibwa Abasumba mu lukujjukuju.
Abakazi bafiiriddwa obufumbo bwabwe naddala abakola bizinensi baziggyemu ssente zonna ne bazitwalira Abasumba okuzizaazaamu.
Abaami baabwe olubitegeera ne babagoba. Kati kye kiseera okugogola Ekkanisa n'okugirongoosa tuwone okuvumibwa n'okuweebuuka.
Male: Nze abasumba bonna mbamanyi nnyo. Nnali ewa Kakande okumala emyaka etaano, ebyaliyo byonna nnabiraba era mbimanyi bulungi. Ebyamagero ebikolebwayo ebisinga gonna maanyi ga mizimu. Basamize bennyini abawedde emirimu era baliko n'ennaku ze bagenda mu masabo gaabwe okufuna amaanyi gano.
Godfrey Lule: Abo Abasumba balina 'ennugu'. Bwavu bwe buboogeza batyo. Tebalina byawandiikibwa bye beesigamako okugamba nti tuli ba nnabbi abobulimba.
Ekikwekweto kye balimu Mukama si ye yabatumye wabula sitaani y'abatawaanya.
Batandise kwawulayawula mu bantu, balese amasabo agali okumpi n'amakanisa gaabwe bazze ku bannaabwe.
Okugeza Ekkanisa ya Kiganda yeetooloddwa bamalaaya abasuula kondomu mu mulyango gwe ne ku lubalaza. Lwaki tasookera kw'abo? Abo beeyita basumba naye balalu ate balogo abawedde emirimu, babuliddwa amaanyi agakola ebyamagero ne balufuula lutalo.
Kye balina okumanya abantu baakoowa Kkanisa ezibeebasa nga tewali kikolebwayo. Ssozi:
Katonda talwanira muntu yenna ntalo. Olaba bagamba nti Kakande ye yamenya ekkanisa ya Luwaga n'etta abantu ng'ekituufu bakimanyi nti yazimbibwa bubi mba si bategeera.
Ddala abo basumba?
Wabula baagambye nti olutalo Male lwasitudde ng'alowooza nti agogola Kkanisa yeerimba.
Lugenda kwabuluzaamu Kkanisa era kino kiraga nti naye Mulogo.
Published on: Thursday, 27th April, 2006
Eddogo balifunira mu biwandiiko
Bya Richard Kayiira
ABAALI abayambi b'Abasumba b'Abalokole basatu bavuddeyo ne balaga ebiwandiiko bbo bye baayise 'yirizi' bakama baabwe ze bakozesa okukola ebyamagero n'okutuusa ku bantu abalala obulabe.
Ebiwandiiko bino biri mu lulimi Luwalabu era ekimu kiriko n'ekifaananyi ky'omusaalaba wakati (ku ddyo).
Abayambi bano baali bawee-reza mu kkanisa z'Abalokole entutumufu (amannya galekeddwa) era olw'ebikolwa eby'eddogo bye baalaba ku Basumba abaali babakulembera ne basalawo okwawukana ku kkanisa zaabwe.
Yirizi zino ezaali zibaweereddwa okusobola okukola ebyamagero nga bakama baabwe tebaliiwo, baasalawo okuziweereza Moses Male ow'ekibiina kya Arising For Christ mu kiseera we yatandikira okulwanyisiza Abasumba abakozesa eddogo.
Omuyambi omu yagambye nti, "Omusumba yampa yirizi eno mu 1989 ng'ang'ambye nti y'egenda okunnyamba okukola ebyamagero buli lw'anaabanga taliiwo abantu baleme kudduka mu kkanisa. Nagiteekanga mu Bayibuli era bwe natuusanga okusabira abantu nga ngizingako (bayibuli) ne ngikubako ekibatu n'amaanyi amangi nga bwe mpita Yesu, olwo amaanyi ga yirizi ne gasaanuuka abantu ne bagwa ebigwo."
Agamba nti wabula bwe yafuna obutakkaanya n'omusumba mukama we oluvannyuma lw'okukitegeera nti yali ateekateeka okutandikawo ekkanisa ye, yirizi n'emufuukira ekyambika.
"Buli lwe nneebakanga nga ndaba emisota egimubojja, kyokka nga bwe mpawamuka sirabawo kintu kyonna. Ate emisana, buli we nnateekanga olupapula luno (yirizi), nga ndabawo omusota oba omukka ogunyooka kyokka nga bwe nsembera we biri nga bibula," bwe yannyonnyodde.
Agamba nti ekkanisa yagiddukamu era mu 1994 ekipapula (ekiri ku P1) n'akiwa Male era kwe kufuna ku mirembe.
Omuyambi omulala naye yaweereza Male yirizi mu 2002 ng'agamba nti yali esobozesa mukamaawe okumanya buli ky'akoze, ky'alowooza ne ky'ateekateeka okukola ebyobugagga by'alina n'ebyafaayo bye.
Ate omuyambi Owookusatu yirizi yagiweereza mu April 2003 n'annyonnyola nti buli lwe yabeeranga nayo ng'ebintu bitandika okumutambula mu mubiri era bwe butuuka ekiro ng'ebintu bitandika okumutuga kyokka bwe yagamba Omusumba eyagimuwa yamuddamu kimu nti, "Awo amaanyi ga Yesu gaba gakola" Male ayongera okunnyonnyola ebyewuunyisa yirizi eno by'esobola okukola n'ebizibu by'esobola okutuusa ku muntu gwe baba bagiwadde era agyogerako bw'ati:
Ewunza Abalokole ababa bakulemberwa Omusumba agikozesa nga buli ky'abagamba bakikkiririzaawo awatali kusengejja. Ewaliriza abagoberezi okuwaayo buli ke balina okukkakkana nga tebasigazza kantu konna.
Ekuwaliriza okuggya obwesige mu bantu bonna ne busigala mu Musumba oyo yekka nga ne ssente tokyazitereka mu banka, Omusumba y'azikuterekera. Bw'ogitwala ew'omuntu gw'otakolagana naye, n'olaamiriza ekintu ekibi kimutuukeko, ekimutuusaako.
Bw'ofuna obutakkaanya n'Omusumba eyagikuwa, buli lwe weebaka otandika okulaba ebifaananyi by'Omusumba oyo nga bikukolako obulabe.
Published on: Sunday, 30th April, 2006
Omusumba Ssozi
Wednesday, 27th April, 2005
Omusumba Ssozi
Bya Terah Kaaya ne Godfrey Katamba
BW’OGENDA mu kkanisa y’Omusumba Steven Ssozi eri ku Kaleerwe toyinza kuvaayo ng’enviiri tezikuvudde ku mutwe!
Kubanga emboozi z’osangayo, nga zinyumizibwa abantu b’olowooza nti babitiibwa mu ggwanga zikumala okumanya nti abantu bangi mu nsi basula ku tebuukye.
Olumu mu 1998 Maj. gen James Kazini yava e Congo ng’ali bubi, era nga buli omu alowooza nti taasulewo.
Wabula Omusumba Ssozi bwe yamusabira yavaamu ebintu ebya kiragala omukwafu ebigambibwa nti ly’Eddogo eryamusindikirwa.
“Kazini yawona, buli munnamagye yali amuwaddeyo, era ebyuma ebyasooka mu kkanisa y’Omusumba Kazini ye yabigula ng’ayagala okumwebaza okumuwonya,” omu ku balokole bwe yang’ambye.
Ate olumu mu 2001 Col. Dr. Kiiza Besigye yakeera ew’Omusumba Ssozi. Omu ku bakebezi ababiri abaaliwo nga Besigye asisinkana Ssozi agamba nti yali ayagala amusabireko omusango aguwangule.
“Omusumba yamugamba nti Besigye ne Gavumenti tewali ajja kuwangula musango. N’amukuutira nti bw’alyeyingiza mu buyeekera, bajja kumutwala talinnya, nti ate okudda mu Uganda alimala kusimba nnakakongo. Kyokka byonna Omusumba bye yagamba Besigye byatuukirira,” omukebezi bw’agamba.
Okumala eggobe mu kibya y’emboozi y’omusajja Moses Ssebbombo agamba nti baamukolera Eddogo e Mpereerwe nga buli w’agenda bw’aggyamu engatto ng’emu ebula.
Olumu yagenda n’okusaba omulimu okutuuka eri engatto emu n’emusowoka mu kigere n’ebula. Omulimu baagumumma!
Bino byonna biri wa musumba Ssozi. Bw’otuuka mu kkanisa ye e Kaleerwe oyinza okulowooza nti waliwo afudde. Kubanga kumpi mu buli kusaba, abantu bwe bakwatibwa emizimu emikambwe nga bakuba enduulu, okusinda, n’okutema emiranga gy’obeera bafiiriddwa.
Ekkanisa y’Omusumba Ssozi eyitibwa Glad Tidings.Eyiye eyawukanako ku nkola z’amakanisa amalala ag’Abalokole. Okusaba kubeerawo buli Lwakutaano, sso si ku Ssande. mu mwezi bakung’aana ku Lwassande olusooka lwokka. Olwokusatu luba lw’akusabira na kuyamba bagenyi ababa batagendangako mu kkanisa eno.
“Abamu ku bakungu ba Gavumenti bampita mu ofiisi zaabwe mbasabireko, sikulwa ng’emizimu gibakaabirako abantu ne babawulira. Bano mbasabira buli ku Mmande,” Omusumba bw’agamba.
Olwokuna lwa balwadde, abalina ebizibu eby’enjawulo omuli, bangoba ku mulimu, bangoba mu nju, ezadde libuze, ebintu bintambula mu mubiri, emizimu gintuga n’ebirala .
Kigambibwa nti mu kiseera eyali omumyuka wa Pulezidenti Dr. Sepecioza Naigaga Wandira Kazibwe we baali bamunyeenyeza ennyo olw’ebidiba, nga tava wa musumba Ssozi. Wabula bwe nnakimubuuzizza yagaanyi okukikakasa!
Agamba nti ye takola ku bantu, wabula Katonda y’akola era y’amuwa amaanyi.
mu kusaba okw’Olwokutaano oluwedde Ssozi yayogedde ku mubbi lukulwe John muhanguzi eyeeyita ‘John King’ gwe baakutte wiiki ewedde. Yagambye nti yali alemye abaserikale okukwata, nga yeemulula nga Bin Laden, naye bwe yakisabiddeko Katonda n’amukwasa ab’obuyinza.
Agamba nti amaanyi g’alina okukusabira ne bakuwa viza, n’ofuna omulimu, abadde omwavu lunkupe n’ovulumula emmotoka n’ebizibu ebirala ebimweyunya Katonda y’abikolako.
“Waliwo Abasumba abanjogerera obubi naye nze nnina ebirabo bye mbasingako. Nnina ekirabo ky’obunnabbi, ndi musumba, musomesa ate omubuulizi,” Ssozi bw’agamba.
Ekkanisa ye oyinza okugiyitako nga togitegedde. Okuva ku kkubo ku Kaleerwe oyita mu lukuubo nga bw’olaba zino ezibeeramu bamalaaya e Kabalagala. Naye omusomi wange, ani yakugamba nti Katonda abeera mu bifo b
imasamasa byokka?
Omusumba agamba nti Katonda tatondanga muntu amusse ku nsi aboneebone, naye obujeemu bwammwe n’okuba nga temumanyi ani ayinza kubayamba kumumanya kye kibasibye mu bwavu, ebizibu, ebikolimo na buli kalonda omubi ali mu nsi.
Kati wuliriza emboozi ya muky. Sarah Nkonge muwonge ayagala okwesimbawo ku bwameeya bwa Kampala. “Nfuna nnyo ebizibu bingi naye byonna biggweera wa musumba Ssozi. Nnina ennyumba gye nzimba era bwe ngibeeramu ndaba nga Kampala ali wansi wa bigere byange. Naye omu ku bannannyini ttaka yabadde ayagala bagimenye naye Omusumba bwe yansabira byonna byagonjoose,” bwe yawadde obujulizi mu kusaba kw’Olwokutaano.
Kati ggwe oli ku ki?
Eby’eddogo mu balokole biranze
Monday, 24th April, 2006
MU LINNYA LYA YESU NDAGIRA OWONE: Nnabbi Samuel Kakande ng’asabira omulwadde eggulo.
Bya Basasi baffe OmuSUMBA eyayawukanye ne Nabbi Samuel Kakande ayongedde ayongedde okulumiriza nti eby’amagero ebisinga ebikolerwa mu makanisa g’abalokole bibeera bipange. Moses Male eyafulumidde mu Bukedde ku Ssande yagambye nti abamu ku bawa obujulizi bamala ‘kukola ddiiru’ n’abasumba.
Yawadde ekyokulabirako ky’omusumba omu (amannya galekeddwa) eyeeyogerako nti awonya siriimu n’ebizibu ebirala kyokka amazima gali nti akolagana n’omusawo asooka okukebera omusaayi n’alaga nti omuntu oyo mulwadde n’oluvannyuma n’akakasa nti omuntu oyo awonye oluvannyuma lw’okumusabira.
Male agattako nti abasumba abamu bapanga n’abantu baabwe ne bajja mu kkanisa ne bawa obujulizi obwewuunyisa ku byamagero Katonda by’abakoledde kyokka nga tebiriiyo. Yagambye nti tawakanya maanyi ga Katonda kyokka basumba banne ebintu babitaddemu obutali bwesimbu nga bakozesa erinnya lya Katonda.
Okugeza bawonya buli agendayo n’abasomooza nti bwe baba ng’amaanyi ago bagalina bagende e mulago batuwonyezeeko ku balwadde abaliyo kubanga abo (abali e mulago) tebalina ngeri gye bajja kupanga nabo.
Ebigambo bya Male byasaanudde abasumba era eggulo kye kyabadde ekyokubuulirako mu makanisa agenjawulo. Ekkanisa ya Kakande e mulago yabooze abantu omwabadde ne RDC w’e Kalangala, Katenda Luutu.
Yabasabidde okuwona endwadde n’ebizibu ebirala. “Mwenna abalina endwadde n’ebikoligo ebibadde bibasibye musumuluddwa mwetambulire”, bwe yalangiridde mu mizira ng’abantu bwe bagwa ebigwo olw’amaanyi g’omwoyo.
Yagambye nti kituufu yaliko n’omusumba Male naye byonna byayogera (Male) bikyamu kubanga baayawukana dda.
Yajulizza bayibuli nti abayigirizwa baali 12 naye omu Yuda yayawukana ku banne n’alyamu ne Yesu olukwe. Male naye atwalibwa mu kiti ekyo.
Kyokka Male yategeezezzza Bukedde eggulo nti tayinza kuleka Basumba kuswaza linnya lya Krisito nga bakola ebikyamu. Ajja kubaanika. Yagambye nti aludde nga wa munda nnyo. Yasooka kubeera ne Bishop David Makumbi mu 1989, n’adda ewa Kayiwa, n’azzaako Stephen Ssozi n’oluvannyuma ewa Kakande n’olwekyo ‘mbamanyi nnyo.’ mu kusaba ewa Kayiwa, yategeezezza a nti amaanyi gaakozesa agaggya mu bayibuli. N’ajuliza Bakolinso ekisooka, 1:10, nti Katonda agaba ebitone ebyenjawulo okulaga amaanyi ge.
Awo we nzigya amaanyi. mu Victory Centre mu Ndeeba, Joseph Sserwadda yabuuliridde Basumba banne obutalwanira bagoberezi n’agamba nti ekyetaagisa kunyiikira okubuulira enjiri abagoberezi bajje bokka. Omusumba Imelda Namutebi eyabadde abuulira mu kkanisa ye eya Liberty Worship e Lugala yavudde mu mbeera n’alabula abakimusibako nti akozesa ddogo nti bwe bataakikomye Katonda ajja kubabonereza.
Yalangidde basumba banne nti obutaba na maanyi gakola byamagero kiva ku butawa kimu kya kkumi. “ Nze buli lwe ngaba ekintu nfuna amafuta”.Yabadde yaaakava mu South Afrika n’agamba nti abamwogerako bamala biseera, ajja kweyongera okukola ebyamagero abantu basumululwe.
Omulabirizi w’e Namirembe Balagadde Ssekkadde eyabadde e Maganjo yalabudde Abakukisitaayo obutagenda mu makanisa mapya kubanga bawulidde nti eyo gye bagenda abantu abamu bakozesa ddogo. Yagambye nti abasumba abamu okutandika okulangira bannaabwe okukozesa Eddogo kiragira ddala nga bwe bavudde ku mulamwa. Yataddeko Abakulisitaayo 60 emikono. Biwandiikiddwa Henry mutebi, Hannington Nkalubo, Richard Kayiira , Ibrahim Ssegirinya.
Nabbi Ezra Lukwago
Tuesday, 31st May, 2005
Nabbi Ezra Lukwago omu ku Basumba b’Abalokole ababadde basinga amaanyi mu Kampala.
Bya Tom mutebi
Nabbi Ezra Lukwaago yafudde obulwadde bw’omutima n’amawuggwe ku Lwokutaano lwa wiiki ewedde Ono y’abadde nnannyini kkanisa ya Good Samaritan Mission Of Uganda, e Masajja ,kyokka ng’erina n’amatabi amalala agasoba mu 100 mu bitundu by’eggwanga ebitali bimu.
Byonna ebimwogerwako okuva ku kuzaalibwa okutuusa lw’afudde bya kyewuunyo. Yazaalibwa nga July 3 1958, ku kyaalo Katwe Bambula ku lugenda e Hoima mu maka g’abagenzi Petero Luuti Kanani Jjumba ne Nasita.
Ekitabo kye yeewandiikira kiraga nti mu lubuto lwa nnyina yamalamu emyezi 28! Nti olubuto bwe lwaweza emyezi mwenda nnyina n’agenda mu ddwaaliro okumukebera kyokka ne bakamutema nti mu kifo ky’omwana alinamu mazzi. Emyezi bwe gyeyongera nga mukazi wattu tasobola kutambula yadde okutuula ate nga n’abasawo b’ekinnansi bwe bamulyako ssente baasalawo bagende ewa dokita omu eyeeyita mucheeza n’amutegeeza nga bwe yali alina okulongoosebwa.
Lwe yali agenda okulongoosebwa ate lwe yazaala! Nti Lukwago teyatambula, kitaawe yakola eddagala lyonna lye yali amanyi n’atuuka n’okukyuka mu ddiini okuva mu Busiraamu okudda mu Butakoliki ne birema!
mu 1964, Abalokole ba mungu Umwema bwe baagenda ku kyalo kyabwe nnyina n’alokoka n’abantu abalala bangi olwo Lukwago naye mwe yagendera era n’atambula.
Yali muto naye n’atandika okukola obunabbi. Nti era abantu beekuluumululanga okugenda okulaba omwana omuto akola eby’amagero omuli okusabira abalwadde ne bawona n’ebirala.
Obuwereza yabutandikira mu Kiryokya Full Gospel Church n’omugenzi Christopher Kimera.
Omugenzi Erick Ssali ye yamuleeta e Kampala nga babeera Makindye , wano Dr. Abul Nyanzi we yamusangira ne yeewunya eby’amagero omwana omuto bye yali akola n’amutwalira omusajja Omwesiopia Daz Wet , eyamutwala e wa Ssekabaka Salius mu Ethiopia. Eno yakolerayo ebyewuunyo era nti mu kiseera ekyo n’alagira bendera ya Uganda ewanikibwe olw’okumuwa ekitiibwa.
Bwe yakomawo mu Uganda yaddayo n’asoma e Bukoola Primary School n’akoma mu P.3.
Abalokole Abakanada bajja mu Uganda okubuulira enjiri mu kiseera ekyo ng’ekkanisa esinga obututumufu ye ya Makerere Full Gospel. Baatambula mu bitundu eby’enjawulo ne batuuka n’e Kiryokya gye baasanga Lukwaago ng’abuulira enjiri , bamwettika ne bamutwala e Canada.
Eyo nti yasangayo omuwala Galad eyali alwadde eddookooli n’amusabira n’awona. Nti ate emikono gye gyali gyagongobala n’agosabira ne gitereera.
mu Uganda yakomawo mu 1976, kyokka ate ne bamuyita e Toronto , baamuwerera okuddamu okusoma mu yunivasite ya Toronto . Omulabirizi Kivengere ye yali munnayuganda eyali mu Canada mu biseera ebyo n’amuyamba okubeerawo.
mu 1979 ng’akomyewo yatambuza bigere okutuuka e Kiryokya, kyokka eyo abatujju baamusangayo ne bamubba n’okumusiba mu kkomera.
Olwava mu kkomera n’akola nga haawusibooyi e Kasubi, naye ng’akawungeezi abuulira enjiri ew’Omusumba Simeon Kayiwa.
Eyo nayo baamukwatirayo ku mulembe gwa Obote nga bamuyita omuyeekera n’asibira e Luzira.
Enjiri yagibuyulirirako e Tanzania . Yavaayo atandiseeyo ekkanisa ya Good Samaritan Bihalamuro era ekyaliyo era ekulirwa Omusumba Bumaali.
Bwe yava e Tanzania ne yeegatta ku Kkanisa ya Uganda era Abalabirizi Lwetungula , Kauma ne Kivengere baamusindika Busoga. Wabula Omulabirizi Bamwoze ne mukyala we nti baamuyisaamu amaaso n’adda mu bulokole.
Yatandikawo ekkanisa ya Redeemed Church e Katwe eyasabiranga mu bbaala ya White Nile. Eno gye yasisinkana ne Nabbi Obiri Yeboah, omusajja agambibwa okuleeta Eddogo mu balokole mu Uganda.
Yali omu ku balokole abeegatta ne Balabyekkubo okukola ekkanisa ya Prayer Palace e Kibuye.
Era Balabyekkubo bwe yafa Lukwago n’akola ekkanisa ku Nakivubo Blue. Oluvannyuma omugenzi Henry Kasule yamuwa yiika bbiri e Kawempe-Ttula n’azimbayo ekkanisa .
Gye yava okugenda okupangisa e Najjanankumbi.
Omugenzi Sarah Nakibuuka ye yamuwa ettaka e Ndikita-madda ku lw’e Salaama awali ekkanisa ye. Wabula Omusumba abadde tava Luzira kubanga nga tayisa sikaati!
Male ayongedde bwino ku Basumba. ‘Babbi’
Wednesday, 26th April, 2006
Moses Male eyayawukana ne Nabbi Samuel Kakande alumiriza nti Abasumba b’abalokole abamannya bakozesa Eddogo, banyaga ensimbi ku bagoberezi era bapanga abantu okuwa obujulizi nti bawonyezeddwa kyokka nga si kituufu. Yabadde ku CBS ku Mmande ku pulogulaamu ya ‘Kkiriza oba gaana’ ekubirizibwa Meddie Nsereko Ssebuliba. Bino bye bimu ku bye yayogedde:
Nsereko: Waliko ewa Kayiwa, n’odda ewa Stephen Ssozi n’oluvannyuma ewa Kakande. Nga kiki ekikutabaaza?
Male: Nnali sitabaala.Ng’omulokole tewali king’aana kusabira mu kkanisa gye njagala. Ate bwe wabaawo ebitatambudde bulungi ddembe lyange okugenda awalala. Abasumba mbamanyi kiwanvu. Bye bakola byonna mbimanyi. Ewa Kakande nnali wa munda nga ndi nnamba ssatu okuva ku Kakande ne mukazi we.
Lwaki ovuddeyo kati okwanika Abasumba Abalokole bye bakola kyokka ng’obadde obisirikidde ebbanga ddene?
Buli kintu kibaako ekiseera kyakyo. Olwaleero
ky’ekiseera okubuulira abantu nti be bayita abalokole babbi, bakozesa ddogo, beegomba bak’abasajja ne basinda nabo omukwano, basaddaaka. Bantu bakyamu nnyo.
Olumu nnali n’omusumba omututumufu mu Kampala akola ebyamagero (amannya galekeddwa) ne tugenda mu dduuka lya Wina Classic ku Sheraton. Omusumba yeegomba essuuti n’engatto nga bigula buwanana. Nga tuli n’omusumba oyo twayiiya engeri y’okufunamu ensimbi zino okuva mu bantu abajja okusaba. Kwe kusalawo enkeera ku Ssande abuulire enjiri y’okusiga.
Ku Ssande, Omusumba yayimirira mu Kkanisa n’abuuza abaagala okusiga ewa mukama bawanike emikono. Kyokka abaawanika baali batono. Waliwo omuvubuka, Omusumba gwe yali ayisizzaamu olukwe eyasituka n’ayogera ku kusiga nti yawaayo eri mukama 5,000/- kyokka n’afuna 50,000/- mu ddakiika ntono.
Abantu baacamuka ne bakuba mu ngalo. Ku nkomerero baamatira enjiri y’okusiga. Omusumba n’alaggira baddeyo beetegeke baddeyo ku Ssande n’ekirabo kya mukama. Ssande eyaddako abantu baayiwa ssente era Omusumba n’abawa omukisa.
Omusumba yalaba ssente nnyingi nnyo nga zipakiddwa mu bisawo n’alowooza nti zijja kutiisa abagoberezi, kwe kubagaana okufuluma Ekkanisa okutuusa ng’ensimbi ziggyiddwawo.
Male yennyini naye ekitimba ky’Abasumba yakigwamu. Yali anoonya omuwala ow’okuwasa, Omusumba n’amubuulira ebisaanyizo omuwala gw’anaawasa by’alina okuba nabyo. Male yagwa ku muwala alina ebisaanyizo ebyo: luvannyuma nnyo nga tusiimaganye lwe mmanya nti omusumba yali asisinkanye omuwala oyo n’amubuulira ebisaanyizo by’omusajja gw’ateekwa okufumbirwa nga ye nze (Male).
Bikyamu ki ebirala?
Omusumba omukazi omwatiikirivu (amannya garekeddwa) mubbi w’abasajja. Ekyo ani atakimanyi? Nsobola okumenya abasajja b’asigudde. Wano Nsereko amukomako aleme kulumba bantu.
Ebirala by’omanyi?
Amazzi Abasumba ge bamansira abantu gawunya ekivundu ng’omulambo. Kino bakikola okwongera okutiisa abantu. Obujulizi obuweebwa obumu bupange. Abasumba bakolagana n’abantu baabwe okuwubisa oba okumatiza abagoberezi abalala.
Wano Omusumba Simeon Kayiwa akuba essimu: Male by’ayogera si bituufu. Nnina ekifaananyi kya Ebiri Yebowa mu Kkanisa kyokka si ddogo. Kyampeebwa mukwano gwange. mu nkola ey’ekigunjufu toyinza kusuula kirabo.
Kayiwa: mu 1990 Male yantuukirira ng’omukulembeze w’Abalokole n’antegeeza nti Kakande akozesa Eddogo. Nnamulagira aleete abajulizi kyokka bwe yagenda teyadda.
Male akozesebwa bantu abalina ekigendererwa okwonoona Abalokole. Male teyasoma. Agezaako kusuula bamusinga buyigirize n’ensimbi.
Male: Yesu bwe yali abunyisa enjiri yakozesa bataasoma abaawansi. Abayigiriza be 12 kwaliko abavubi. Yesu yennyini yazaalibwa mu kiraalo, ekyo kiraga bwetoowaze tasosola baavu nga nze Male.
Amakanisa mangi gaavuwaza abantu nga babalagira okutunda ebyabwe ensimbi ne bazibanyagako. Njagala okulabula abantu bonna mu kiseera kino eky’okusasula fiizi z’amasomero: Abasumba bajja kukozesa omukisa guno babanyage mulemwe n’okuzzaayo abaana mu masomero.
Waliwo abasajja abali ku kyeyo abaweereza ensimbi bakyala baabwe, kyokka abakazi ne bazitwalira Abasumba baziwe omukisa zonna ne bazibalyako.
Ebirala bingi ebizuuliddwa ku balokole birinde mu Bukedde w’enkya.
‘Batukaka omukwano’
Omusumba yankuba nga mmugaanyi.
Bya Richard Kayiira ne Henry Ssennyondo
OBUJULIZI obusamaaliriza ku Basumba b’Abalokole abeeyambisa Ekkanisa ng’empuku y’ebikolobero bwongera okuvaayo buli olukya. Abalokole ab’enjawulo baasanguzizza emize gy’Abasumba abaludde nga babalyowa emyoyo.
Justine Namayanja, 24, ayanise Omusumba ‘eyasiba ffaamu’ y’abawala n’atandika okubakozesa omu ku omu era abamu ne babuukayo n’embuto. Byonna abirombojja bw’ati:
“Nali mbeera ne mmange e Lubaga era gye navanga okugenda okusoma. Emisomo bwe nagimaliriza omulimu ne gubula. Bandagirira ew’Omusumba omu alina kkanisa ku luguudo Musajjalumbwa mu Kampala gwe bankakasa nti talina kizibu ky’alemwa.
Nga ntuuseeyo, mu October wa 2004 omusumba yankwatako n’ang’amba nti naliko ekikoligo ekyali kizibikira emikisa gyange era n’andagira okubeera mu maka ge ansabire okutuusa ng’ekikoligo akikutudde.
Nasiibula maama ne nkwatamu ebyangu amakanda ne ngasimba ewa paasita. Eno nasangayo abawala abalungi musanvu abaali mu kigero kyange era nti nabo baali balindiridde kukutulwako ‘dayi mooni’.
Nakitegeera luvannyuma nti gano amaka Omusumba yali agataddewo kukuumiramu bantu be kyokka nga yalina amaka amatongole omwali mukazi we n’abaana.
Nga wayise emyezi ebiri nakizuula ng’Omusumba yali yaakeebaka n’abawala basatu ku musanvu be nasangawo. Omusumba ky’ataamanya kiri nti abawala bwe baamalanga okwebaka naye nga batunyumizaako ng’obulamu bwabwe bwe bumaze okukyusibwa.
Yabagambanga nti bw’amala okwegatta nabo mu buliri babeera bagabanye ku mafuta agakola ebyamagero Katonda ge yamufukako nti era kye babeera baagala mu bulamu basaba busabi ne bafuna.
Be yamalanga okukozesa, ng’abafunira abamu ku baweereza be nga babawasa ng’abamatizza nti Mukama amulung’amizza nti amafuta ge bagabanye gajja kukola ebyamagero bingi nga bafumbiddwa abasajja abo.
Eby’embi abamu okwali Harriet ne Kisaakye baagenda okubagabira abasajja abalala nga bali mbuto, Omusumba ze yabafunisa. Olunaku lwakya lumu Omusumba n’ampita mu kisenge kye n’atandika okunkuba ‘siasa’ gwe yakubanga bannange.
Nagaana ne mmugamba nti bwe kituuka awo nze nga nzirayo ewa mmami era olwamugamba bino n’atandika okunsamba n’okumpacca empi. Bwe yalaba ng’aanidde ddala n’atandika okunsendasenda nfumbirwe omu ku balenzi gwe yakozesanga mu kkanisa kyokka ne nneerema.
Baakola olukwe bankwate nga nneebase bansobyeko olw’empaka kyokka omu ku bavubuka eyalumanyaako n’andabula, kwe kuddukayo ne nzira ewaffe.”
Bino Justine okubyogera ng’ali mu musomo ogwategekeddwa e Mmengo ogwagenderedde okulabula abantu ku Basumba abeeyambisa ekkanisa okutuukiriza ebigendererwa byabwe ebikontana ne Bayibuli.
Wano akola ku by’okukunga abantu mu Ofiisi ya RDC wa Kampala Rehema Kyeyune eyakazibwako ‘Maama Nakagiri’ we yasitukidde n’awa obujulizi bw’omuyambi w’Omusumba Samuel Kakande eyamukuba ng’agamba nti yali asaalimbidde ku lusozi lwa Nabbi.
Agamba nti mu December wa 2006 yagenda ku kkanisa ya Kakande eya Synagogue esangibwa Kubbiri ng’alina ensonga z’ayagala okumuyitiramu, wabula ne bamugamba nti ali ku lusozi lwe oluyitibwa Prayer Mountain e Bulenga gy’asabira n’okusiiba.
“Nneesitula ne ng’enda e Bulenga ku Prayer Mountain ne nnyingira mu kikomera Nabbi mwe yali wabula nali nkyalindiridde okumusisinkana, Omuyambi we amuvvuunulira Johnson Kato n’annumba n’annyambalira nga bw’ambuuza ampadde olukusa olugenda mu kifo ekyo.”
Mu musango maama Nakagiri gwe yaggula ku Kato ku fayiro SD16/06/12/06 ku Poliisi y’e Kakiri agamba nti mu kavuvung’ano Kato yasindika mmotoka ya Nakagiri n’ewaba ng’alina ekigendererwa ky’okumusuula ku kabenje.
Omusumba Moses Solomon Male ow’ekibiina kya Arising For Christ eyategese omusomo guno yagambye nti bagenda kutegeka emirala egiringa guno mu bitundu bya Uganda eby’enjawulo nga basaasaanya enjiri evumirira Abasumba abavvoola ekitiibwa ky’ekkanisa.
Published on: Saturday, 13th January, 2007
Friday, 25 May 2007
Kampala Presybeterean Church Applauds Cardinal Wamala’s Spiritual Achievements
Abalokole basiimye Kalidinaali
Friday May 25, 2007.
Bya Frank Bazibumbira
ABALOKOLE b’ekkanisa ya Kampala Presybeterean bakyalidde Kalidinaali Emmanuel Wamala mu makage e Nsambya ne bamuwa ebirabo nga bamwebaza okulyowa emyoyo gya Bannayuganda n'okubawabula awatali kutya.
Baakulembeddwa akulira kkanisa eno mu ggwanga Joseph Musiitwa n'omutabaganya mu kkanisa eno Mw. John Ssempeke.
Baamu-tegeezezza nti ebirabo bye baamuwadde byabadde bimusaana kubanga y'omu bakulembeze b'eddiini abatekkiriranya ekibi akiyita kibi.
Baamusiimye okuvaayo n'avumirira obuseegu omuli abalya ebisiyaga n'abakazi okwagalana ne bagamba nti emize gino giyingiridde abantu kyokka abakulembeze b'enzikiriza ezimu batya okubyogerako.
Kalidinaali Wamala bwe yabadde ayanukula yasiimye ebirabo ebyamuweereddwa okwabadde ettaala ey'omulembe n'agamba nti omutima Abalokole gwe baamulaze kiraga nti ekiseera ky'eyamala ng'aweereza kyayamba n'abatali Bakatoliki.
Published on: Friday, 25th May, 2007
‘Born agains’ thank cardinal
Born again Christians from Kampala Presbyterian church paid a homage to cardinal Emmanuel Wamala at his residence in Nsambya. They gave him gifts to thank him for pastoring the souls of Ugandans and giving advice without fear. They were led by the over seer of their churches in Kampala Joseph Musiitwa and the church counsellor Mr.John Ssempeke.
They informed him that he deserved the gifts they gave him because he is one of the religious leaders who does not compromise with sin. He calls SIN, SIN. They thanked the cardinal for coming out openly to condemn homosexuality and lesbianism which are rampant, but unfortunately many church leaders are afraid of speaking against these vices.
In his reply, cardinal Wamala thanked the born again Christians for the gifts that included a modern lantern. He said that the heart the born again Christians have showed him is indicative of the fact that his term of service benefited even non-Catholics.
Cardinal worships ancestral spirits
Catholic Priest Condemns(worshiping satan) ‘Obusamize’, I think you can see how the catholic church is a religion of lies
Pope kisses Koran
Ugandan catholic Priest defiles and goes away with it.
Catholic in scandal
Sisita amaze ku Bulange ennaku 3 nga talya
Cardinal wants catholic to rule
Ecumenical deception
History of Roman Catholicism, heresies and scandals of Rome
Do not Marry Born again Christians says catholic priest
Another catholic priest catholic goes away with it
Leave him alone
The Great Global Apostate Church
Catholic Stigmata:Marks inflicted by the devil
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Romans 1:21-22 (King James Version)
Stigmata are bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus. The term originates from the line at the end of Saint Paul's Letter to the Galatians where he says, "I bear on my body the marks of Jesus", with "marks" in the Latin Vulgate rendered as "stigmata". An individual bearing stigmata is referred to as a stigmatic(
Who are stigmatics??
Pictures of stigmatics /articles/163/wounds.jpg
Interview with stigmatic
Catholic defense of stigmata
Fr. Padre Pio, the devil's stigmatic
Stigmata not biblical
Did Apostle Paul have stigmata
The catholic church has changed God's word to suit their doctrine. See new Jerusalem bible
After this, let no one trouble me; I carry branded on my body the marks of Jesus. (Galatians 6:17)-Catholic new Jerusalem bible
Genuine KJV says IN MY BODY…This renders the catholic view nosensical
Galatians 6:17 (King James Version)
From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
Galatians 6:17 (New King James Version)
17 From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
Galatians 6:17 (Amplified Bible)
From now on let no person trouble me [by [ a]making it necessary for me to vindicate my apostolic authority and the divine truth of my Gospel], for I bear on my body the [brand] marks of the Lord Jesus [the wounds, scars, and other outward evidence of persecutions--these testify to His ownership of me]!
Galatians 6:17 (New International Version)
17Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.
Galatians 6:17 (The Message)
17Quite frankly, I don't want to be bothered anymore by these disputes. I have far more important things to do—the serious living of this faith. I bear in my body scars from my service to Jesus.
Abalokole basiimye Kalidinaali
Friday May 25, 2007.
Bya Frank Bazibumbira
ABALOKOLE b’ekkanisa ya Kampala Presybeterean bakyalidde Kalidinaali Emmanuel Wamala mu makage e Nsambya ne bamuwa ebirabo nga bamwebaza okulyowa emyoyo gya Bannayuganda n'okubawabula awatali kutya.
Baakulembeddwa akulira kkanisa eno mu ggwanga Joseph Musiitwa n'omutabaganya mu kkanisa eno Mw. John Ssempeke.
Baamu-tegeezezza nti ebirabo bye baamuwadde byabadde bimusaana kubanga y'omu bakulembeze b'eddiini abatekkiriranya ekibi akiyita kibi.
Baamusiimye okuvaayo n'avumirira obuseegu omuli abalya ebisiyaga n'abakazi okwagalana ne bagamba nti emize gino giyingiridde abantu kyokka abakulembeze b'enzikiriza ezimu batya okubyogerako.
Kalidinaali Wamala bwe yabadde ayanukula yasiimye ebirabo ebyamuweereddwa okwabadde ettaala ey'omulembe n'agamba nti omutima Abalokole gwe baamulaze kiraga nti ekiseera ky'eyamala ng'aweereza kyayamba n'abatali Bakatoliki.
Published on: Friday, 25th May, 2007
‘Born agains’ thank cardinal
Born again Christians from Kampala Presbyterian church paid a homage to cardinal Emmanuel Wamala at his residence in Nsambya. They gave him gifts to thank him for pastoring the souls of Ugandans and giving advice without fear. They were led by the over seer of their churches in Kampala Joseph Musiitwa and the church counsellor Mr.John Ssempeke.
They informed him that he deserved the gifts they gave him because he is one of the religious leaders who does not compromise with sin. He calls SIN, SIN. They thanked the cardinal for coming out openly to condemn homosexuality and lesbianism which are rampant, but unfortunately many church leaders are afraid of speaking against these vices.
In his reply, cardinal Wamala thanked the born again Christians for the gifts that included a modern lantern. He said that the heart the born again Christians have showed him is indicative of the fact that his term of service benefited even non-Catholics.
Cardinal worships ancestral spirits
Catholic Priest Condemns(worshiping satan) ‘Obusamize’, I think you can see how the catholic church is a religion of lies
Pope kisses Koran
Ugandan catholic Priest defiles and goes away with it.
Catholic in scandal
Sisita amaze ku Bulange ennaku 3 nga talya
Cardinal wants catholic to rule
Ecumenical deception
History of Roman Catholicism, heresies and scandals of Rome
Do not Marry Born again Christians says catholic priest
Another catholic priest catholic goes away with it
Leave him alone
The Great Global Apostate Church
Catholic Stigmata:Marks inflicted by the devil
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Romans 1:21-22 (King James Version)
Stigmata are bodily marks, sores, or sensations of pain in locations corresponding to the crucifixion wounds of Jesus. The term originates from the line at the end of Saint Paul's Letter to the Galatians where he says, "I bear on my body the marks of Jesus", with "marks" in the Latin Vulgate rendered as "stigmata". An individual bearing stigmata is referred to as a stigmatic(
Who are stigmatics??
Pictures of stigmatics /articles/163/wounds.jpg
Interview with stigmatic
Catholic defense of stigmata
Fr. Padre Pio, the devil's stigmatic
Stigmata not biblical
Did Apostle Paul have stigmata
The catholic church has changed God's word to suit their doctrine. See new Jerusalem bible
After this, let no one trouble me; I carry branded on my body the marks of Jesus. (Galatians 6:17)-Catholic new Jerusalem bible
Genuine KJV says IN MY BODY…This renders the catholic view nosensical
Galatians 6:17 (King James Version)
From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
Galatians 6:17 (New King James Version)
17 From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
Galatians 6:17 (Amplified Bible)
From now on let no person trouble me [by [ a]making it necessary for me to vindicate my apostolic authority and the divine truth of my Gospel], for I bear on my body the [brand] marks of the Lord Jesus [the wounds, scars, and other outward evidence of persecutions--these testify to His ownership of me]!
Galatians 6:17 (New International Version)
17Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.
Galatians 6:17 (The Message)
17Quite frankly, I don't want to be bothered anymore by these disputes. I have far more important things to do—the serious living of this faith. I bear in my body scars from my service to Jesus.